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they're still doing that?
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Nice boat
this shit is so terribly unfunny and it's a crime that it's been allowed to go on this long
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your corpo don't?
worth it for this alone
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>when you see the consequences of managing your company right off a cliff
>that tiny yacht (does it even count as yacht?)
That's what you get for paying your talents lmao.
Is anyone here into Japanese movies/drama/etc.? I feel like they're referencing something that I don't know(besides NICE BOAT at the end obviously).
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Of course
>She sees your dick
>she sees me
That is the stock image for technical difficulties during a broadcast.
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looks like a nice boat to me
nice boat indeed
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This is gold.
it's amazing how much salt hololives superiority generates

also guess Ririkas role was that of the straight man

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