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File: Haachama.png (1.07 MB, 907x703)
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She peaked there
How many sundays have these threads been made? I'd think it's a bot but haatons kept her thread running throughout her hiatus so maybe it is a real anon behind them. Fuck it, I'm getting pepeloni pizza to eat today
I don't understand it since I don't really watch JPs due to not knowing Japanese. I will also probably have some pizza today.
I pick up this and, AWAY
I'd take it over bait threads and anti threads
I cut my cock and baked into her pizza
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pepeloni love
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basedchama can explain
god I want to FUCK haachama
Ear of pizza.
Hey, that's my wife you're lusting over.
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the no one
I wrote this post
japanese people UNIRONICALLY call it the ear of pizza, this wasn't a mistake, she just did a literal translation
the normal one?
What part does that refer to in Japanese? The crust?
That's what I make Chama look like after a long night btw.
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horrific secret behind the pepeloni used for
Haachama's pepeloni without pepeloni pizza
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yeah, the very edges
Imagine being the Haaton used for the peppeloni only to have it away'd because she doesn't like it.
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>change their entire language to save face on behalf of chammers
JP haatons... i kneel...
Well, I am a pig...
the most powerful idol demands the most powerful fanbase
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pepeloni is disgusting
>and Hololive never did anything original ever again
Chama spiggin' Spanish now.
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ye olde chama
My favorite
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>>Pizza Haato
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Im'ma orderz me some Dominoez
pic-related, before away'ing
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not just pizza these days
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I dunno 'bout that.
That's a fucked up choice to have to make.

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