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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy.
You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>91909238
(Where we discussed women amogus, femme Coco, Motherhood, and a sexy rock.
/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story Anchor
Carol em if you got em
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story Recap. There were five stories posted last thread:

HoloJourneys Chapter 51: A Beach Day >>91911290
Tags: Watame, Flare, Polka, Nene, Pomu, Botan, Kiara, Marine, SFW, Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Fluff

LyrCus Series >>91928126
Tags are in the AO3 pages

A White December Chapter Eleven >>91979430
Tags: Sora, Botan, Civa, AZKi, military romance

I have no shame and I must goon >>92014712
Tags: wedgie, masturbation, clara kaminari (phase connect)

Secret Santa >>92045242
Tags: wedgie, watame, botan, christmas party
i underestimated the sexual prowess of Rine. Forgive me for my arrogance
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>knight bread
Arigatou bakerchama, I love this dork with all my heart
Finally finished part 3 of Lyrcus Series. Really rushed it after leaving it alone for 2 months despite being 98% finished.
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Gigi gives you a gift
>Gigi keeps trying to gift grems to you every year.
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>Every Christmas since you were young you and Gigi have been regifting a grem to each other
>it's become a game at this point, where you're both able to sneak it into their house during the others Christmas party
>However this year may finally be the year where you win, as you've caught Gigi several times trying to plant the grem somewhere in your house
>she concedes, saying you've finally out witted her
>Go on with the night feeling like a king
>Caught under the mistletoe with Gigi, and she throws herself into a kiss
>so stupefied at your childhood friend doing something so gay that you reflexively catch when she then shouts 'THINK FAST!' and whips the grem at your head full speed
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>Gigi running away after going "KYAAH!"
>You trying to avoid getting infected by the aged grem currently hugging your face
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Going Christmas Caroling with Fauna, Ame and Shiori
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What if Gigi had to run across the world to deliver presents to all the children? I bet her shorts would get really soaked with sweat and fish sauce.
Waking up to find Noel as a present under the tree
Merry Christmas bros. I hope your Holidays are filled with cheer
...fish sauce?
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It'll be a bad christmas for my liver, but my fics with thrive.
They aren't exactly leaving out milk & cookies for gigiclaus.....
>be me, writing
>can't stop picturing all the chuubas in my story with their dumb santa outfits on even though I'm writing a serious scene

Maybe it's a sign to take a Christmas break
>For the 3rd year in a row, Gigi has given someone a grem in the office secret santa.....
Fluids from her vulva. They smell like fish sometimes
I am vomit
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It differs from woman to woman, but if you find your tongue confronted with a slit try to push through the taste. It's worth it
what if its the same grem you two been exchanging for like 10 year and then you say no and she gasps and goes
I forgive you.
I'm aware. You couldn't have come up with a more pleasant euphemism?
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Waking up to find Flare as a present under the tree
At least it's not Bae throwing Rats at me again.
One of those fuckers had horns!
>Ew, I asked for a white one.
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Sweaty NoeFure bound together with ribbon under the tree
>"10 years of raising our child alone and this is how you repay me?? You're tearing our family apart!!"
>Grem, who is deceptively smart, breaks out the only trick Gigi has eve rbeen able to teach it
>A single tear escapes it eye
All Fubuki wants for Christmas, is for her dear papa to stop touching her lady parts and a nintendo switch.
Why would she want her father to stop touching the console
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Waking up to find Rushia as a present under the tree
Not gonna be taking the tags off that one...
Fitting Rushia with a blindfold, a ball-gag, earmuffs, firmly tying her up, filling her full of toys and leaving her in a box so you can open up your gift later
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Oh boy, a yandere gf for Chrismas, thank you AZKiclaus!!!!
I really draw a blank here
Can't imagine even non-con or a hatefuck with her anymore
I guess I can't really separate the art from the artist like I claimed I were able to
This one is a boomerang which might return upon throwing it away
Watame goes to Scotland and gets shagged like a happy public slut
You're thinking of Wales
Suisei trying to ruin Chrismas by staying up all night so she can shoot down Santa Claus with a stinger missile
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The office's (mandatory) Christmas party is kind of lame and is there where you spot your supervisor in a tight corner.

She's a nice woman, you are a good chap...relationships are forbidden...

But cmon! no one is gonna tell...right?
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>Blackmailed into increasingly risky office sex by pent up ERB whispering sweet Bri'ish nothings into your ears while keeping you quiet, covering your neck in bite marks below your collar and making you work 'overtime' when it's just you two and you can rail her like crazy over your desk in the middle of the office
Going on the naughty list for this one, Santa. Forgive me.
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i mean yeah but also hot kakke hag is actually a lil silly
ERB is dork central but also a hag. Unique combo
Pretty sure the prompt is about sheep
>Ina this shit is serious, i gotta put something for christmas
the final revenge should be throwing a tactical nuke (shoebox) at your house
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Dunno how it didnt occur to me but Fauna hanging mistletoes under her horns and chasing You is a fun idea
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Waking up to find Marine as a present under the tree
But her fat ass is stuck in the box
Stealing Christmas with Towa
Any horned holo really

Lap chases you around until she catches you, so you say it doesn't count with a chibi like her because you both have to be *under* the mistletoe. She kicks you in the shin in anger then grabs your face.

Nerissa tries some kabedon shenanigans but trips and spills her drink everywhere so you feel bad and help her clean it up. She gives you a kiss as a 'reward'.

Fauna doesn't try anything at first but points out the mistletoe a few times during your conversation. She yaps your ear off 23 minutes straight until you get so annoyed at her inane conversation you shut her up with a kiss. +10 points for the Kirin.
This feels like a competition where ultimately only you win.
Also merry Christmas
A little healthy competition never hurt
And Merry Christmas to you
Merry Christmas, anons.
Irys would also hang mistletoes but then you point out it doest work if its eye level and then she throws a tantrum and you agree to sit and get your kiss
Save me Azkiclaus
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It's officially Christmas for me now. Hope everyone's having a good holiday.
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You shouldn't look to her for help, you can't afford her cost
From a stocking made of holly I find a panther who makes me jolly
her breasts big and she has no antlers she a pillowy pink panther
I wish to take her in for winter
she's going to keep me warm and very chipper
I hope her patience can hold out because I need her for the holidays and throughout
Her yellow eyes tell me "don't worry"
I say you're right my love I'm sorry
and happy together we sit by the fire
watching flames dance as we share puffs from a briar.
There is a girl as naughty as haughty
they say she is never not jolly
she wears all orange and is a bit messy
and can turn a airplane engine into jelly
the orange gremlin of hololive
she know how to play and she plays alright
Gigi the silly Gigi the goober
she sure knows how to be quick and maneuver
she has a question for every answer
if she was a human she'd be a dancer
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yknow I don't think anyone's drawn or mentioned this particular expression before
this small grin, I've seen it a rare few times on her l2d, and I think its super hot

in literary terms, I like how a demure expression still shows her beastly side
is there a list that has all fan names? including gen fan names?
If you can't find all the names online, ask about the ones you don't know. Some anon might know.
The many posts about holos in gift boxes inspired me, but can a fic about it flourish in January?
>>92215143 (me)
ah okay
I was curious about what the holo x fan name was. i'm pretty sure it has an 'x' in it, and "x'ers" is what came to mind but that seems too on the nose (and also wrong)
Its Holoxer
half-right then, i'll take it
Did Azkiclaus bring you the fic you were waiting for?
It’s holoxover
She can have my heart, AZKi save me!
You make Suisei sign something by sneaking it a paper under a photocard. Much to to her chagrin, she didn't know it was a I-can-rape-Suisei-whenever-I-want-permit, meaning she consents to getting raped.
Then she has to traverse japanese bureocracies while getting assraped at every turn, including a scene where she's just queueing with you raping her in a full nelson, and no one seems to notice.
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>yfw reading THAT fic
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ironically the only one who can pull this bit is Choco and she'd make YOU chase her around the party
>Choco is going around the party giving smooches to any girl she comes across.
>as soon as you come close she gets someone in your way or she effortlesly slides away
>you catch that damn cheeky grin that tells she's making her husband work for it
>damn playful hag!!
I dont see why not.
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>AZKi after giving you her panties for Christmas
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Tiny, cute sassy knife-wife who can change her tit size at will
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Merry Christmas fellas. I hope everyone has a holly jolly one
Merry Christmas anon. Spent the Christmas Eve with my family, for the rest of the year it's going to be just me and my sexy oni wife.
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Kiara learns that you dont like christmas and takes it on herself to inject the spirit
But I was good this year
Oh yeah? How many reviews did you give? Did you give a (You) to an anon in need?
Why are so many holos in boxes this Christmas?
Kiwawa freckles CUTE!!!
I see through your german tricks, i will NOT be pegged
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Don't worry anon, i'll take the 18-inch bullet for you
>Anya sighing in resignation as I ask her for "giga boobie paizuri" for the third time today
Anime girls have similar facial structure to cats so maybe their brains too possess feline qualities.
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>Don't write yesterday
>Fic is unprogressed today
How could this happen to me?
>Come up with idea
>The words don't automatically fill the page into an edited, finished fic
It's Shiover....
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>Finish fic
>My indie oshi doesn't read a nameswapped version of it to her fans, leaving them in utter-shock
all holos should have cat features and go into heat and scream at you to mate with them
Fubuki collects aluminum casts of ant colonies.
This, but instead it's the cat feature of pissing on a power outlet or the bed when they're mad at you
Wow this prompt keeps getting better
This, BUT it's the feature of being an absolute slut who will get passed around when she's in heat bceause everyone can get some
Don't forget the sitting on your desk while you're working, knocking shit off your cabinets and shelves, and screaming at random hours of the night when they want attention
Trying to prevent your girlfriend Okayu from knocking over the Christmas tree at your family's get together
damn this thread is hot
It's interesting to think about how new modern christmas celebrations must still feel to an ancient demon like Ayame.
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i'm in favor of any type of beastification
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dont delete it i was about to imagine a cute clingy zeta
Cat Zeta would be a good fit with her as a clingy dork and a deadly secret agent at the same time.
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This BUT she's forcing herself on you during a rut
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Kronii regrets that one coupon of "one gift of your choice" she gave you two years ago
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Merry Christmas to my favorite associates.
That just makes me think of a Chloe cuck type scenario but now that she's actually in heat she can't hold it back anymore and forcing herself on who she really loves.
Yesssss......Kronii, you will do my W-2 and maximize my tax return....
>Want to write
Nobody understands my pain...
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>"A-Anon...are you-I mean...I-Is this for real?"
>You put your hands in your pockets, looking at Kronii with a flat expression
"It's got your handwriting, doesn't it?"
>She flips the small piece of craft paper over, her brow furrowing even more as she sees her own signature in glossy blue ink
>"No, I got that part-God how much did I drink that night? I mean-"
"About as much as you did tonight."
>"...I MEAN, is this REALLY what you want? It's a bit crazy."
>Shrugging, you glance around before nodding
"I feel like I've been making my feelings pretty clear for a while, especially recently."
>Kronii's blue eyes flit up to meet yours, her expression creasing in a way that gives an edge of...worry?
>"True...It's...C-Can I ask why?"
""Will my reason change whether you do it or not?"
"Then I'm not telling you."
>Her nostrils flare, and that worry twists into annoyance
>"Then maybe it will."
>You raise an eyebrow
"That's not fair."
>Annoyance to incredulity
>"Anon you're asking me to kill your neighbour's family! I think I AT LEAST deserve a 'why'."
>You roll your eyes
>details, details...
"He threatened to sue me over the tree in my front yard's branches extending onto his property. I said if he tried I'd kill his family."
>You pull out another sheet of paper from your pocket
"I got subpoena'd this morning."
>You stow the court summons again, as Kronii glances back down at the HANDMADE 'ONE(1) FREE FAVOUR FROM THE OURO KRONII' voucher
"I play hardball Kronster..."
>Leaning forward, you grin and pat her on the arm
"And now so do you!"
>OKayu will never hack up a hairball on your computer chair
why even life
Hot new thing circulating around the office. "Suprise your lover with this special Christmas gift"
All I seem to be picking up from the books I'm reading is that I'm fucking ass at writing man. I'm not talking about classics because obviously that's an unfair comparison but even the third rate novels on amazon and shit. I suck dick.
All writers suck major dick, Anon. It's just that the successful ones have the patience to hammer what they wrote into something worth reading.
The fact that you think your writing sucks compared to others is proof enough that you're capable of making your writing better.
No one makes gold on a a first draft anon. It's why we edit and work with beta readers.
I would've won this game if I didn't pick an off-meta native language and went with English instead
This is not a dream.
Not a dream.
We are using your brain's electrical system as a receiver.
We are unable to transmit through conscious neural interference.
You are receiving this broadcast as a dream.
We are transmitting from the year on

You are receiving this broadcast in order to alter the events you are seeing.
Our technology has not developed a transmitter strong enough to reach your conscious state of awareness.
But this is not a dream.
You are seeing what is actually occurring for the purpose of causality violation.
This broadcast will be received by the perceptual centers as a dream.
But this is not a dream.
What's the role of saplings in a horror story where Fauna is the villain? Does Fauna sacrifice innocent saplings in some kind of satanic ritual or do they turn into monsters?
Korone and Nene misunderstand the meaning of Boxing Day.
I'm imagining Nene and Korone going around the office gut punching everyone while excitedly proclaiming "it's boxing day!!!"
That would be so fucking cute
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>outbreak of sleep paralysis
>all the victims report seeing the same horned woman, telling them to come to her in the woods
>cue mass disappearances
I mean id give it a shot if a green horned woman told me to cum on her foredt
Either eco terrorist cultists or (un)willing victims. Both would fall to the "return to nature " appeal. If Fauna was more willing to learn into the mommy nature stuff, you could even have her a Shub-Niggurath type of deity.
Noel is so fucking hot bros
third time's the charm
My ink is 24 karat
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>One of the sexiest women alive is also one of the dorkiest
What if a holo was bound and gagged inside the box and was put under the wrong person's Christmas tree
That would be funny, I think
that just makes her even better
Many such cases
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Amen to that brother.
God writing your oshi is difficult. My imposter syndrome is never more prevalent.
Reminds me of a dumb 90's comedy scene for a PekoMari yuri story that I never wrote
>Marine is on the bed in sexy lingerie with a rose between her teeth, waiting for Pekora to come home
>She can't wait to see what kind of reaction Pekora will make!
>She hears a key unlocking the door
>That's her cue! It's the time to put on the sexy music and night club lights!
>The door opens...
>"Welcome back to our cozy little love nest Pe-!"
>...and it's Pekora with her parents behind her ("Oh, that's right... Peko-chan did say something about a visit... yeah, I guess that was today... well, shit...")
>Marine turns red as a tomato, Pekora's soul leaves her body
I have never finished a fic about my actual kamioshi or favorites otherwise in wider media. The closest I can make myself do is focus on other characters within the IP because as soon as I start trying to write finalized prose regarding the former my perfectionism flares up and I stall forever. It's easier when I don't have as much vested interest in making sure they're totally accurate.
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>Time to read all your christmas presents, anon. Now remember, you're not allowed to leave until you read ALL of it.
In part the issue of writing this awkward realm of crossing Real Person Fanfiction (OmegaCringe) and the entire Kayfabe Personality for the character. Doesn't help that with your oshi you're hyper aware of that crossing point
Oh boy, 15 volumes of fujo/neet stinkdom hypnosis, thanks Shiori!
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>It's all one ongoing series
>You must review each installment in enough detail or Shiori will make you read it again
Could we please start doing separate anchors for requests and joke requests?
Some people write comedy here. It doesn't make sense to make two separate request anchors.
Anon please be serious here. Any reasonable person can acknowledge that there are certain requests that are only posted “for the funny,” and clog up the replies.
What's an oyakodon+dad called?
1. They're prompts
2. If this was a big issue, people would use the prompt archive for their important requests
It is known
"Oyako" basically means "parent and child" so it wouldn't change
They should be split by genre, and gag fic is the best filter for a bifurcation.
The requests anchor is just where you reply to bump the thread, it has no real value.
Prompts do lead to discussions and the occasional fic, but writers accumulate WIPs and interesting prompts so that new ones have a harder time being inspiring and picked up over time.
Marine should leave Pekora out of it and seduce her parents
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Prince of Darkness is a good movie I don't care what anyone says
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>I dare say... This might be the beginning of a great Holojourney.
She never said that.
It's like every time I write an action she does or an interaction she was with literally me I go "She wouldn't act like this, it's SHIT" and lose motivation.
It doesn't help that I'm going through an existential ennui phase about vtubing spurred on by recent events.
You could label the vertical axis "enjoyment per minute spent" and it'd still be accurate. Vtubers are fun but beyond some point your investment becomes inefficient
Yeah but you gotta think less of "She wouldn't act like this if I just copy-pasted her into the story" and think more like "How would she act given X past experiences that would have brought her to this point in the first place?"
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And there's no general solution, just individual ones. As soon as you turn a vtuber persona into a person for your story, how they should act becomes pretty subjective. Especially if it's a non-human character or a character living in a very different world from ours.
OK writers, that's enough joy and merriment and spending time with loved ones. Get your asses back to work, now!
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How about I arrange you to spend some time with the worms? My work will be out when it's out.
What a sweetheart
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Blink twice if AZKi has you tied to a chair and/or is currently threatening you with a knife
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>What are we some kind of Holofantasy?
AA you've done it again!
Hey so huh can anyone write Kurokami and You getting caught in a room where You cant leave unless you say the truth.
And she gets annoyed at You triying to say that You love her so she simply goes
>I love this man, i would ride him like a horse and have kids with him. Hell i would love a white wedding dress but he just wont ask me out
And the door opens and she nonchalantly goes outside
God that just makes me imagine the cruel twist being Anon, alone and aware of Kurokami's true feelings going
>I don't really care for the real Kurokami.
Then silently leaving as his door opens. The it cuts to Gamers who set this all up just sitting silently in the control room before Korone goes
>What the fuck
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I think the best way to bully Nerissa would to be randomly ask "why'd you do that?" in an alarmed tone like she just did something wrong.
Yes you understand.
I started watching Lamy to write /become/ content. Now she's my Oshi and I can't just easily see her doing that unless the Lamy in the story is NOT Lamy but if you become Lamy you are a Lamy so you act like Lamy but Lamy wouldn't do that But Lamy need to do that for the story.
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It's kind of funny in retrospect that Lamy was the /become/ vtuber despite her not really fitting.
At this point just write the oshi you fell in love with.
Works for me.
Meanwhile Polka actually has leaned into it and was the one who first brought up the idea of becoming Polka and kinda has that crazy streak in her which could make it work.
Also the first million subscribers were consumed in an instrumentality event that had them fuse into a second Polka.
>hug Polka
>hear the voices of a million whimpering souls
Same. If I'm writing fanfiction with absurd scenarios like the vtuber being real and my gf I write my ideal. You can use mannerisms and some general character traits but it would be a fool's errand to try and find out how they would "really" act in that situation
You are related to a chuuba, but you don't have sex.
If you hear that then you realize that it's NOT her but it's 100% her.
What do you do in this case. After all would anyone believe you?
Are you still willing to sell nudes of her though?
At all? With no one?
>Anon is so disgusted by what Suisei is like IRL that he loses all interest in women
That sounds like a micomet-based romcom with Miko as the heroine that gets Suibrother out of his distaste for women.
Tell her that it's a turnoff for you and ask her if she can silence them.
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Alright jabronis, time to think about what you're thankful for this year. It could be something you did, what someone else did, whatever. Reflect so you can hit next year running.
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I'm thankful for CC for unironically making me interested in NTR.
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The nordic themed art is kind of cool. what could be a decent fic idea for it?
>Going raiding with chuubas
Skyrim but its chuubas all the way down.
I'm thankful for my BR reading my stuff and bouncing ideas with me
is the coming anniversary the 3rd or 4th one?
Wait that's just Lamy?!
See >>730369
Yknow i never made the connection of "Lamy should be russian"
Almost dying of alcohol poisoning after going shot for shot with Russian Lamy
Heпpиятнaя жeнщинa...
damn talk about a blast from the past
Gura looks like a witch NPC that appears in the early game and sells normal loot except for one mystery item that she claims can "make you really strong" so you grind for a few hours to buy it, and it's a rock.
>Gee mister, thanks for the 99999 Gold! As promised, here's your powerful, rare, and mysterious gem!
>hi :D
You're a young man who is still too short to go raiding, and the women of the village take advantage of it to make the long dark winter more fun for themselves.
I'd like to grind some levels with this rock, if you know what I mean
Poetic Edda but with chuubas
Roboco shoves a whole fucking raw salmon up her asshole and craps it back out, completely cooked and seasoned.
I don’t really have any motivation to write anymore
It'll come back. It always does.
Like with all things, you have to ask yourself: Is that a bad thing? It's okay to lose motivation or fall out of hobbies from time to time, but you need to ask what are the downsides to that for you.
Not if I like, kill myself first
try playing/watching some classic games/anime
Why not
I casted a motivation loss spell that only works on homosexuals. Looks like there were people on /wg/ who were affected.
But why would it work on me?! I don't have fantasies of my readers masturbating when I self insert as the chuuba getting fucked by countless anons!
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So which anons are the femanons making their current or future boyfriends cosplay as? Do they have their favorite chuuba outfit too?

I personally have my own anon outfit that I keep iterating on, and eventually I'll see how the wife feels about sheep horns. Elf ears might be an easier sell though.
Knowing women probably the anon from Heartbreak Tokyo
i dont have a horse on this genderbender race but if i were to write it in on any fic femanon and anon would meet and go
>hi, name's anon
>oh? My name is femanon
and then it hard cuts to any other scene just because it would be funny
I'm thankful that /wg/ sparked my interest in creative writing again.
I don't think it was a genderbender thing anonchama. It's about roleplaying your favorite fic scenes.
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Yep, this one is definitely Shiori.
Take him away boys!
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I've actually had an idea for an overly-meta Shiori fic that ends with her going 'Maybe I'LL just become the author then!" and then pretending to be her when I post and editing the fic to have her respond to criticism. Probably not gonna do that though, it's a bit much and more interesting in concept then execution.
That's almost as meta as writing an artificial /wg/ thread
A fic that's a fake /wg/ thread where all the posters are chuubas
And that's just making me think of those greentext concept compilations on the archive... Except all the entries are written by the author with them trying to gaslight anyone that responds asking about when this discussion happened by saying it happened last week.

We do a little fighting
TAGS: Vestia Zeta, SFW, Fluff

Based around this idea>>92251374>>92252321, this fic was thrown together both because im in a very "need cute zeta cat gf" mood and because i feel like my writer's block needed a very simple sledgehammer to complete. Also i owed Zeta a fic

Basically, every other wip i have wasnt working and i really needed a win to kickstart my backnow to melt in my rat's arms and try to get something else off the ground
>Alternate world where namefagging is the norm
>Prompt anchor
>NotAnElf: Flare goes into a cave and gets raped by goblins
>WayOfTheSamurai: Letting your childhood best friend draw your sword
>FoxyLady: Spying on a little boy while he pees, but he's cheeky and smiles at you as he slaps his subtle cock against his leg
>WolfMama: Mio finds her true love and has triplets! Please!
>HornyPirate: Marine goes to a bar and gets gangbanged
>SakuraTrees: Miko rapes Pekora
>SakuraTrees: Miko grows a massive cock and rapes Pekora
>SakuraTrees: Miko apologizes and makes Pekora have consensual sex with her
>FoxyLady: Molesting a little boy and he likes it
>SupahNenechi!!!: Your beetles become massive muscular men and beat your abussive girlfriend
>RavenFail: Shadow the hedgehog falls for Nerissa
>CunnyRocks: Biboo does a sexy dance for you
>Hoot-man: Killing a dog with a rock.
>FoxyLady: A little boy gets Fubuki pregnant.
>Chammers: smoking crack for cock
>Chammers: smoking cock for crack
You're going to write about a cat and then about a rat? Sounds like you can't choose a side
Reminds me of that fic about Miko pretending to be heterosexual. It had those funny Discord logs between schobas
Undeniable proof of Sakura Miko's heterosexuality.
Still one of my favorites, and it's precisely because of the funny messages between the schöbers
>VDiva: Survive
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I am writer
1,405,682 finished WIPs
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>1,405,682 finished WIPs
May we see them?
Sure, just look up anonymous' works on https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec
I wrote these.
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I thinks its strangely moe how pathetic Anon is in this one.
Very cute fic
Yeah I'm with that other Anon. Cute, not much to say else
>how pathetic Anon is in this one.
He's literally me frfr
I'm thankful for the people that read the crap I roll out and find something to like about it or find ways to explain how I can improve
All me btw
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Very cute but (ironically) suffers from not having enough Zeta. Which, yeah, is the point of the fic but it's one of those things where the pov kind of made this more of a fic about Zeta's boyfailure bf rather than Zeta herself.
>She’s wearing your shit…walking around in silence…
Holy shit.
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A story about forbidden temptation, the feminine urge to get molested by tentacle monsters
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Nerissa runs out of schizophrenia medication and calls you crying about how all the evil jailbirds that live in her walls are gonna take Darling away
Iroha and her degenerate fantasies
Uppy up!
>HopeRises: Making cream pies with your boyfriend
The amount of just cases of not being sure if IRyS posting would be here desperately needing to be fucked or just being kinda innocent always is funny.

Although I always did wonder if the Angel and Devil parents tried to keep her a virgin because they know once she loses her virginity she'd have her succubus side fully awaken and leave a trail of men completely drained of every drop in her path as a warmup

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