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Ironmouse is sick once again.
Say something nice to comfort her.
Is she dying?
She's still alive?
she's never been sick. Or rather, she fakes how sick she is for more money and drama.
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>he had to self-bump 1 hour later

That clip is 11 months old btw.

yeah she is
I agree! Why do mousefags deflect?
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Aren't we all dying?
I am also sick and can't visit my parents because of that.
Say somehting nice to me.
It's gonna be ok anon, at least you have us. :)
I was crying
i'm also sick and you don't see me complaining
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It's amazing that it always flares up right before her sleepathon or right before award season.
>dad dying
>thinking that grifter actually cares
anything to milk pity
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>post one year + old clip
>called out for his bullshit
>gets mad
My redditor nigga is still mad?
NTA but what what? Hes right.
stop deflecting mousefag
when has that ever happened?
Literally never.
ironmouse burned my fields and salted the earth.
You don't watch streams. It flares up every so often, you just pay much more attention when it happens before big events because it feeds into your narratives.
Holy cope, she does it intentionally for pity
Proof: canur doing his hit piece 3 days before the awards.
>canur doing his hit piece 3 days before the awards
That's because kai cenat's wigger audience intensified their harassment campaign which hit a boiling point just before the awards.
That never happened. And you need to provide proof of such lofty claims.
Kai wasn't even nominated at the awards, It was mostly about her beating his sub record.
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>using bait threads to make anyone who has anything negative to say about their queen be automatically perceived like retarded schizos to stifle any legitimate criticism
Yeah like your "proof" being that her streamer friend put out a "hit piece" calling out normalfags harassing Ironmouse and vtubing as a whole?

I know that the harassment didn't have anything to do with the awards. It was just wannabe gangster zoomers hounding that anime girl that beat their hero just so they could win his approval (which it didn't. He hated that shit).
Embarrassing. Thanks for confirming she was grifting with the timing before the awards and there was no harassment

Hard concession accepted lol
it did tho
Watch canur's video. He provides receipts of the harassment. This will be my last reply to you.
what is this mousecuck waffling about blud
the welsh faggot literally has the video up on his youtube
>Spams bait comments in /vsj+/ daily about hating ironmouse
>Gets ignored
>Makes the same bait thread for the 100th time
Op requires mental healthcare.
Even asmongold saw the hate messages live during one of his streams.
India doesn't believe in mental health
>trust me bro
The lack of evidence is beyond hilarious
That Connor video is so lame. He's not defending vtubers from hate, he's only defending Ironmouse.
His argument is literally
>don't hate Ironmouse because she's sick
That argument only applies to her, and not the majority of vtubers who maybe use it for anonymity, or maybe they like the aesthetic. It's a massive appeal to emotion and doesn't do anything to address the real reasons people hate vtubers.
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I thought you said she lied about her illness before the awards but now it's that she lied about being harrassed. You should just pick one of your little stories and run with it. You really need to focus more if you want results. Good luck and merry xmas.
>He's not defending vtubers from hate, he's only defending Ironmous
>That argument only applies to her, and not the majority of vtubers who maybe use it for anonymity, or maybe they like the aesthetic


now shut the fuck up
two comments: "this beat Kai?"
KWAB. Other vtubers get actual abuse every day, she's just a fragile whore
Rent free
Anon, the only arguments that he brings to defend vtubers are only applicable to Ironmouse (she's sick and can't leave her room and has to use a vtuber model to do anything).
Where is this broader defense of vtubers, I don't see it. As an outside you watch that video and come to the conclusion that the only legitimate reason to be a vtuber is to be a cripple.
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I accept your concession, enjoy the rest of your thread.
>post one year + old clip
nta but no matter how old this is, the situation did not change.
nta but I'm not going to give views to this moron.
Oh no, he's melting down. You can find proof of the hate campaign whenever you want and completely destroy me, but you know it doesn't exist kek
I refer to my earlier post:
the clip is about an event from a year ago...
He quite literally says that vtubers choose to be represented by an avatar for a multitude of reasons. If you actually watch the timestamps I posted, he does in fact bring this up.
>but why does he only focus on Mouse?
Because Mouse is the video focus you fucking simpleton.

>ask for proof
>the snowflake ran away crying
All e-celeb/vtubers receive hate, it is not something exclusive to the rat.
Looking at twitch she's almost 12 hours into her stream and seems fine. Are you okay? I mean mentally. You really don't seem to be doing well. Maybe you should take a break from the internet and talk to someone. Anons are worried about you.
>for a multitude of reasons
Doesn't list any.
>Mouse is the video focus
Great, so it's an appeal to emotion and a biased video.
She doesn't receive more or less hate than any other vtuber. If anything, I'd say Mori received more hate than her, by a large margin.
>ask for proof
Do you know what nta means, stupid newfag?
Yes and they still pretend that they are dating.
the worst part is he won't have left the thread. his whole life is defending the grifting whore even when she cucks him with Kai. he spent all of Christmas day getting molested on vt
NTA but see >>92282890
You guys ask for proof and immediately start deflecting when given what you asked for.
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Get well soon, Mousey!
But still I can't help but think that news exploding that her illness is fake and providing proofs would be the vtuber trainwreck of the decade and I wouldn't mind watching it happen
Everything living is, sorry to tell you this anon pls don't lose your sleep
Are you stupid? I never said anything about this argument. I don't care if she receives hate, I'm not going to see this guy.
Also, weren't you going to leave?
>so it's an appeal to emotion and a biased video
Yes? Did you think this was a news reel or something? It literally just a dude ranting about the hate his friend receives on a daily basis.
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She is sick but not as sick as her fans pretend.
>barges into a conversation he's not part of
>"uhh I will not be clicking that link"
>gets angry when he's replied to
My point is that video is a disservice to the other vtubers who do this for other reasons than Ironmouse. I never disagreed that it was about Ironmouse, I don't like the broader implications he makes with the video. Maybe it wasn't his intention, but it comes across that way to me.
>Countries with more populations have more people watching YouTube.
ok, and?
Yeah, I don't get it either, I highly doubt indians even watch vtubers. Anyone remember the nijisanji indian branch, yeah.
I'm calm, you're the only one who seems angry because I told you I'm not going to see that guy.
Most people don't need such obvious things spelled out to them, especially when the guy in the video itself explicitly states that there are multiple reasons why vtubers use avatars but for Mouse its anonymity. You may actually be autistic.
lmao, now you have to samefag for someone to agree with you.
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why is asmongoloid doing a fake meltdown over someone saying Kai is better on a single tiktok clip?

holy shit imagine being a phase or niji talent and looking at what is considered hate for mousey. they get literal death threats every day to their face
nta but you are retarded if you think that is true.
Well then that video is useless, since it won't change the perception of the people who hate Ironmouse.
>I'm calm
Go back to r*ddit,tourist.
Everything makes sense now.
Please anon, there a multiple VShojofags here. The same one who say they don't leave their general.
He left the thread already anon remember, it must be someone else
He definitely isn't sitting here crying and seething
>there a multiple VShojofags here
good evening saar
Wtf is this true? It's all jeets?
Bro's fighting ghosts, lol. Keep trying, maybe you will get it right.
Lmao samefag
yep and the holojeets get really mad when you point out this fact
there a multiple ghost here saar
You missed the part before your samefagging where you blame holofags so it's more painful than usual that you're replying to yourself as this image makes no sense ITT

It's... actually embarrassing seeing you this upset
Well, are you done with your personal attacks now, can we talk about why VShojofags are the most racist here. It's quite impressive.
LOL take your meds and stop replying
For sure, there's 3 or 4 of these >>92271992 every 24 hours. Surely it must a different anon every time. Surely.
It amuses me how they change which countries and races to blame from time to time.
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That's nothing, here's what real harassment looks like.
Why are youtube watchers so poor?
good story bruh
>every 24 hours.
I don't know, I haven't used this site in days. I spent Christmas with my family, I don't care about your bitches.
pattern recognition
you weren't supposed to humilate him by pointing out he wasted all of Christmas day getting assfucked by trolls anon

the samefag melty is going to be off the charts
You should, you should stop being a samefag.
You are not fooling anyone.
we not poor saar we a very wealthy brahmin who are not watch twitch westoid whore
What does it say? I only understand the English part.
holy shit, now you are not only a samfag but you also make a false flag.
>You should, you should
DeepL translate says
>This is a parting gift, asshole!
OK thanks.
How many times has she died now?
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imagine spending Christmas doing shit like this. Couldnt be me
stop samefagging already
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Not OP but i gotchu bro
not safefagging, but you should do something else with your life
I think an award would cheer her up
>WE donb't have TO
Is Connor a saar, too?
Ironkeks, explain.
the neverending death grift...so glad karma is fucking her dad in the throat, deserves to die suffering for raising such a lying whore
Follow your own advice and leave the thread like you said you were going to do.
>not safefagging
stop dangerfagging already
see >>92283354
kill yourself amnesia anon
That's not very nice anon, it's christmas and all.
lmao I see you're still angry after an hour. I don't care, I'm not going to see your moron.
>amnesia anon
Its ok, her ironlung has diamond plating.
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What are we discussing in this thread?
Amnesia anon won't stop samefagging.
AIDSlung faking another illness for attention, same thing she does every week
must be a day ending in y
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nice black cock mousey
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Since you left it off let's talk about a big one. For someone as "sick" as mouse and for someone lacking an immune system hery body would be working in overtime to keep her healthy meaning she would often be fatigued and very low energy. Yet somehow she manages to constantly have subathons and streams for 15+ hours pretty frequently? Doing them once a year is once thing but every time you need to pay bills is entirely another.
Thank you for confirming once again you don't watch her. She frequently streams with extremely low energy, especially when "zooted" off her meds, or cancels altogether. Isn't one of the biggest seethe points about "le sleepathons"?
>constantly have subathons
>doing them once a year is once thing
Good point, good thing it only happens once a year.
Her funds running dry that's why
Why blame her fans tho when she's the one pretending
>no response
>seethebump from page 10
Why did I expect anything else?
She's been dying for as long as vtubing has existed. It's all a grift shared between her and Connor, and it's effective at fleecing rubes out of their money.

I despise her, but the scheme is very clever.
If she was faking it for attention, how come she lost to FuwaMoco?
>still can't respond
>made another seethe thread
She's just that shit. Imagine being so fucking talentless you lose to some teletubbies KEKAROO
luckily she might kill herself after watching her dad slowly die. hope it's agonizing for him, he deserves it for bringing this vile cunt into the world
The flagship vtuber of twitch gets mogged by a british twink with a fucking robot even when he is denied frontpage and never even mentioned by twitch while the rat gets paraded around front and center. Cue the sickness baiting lmao.
QRD on her dad? Is this real or just schizo fanfics?
How knows. And it's not that she would care, she is basically a hag. At her age you expect old people to die.
Fair enough, I'm sure if it was real the schizo would have been spamming bait threads about it already
just like shitlung lmao
imagine being a fan of sleep content and NTR
i have surface level knowledge about this bitch but im convinced at least one of her twitch admins is a janny here and expects pussy for white knighting her
If this was true you wouldn't be able to have multiple threads full of holofags seething about her on a daily basis.
nice try phasecuck
Crazy how people still believe her despite not having showed proof even once in 5 years, let's all exaggerate our illnesses to farm pity
Wait so writing innocuous shit like this beat kai is harrassement? Am i in paper thin land?
We can only hope
This makes the mousey and Cawnur scream in agony
>Say something nice to comfort her.
Good job on the 15 hour stream today and the 15 hour stream yesterday while everyone else's oshis were getting fucked.
>he doesn't know
all the time
Ironmouse fans are as bad as her schizos. Fucking kill yourselves, shitters
>forgot to mention there was no stream on 24th of Christmas eve
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>mouse viewers
>holo viewers
not sure which is more grim
brazil are half white
pretty sure she didnt cancel a single day of her month-long sleepathon, sounds like the usual woman excuse in the end of the day
and other lies mousecucks tell themselves
Pity bait
this is Brazilian
he's a mousecuck?
So when will she be done?
Old as fuck. She spent Christmas with her family yesterday for the first time in years.
Uh oh is she going to get sick and die?
she has a bigger house with more space
Mousecucks must imagine her family flinging food at each other like it's plate up so she doesn't instantly die from being near another human
how does she even eat food with her family? surely just eating something prepared by someone else would make her sick
do they all wear hazmat suits until she finishes her meal?
With a long ass straw with sucking power trained through sucking dick 24/7.
only on camera
It's almost sad watching him come up with le epic owns by himself while on break at the sweatshop.
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Let's look at the bright side, if she got completely cured of all illnesses, her career would be over
Weird how the thread picked up in activity when it's morning in youknowwhere
she is single
who's gonna tell him
...bro? really?
I was thinking of another place nearby, but that too.
it's a chronic illness you dumbfuck
A chronic illness that mysteriously flares up whenever she needs money and doesn't prevent her from doing her activities, yeah. Sure is mightily convinent
I hope she dies.
Her condition is not terminal, but that meaning that she's not dying isn't really the case either. All the accumulated damage means she has a severely reduced life-span, and she's already basically ran out of health-span. If you read between the lines, at her most sickest when she lost the ability to walk from muscle wasting, she was probably receiving palliative care instead of even aiming for recovery (until she changed her mind).
So she going to die soon?
you forgot to add kekaroo at the end
she told a story about the doctors trying to put her in a hospice
>Never trust female lies, unless its IM complaining about shit no one can ever verify
>legitimate criticism
There has never been legitimate criticism of Ironmouse on the catalog
>lacking an immune system
>hery body would be working in overtime to keep her healthy
Anon if your body doesn't have an immune system then there is nothing there TO work to keep her healthy.
Also she has weekly plasma transfusions, effectively borrowing someone else's immune system for a limited time
This usually knocks her out day-of and for some of the next day as the new antibodies get to work on what came in while the last transfusion had weakened
Sh can eat more now like bread, rice, and chips.
Good thread. This is why I come to vt. Ironmouse>>>swarmpedos
mousecuck melty lol
He definitely intended it. He's numberspilled
>swarm out of nowhere
It's really funny how daily moggings for the past 6 months have utterly destroyed mousecucks mental
Success breeds jealousy KEKAROO
Must be a day ending in y
>everything i dislike is phasecucknect
I dont even care about that company but you my friend? You must be quite mentally deficient since you spam the exact same shit any basically any thread there is.
What happened between you and phase? Some of those nutjobs didnt wanna get groomed? b& from the discord? Your behaviour borders on obsessive buddy, so why not air your actual grievances?
they gotta keep appearances up
i remember a janny added a gif of her to the board CSS and made it very hard to select with ublock origin about a year ago which is when i first had to look up "literally who?"
Yeah it's guaranteed at this point. Only newfags think otherwise
wasn't that snuffy?
I don't think you know what NTR means.
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>phasecuck seethe

>thread slows down
>kekaroo faggot goes back to falseflagging

for it to be a falseflag you'd have to show proof. this is just a standard mousefag seething at phase like they always do looking at the post history
Keep bumping the thread bro you are doing the good Lord's work exposing the grifiting Ironwhore.
The 3 quints of truth never fails.
bro u been in this thread gettin raped by the schizo for over a day now. take a shower, touch some grass
this humiliation kink you've got is creepy af
Kek based
>seething over mouse being proven to be a whore
>cried to the jannies to get the thread exposing him deleted
>probably saw the post counter go up 1 and got excited
kys schizo
Ironmouse has fans all over the world you know.
cucks all over the world you mean LMAOOOOO
>can't even dunk on himself right
>ran and cried to the jannies when his feelings got hurt
Please sir no racism and kkk.
another page 10 bump
He bumped all 3 threads on cooldown.
But don't you DARE make a thread about him or he'll scream and cry and shit his pants to his personal janny.
Remember when a thread wouldn't bump due to a glitch and he started melting down?
And it wasn't even autosaging?
Ye man I kekked my last roo that day, we totally destroyed him bros.
I know he's just going to make another thread, but I hope seeing empty replies and everyone laughing at how pathetic he is hurts him a little bit.
>thread has devolved into him ragebumping and everyone on /vt/ laughing at him
He might be the one with a humiliation fetish.
Man she really cant stop pittybaiting uh?
Also funny how this thread is now just imschizo and an imfag throwing shit at each other
This clip was from January.
crying about how she was dying before the awards wasn't in January tho lol
Name one time she had ever claimed to be dying, ever. You can't, the schizo can't, and I can't. But you already knew that.
He exposed himself as being obsessed with kai's penis in his other threads. That's pretty humiliating.
But then why did he cry to the jannies to get threads making fun of him deleted? Isn't that what he wants? This doesn't make any sense.
Before the awards. ESL or retarded?,I just told you that
>absolutely zero evidence
that's what I fucking thought
link it
You didn't ask for evidence, you said name one time. Are you okay? You seem REALLY upset.
Got STD again? daaaamn.
Watch him give some bullshit excuse about the Jannies (that he cried to earlier today)
she's got every single one. she's a busy girl each night :^)
He literally just said that it flares up right before her sleepathon or the award season.
which subathon?
The one she had a couple of months ago, retard.
>two(2) of his threads got deleted
Why have the jannies forsaken us?
Did she or did she not have a 'sleepathon' a couple of months ago (like she did last year) where her 'illness' flared up?
no she did not
Did you actually watch it or did you get your news from /#/ schizophrenics?
So you're saying >>92280457 is a liar?
I don't use twitch and she's under 'Do not recommend' on my YT page.
>So you're saying >>92280457 is a liar?
TTfags and Vhoejofags are softer than baby shit. I've never seen more retards run up a bait thread since KFP and cuckbeats.
If ironmouse is so sick why doesn't she do cool skateboard moves on the reg?
+1 me, -100 you guys.
Apparently "your father deserves to die" is where the jannies draw the line. Too bad.
QRD on her dad?
Heard he tried to take his life after he heard what mousey got up to with Kai. He has a limit to how much of a whore his daughter can be before he sudokus

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