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Christmas Edition!
Love for OKFAMS! You're welcome to discuss each individual member here.

Okayu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvaTdHTWBGv3MKj3KVqJVCw mogu
Korone: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChAnqc_AY5_I3Px5dig3X1Q doog
Fubuki: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg fbk
Ayame: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7fk0CB07ly8oSl0aqKkqFg oni
Mio: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp-5t9SrOQwXMU7iIjQfARg mion
Subaru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvzGlP9oQwU--Y0r9id_jnA duck

https://x.com/nekomataokayu https://x.com/MO_OKAYU_GU
https://x.com/inugamikorone https://x.com/k5r6n3
https://x.com/shirakamifubuki https://x.com/fubuchandayo
https://x.com/nakiriayame https://x.com/YODAYOsub
https://x.com/ookamimio https://x.com/ookamimio_sab


>Last Thread
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Subaru is gonna love this game
Nice one op!
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Korone kedama blesses this thread
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Worship Korone kedama
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Attention, koronesukis!


You should consider making this

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I made one myself
You don't have to have a printer, just go to the nearest print shop where they print photos and stuff
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Have this webm
It's even better with sound https://files.catbox.moe/h0gnv8.mp4
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one more week until the biggest and most anticipated event in vtuber history!!!!!!!!!!!!
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You should eat your hamburgers, friend.
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why is friend trying to fatten me up
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Don't worry about it, it's good for you!... maybe!
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This cat must be illegal
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For those interested and not aware, /doog/ will be playing /baubau/ in the /vt/ League Unity Cup 2 first round on January 4th at 21:40 UTC. These games are replacing the friendlies so if /doog/ wins they will play in more matches up to 6 depending since this is a bracket tournament. More info below.

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my goats are not washed
Why are FubuMio hanging out with this man so much…
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They contracted it...
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Utaducku wheeeeeen
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Why does Mama make her daughter wear such lewd clothes…
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Lewd? Babies wear clothes meant for babies.
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I’m a lolicon…
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this better be her last stream before mikkorone's.
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Gosh what's wrong with this cat?
Shuba was on Taso's totsu for less than 60 seconds
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Speed is life
>Sbar is barefoot
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What can we expect?
I REALLY hope Korone makes a full recovery by then!
Calories in, calories out
Eat hamburgers, do a lot of cardio, and you'll be fine (in the short term)
Why the FUCK did she stream today? Doesn't she realize that she needs REST?
Korosan disappoints me

Also thumbnail source?
Blue green door kusoge HATE
I agree
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Thanks a lot!
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You're wancome
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Which way, anon?
Why is she like this
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now more people will buy the game to take her route rather than okayu's
I have a feeling there might be something between them
>buy the game
>Japan only
Will this change?
surely there will be a fan translation
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last time it was pure kino, genuinely one of the best holo streams of all time
this time with the massive marketing campaign going on + the coca cola sponsorship + them streaming it at the studio instead of miko's place you can expect it to be even better
it will be THE best holo stream of all time
I don't think there's ever been a mikorone stream that hasn't had me laughing out loud. The floor is incredibly high.
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it's mikkorone, with 2k's
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she was feeling lonely
also her doctor sad it's ok
don't be a salty nigger
I just assumed that it was Mikorone because that's the concatenation of the two names, but I guess they use Mikkorone in the hiragana as well.
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I'm sure it'll change, but it's most likely going to take a while.
It took a whole year for Aquarium to get an English version, so worst-case scenario is that it'll be the same for Okayunyumu.
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Half an hour until the best time of the week!
Comfy stream. I hope Mio tries for the true ending, rare as it is.
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5 more minutes... nemunemu
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Rest well Shubau
Is the duck asleep again?
She's awake!
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Damn baby needs people to wake her up on time
I volunteer
ENsharts ruining Ohasuba...
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party duck
Subaru showing once again how easily she can be bribed with food
I wish when Subaru talked about being a slave to recordings she meant she was recording for songs instead of some shitty ad everyone will forget 30 seconds afterwards...
We'd never know
So Subaru isn't tardy only when food is involved...
Huh, I thought if there were staff they would help her with those audio issues halfway through
KetsuBattora tournament for HoloSummer
Shuba still owes Ojou ramen
Theon yo...
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Nikisei no kizuna...
>Blue lock
please don't watch that
Wait, hoshimachi kuripa? She went to suityan's place?
Subaru remembers Suityan's party the most because of all the food...
I swear, if this duck keeps on eating like this, she'll end up as part of a Foie Gras
IIRC taso gave her a duck lamp too
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fat duck
Why does Subaru's imitation of Miko always sound like a retard...
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She's just that good at doing impersonating her...
Duck with braids
Fubuki and Okayu doing braids on Subaru's hair while Subaru sits in between Okayu's legs hmmmm
>Captain Tsubasa Hololive League
That actually sounds really fun, I'd honestly rather have that than endless PowerPro streams.
So Subaru's hair is long enough to get braided but she rarely ever use her long hair model?
Ma-chan's party? Marine or Matsuri?
Barely long enough, I wonder what the minimum length is.
It was pretty comfy.
Mio showed up her for a brief bit in the beginning too
Shame there's no Oozora Police this year. She has the outfit now and everything...
>no Oozora Police this year
yeah, cancelled due to the EN(cephalomyeltitis) outbreak
I'm going to have to miss oozora police and watame's collab...I need a new job...
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>same time as Suisei's concert
fucking hell
Otsubaru... no purple woman mention again...
Subaru is angry at her for stealing her place in FubuMio's adventures
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no wonder Mio doesn't wear anything under her hoodie, that damn thing heats up way to fast
Suisei's concert is like 3 whole hours before that though
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For me its SMOK butt sumo
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Mio fucking hates the in-game Mio ww
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>Friend stabs the culprit to save her boyfriend amidst the corpses all over the mansion
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HELP!!! I don't want Mio to turned into Yandere mom, STOP AZKI PLEASE!!
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yep that's a mute
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Psycho baby...
Mio wanted to buy a lemur...
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Subaru is gonna give Luna a proper punishment later...
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Subaru raised a criminal...
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cute girls
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>it will be THE best holo stream of all time
Okay, but what exactly should I expect? Games? Singing? Real life stuff? I haven't watched the previous one
>at the studio instead of miko's place
I feel like this might not be the better choice actually. Being at home together would create a more comfortable atmosphere for them to relax and feel more chilled out
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Oni merch for comiket 105
Well said
It's basically a variety show like gaki no tsukai, shit's peak comedy
>peak comedy
I have no doubt whatsoever about Korone and Miko in this regard
I wish someone would just translate the whole stream, but I guess I'll just have to settle for individual translated clips as usual

Damn, why can't I just learn Japanese in my sleep overnight?
I like the mat
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Well said and I agree
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Fast board today
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Catto Quest 3 #07

>Literally just woke up and had a nice breakfast, still feeling a bit sleepy
>Okayu knows that she might get called by Oozora Police today, but she's been such a good girl this year, nothing could possibly happen!
>But if something does happen, she expect us to panic and go "How could this be?! Okayu is such a sweet girl, she would never do such a thing!"... right?
>During Christmas Eve, she spent several hours collecting medals on DQ3 until 4am! At the end of the last stream she had around 60 medals and now she's at 79
>(Her new "healthy lifestyle" from last week is already completely gone)

Used tissue incident with Lui
>Okayu was actually looking for a trash bin at Suisei's place to throw away her used tissue, and saw Lui sitting on the sofa
>She noticed that Lui's hand was slightly clenched and turned toward her, with just enough space to put something in there
>So she saw that as "Lui offering her hand to throw that tissue away", and decided to put it in there...
>"Thank you Lui, chu~ <3"
>Chat: "What was her reaction?"
>Okayu: "She immediately went 'SHACHOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' while dying of laughter"

Neighborhood Uncle
>No Dragon Quest stream tomorrow, her neighborhood uncle is coming to visit Tokyo with his girlfriend so she'll be busy all day
>In return, once the New Years events are done she's planning to stream DQ3 again right away in 2025
>Chat also mentioned that it'll also be Winter Comiket for two days starting tomorrow morning, Okayu originally thought that it started today
>She then teased onigiryas by acting like a very needy cat
>Okayu: "Oh I get it... you guys are going 'Nice, there's no stream tomorrow so I can go to Comiket!' aren't you? This is what you guys are thinking, right?!"
>Okayu: "...You'll miss me? Really? Then I forgive you."

Plans for the next few days
>29th - No stream
>30th - 108 Earthly Desires collab with Marine
>31st - New Years Hololive Event

Earthly Desires collab with Marine
>Okayu received TONS of lewd marshmallows, but she could only pick 30 of them so far since the rest was too extreme
>She still wants to be able to pick them, so she recommends using jargon, slangs, and all kind of ways to be more "subtle"
>Jokingly asking for help to her chat on how to convince management to let them read everything
>Okayu: "It's hard to find an excuse, right?!"
>The other recommendations were to use romaji and "◯◯◯◯" characters to censor sensitive words
>Someone else suggested to only use the first letters of sensitive words, but even that might be tricky
>Ultimately, every single marshmallows selected by Marine and Okayu are going to get checked by management first

Post stream DQ talk
>Okayu loves Dragon Quest and RPGs, she can easily spend hours and hours on them
>She made lots of progress today
>She played DQ1 earlier this year, and since the first game is heavily referenced in the 3rd, there are tons of places, names, characters, monsters and all kind of things she recognizes, she loves that (the World of Darkness is literally the DQ1 World Map)
>Wants to play Dragon Quest 2 once she's done with Dragon Quest 3!

>Today was the last solo stream of the year, this entire year has been tons of fun and she's thanking us for being there
>Okayu: "Let's have lots of fun next year too"
>Also told us to be careful outside and take care of ourselves, there's an influenza outbreak currently happening in Japan
360 nsfw Korone
I'll pass
340 nsfw Mio
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Silly cat forgot her bra again
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it's the better choice once you realize for such a massive company-wide event you need the best internet connection, something that's sure to not buffer/disconnect completely at any point during the entire 24 hours
especially considering that this time it should have taken place at korone's this time around but she recently moved and she's been having major issues at her new place
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>I wish someone would just translate the whole stream
last time there were translators taking shifts, i'm sure it'll be the same this time around
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There'll definitely be translated clips, but I think most of the live translators gave up when EN debuted.
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sex catto
i was referring to live tl, retard
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fatto sex catto
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sex catto
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sex the fatto catto
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catto de sexo
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sex the fatto catto de sexo
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egg on da catto
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doog on da catto

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