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fruitpunch LOVE

>Latest & Upcoming
Schedule: https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1871117314969784450

>Recent Streams
Coughing Baby Award Show w/ Fauna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfN4C_sledc
Christmas Tree Decoration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbDELZf4QKc
Christmas Karaoke: >>92252216

Matryoshka Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILpEFrK1F5I
Igaku Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_N1uEAHk10
Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Winter Delights! Date Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_winterdelightsdatevoice
Christmas Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_christmasvoice2024
Secret Island Summer Prequel Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_islandprequelvoice

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

Previous: >>92313230
gigi is cool.
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man, their better not be a picture of gigi eating a burger in this thread.
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Unfortunately, the S2 budget was blown on the NL cameo
If Reya gets absorbed/recruited into Holo, Gigi would be very happy but Ceci would be very jealous. Ceci doesn't like sharing and she will murder Reya in her sleep. Women are dangerous
To season 1, season 2 will have a choir of coughing babies
actually I hope she just keeps getting hired for event streams like these, let her keep her own brand as Reya and just have her as a consultant of sorts
I'm all for Cover outsourcing work to fans properly, but I hope today's stream was a one off when it comes to their specific setup for it.
The restreaming and chroma-key bullshit is horrible and completely destroyed the quality. It was really fucking bad.
There's been a ton of others who have done that. Just look at Kanauru. Kiara started his induction by hiring him for a bunch of 3d stuff for a while and everyone liked it so they started to use him for a bunch of stuff, JP included. You already see it with Nerissa asking Reya to help with her project.
I just realized the reason why the audio was normal this time was because Reya was the one streaming
>everyone liked it
I hate that fucking creep and his shitty videos.
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>Lilly Hopps
Well a lot of talents seem to like it, so sucks to be you I guess.
Honestly, she probably would have had a really good baby cough.
Filtered by the vibe check
Ok I finally had time to start the karaoke.
>Restraining order
Whoever replied to me saying that it's way crazier than her previous stories, my god.
gigi cute
The whimpering really sells it and makes me want to scoop her up and hold her.
I need Season 2 with JP senpais before Fauna goes...
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Mark my words, people would expect Miko or Luna to win it but it'd be a Botan sweep
Hags make the best babus
I like the work Reya/the mouse did but honestly it's a bad look for Cover that talents need to employ the help of independent contractors to run their events. I get that they have a lot of talents now to organize, but Hololive is not a small indie company. This is exactly the kind of thing that a vtuber company should have staff available to work on and organize.
it would sound like a smoker cough
Everyone knows Cover is gay and is 100% focusing on HoloEarth and getting corpo merch/paid collabs and nothing else.
weren't they supposed to be making a proper open-world game?
i don't see the problem if Cover is covering the costs
>Cover should have internal artists to run their events
Do you know how retarded you sound? The 3d lives are produced externally and the only thing Cover does internally is record the talents.
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If we left things up to Cover we would never have cool things like the baby coughing contest tonight. The corporate bureaucracy would kill these things in their crib
That was such an amazing stream. So much fun, I was grinning like a retard the entire time.
wish fruitpunch wasnt dying next week
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Gi night gwems.
gi night, grem!
i'm a bad grem
i didn't draw at all today
It's true so might as well go out with a bang, LIVE WEDDING then Fauna will disappear like that scene in whatever the anime is
This goofy idea went better than Ame's goofy idea of a spelling bee.
>look up Reya
>she's sheepstickd
Ame doesn't understand the concept of hiring a producer to do the BTS for you while you focus on hosting the event. Spelling bee was way more ambitious for an event and definitely needed extra staff to help
I think you're referring to gurren lagann
I genuinely can't imagine hololive without this fucking ridiculous gremlin
This is fucking astronomical praise
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Yeah plus Ame is a retard and talentless
Gigi Fauna Rissa played a game of league
i can't believe it, it all comes back to dota, i'm feeling so nostalgic
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I work maintenance at a semiconductor fab. Millions and millions of $$$ pumped into that place all the time. We still hire outside contractors to do the a bunch of the more specialty or time-sensitive work. Nobody I work with even has a 608, let alone a boiler license. Can't cover all your bases.
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Gigi 6 month celebration
is fruitpunch doomed yuri? theyre going to be forever separated…
GG is destined for doomed yuri, there's no other way
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gi night, grems!
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gi night sleepy!
Alright guys I will say this since you are all anons anyway
At first I didn't really care for GG, I thought I would oshi ERB or CC based on their debuts (also I was ERB fan before ERB, her voice is pretty recognizable)
Then the Crazy Taxi stream - okay?
Then the CCGG's Last of Us - okayyyyy....
Then the ENReco - okay okay this is something
Then the 21st September - DAMN OKAY SHE IS SOMETHING
Then her birthday
Then her collabs with everyone.
Then coughing baby, and here we are.
Now not that I dislike the rest of Justice or anything, I think they are great on their own but oshing GG could be the greatest decision I have ever had regarding this vtubing thing, like I truly want to be a better person just because my oshi is this good of a person. I can't wait to be surprised by her again, and again and many more times in the future.
Happy 6-month anni you grems.
Welcome to the shoebox pal
happy 6 months anniversary! yeah, it's crazy how much she's surprised me and continues to surprise me. she's the best!
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threadly reminder that Gigi is my wife and I love her and she loves me
>no more time for one on one collabs with Fauna
Thanks Gigi.
gigi cute !
no die
>Last of Us
I think you meant A Way Out grem
>implying others would have collabed
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Lewd! This is lewd! amazing
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I can't get over how great Gigi is.
gigi is really something... she might be what finally gets me to fly out to a fes, assuming she will be performing.
*spreads Gigi's cheeks*
I liked gg on debut I just couldn't tell how real she was
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I could tell Gigi would be special and a great addition during her debut. I always beleebed in her.
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I wanna be attacked by Gigi's teeth
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Fangs are the best.
She'll tear your lips off if you surprise kiss her!
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>find the best stream chemistry shes ever had in gigi


fauna finds**** i am retard please excuse
no it works better ambiguously because its true for Amelia too
I wish they had longer together on stream... I'm sure they'll still be close off stream, but I really enjoy seeing their interactions so I'm going to miss it a lot
do you suppose they're getting new costumes this stream?
Might announce the kimono dates
it's now or never
I would like to go on a romantic kimono date with Gigi
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it's either kimonos or a group orisong. and merch.
I want a Gigi kissing booth at the next irl convention she attends
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We're just getting started
If Popo is a bird, why does he bark?
parrots imitate noises. i know an african grey who loves shouting "PISS."
Is the parrot's owner a professional sniper perchance?
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Polly, what's the code to the safe?
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it is now gigi time

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