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Previous thread: >>92322136
> It's Not a Phase - Nanashi Mumei & Ceres Fauna
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
>List of Songs / Karaokes
>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos
>5th Fes
>Youtube Channel:
>Merch (Birthday merch 2024 order period ends 9th Sept. JST)

Reminder: >>1 #
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
Streams / M.E.S.
>【MEMBERS ONLY】 oh hi oh hi oh hi
>【UNARCHIVED | 歌枠】Christmas Christmas Time Is Here
>「MV」It's Not a Phase - Nanashi Mumei & Ceres Fauna
Owl Mentions:

Useful links
>Fanart hunting links
>Tools : QOL & YouTube recorders

>Library of /who/LEXandria
>Most recommended streams if you're new.
>List of members streams + brief descriptions
>Database Backup

OP template: https://rentry.org/7uy87
Updates / additions:
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This but Mumei and Botan.
I'd legit love to see a Mumei Bae concert.
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Mumei's baby cough...
Mumei baby...
That coolmei? Just a baby
That baby? Mine.
now this is a proper crack pairing
Mumei is just admiring the anatomy.
I'm gonna go Meeming tonight.
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I'm not sure why Chihaya suddenly became the sex holo of her gen. I mean her model is sexy but not that much more than the others.
Also her name fucks me up because the real Chihaya to me will always be the first one I knew
Man is Chihaya thick. Perfect body design.
For me it's Niko.
She’s got thick thighs and big tits, and Niko’s the only one who can compete with her on the latter front.
I mean, she's Ryza's imouto.
oh, that explains the thighs
What's in the sack?
The indomitable human spirit.
Your balls
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Luv Moom!
This is aggressively cute. Like she can eviscerate me and I'd just think about how cute she is.
Sleep well, /who/.
gn hootie
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Fat fuck
It's dangerously cute indeed.
Too bad cover might throw a wrench if they don't like the idea of CC rigging up some sort of alt-models too frequently.
I mean it's really great that she is able to just rig up some stuff for what are basically one offs - but there is some precedent with cover being turbo autistic about those things..
flat fuck
She forgot to wake up from her nap...
Big if true, she needs all the sleep she can get these days...
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Cover rather commission an artist to make chibis per gen. That is how Myth and Promise got their official chibi models. And since Mumei already has her official chibi model, getting a second one would be fucking with the brand a bit yes. I could see Advent and Justice just getting the same variation of the chibis they have been using for VR though. Better than those fucking ugly as shit Minecraft style models that people used to use for Advent.
I liked them, they were distinct even if they were not pretty.
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/who/ divegrass anon here,

Quick update re: this season's Friendlies; /who/ will be playing against /wah/ in the upcoming Unity Cup 2 on Saturday January 4th, and after them against whoever they meet in the brackets.

For this match the players will be a bit shuffled compared to their usual positions for the sake of variety/comedy. Some of the forwards for this match are already decided and have goalhorns but some don't. Do you guys have any preference for which players you want to see in attack, and what goalhorns would you give them in that case?

The pre-/vt/ League 8 polls will begin soon-ish as soon as the Friendlies stuff is sorted, but feel free to start discussing anything here already.

As always, all the stuff is in the wiki.


Keep calm and moom responsibly.
Things can only get better, so who knows maybe the switch up works
Napping with Nyanashi.
We're so back
Thanks manechan
Is she breathing...
The Moomers are still mooming..
I want mumi in the oozora police event
bae is there so it could go really well or really bad for her
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>Guilty for playing LOL
now it all makes sense, mumei
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cute owl
Lucky dude. I want to raise an owl too.
I miss meem
[Spoiler]that sneaky creature[/spoiler]
Anon....your spoiler reps....
Anon, your elipses…
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Point and laugh, everyone
I miss Namu, the bottomheavy sneakthief that stile my heart.
Anon, your spelling reps...
Hooties are extra doopid today
Za Moom
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I miss mumei
Kronii memba last night was pure fish autism and made me miss Moom even more.
Fuck off. Didn't ask.
No one cares, go away
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Owls are not sexy.
Good morning hoomans and hooties! Luv Moom!
owls are hentai
mumei would never
that's not what animol told me
Moom should sit on my face
I don't remember making that post.
Because I made that post.
That's one law Mumei doesn't want to break.
>Some of the forwards for this match are already decided and have goalhorns but some don't.
Which players are in positions that could score but don't have goalhorns yet? I don't know what all these positions mean
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Lex, Caffeinated (maybe), Owl Cams, You Have to Wonder, I'm Moomin, Tatta Futari (although that one is obvious), anyone that's a forward or a winger. Mimei, Jawamei, Nyanashi and the usual attackers all have had their goalhorns for a while, even if they haven't played yet.

They don't all really need a goalhorn, but some of them should just to avoid having the generic one play too often.

Also, AVE! will have It's Not A Phase for this one instead of the usual.
Christmas Day is actually the start of the twelve days of Christmas, and Christmas Season doesn't end until the twelth night.
Merry Christmas, cont.
Morning hooman!
what happened to the window in the top middle
There is a lot of other weird stuff going on like whater is under the fireplace.
The Christmas holiday is inherently ritualistic
why are they burning the meem?
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Tickling Mumei until she's a cackling, sobbing mess!
She made the fire and is standing ominously in front of it.
Don't worry about it. Just don't feed her after midnight. No matter what she is promising.
Touch moom face
With my tongue.
I dunno I gave her a slice of pizza and she seemed fine. Got a lot of sauce on her face though.
Dont Sleep Tonight
Why wouldn't I sleep? Meem is harmless and cute.
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Good Moomin' hooman!
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She is cute, but...
ahh... chill day
Good Moomin' to you partner!
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Me to any Grem
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>trivia asmr
>heartbeat looped
>Fauna no talking ASMR
>Midnight Blue Sleep noise
My nap will surpass all previous naps
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Good Moomin' pardner!
It was nice knowing you hootie, see you on the other side.
Pondering the Morb...
Licking the Meem.
Breeding the meem
Owl is not for sex. Hugs and headpats only.
That includes Meem.
Congrats on your pregnancy. I'm sure Meem will be a good father.
I'm right here
Muman is dead. Nanathan is still on the search for the culprit.
It’s so boring without her
>Chased by an owl with a dagger
We already know who done did it... It was __Namu_____
namu's hooties are known as Nuties
Namu just stole his inheritance.
Namu did nothing wrong!
Now I want to see Mumei on Watame Did Borderline Nothing Wrong
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Has she really not been on the show yet? That's kind of surprising.
Yeah it's a bit surprising, but I think she'd do well in a short skit. I could see her and Watame committing some kind of crime.
I'm heading to Nana-11 for some scratchers, anyone need anything?
Get me some Zinc vitamins
onigiri onigai
lewd Nanamu 2025 calendar
Is okayugiri fine?
Hootie chili please
That's like 80% fat though...
They only got Lamy in stock.
In which color?
Pink and blue. Green's sold out.
i'll take the pink one please
Alright. It comes with a free bottle of mayo too.
Zinc or Zinc+?

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