Where's my indie corpo gang?
>>92548462What do you mean indie corpo? Like small corpos? There's a general for that.
>>92548462how can you be both an indie and a corpo? Either you own your IP or you don't.
>>92549080You can own your IP and still be part of a corpo, though because of the big players this concept has been lost and only a handful of small groups actually take this approach.
Judging from the picture I'm guessing op means ex corpo Indies. Mint is gone so the gang is on hiatus .
>>92549145I know NOA does that, which is the main reason Sayu joined. Vshojo does too. It's pretty rare though. Even Phase though forces invaders to go through some weird loophole like Jelly took in order to not hand over their IP.
>>92549181It's hard to call it a gang of 2, isn't it? Dooby hangs out off stream but they've only really collaborated on that concert.
>>92548462If their collab group continues being a thing I could see them releasing some shared merch.
>>92549213Yeah I guess I'd say the ex corpos don't have a collective identity yet. Hope that lemon reaches out.
>>92549458That's likely for the best. They don't have anything tying them together and the few who did manage to stay close friends kept together. (Kuro, Mata, Michi, Mint/Mata, and Doki/Mint respectively)I don't expect much overlap between Dooby and Lily, but I wouldn't be surprised if all of them end up being kidnapped by Mint for the metal gear/idol mines.
>>92548462Adding onto the dogpile of this shitty bait. I'll bite it alright, if only to break the hook and laugh.