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Race Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse General!

We love mouse in this house, we may also coom to her.

This is the thread to discuss Ironmouse and her streams. Please avoid discussions that are not relevant to Mouse or her streams.

Image Source: https://x.com/Malik_Torihane/status/1874848125149692110

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@MouseClipsOfficial
VODS: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/aN3iXtPm

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Previous Thread: >>92697697
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mouse got a mouth infection didn't she....
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I wonder how
Says she can't talk so likely she got pneumonia and a nasty throat thing. Larangitis.
cant wait for the stalker to show up and ruin another stream
candi already ruined herself and misery loves company
Love me some Mouse, whether solo stream or with friends
She won't fuck you. I also like Mouse streams but I'm not a boring person with no opinions and I prefer solo even if I like collabs. I also think collabs have been spammed for the last few months.
So chances of toreba today?
So chances of 3D today?
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mouse has been very interested in our dicks recently
Dick rating stream any day now.
almost assuredly zero
marvel rivals only
>mouse was going to skip stream to play rivals
what a surprise
Rivals or woman game she is addicted
I think vchiban is busy atm so we got lucky for now.
She hates chat simple as.
Still no word on the discord watchalong.
looking a bubis you delusional chair sitters
candi would drop vchiban for mouse she's that much of a leech
Mouse would give very enthusiastic gummies
She sounds like her mouth is partially numb.
>I'm tired of Marvel Rivals she should just play it offline
>plays it offline
> reeeeeeeeeeeee why she no stream????
Buy a chair
fuck off connorfag no one cares what you think
Buy your own.
Chatters making it obvious they only care about Connor.
okay but what about connor
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Nta but stream>no stream
monkesperg post recap you pussy ass bitch
no stream>candii and rivals spam
broken record
ill take no stream and 90% of the chatters agree with me
I'd submit mine
No they don't because you could just not watch and it has the same effect.
last time she polled it rivals lost hard to subnautica and “some other game” so not even far off
Wrong. I will always take a Mouse stream
I would prefer solo and not rivals but stream is still better than no stream.
I really hope the new model has a sit and a yump.
>talking about debut for birthday
>unfortunately... who knows
connor flaked again for her birthday calling it now
no stream is better than mouse mindlessly staring at more ranked rivals because candii cant get her own content
Sorry they are too sexy for seiso Mouse.
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Then don't watch those streams you dumb fuck. Steam>no stream always without exception.
Are you retard she's been saying for 2 streams that the birthday might be postponed because of her health and family issues
no stream>mouse low effort slop 100% of the time because people want to watch mouse and not her lie her face off in a never ending collab spree
you said it she mentioned those before why stop now unless it is something different
The auction is never happening. Just add it to the dead forever goals
broken record
Again your logic makes you extremely dumb.
What are you even saying lil bro you are just trying to find excuses to sperg. She talked two times about this already
again your taste is so bad it’s pathetic
>Mouse completely hiding her BLTs from us
she can't hide them forever
Anon I want solo more than anything but some Mouse is better than non how ducking stupid are you.
It's my fault for all the bouncing webms i made yesterday
Mouse please don't take bouncing BLTs from us.
either way its no mouse because she’s not even present for her own stream and passes off entertaining her community to candii who cant entertain anyone how ducking stupid are you
Mouse instead of just a game list can you have a solo non game list too please
Mouse hates coomers and will get rid of all of you even if she needs to pay to get all her models covered.
she cant get out of bad collabs long enough to even beat subnautica or schedule elden ring so thats never happening
This bitch is so cute
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I respect it
...so. Don't. Watch.
You toilet water drinking moron.
so get some taste short bus anon, some of us watch mouse not her boring friends
I don't even need her body to make lewd webms. Get wrecked loser
I want nothing more in life that to hear Mouse's real moans of pleasure.
NTA, but I don't understand this larp. You've been doing this for months now.
Mouse when you bring back patreon or open a fansly can you please bring back the semi lewd mmds.
this but not semi
Oh fuck yeah bideos today lets go. I do feel bad for the couple of people who have been asking for toreba though. I haven't seen them mentioning it in chat anymore I think they gave up.
Can you also release a 3D model for the sub goal. I really want to see what games people can mod you into.
I mean yeah I would take fully lewd ones but I'm not sure Mouse will ever consider that route again even if it makes me very sad.
there was one who donated with a message saying it was for that but mouse ignored it so I think they figured after that there was no point
Mouse doesn't care even if people paid good money to get these goals done.
3 years of goals
she has toreba as a sub goal so she has to do it at some point but if it really is videos into subnautica then it will still be a good stream
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Sue Storm can get it
>has to do it at some point
Kek Anon I've wanted the cpr cover for nearly 2 years now but she managed to get a dandadan cover out in a matter of weeks. She doesn't care what we want.
she's had better designs
chinesium slop
once she pushed off doing it before christmas it was never happening. we might get it next december.
Because CPR is a shit song and a waste of time.
Man I want this part of Mouse back so much. I'm happy with her streams and how she is but I miss her being OK with making some lewd or lewdish content or merch.
People still wanted it a on even if you don't and it was a goal it should be done.
its a terrible song but people paid for it therefore i want it
Mouse has zero respect for the money people paid and the time they spent earning it because she's rich now.
>solo chatting with chat
>talking about rivals
monke's paw
>tts desperate enough to ask about puerto rican food to change the topic
>mouses tft
cant blame chat for trying to get her onto something else
>mouse stops the music says time for bideos
>everyone saying bideos happy for them in chat
>mouse immediately says unless restarts the music and goes back to chatting
now that is just mean mouse why you got to do that to us
>Mouse bought the green suit.
Handcam stream might actually happen.
I will cry like a bitch at how proud of her I will be.
Well she bought the asmr mic and the eye trackers years ago and only recently she used the eye tracker. It doesn't mean much when we are talking about mouse
So we should get a asmr stream any day now. Asmr Mouse kisses
I hate being on this branch of the timeline. We could have had this.
Mouse doesn't even acknowledge being lewd anymore.
Connor shamed her out of it.
The real broken record is the fag constantly whining about Mouse being less openly lewd. Get the fuck over it faggot.
Almost like if you start watching something and a part of it completely changes after years of enjoying it its going to upset people
Get over it manchild
I just want the patreon content and sexy merch back
well we have another obsession to look forward to now
she plays BD off stream
pete was planning on playing it with her on stream
I know for a fact there are multiple anons.
the majority of us even.
Yeah Mouse being sus or lewd has always been entertaining
Ok. Multiple anons need to get over it
daily dose time
I think people forget how much of a drastic change it was. Mouse was literally part of a podcast called lewdcast, her patreon tagline was 'your lewd demon waifu' her stream offline image has her reading hentai and so many more things.
I mean one of her dreams was to be a hentai va. Her great moans don't come from nowhere she practiced that.
She has abandoned that goal now unfortunately
shit eater
noone but you want it
good his whore should be private with him not you losers
That's simply not true
it's been 5 years and admitted she did it for reacts
>his whore
exotic slut
>mouse wouldn't mind her ass being smacked on the first date
they were talking food?
Even after she stopped overdoing it for reactions she was still lewd Anon. She never said her being lewd was a lie she just over did it before 2020
I like her more now
actually normal anon
2021 was peak. Not overdoing it but still lewd. Mouse overcompensated
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I bet she does masturbate daily
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is this blackface?
mouse creaming on stream
Mouse horny for the hot men dressed as women.
I love Mouse
I mean Bubi is called Bubi because is sounds like boobies.
Mouse has always been degen
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this is a great video
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Mouse guys like that often do get lots even if they shouldn't. Being a cunt pays off for some reason.
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Thank you Mouse for being so bouncy
If only she'd bring back the occasional moan.
chat bideos time
I like Etoiles, but he should probably stick with streaming and smash.
kys freak
>half an hour long gtarp video
oh god
Prude melty
I like moans and Mouse makes godly moans sometimes on stream.
I need to sleep someone let me know if Mouse says what day she plans to do the discord watchalong.

this video physically hurts me
maximum melty mouse changed
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I appreciate the increase in s3 art
Cringe incarnate.
I hate that I understood most of that.
She not going to do it. She keeps saying she will but she doesn't want to make the time to do something with her community.
What would you do if you saw that amount of cleavage in public?
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>Mouse sees an elephant's massive cock
Mouse is such a size queen. My tiny white penis would never be enough to satisfy her
what would you do if see ironmouse naked sleepwalking in hotel?
barricade around her and call the hospital because that is dangerous af for her
ask her how she's able to walk all of a sudden
This sleepwalking video is fake, right?
It feels like it. I haven't experienced anyone who sleepwalks this coherently with full on conversations back and forth with someone else. But who knows I'm not an expert.
I'm gullible as fuck, but this is too extreme to be an actual case of sleepwalking. The bit isn't even funny.
just have a 12inch barbed penis like bubi
worked at a mental ward sleep walking patients are the scariest shit in the world
the fact the dude is just watching this and not leading her to bed or waking her up is weird
You really aren't supposed to wake a sleep walker up unless they about to do something really stupid or dangerous. They can fight back out of confusion.
depends but generally it is recommended to at least try to lead them back to a bed or couch of some kind
>I like predator
What does ironmouse mean?
it is well known mouse wishes she could be bred by predators
>Actor that plays the predator is black
That explains why Mouse likes them so much.
Latinas hate black people it's gene coded
This is a cute concept for a video too bad I know nothing about KH
I never knew the Weather Channel had such a dramatic OST
oh Jesus bigfoot
channel 5 nice these videos are always wild
ahh I understand why skip but sadge
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>Modern bigfoot are the descendants of the bodyguards of alien gold miners
Now that's the good shit
They are very entertaining but definitely get too political for Mouse.
the coomers should just watch rose
Pink Love!
alert mouse had a pussy wedgie
ass wedgie
Alright was it a pussy or ass wedgie?
I feel like a pussy Mouse actually got back before me from a bathroom break and I actually got weirdly emotional for a second.
Mouse confirmed she has almost regained full mobility. So proud of the Rat's improvement
all the walking around the house for her pops
Hopefully we get a stream or tweet of her pov walking
>People are stupid
She's talking to (you)
especially you
This woman so fucking stupid
I think I've had enough bideos now.
Squeaky clean, actually, so both
go to sleep then I'll watch for u
it is a connor clip there is no funny mouse
immediately laughs BTFO speed record
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not ban sus
will never make mouse laugh like her bf
Like a mouse
where do these fucking people even come from there is a new one every stream
like the gooners
From all the YT shorts with millions of views where they act like an old married couple
2020 yt clips?
The best thing about Mouse's new chat members is very few of them care about Connor so we rarely have to deal with his clips.
shippers like gooners do not realize that all of those clips are acting and they cannot get over the lack of new clips not realizing that mouse does not want to pretend anymore
how many more months until mouse finishes subnautica?
Exactly she was tired of pretending to be his GF so she actually became his GF
I guess not many since Monke is forcing her hand.
I assume he wants her to finish first since she has stopped playing games in the past after watching him complete it.
RIP Resident evil 4
>actually became his GF
why would that matter mouse doesnt watch him anymore
Today is once again a good stream I almost feel spoiled. I know from previous times this has happened that it won't last much longer before mouse regresses but I will still enjoy this greatly for as long as it does last.
post recap dead weight
Rose is as open as Mouse used to be but does she even make anything remotely lewd?
And no I like Mouse, she's not replaceable.
Mouse still has plenty of appeal to coomers even if I'm sad we lost a lot.
Will Mouse's Patreon ever return?
fuck no
I really don't see why she made thousands of dollars from it even if she hadn't put anything on it in years
I had patreon and I didn't care if she posted or not it was just extra support and iam tier 3 sub
I was a Patron for years and I held onto hope she would start doing things for it again. Mmds, photos, meetups, stream and watchalongs I like them all.
it won't be back unless the last 2 years of her streaming career she uses it to maximize retirement money
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Anything besides discussing streams.
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It's a chill subnautica game session what should we live post about? Would you like updates on which resource Mouse is gathering?
Nice Vell you know what to do
I want it and the content she was supposed to make for it to come back.
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ironmouse is sexy
Love subnautica
Love Mouse
Same gonna watch orca play it too
Those pop pop pop notquitekissesbutkinda were all mine.
So Mouse has meetings today, stream chance is low given she said she would stream if they don't run long which given history is most likely no but who knows we may get surprised.
Also good chances connor is streaming today she said he would come back at the 3rd, so if he do stream she already have the perfect excuse
Jesus Christ, she just finished streaming you greedy bastard
I'm just informing the thread on what Mouse said her plans are for tonight retard
>hates coomers
>commission models made for them
retard, if there is something she loves more than pity baiting is gathering coomers.
I love coomers btw
Please do another fanart stream soon Mouse. Love them.
Thanks Mouse we love you too
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Is mouse smoking
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>2nd image
mouse would prefer two in the back instead
Nice also that would be the actual height difference
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Yeah pretty accurate
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with how mouse acted in vr when they were at their real heights for once I wonder if she would be disappointed in how short he actually is irl when they meet.
It was funny how she couldn't accept that being accurate and made herself shorter again
the only thing she would be disappointed if he's a 10 second chump
Yes. See >>92887535 there is a reason Bubi is 7 ft tall her size difference kink goes hard.
With all the women he's fucking he probably lasts just fine.
>with all the women he's fucking
There are a lot of Mouse's after all.
multiverse of mouses always has a bubi and monke is it NTR if they fuck different versions?
but she uses imp bubi like a dildo
connorfags try not to shit up the thread with ideas mouse finds disgusting challenge impossible
post recap CNN
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I'm going to plap this rat
you streaming today monke?
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Any rat update?
no stream today
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Today is a bad day then
Did Mouse give any update on the discord watchalong yet?
What? She mentioned the other week she still planned to do it and I missed some parts of stream and just want to know if she mentioned it again.
she will be playing rivals offline after meetings
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idc, it's her TFT like her bfs keep it off actual stream
bubi plaps the rat
That is not the same because they don't lose streams for it.
Nta but there was a week straight of fucking league
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ironmouse is sexy
Anon only 200 people showed up for the last two of these and her Discord has gotten less active since. What even is the point? It's a weird thing to get hung up on. I'd take a stream over a no model reaction to a movie any day.
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>weird thing to get hung up on
It's a far weirder thing for you to think you are ever going to change that dumbass faggot into anything but a whiny bitch. You are by far a bigger retard than he is.
Anon its something for people who support her and I like them as do many other also I'm pretty sure you are wrong on that number.
>whiny bitch
I posted twice asking if Mouse had mentioned it how does that make me whiny.
Her viewers generally don't drop for Rivals though unlike with him and TFT. It's actually the opposite of his situation.
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I just want to clarify for the thread that there have been no announcements and that anon is baiting you.
Its not about numbers but them maybe it is for Mouse too and that's why she's abandoned all the community stuff she used to do.
at least pretend to watch mouse
why is she so mad about Vedal's numbers than?
Patreon meetups gone
Patreon streams gone
Watchalongs gone
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we got a fully solo stream of videos and subnautica which was a refreshing step in the right direction
patreon is also worthless
he's a broken record don't bother
>patreon is also worthless
How so? she got thousands from it every month.
It deserves to live
Mouse hates coomers, she will never bring it back.
Mouse unironically has had great streams recently. The bigger question is will that continue?

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