The dinogura roam these lands.Previous Thread: >>92916132
>>92953490I let you down chumbie. I just woke up now
All my pc parts finally came in. Now to begin the building process.
>>92974160Glad to hear deadRAMbud
Sex with a fembud.
>>92974160ive been procrastinating sitting on parts for a literal yearto be fair, im pretty sure i got a bad psu that fried itself but i got a replacement now
oh hey it's this schizo thread again
any buds have to deal with snow yet?
>>92978445I live in the southwest. All we get is dry air and dust
>>92978445chicago here, no snow which is simultaneously worrying and a relief
Stay warm and comfy buds
>>92978702this dino wants to migrate
Might get pizza later
Remember Gura is god.
I'm hungry
dinos are hardy creaturesthey can adapt to a variety of environments
>>92989223This image made my think about Arizona for some reason. I should travel there some day and see the canyon.
some consider dinos to be an invasive speciesbut it is hard to keep them out>>92989863good eye, I put "arizona desert" in the prompt
>>92989863play new vegas and enhance your experience so you can make this face when you see something you remember from the game
My hunger headaches are setting in
Is time to move on.
burger time
>>92996838That's a big burger
I ended up making an egg salad sandwich instead
>>92997455>big burgshe will portion it out for three meals, good thinking shork
da dino
ITT Soft faggot thread that cant hang
Good night /cc/.
>>93015952dino dreams bud
>>93015952goob night bud
>>93019169Good night bud.
>>93019441Sorry bud I'll be awake for a couple more hours. I just like the comfy sleep dino
>>93023085at least it ain't the dino getting eaten
>>93024905the Dino was next after Tempura Gura, Ame is just the only one left
Now is the time to hit the sack. See you buds tomorrow
>>93025445dino dreams
>went to bed>wake up 3 HOURS later fully rested, impossible to get back to sleep because i feel 100% awakeIts going to be a miserable day isnt it?
>>93026147i want to go to sleep but i have a big headache and i can't
Last ggg thread was so shit that the creator forgot to make a new one?
ggg has fallen. This shall be our new home now.