I'm talking about in general.>Literally any corpo: Does something sus/horrible>Talent: Graduates/Gets Terminated/Suffers if they stayEveryone's response no matter what: >Corpo Good :D>Talent Bad >:(Yes I know there's a "few" outliers, but for the most part this is what I see across the board.>Contracts, and Lawyers involved = we may never get the full story. So talent = bad, because it was too "vague" and they just wanna "ruin the corpo" those ungrateful swine!Why? Why isn't the corpo ever at fault?
>>93183336People ended up becoming the very people they hate. That's all there is to it.
Because you can't take people seriously when they're bitching about the easiest job in the world.
>>93183836What about it makes it so easy?
>>93183836How is:Dancing, Singing, Multi-Language(in some cases), Recording Music, Voice Acting(Recording), Acting(in some cases, in say 3D), Using OBS(Or whatever program), using 3D or Live2D programs to manage their models, reacting to chat, reacting to chat while playing a game, or reacting to chat while doing some of the above simultaneously. Attending meetings, managing DMs, managing projectsConsidered "easiest job in the world"
>>93183953>>93184251lmao literally just stream
nothing here has any value
>>93184367Why do you watch Hololive then? Because you just want to yell "WHORE" at people you don't like?
>>93184367When we are talking about a corporation, NO "steam" is NOT what the "Corporation" demands.Us fans? YESThis is why indies are superior(not talents vs talents, but why being an indie is superior to being in a corpo, literally just stream)So I halfway agree with you.
>>93184622stream* not steam
>>93184622But anon, indies don't get any numbers and aren't under some imaginary code that I put every talent under
you don't even have to stream
>>93183836Dealing with you is far from easy.
>>93184733As an indie you don't need huge numbers to get rich by playing video games.
>>93185077I know you're right anon, but if you say that in /#/ everyone will look at you like you're an alien
>>93183336Be honest, you only mean Hololive. No other corpo gets that level of intellectual charity from the audience, and Holo gets it because every single graduate still speaks well of their "old jobs". Even the batshit insane one who got fired.
>>93185314/#/ is full of aliens, don't go there
>>93185338Don't call Mel batshit insane please.
>>93183336I honestly think it's only here where that opinion dominates. Maybe whatever hellhole nijisisters hang out too.
>>93183336Because the rules are the only reason western women are watchable. If it wasn't for the rules I'd go back to holoJP because /lig/ whores are a disaster.
>>93183336Asian collectivism vs Anglo individualism
>>93185813What if I told you corporatefags ended up becoming the very Nijiniggers they hated?
>>93185850Can you elaborate more? Is this a personal bias, or have you only watched a few of them(indies) or is it just all the ones you tried were very similar so that was it for you? I'm curious to hear your in-depth explanation.
>>93183836You've never worked for a large Japanese company.
>>93186255Yeah, sad but true to an extent I can see that.
>>93186361To an extent? It's clear as day. And all it took was for 3 graduations for them to completely 180 on their stances of standing up for the girls. It wasn't until Fauna graduated that when people finally started to realize this when I've been figuring this out since the first one.
Imagine leaving Hololive because you wanted to collab with males and shondo
>>93186543Solid arguments honestly.
>>93186557Or just want to do things at their own paceNo, you need the NUMBERS or you're a WHORERetard
>>93186816THE NUMBERS... SHOW ME THE NUMBERS!!!(couldn't find a relevant enough funny picture)
>>93183336most saplings would still watch fauna in the future, antis(almost everyone on the catalog) are exceptions and exceptions don't make the rule. You shouldn't spend too much time on /vt/ or listen to dramafags. people outside here(the normal people) are still going to follow and watch the talents after they graduate.
>>93184251And yet fauna effectively refused to do 3/4 of that kek
>>93187582How do you know this exactly? Source? Links?
>>93186543Yeah, it has been sad to see /vt/ go apeshit on 90+ girls as bootlickers, snakes, and whatelse for simply saying that whatever issues those 4 graduates had don't apply to them. Even in cases where they actually sympathized with said issues regardless of their own position.
>>93187862>Even in cases where they actually sympathized with said issues regardless of their own position.You really could have just highlighted this because way too many people here are part of the black and white thought that ruins this kind of discourse in the first place. Honestly, it's not the graduations and freedom to do whatever, but the fact that there's no grey area at all for the most part while discussing this.
>>93185462Oh fuck, I forgot about Mel. Just like the rest of this board.
>>93187988Yes, exactly this 100%It's fine to like something and still have issues with it. It's why video games need feedback to become better for example.Feedback does not equal = disliking the game. I can play it still, but I would enjoy it even more if it was better.
>>93186261NTA, but I've watched Dooby, Kson, Dokibird, Mint Fantome, Matarakan, and Michi Michovee. The only one who isn't even more intolerable than when she was a corpo is Mint.
>>93188260I guess I feel better now after seeing you agree with me. Whether or not people here understand this or not that's my real concern. Granted this is a very new community compared to the gaming one so it might be why they're not ready to have healthy discussions about this just yet.It's OK to question things you like. It can be good. Wanting them to do better in the future is OK. I have no idea why constructive criticism is seen as a personal attack here.
>>93183836This is a genuine opinion, and basically the average IQ of the board.
>>93188551Real talk, I think most people here have Nijisister PTSD. If you so much as "insinuate" you disagree with anything hololive related, they immediately think it's a pro niji post. Even if you just recently stated why you also don't like nijisanji either.Or if you mention your favorite corpo while disagreeing with another (Like say Phase Connect or Vshojo as examples) your invalidated because its obvious you are being bias. (according to them)Obviously every corpo including Vshojo has had their ups and downs as well. But the main thing>If we just bury everything under the rug, all of the corpos never have to change anything, and are never accountable for anything, allowing corruption to inevitably reign should it arrive.
>>93188754See the following:>>93184251>>93184622Unless you aren't agreeing with it, then carry on
>>93188380Some like kson I get it but some of the names here are strange to me because they act the exact same they always have. Doki is 100% just selen in a different outfit, even more so than mint v pomu (Mint has less opportunities to be unhinged or chaotic).Matara and michi , who I don't dislike but never watched a lot of, seem to be yapping about the same shit they always did. Niji wasn't stopping those two from saying the shit they say now cuz it's all super safe material.
Shit isn't complicated. Show up, do your job, get paid. Shiori is a runt, but shows up. Kronii hates her job, shows up, gets paid.
>>93189154Congrats, you have recognized that the anon you talked to was lying their ass off. You're not going to get honest conversation out here in the catalog, anon. You're just going to get drive by baiters and seething monkeys dropping hot takes and vamoosing. Though I admit things in here have been a lot more chill than I expected from this thread.
>>93183836Yeah but they aren't necessarily complaining they just left. That's what gets the reaction out of you guys. They just quit the job and you guys freak out.
>>93189154>cuz it's all super safe materialhttps://x.com/ENVTubersOOC/status/1876297868052677041https://x.com/ENVTubersOOC/status/1874886765108224503
>>93189329This may be a shock to you but not everyone is poor enough to have to endure a job they don't like anymore, especially if their managers suck.
>>93188978I get called a Nijisister for saying those things too anon. I'm not anti-Cover, I just want happy talents. If they're happy great, if they're not then attention should be paid as to why and consideration should be given for the company to improve on what they may be lacking. It really doesn't have to be all of one or all of the other. The girls know it, higher up staff knows it, why don't some of the fans? Shouldn't they trust their oshis or those in charge if that were the case?
>>93189477Do you think that finding two clips from an "out of context" cilpper is going to prove that you actually watch Matara and Michi? Or do you think it is going to do the opposite and expose that you don't watch either of them?
>>93189546I wasn't anti-cover but I'm slowly becoming anti-cover (and anti-corpo in general) because of how many anti-talents posts I'm seeing from Hololive fans. Fans that don't respect or care about talents aren't VTuber fans, they are corpo bootlickers.
>>93189490I have no problem with people leaving if they don't like the job. But let's not act like the job they left was oppressive slavery.
>>93189329So another words its >"Because I can relate to working at a job I can't stand that I can quit when I want, it justifies not caring about the sufferings of others who cant leave whenever they want due to contracts"Did I get it right?
>>93183336Because there are FAGGOTS like you that are trying to turn the deserved anti-Niji sentiment into anti-corpo sentiment and specifically anti-Hololive sentiment just because of recent mutually accepted graduations. Look at how graduated Hololive girls have nothing bad to say about the company besides they don't agree with their managers, it's only FAGGOTS like the two graduated EN homos who still have a chip on their shoulder but they're too pussy to outright say what went wrong and just vaguely skirt around the issue.
>>93189649uhhh, I watch michi fairly regularly, and absorb matara through collabs since I watch other vshojos. they talk about things they absolutely couldn't say while employed by anycolor, a lot. not necessarily because management would have an issue (though I'm sure they did) but nijifans would attack the talents on a dime
>>93189813Well, sounds like they're better off then.
>>93189154>(Mint has less opportunities to be unhinged or chaotic)lyong nijisister
>>93183336Hating corporations is a purely western cultural thing in general. Kind of ironic, but it's how it is. If this board had flags you'd understand what's going on.
>>93189477Bro I'm not a fan of these two especially but the problem here is this is the exact kinda shit they were doing in niji. It's not like this is somehow fucked up by their former standards
>>93189799>Can't leave whenever they want>Talents literally quit EZ PZlol
>>93189778Okay OP, you're expecting people to worship the ground Talents walk on for their remarkable ability to quit.Quitting Hololive doesn't make you special, it doesn't make you a martyr, it doesn't make you god's gift to vtubing.It just means you quit. And no amount of loving COVER and no amount of hating COVER will make them unquit.
>>93189878they are, not sure why you think I don't like vshojo
>>93189946If this board had flags then we should seriously look at the OP posts of certain catalog threads and deduce whether or not they come from a Discord group that's filled with Flipinos and their third world bretheren
>>93189946it really is ironic, isn't it?they're attacking well meaning Cover meanwhile one italian american is the only one brave enough to sacrifice himself and attack actual rotten institutionsit's all fucked
>>93189922Nah I say that as a former pomudachi who quit when she did and is now a wisp. In niji she had a lot of people at her disposal who she could troll/fuck with. You still see it sometimes with doki but that aspect of her is less common. It's fine though not a huge loss.
>>93190138Cover hasn't been the best last year but comparing them to big pharma is pathetic and you need to stop giving the wrong people the wrong ideas.
>>93189546Exactly man, exactly
>>93190114it needs flags and IDshonestly I think every fast board doespropaganda gets by just under the illusion of massive shared sentiment
>>93190073Talents are special, the most special thing any corpo has and if you can't see that it's because there's a huge corpo boot in your mouth. Corpos would be nothing without talents. If Hololive can't keep its talents happy and support them as they need and deserve, Hololive is completely worthless.
>>93190217read that one more timewestern people are mad at covermeanwhile too big to fail institutions are literally killing people en masse and stealing their money and no one is doing anything about it
>>93189649I think they were just pointing out how the other post was incorrect stating what niji allowed to be said was "super safe material"
>>93189778I'm not anti-Cover because there's good things about the corporation as there are bad things and that's every workplace in general. No job is ideal. You're very right about anti-talent people though and that's making it very hard for me to understand why these people could not back those that give the fans so much back. They can only do so much but nothing will ever be enough for some of them and yeah I totally get and hear you there.>>93190073>Quitting Hololive doesn't make you special, it doesn't make you a martyr, it doesn't make you god's gift to vtubing.None of the ex-talents think this way. Hope you realize this.
>>93190155no proof of anythingno timestampscatalog shitposter
>>93190237While flags would be fine, I don't like the idea of IDs since this board gets so heavily used by vtubers and it would potentially break the anonymity there if you had larger samples of text attributed to a single user to work with. Perhaps if they auto-reset all IDs every 24 hours or something I'd be cool with it.
>>93190380Oh yeah, leftoids/journalists have their priorities sorely misplaced.
>>93189778>Fans that don't respect or care about talents aren't VTuber fans, they are corpo bootlickers.100%, a truer truth couldn't have been spoken
>>93184251Uhhhhh actually hololive doesn't react
>>93190380I don't know where you've been living, but if you think western people aren't also mad at health insurance companies I don't know what to tell you. Murderers getting hailed as a national hero is very abnormal in the west and could only happen because hating evil companies is a more important cultural thing in the west than not killing people.
>>93190414>why these people could not back those that give the fans so much back>just yapping over video games
>>93190445What you wanna see? The crab game clip of her and finana where was seemingly actually going to murder her? Her sabotaging every among us Collab she ever did by being the third imposter because she doesn't care about winning she just wants to watch the world burn? Everyone in the company being afraid of her in Minecraft because she became some kind of evil god in that realm that would just show up and kill people indiscriminately? When did you become a fan? Are you even a fan now?
>>93190513Wdym? The leftoids are all over twitter thirsting about how they want to fuck Luigi. It's literally just the media standing alone on this one.
>>93190379Talents are special but one talent isn't more special than all the talents.If a Talent is unhappy because the Company won't do what they want then they in fact should quit, but having companies simply pander to a Talent's every need or demand is how you get cliques, and that's just as bad in another way.. You can't make 40+ different women all universally happy because they all want different things. And if you decide to pick and choose well then you're hurting talents then as well.
>>93189952I'll give my unbiased take on this one.>Pro: I've seen Selen jokingly make Ame uncomfortable during their collab years back, cause she was clearly allowed to say more then Ame probably was, so Ame was trying her best, which made a funny collab>Con: It's not about what is or isn't allowed to be said, it's more so about the horrible contracts, the alleged skin-walking tweets, alleged mistreatment, alleged lack of assisting the talents financially, and the list goes on. (This topic has been talked about plenty)
>>93190571IDK who your Hololive oshi was / is, but mine reacts to chat just fine
>>93190017Do you not realize that because of a contract it could be literal years before a talent can quit? Sure they still quit, but is it immediately when they want? Depending on the corporation, extremely unlikely.
>>93190737>nijitranny meltyKEK you lot are so easy to weed outstill no proof of anything btw
>>93184251Almost all of that is optional, at least in Hololive. Of course if you didn't want to participate in any of that shit you wouldn't apply for an agency known for all that stuff.
>>93191088I get it for Myth and Promise, they were still findIng their footing, but if you apply now and whine about idolshit, I'm gonna assume the talent is just a clout-chasing tard.
>>93190379Yeah if all the talents quit = what is even left of the organization in question? (Realistically most would quit and a few would stay, worst case)
>>93189477What a horrible voice
>>93189546And what if some Talents are simply unhappy in a way that the company can't fix, what then? Like I think Fauna's problem was she was tried of being Fauna, there was nothing COVER could do to fix that as long as she was Fauna.I really think on some level Ame was also tired of being Ame, she didn't like the character anymore.
>>93190901Yeah I totally agree which is why I don't touch niji with a 10 ft stick and am happy my oshi and her friends are finally out What the anon was alleging though was that their behavior somehow changed once they left. Like they needed the restrictions of a corporation to keep their content from becoming lowest common denominator. Michi matara doki and mint all have the same humor and the same boundaries on their topics as they did when they were there. Nothing has changed in that regard. Only difference is they aren't in a terrible environment.
>>93191228shut up, commie
>>93190571Uhhh achtuallyThat's you. Obviously reading chat is what was meant.
>>93183336Whenever the reality of someone's actions split from their own ideals, the answer always comes to subconscious pragmatism. This would imply that people are more than willing to overlook the abuses of corpos because they genuinely deliver better content than indies.Why? Probably because in an industry like this where your fanbase unquestioningly worships the ground you walk on, and the antis are mindbroken gibbering morons it's impossible to get feedback on your content. How are you supposed to improve as a creator? It's little wonder that indies regularly fall into stale patterns of lazy shit, because they have no means of gauging what is good content and what is bad content and are constantly reinforced that all their content is 10/10 amazing regardless of what they do. Why put in effort if nobody appreciates it?Purely speculative, but it's possible that staff at corpos can be used as a sane source of feedback, which helps talents make better content.
>>93191326Capitalist pig
>>93190613I think it really speaks volumes as to how society failed if that's the case too.>>93190669You don't watch Hololive.
>>93191287Creative differences, inability to keep up with how things are run, and health?Not all of them are Fauna
>>93191550I'm a capitalist pig for saying that there's bigger things you should be upset by as opposed to Cover having a less than ideal 2024? I dunno man, why don't you take a look at American factories
>>93191537This is objectively one of the most well thought out responses in this thread (not detracting from other good points obviously)So basically everyone only appreciating everything a vtuber does no matter what, while in many ways is great, is in some areas potentially stifling.
>>93190410The only people who would know that are people who used to watch them in 2434 in the first place and some of those people are either extremely biased against the corpo now, which is kind of why OP brought this thread up, or extremely highly defensive of it, which is also why threads like these and having any reasonable discussion about anything are so damn hard in the catalog.
>>93191915So just because there are problems in other parts of the world means you have to ignore lesser problems? Wow sound logic there /sarcasm
>>93191537>Why put in effort if nobody appreciates it?Creators create because they want to- tf are you on?
>>93191794That too but really the more I see these threads pop up the more it feels like these threads are mostly being made by schizo saplings having meltys because everyone isn't reacting with the same level of COVER hate over Fauna leaving.They're going "HOW DARE THE EVIL COVER MAKE MY NATURE MOMMY QUIT!!!!!" While the rest of us are going "That was stupid of Fauna but I'm sure she had her reasons."
>>93192189I don't entirely disagree with you. But you do have to admit this is starting to become a build upAqua, A-Chan, Ame, Chloe, Fauna, MelIt would be one thing if it was ONLY Fauna, but when combined with everything else going on, THAT's when it starts making people question things collectively as opposed to specific individual cases
>>93192526They are conveniently forgetting all the Holo girls that stopped streaming and all the ones that constantly complain about management too. Hololive could and should do better for their talents.
>>93192173I somewhat agree and disagree with you.There are definitely many cases of vtubers who can create whatever they want. But there are times when vtubers don't put in much effort as they could. (No disrespect just being observant)For example Filian makes really high quality content... most of the time, but every so often she does a chill stream with not as much effort.Now look at another vtuber, like another indie, and its mostly just chatting, playing games, nothing too innovative. If no one challenges it, then why change anything? But when they do? Streamer goes ok, we can play that, chat is that what you want? If the chat agrees then there you go, but if not... same ol same ol.This can apply to corpo vtubers as well in some instances.
>>93192526A-Chan isn't a talent. Mel got terminated for being an idiot. Having a 3+ year streaming run is pretty good. Of course there's going to be more graduations as time goes on and the talent pool gets larger. Also, no one gave a fuck about Aqua, Ame, or Chloe graduating. Only Fauna because saplings are parasocial supreme.
if you are a fan of a corpo vtuber, up to half of the reason you like them cam be because of the corpo. Stuff like group dynamics and projects are all partially the corpos' responsibility. Some talented people do have the special ability to do stuff on their own, which is amazing and great. But if a corpos brand can be trusted its an addon to all the stuff you like about the vtuber themselves. And for every other member of the group you like, you like the brand as a whole that much more. The reverse is also true, if you hate a person that is in that group, you will hate thier whole group inherently. In the case of someone leaving a group, if you still like people who are still in the group, then obviously you will still mostly like it as a whole. its a numbers thing. that's why most people will continue to give hololive trust for now. fauna is a big streamer with alot of active fans yes. but to out pace all of the other members, combined? this aint niji en lol. if anything its a testament to just how consolidated the audiences are in hololive EN. whether that's good or not is debatable, but I personally do want the "dream" that hololive sells to be real.
>>93190737All of that is literally her job to create content and clips.You want an example of actual sabotage? Enna winning Selen's tournament and completely blowing it off the whole time and trying to leave early. She clearly didn't give a shit and didn't want to deal with the event she participated in and nearly ruined the whole vibe. That doesn't make clips. That just makes Selen look like a fool for organizing an event where the winner didn't even give a shit.
>>93192189They're not. They're made by shitposters trying to make a big deal out of nothing. Seriously, it's incredible how Fauna simply saying she had a disagreement with management led to schizophrenics trying to push a secret civil war.
>>93192847Yes A-chan loved to complain about Management despite being management /s
If you join a corpo just so you can keep doing what you were doing as an indie, just with a bigger audience, please fuck off. I actually want to see people getting pushed through the idol slaughterhouse to become something greater.
>>93183336If the talent leaving is in the right, but the viewer wants to keep watching other talents that are staying, then that puts them in an awkward situation of selfishly supporting the bad guy. It's much easier to just blame the talent instead.
>>93192887>But there are times when vtubers don't put in much effort as they could.Yeah, I see this a lot, but I never call it out because there's always the ever present question with indies; is this a job to them? Or is it something they do because it's fun? If it's for fun, then giving that sort of feedback is basically mental illness and shouldn't be done.If I knew for a fact it's a job to them I'd want to find a way to get my feedback to them without disrupting their community. The next issue is that the vtuber "experience" bleeds so far outside the confines of the actual content it's hard to find a way to do that without causing trouble. Vtubing does not have review culture as a thing that exists, and you'd be basically declaring war if you tried doing serious reviews.Most of the time I just go for dropping it /here/ for people I know are /here/tubers and just leaving it for them to decide if they think it's good feedback or schizo ramblings.
>>93193390Where did I mention A-chan? I'm clearly talking about Gura, Mumei, Ina and literally everyone else that complained about management lately before suddenly the damage control after the Fauna graduation quicked in.
>>93193390>/s>A chan being a holo girl and not staff. go back
>>93193681That's not damage control that's them going "I'm not leaving yet"Damage control would be saying nothing and simply pretending they never had problems.
>>93193628So essentially the vtuber community needs to level up so to speak, and adapt a new way of looking at things for a healthier growing environment then it is currently.
>>93193681Yes, the other talents that have been struggling with problems need their issues resolved as well, or they could sooner then later be joining Fauna.
>>93193681People shat on Cover all the time when the girls complained. What are you talking about? No one in good faith pretends that Cover / Hololive is totally perfect.Keep in mind, though, having room to improve is quite different from being evil or having some significant issues. I'm going to shit on the baits that over exaggerate their potential issues, always.
>>93183336>Everyone's response no matter what: Did I just dream all the Kurosanji drama that turned everyone but the fujo whales against the company and dropped their stocks into the abyss? Literally who has been hated over their company and didn't actually deserve it?
>>93183336Nijitards and Holodrones are all the same.
>>93194040It's subjective if it is or it isn't.Reason: If it later came out that at the time frame they said the positive things, they actually had their share of similar problems, then yeah it would be.But if it wasn't and was proven as such, then it isn't damage control.The problem? We don't have evidence to suggest either direction, other then currently just "taking their word for it"
You just want to cry about hololive and have every one agree with you.
>>93194577Clearly missed the >"Yes I know there's a "few" outliers, but for the most part this is what I see across the board." Part of OP's thread.
>>93194577Dramafags wanted Holofans to turn against Cover in the same way despite the nature of their issues are totally different
>>93194582>>93194691You two would get along great, kek
>>93194691I've seen this problem with:Vshojo, Nijisanji, and HololiveI've seen alot of anti-phase connect posts, but I've yet to see any actual(correct me if im wrong) problems with phase connect.Indies are a seperate topic of course.
>>93194691More and more people are waking up to the fact that Hololive is pretty black.
>>93194299I'm hesitant to agree with this, as although it has the downsides I'm discussing right now, the containment bleed and insane loyalty is also something that vtubing has which makes it unique from other forms of entertainment. This point of difference could very well be the main appeal for a large portion of the audience for all I know, and "fixing" it could legitimately kill vtubing on the spot. I wouldn't want to risk throwing the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak.
>>93195398Ofc phasefags act the most obnoxious >>93195732No one is stopping you from shitting one trillion fauna threads. Again you want people to agree with you, that's all
>>93197233You are the very thing that is wrong with /vt/ right now. They gave a fair response, and were willing to change their opinion.Your response? No proof, and just confirm everything people in this post have been pointing out. Grats on being part of the problem. Lack of fair discussion on these topics is why we have the problems in vtubing corporate culture to begin with.
>>93197521>implying theres an issue with vtubing corporate culture instead of specific vtubing corporate companies
>>93190901> I've seen Selen jokingly make Ame uncomfortable during their collab years back, cause she was clearly allowed to say more then Ame probably wasI recall this stream and I don't think this had anything to do with what can and can't be said. Ame just has social anxiety and tends to wallflower during collabs with people she doesn't really know. Ame has said so on stream before. Dooby had a collab with Doki, Filian, and Bao a while back and she barely spoke half the time.
>>93189946>Hating corporations is a purely western cultural thing in generalThis is just plain untrue. Half of modern Japanese media is some form of criticism of Japanese corporate work-culture.
>>93193184>Enna winning Selen's tournament and completely blowing it off the whole time and trying to leave earlyI still feel something akin to mixture of second hand embarrassment and anger every time I'm reminded of that moment. I don't know how there are still Aloupeeps around when their oshi acts like that.
>>93192048>>93193390>/sNo one does that here, actual newfag.
>>93191088>optionalYeah, that's what they tell you.
>>93195398The issues with phase is primarily it's dogshit /pol/ fanbase.
>>93189154Doki, Mata, and Michi all interact with even more males and whores that bring out their worst aspects.Dooby is just as much a paradoxically lazy try hard, but now she plays games I hate and isn't even good at them.Mint comes across as happier which makes her funner to watch than before
>>93193390go back. and take your reddit shit with you, nigger.
>>93199239Ah yes, let's ignore a sound argument with a complete deflection! I know! Someone doesn't speak like everyone else one single time = must be new here, because everyone is a hivemind that thinks and speaks the exact same specific way 100% of the time... Gottem!
>>93189154neck yourself jeet