mumei before feminist indoctrinationmumei after feminist indoctrination
>>93306222Bruh why wouldn't a woman be a feminist unless they're some bottom of the barrel pickme
>>93306504uh oh roastie melty!
>>93306504>wanting to be an eternal cunt
>>93306504>why wouldn't a woman be a feministbasic reasoning and logic while knowing anything about feminism
I just think moom looks cute.
>>93306504The same reason why not all men support masculine culture. You know, the "chad" mentality and stuff.Being overly masculine or overly feminine makes you incapable to live in society. The human civilization is built upon compromise.
ah yes, "Mumei"
>>93309315This post implies that the return of Mumei will bring the near end of Hololive, which everyone will have to fight her in order to prevent
>>93309469nah, those claims are dismissed.don't worry about it
>>93306222She should have short hair, nose ring and fave tattoo.
>>93306222If feminist indoctrination makes them extra sexy I'm all for it
>>93306222It made her hotter? I love feminism now
>>93307548Lmao gaylord
>>93307548false equivalence. feminists try to destroy the archetypical feminine, not embody it
mumei after mycum indoctrinationmumei before mycum indoctrination
>>93306222No, anon. That's her "emo" makeover. It's actually more of a sexpot version of an emo but whatever.At any rate, there are several different periods and strains of "feminism", so you're going to have to specify which one is doing the "indoctrination". I don't think Holo is all that feminist though.
>>93307548"Chad" and "Macho" are two different things.Feminism also has little to do with "feminity", in fact feminism sidelines "feminity" or is outright hostile to it
>>93315430you can't even define the buzzwords you're parroting
>>93310704Except any woman who claims to be a feminist nowadays wants to do away with femininity, as they see it as appealing to only men, and modern feminists are just misandrists.
>>93309469Are you implying they even have a chance? They already lost air superiority.
>>93306222very effective incel bait post
>>93306222she just enjoyer
>>93306504Its irrational. There is no value system that justifies it. It is, at best, a system designed as a breeding strategy of turning away mates that arent willing to forcibly rape you, and even that is a thin judtification when you can just simply 'be a standoffish bitch' instead of identifying with a feminist social group.
>>93306222Explain this new le funny ebin meme to me. Is this from squid game? What's rhe context?
>>93307548"chad" mentality isn't a political movement, what kind of crack are you smoking?
>>93306222every day I am glad vtubing is still sorta far removed from korean culture >>93306504gr8 b8
>>93306504>inb4 baitNone of the anons replying to you know what real feminism is. It's about equality of the sexes: equal wages, equal treatment, etc. The feminism these anons are familiar with is so-called 5th wave feminism which is about radical anti-capitalism and misandry, not sexual equality. So to answer your question, most women (and most men who aren't retarded tatemaxxing chauvinists) ARE feminist. The feminists that anons ITT are disparaging are basically the feminism's equivalent of the Black Panthers and shouldn't be treated as representative of the movement and its goals as a whole.
>>93312146>>93315430The "archetypical" female is a demure and subservient housewife who's only job is to make a home and breed. You can see why feminists who want to be career women would have a problem with this lens of femininity.
>>93320664Feminism at its core is criminal men convincing women to lower their value to anyone except criminal men. If you believe in a social patriarchy than it is genetically evident that feminism is a tool of the patriarchy.
>>93306504Trvkeif it turned out women were better at being in charge of everything men wouldn't simply accept the creation of a matriarchy where men are considered property of their wives
>>93320737Feminism rose in response to the patriarchy. Is revolution a tool of authoritarians or a response to it?
>>93320786>Is revolution a tool of authoritariansExhaustive list of revolutons that were not run by authoritarians:
>>93306504modern feminists have an incel type mentality. if you wouldn't die for your partner but they would for you there's a fundamental problem
>>93320730Funny, because there's been an increase in women who want to just be housewives instead of working, but they've already fucked themselves over cus of wanting ot be strong and independent.
>>93306504A woman typed this
>>93321087it does feel like there's a lotta women basically acting like female incels (politically), and there's not like a good word for itit's all a bit discomforting
>>93306504Because in real life eventually male gorillas get tired of resource theft by females that don't put out and either kill them or rape them.Only a narrow subset of women, specifically english speaking north american women, think men are atms and that it's their right to access those atms.
>>93307548False equivalence
>>93306504>Bruh why wouldn't a woman be a feministThis is not the board to ask that question since you will only get examples of man hating feminists that want to lecture their viewers about the male gaze for 10 hours. Most vtubers don't hate feminine characters or they would get filtered out by anime. Most vtubers are feminists even if they aren't going to be too vocal about that since they know how many of their viewers would respond.
>>93306222I'd indicktrinate both of them.
>>93306222the moon death cult...
>>93306504feminism is a ploy used by the moon lizard to disrupt the status quo, to distribute power evenly among nations so no one is strong enough to unite the earth against the star. looks around you, see those weak depressed effeminate "child" that is dumb af and also sterilised? these are the future of your country and you are sorery responsible for it.