Shondo got horny again
awful thread
great thread
>>93662160are you gay anon? whats wrong with watching a chud get his ass kicked for hassling a girl, and another girls panties getting wet watching the action?
shondo fansly arc when?
>>93662160Since when did shondo turn into a pickme?
>>93662304You serious
>>93662304>turn into
>>93662258This shit is usually faked.
>>93662351>>93662361If shondo were a pickme she would put a token effort into being entertaining
>>93662304normal girls will find this hot and normal girls will drop you if you lose a fight even if it was 1v2 (or 1v3 etc)
>>93662160grifter whore
>>93662160I hope twitch bans her for good next time, since her ass doesn't like to stream on any other place other than in her own groomcord server.
>>93662160what about the uproar she was making about males being sexpests?
>>93664740It's always morally correct to talk shit to male vtubers.
>>93662258If it was a 1v1 I would agree that it's based. But 3v1 is cowardly and nigger behavior. Women have no understanding of honor so of course they would find that hot.
>>93662304hello sister
She wants to fuck.
>>93662501Dare to touch a lady in my presence and I will show you how "fake" it is.
>>93662160is this the fabled asexual lesbian streamer?
>>93662160jumping people is a nigger tactic so shondo likes niggers I guess
oh, so which part was his absolute favorite, hmm?? was it when the drunk guy shoved the girl?? or maybe it was when they all turned on the drunk guy?? i mean, i’m genuinely curious, really! do tell~
>>93668581...she likes me?
>>93667177shondo is a straight autoandrophilic trans man in denial
>>93662160>Girl gets uppity with some drunk dude.>Dude shoves her a bit.>Gets beaten to death by 3 simps.Wow, really manly.
>>93666351You're not doing anything. I'll fuck your mom while you are locked in your room gossiping on /vt/ boy.
>>93668764Then he is based
>>93662160This entire thread is absolutely insane. That girl didn't get a single scratch and somehow it's deserved and justified for these people. The guy almost gets murdered for nothing. What the fuck is wrong with women? Unfollowed.
>>93662304Wasn't she pleasing older men online at a tender age?
>>93672826You are 10 seconds away from getting a visit from the IRCBetter pick your next post with great care
>>93672584Men were also celebrating, they were all "manly conservative types", so losers.
>>93672913Uuuuuh... 24.
>>93672584Daring to even breathe wrong near a woman is an invitation to be beaten to death in the eyes of normalfags. It's the same thing with saying nigger. If you do wrong in their eyes, they'll cheer and celebrate while you get your head stomped in like a gourd.
>>93673429you are mistaking normalfags for chronically online chuds
>>93672721>I was only pretending to be retarded.
>>93668964This says something about society
>>93673429I've had similar situation in my 20s. There was a house party and we were drinking. I had some sort of casual argument with one of the girls I had a crash on and she just spilled entire glass of drink in my face. I slapped her in the face and of course white knight bulls were there too. She fucking knew what she's doing. Don't trust women much ever since.
>>93674477Reminds me of that old video where some drunk girl punches a dude in the eye and everyone laughs but when he smacks her upside the head everyone goes to defend the girl. The worst part is the girl kept trying to hit him with a smile on her face because she knew she won without doing anything.
>>93674312it’s actually her meds what make her retarded; they stop the harmful intrusive thoughts, sure, but at the cost of making her barely able to think clearly. it’s a heartbreaking trade-off she has to endure
>>93674721She fucked one of those bulls that night too.
>>93672721What the absolute fuck is going on with your twitter
>>93674837i changed the font for the website to one that feels more appropriate for shondo (she's the main reason i visit the site anyway).
>>93662160Every time I think Shondo is special she has a woman brain moment and I remember she's no different than all the others
>>93672721the replies to this remind me why twitter reply simps make me sick
How many sapkeks are gonna get filtered out after their first collab?
>>93668700>finds it hot when men act like classless chimps and stomp out one defenseless dude to death together Yep this is your chance black bro, time to shoot your shot. She clearly has a type.
These type of drunk guys causing shit gets beat up all the fucking time, they love it. Hell he probably came before his brain hit the side of his skull. Maybe you fags could clean him up.
>>93677110I don't feel bad for any loser in that video the cringe part is Shondo celebrating and getting horny over it.
>>93677388how is shondo being horny ever cringe?
>>93675991Never fall for a woman's tricks anon. No matter how they present themselves, they're all the same underneath.
>>93676410its okay i figured you were in silly hours nade nade~nadenade its ok*nade nade*I assumed you werent feeling too well nade nadenadenade
>>93677388she likes art where her character is abused and brused. Seems on brand to me
>>93677719she does not like T art
>>93677447it's cringe to get horny over drunk retards ganging up and almost killing another drunk retardWhat is she a bar slag or something?
>>93677719Maybe if the video had the girl getting stomped out instead of a guy in her honor you'd have some kind of point
>>93677739his art is actually the thing she likes him for, which is why she was so reluctant to ban him at first.
>>93677810She's British anon, is that even a question?
>>93677886the part that got her wet was when the drunk guy pushed the woman; most guys here are focusing on the wrong thing (the drunk guy getting beat up afterwards).
be honest you are mad that a man (that could be you) pushing a woman got beat up by other men because you think its some kind of feminism. If this was a Jeet you guys would be cheering. Or you are mad girls can get horny. Don't give me the morality shit
>>93678099I don't believe that at all but ok
Shondo likes black tall Viking autists. (You)
It's hot when girls can accept a guy being her protector, fits the natural order of things.
>>93678384I'm annoyed that a woman instigated shit with someone because she knows her white knights will defend her even if she's wrong.I'm annoyed that 3 of those fags beat the hell out of one dude well after he was even possibly a threat.
>>93678384Sorry but I'll never defend this kind of niggerish third world behavior if the fight was 1v1 it would be a different story.
>>93679135Oh WOW, so all three of her brothers beat him up, now that makes sense.
>>93679135Well, if you touch my little sis, then I'd do the same; this was justified.
>>93679135>"He touched our godamn little sister"Damn
>>93679135I can't believe nobody fully watched this video and went into this rage like it was a bunch of strangers being white knights. I knew they had to be related in some way
familiar bonds and loyalty are cringe
>>93679589no one will marry you with that attitude.
>>93679135The thing that gets me the most is the fat fucking security guard who didn't do shit. What a useless tub of lard, what do they even pay you for?
>>93679135>"No you see, the chimps were related. It's ok now"
>>93679609anyone who doesn't understand why traditional marriage and family is harmful to society as a whole is not someone I would choose as a life partner.
>>93679589This. Childern should be given to the state
>>93679706that was none of his business
>>93679726You touch my sister then I'm chimping out too
>>93679801If he's security for the bar/club, it's literally his fucking job to do something.
>>93679726he physically touched their sister, wtf would you do, just let that happen like a bitch?
>>93679858HOW and WHY? Fight off THREE brothers from defending their sister after some drunken retard pushes her?
>>93679988Who said anything about fighting them? What are you, an ape? He had plenty of time to try to break off and deescalate the situation before it ended in violence but he was probably a fat fucking pussy.
>>93680113>"let me just risk myself getting physically harmed for some drunk fucktard was messing with their sister"Nope, I'm just letting that slide, faggot
>>93680187First of all, he probably didn't even know how any of these strangers are related. Second, if you get hired for fucking SECURITY, especially at a bar where people get piss drunk, then you better be prepared not be a fucking PUSSY and actually do your job.
>>93680290Well the drunk should've thought about that before pushing a woman that was trying to stop the fighting, huh?
>>93680391the woman was inciting the fighting, not the opposite
>>93680469No she wasn't, she was in the middle to stop the two from fighting and that's when the white ape decides to push her down like a bitch
>>93680604dude, watch the video. the dude was walking away but then she decided to provoke him
>>93680772>dudeI don't care this is erotic to me
>>93662160you don't hate women and simps enough.
>>93680955Shondo please
>>93679854>>93679922Her brothers were wrong for letting her start shit with drunk dudes.
>>93674477>>93674721>>93678610This is why you don't ever punch a woman, you pull out a knife and you gut her, or you put a round in each of her knees. The knights won't be so eager to display their valor.>>93679922anyone on here including you would start jerking off, don't deny it.
>>93680961Now where is that news article from that one guy who lost his eyesight by getting hit with a glass bottle in the face for white knighting for some chick at a bar? That's what I wish happened to every worthless simp.
>>93680955>Three of your manly brothers beating someone to a bloody mess for you
>>93662160I like the fact that she's so upfront about liking the complete opposites of her audience. Don't tell me her 'husbands' would do something similar in that situation. I'd bet they shit their pants and flee.
>>93681465pulling out a knife would make you so you are totally dead instead of just maybe dead
>>93662160He fucked around and found out. Easy as.This thread is still funny because of the sociopaths trying to defend the dumbass, as expected from 4chan.
>>93681465i would jerk off to it afterwards, not in the moment
>>93681793I think three people stomping on someone's head while they're unconscious on the ground is way more sociopathic.
>>93679988I would, it is my duty. And I'm there to keep the peace and break faces. And don't act like fighting 1 on 3 is impossible. Through meth, all things are possible. A single knife-wielding pajeet can fight off the entire British police force.
>>93680955Is it fine if it's stepbrothers instead? incest is too far for me
>>93681793you don't understand what sociopathy is
>>93681920fuck no
>>93662501It was very real for boomers but dying out now. No longer any rational justifications for white knighting
>>93681793>he fucked around so he gets the death penaltyPlease rope yourself ASAP
>>93662574Showing emotions to women is a big no-no too. The moment you're vulnerable and cry or something in front of your gf she's already planning out her escape.
>>93681779You sound like a bong psa
>>93664961I wish it was obligatory for men and women to do a sport together at school like wrestling or something with physical contact, so they realize how much more stronger men are compared to them. Maybe that way they would finally realize there is no point in trying to fight or have a shouting contest with guys. Even a 5'4 manlet would blow the fuck out of a 6+ feet woman.
>>93662574I thought shondo was supposed to the abnormal girl?
>>93678136How does he not understand? Women are probably literally hardwired from tribal times to find this type of shit hot
>>93681793Are you even aware how much irony is in this one post you've made?
>>93682715Simps are simps precisely because they don't comprehend the true nature of the female brain, anon.
>>93682904you are mixing up the words "simp" and "incel".
>>93678136>I don't understand>Sorry>SHUT THE FUCK UP
>>93680955Her brothers gonna have a wild night tonight with her sister showing her appreciation.
>>93677810She knocks on the US for having a drinking age of 21, while going on about how it's completely acceptable for 5 year olds to drink in the UK, so basically yes. If it wasn't for her being horribly mentally ill, she would get wasted at bars all the time.
Shondo is literally retarded and so are the majority of it.
>>93678136I cringed so hard my balls inverted.
>>93662304>pickmepraising chads is the opposite of pickme behavior, the average vtuber watched would piss and shit his pants instead of fighting in that situation
>>93677810she's a woman, they're all like that
>>93662160I think she means that she finds it hot when men put hands on women
>>93679858>They are not in the club>His job is to prevent damages and potential lawsuits, he is under no obligation to step in
>>93679922they could easily have just pushed the guy over instead of stamping on his head after he is on the ground and possibly killing him for merely pushing their sister who was being belligerent towards himif they were actually responsible family members they would have just stopped their sister from starting the entire situation
>>93679854fuck your sister. nigger behavior is nigger behavior.
>>93672721why is she like this
>>93709266She was dealt a very bad hand in the genetics lottery.
>Crazy Fight VideosNow that's my kind of brainrot let's fucking go
>>93692993so no change? :^)
>>93672721What the fuck is that gay font??
>>93715542Roboto 300italic, a gay font for my gay wife~
>>93670511May I watch?
>>93679135I don't agree with them nearly fucking killing a guy but in the same vein, they should have fucking controlled their little sister from harassing a drunk man twice her size.Women are literal fucking children
>>93718652>Women are literal fucking childrenyou only say because you are the one who is on the frontline
>>93678384If you want to fight a man, fight like a man. Don't fucking jump the guy like a pack of niggers
>>93662160Men are always horny. What else is new?
>>93718696What kind of ESL shithole are you from?
>>93719170i don't identify with any place, i am a lost soul, nobody will ever find me