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Why don't the Japanese like the girls who actually respect the culture and know the language?
>>97109357 (OP)
Because racism. You will never be Japanese.
>>97109357 (OP)
Does stock on shelf equal sales though? Or did they ship more FWMC merch in anticipation of greater sales and then the shelf got restocked recently?

This portion of the picture makes Fuwawa seethe though.
do people really not buy both sisters together?
Shouldn't be such a bitch then like her angel of a sister
>This portion of the picture makes Fuwawa seethe
>>97109357 (OP)
Complains too much. Modern idols are supposed to grit their teeth and work hard through hardships to (hopefully) achieve their goals.
>>97109357 (OP)
ignorance is bliss, they prefer the girls they can't understand
and Ina, because they want korean women
No self respecting Japanese man would have sex with a Korean
oh they would, but wouldn't talk about it
japanese men having sex with korean women used to be a big issue in the past
>>97109357 (OP)
Kiara's model is hot when it doesn't have the 2 hat debuff. It's usually her personality and voice that drives people away. Same with Bae. CC and GG are cute. The twins have the issue of it feeling wrong to buy one without the other so its easier to refrain from them. IRyS is cute and Ina is a pussy slayer
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Lol, I went here earlier and almost everything was sold out.
Stock on shelves means nothing; overall stock does though, because Cover is usually pretty good at telling how much money they'll make now.

At the very least, Advent and Justice don't seem to have unexpected outliers in purchases the way Ina and Fauna did.
Fuwamoco is the 2nd in EN by a long shot. Every merch run has double the stock for both sisters even when Fauna was around.
Mococoe's tail looks like a gigantic ass until you scroll completely down
No, I like Fuwawa and get her stuff. Mococo if I dig hr color on something.
>>97109357 (OP)
They do like Ina though

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