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When the Music Goes Quiet Edition

>◆Nexas Links
Old Official Website: https://nexas.live/
New Official Website: https://nexas.studio/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_studio
Our Favourite Retard's Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
Full Talent List: https://rentry.org/nexasdex
>◆Teamup schedule

>◆Who is on the telly?

Previous thread: >>96871377 →
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Post streams. Watch streams. Discuss streams.
Check https://vt.rita.moe/?tag=thread:/brg/, https://rentry.org/brgdex and Teamup.
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Are you guys ok..?
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Sex with Moka.
No, I'm tired, both physically and emotionally. My oshi is not here and I feel empty.
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I see, is your oshi coming back?
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are shiwhorikeks okay?
I've been doing homework all day and didn't bump the thread, I'm sorry /brg/bros...
I am scared
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Stay strong anon
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I'll try, thanks anon.
Wendy did not stream this weekend... my wanwanwandium reserves haven't been rebuilt yet...
>>97125469 (OP)
Oh well.
there there
who's your oshi anon?
>>97121424 →
good i will watch her dumpsterfire of a debut with great pleasure
Rune was okay like the 2 times she streamed
she played games while streaming on anilive, it was not good content. those streams were barely above noah-tier. i don't even remember how her zatsus were because she's forgettable.
Is it cool to share NowiKana's schedule
you should play it side by side with the old one
who's stopping you lmao
thanks for reminding me, we get a whole 3 streams this week!
dwagonbros we're finally eating good!
On the plus side she doesn't actually have to do only zatsu because she can just stream games now
Don't jinx it
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what exactly IS an avalon?
it started
>Discord link front and center
oh fuck i should've read the timezones
>hasn't set up chat overlays
Dead Fish Redebut: https://twitch.tv/violeace
what are the chances she didn't enable vods
there's no video to watch the beginning and i don't know how twitch works but that does not bode well
>No successful URL found!
she didn't
sasuga, i guess i will never get to watch her actual debut portion
her whole existence seems to be a shitshow and not in any interesting way
more like prey animal that's too dumb and spastic to not be food for something else type of beat
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>>96871528 →
Sche Dule featuring Mizu-sama
>learning ASMR
it was mostly ranting about anilive and nexas
>complained about the iphone situation
>mentioned someone had it worse than her
>apparently Harry or Captain had ties to a debt collecting agency and that scared her
someone in her chat was the one who made the 3D model but I forgot the name (pls forgive me)
one more thing I found interesting was
>thankful for the one weird but loyal viewer of Rune
curious on who could like Rune that much
never mind I unforgot it was Opalina
>one weird but loyal viewer of Rune
i was looking forward to her when she was in pre-debut
i was willing to wait the delayed debut
i excused her streaming only a few time by being sick of Anilive because it sucks
i looked forward again to her youtube debut
but then she stopped streaming again
at that point i just gave up, so whoever it is, i am not sure if he is strongminded or the biggest delusional idiot ever
For those curious, the Iriam chuuba who doxxed her entire legal name in her PayPal link quit after only a month and now streams almost exclusively Roblox and Genshin slop.
absolutely grim
there's no saving her
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Mayo (REPO): https://youtube.com/watch?v=6YUB7obn22A [Embed]
Rixxy talks to herself: https://twitch.tv/rixxybrightful
Myu (Earthbound): https://youtube.com/watch?v=WQNtTEMuEuI [Embed]
clearly not >>97130954
I’m not enough of a saviourfag for this…
What a waste of the model.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_rx_hKmkEE [Embed]
You're coming to Yukiko's stream, aren't you?
>not ringfit
don't think I am
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yeah throws me off every time
i don't think i could watch opalina, i'd be constantly thinking about opaline...
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way ahead of you
I'm too tired even to watch streams uuu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwv_-hYntDg [Embed]
>even when collabing with a woman Nell has that orbiter troon on screen
Disastrously grim
Droplet is never leaving
it’s over
Their fan bases are pretty intertwined at this point so she cant really decline
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Late post, but my drug lord sheep wife was very cute today
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>Anu’s doing a punishment stream for not streaming
>it’s actually a workout stream
>it’s actually a sexo stream
Damn, if only every not-streamer did this. Also holy shit, she’s tired after 5 pushups, how fat is this bitch?
So far, Carmilla appears to be the only Bondlive debut from this recent wave to not receive a single gift during her debut from any Bondlive member. I present you with two rrats.

Rrat 1: this is because vagueposter last thread was legit and Bondlive chuubas hate her
Rrat 2: this is because she announced her debut two fucking hours ahead of time in the middle of the day when people were at work/school, so her wavemates couldn't make time to attend

Decide for yourself which one you find more compelling.
>loves repetitive tasks
>enjoys filling spreadsheets
>socially anxious
>rates colors by tastiness
My wife is on the spectrum isn't she.
genuinely curious what you were even looking forward to

also yume was the only class to get custom models, how did rune end up going through the entire design process to make a fish woman only to end up streaming as a black boy?
https://youtube.com/watch?v=55QjxxKVkYs [Embed]
Manon has been live for a while
Anon, we've had her down as autistic since the early anilive days.
>my mother Lumi left me
>my father Kenzo left me
>my bro Baku left me
>my wife Mia left me
What other reason do I have to go on?
Live on for your ex-wife's new partner, osian wd whitlock
>she announced her debut two fucking hours ahead of time
Does bondlive let the talents hands-off choose and announce their own debuts now? What a shitshow.
Kenzo will come back… I hope
Bondlivers were even streaming while she debuted kek. I wholeheartedly believe the first rrat.
Her original debut date was two days ago but it got postponed randomly. To give Bond some credit, they made the bare minimum attempt to advertise her original date by making a graphic.
They did the same graphic for the previous gen and they didn't advertise it again. https://x.com/bondliver_en/status/1885972579036311933
Why him of all people?
I remember scrolling her twitter a week ago and seeing a tweet about her boyfriend. She sounds like a catch, everything considered.
Oz seems pretty chill. She could do much worse.
You should all just be glad Noah has a gf or he would've groomed one of your oshis by now and would be regaling them with an enthralling serenade of Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
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Alright; tired of the vagueposter.
This is the first impression I have of Carmilla and it's her telling other vtubers about bondlive's issues and leaves when other bondlive members, and other vtubers, tell her to keep it in bondlive. Just seeing how she was here, I don't doubt some bondlive members hate her, especially if she is 10x worse in their own server.

I don't have any info. on what the vagueposter was talking about though.
being a high school cliquey dramawhore is a requirement for joining bondlive
i'm sure all member hate each other, like at least 2 cliques do
I don't want to say because I know she's here and she'll get brainworms it's not Faelie
I know that feel. Have hope, anon. I hope she comes back for you.
she aged a lot
sleep well, /brg/erbros
goodnight brger
Nox is back
She still does everything on desktop capture...
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>Well, better late than never I guess
now you'll just give them all brainworms
No man, she's still decently young
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Looking for anyone who has archives of any momoko streams from after 25th november 2024 since her account has been deleted in the last hour and I didn't finish archiving it
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Esila Shephield is live with Yugioh Master Duel: https://www.youtube.com/live/F2sAItYaMiI
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Reply to this post with schedule updates/corrections (please provide links/screenshots if possible) or add it to the "unconfirmed" calendar yourself, I'll color it when I see it. Do your part for your oshi!
DISCLAIMER: TeamupAnon is not responsible for scheduling issues including but not limited to your oshi not streaming at times on their own schedule, rescheduling last minute or not specifying the timezone correctly. Check the tribute's X (formerly known as Twitter) for most accurate info.
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Ewise is live!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtuihDusjHw [Embed]
The fuck? Why would they suddenly delete it?
Someone asked on Reina's stream if saw Carmilla's debut and she said no and later Carmilla was a chatter in her stream kek.
rrat is so they can sell the model
the rebirth of menace anon...
They were missing one, I'm missing somewhere between 12-15...
Every class except nebulink got custom models and rune said that she asked for something she didn't like so she wouldn't get attached to it
it's not a controversial opinion but nebulink deserved custom models way more than yume did
if momo could make such good models why didnt she just pull an enaria and joined yume, or even genesis
Suddenly I don’t feel bad about Harry’s iPhone fees. Some of these cunts are ungrateful to depths unfathomable.
holy ESL
also momo was a minor when genesis was formed. assuming nebulink auditions were in march-april she probably turned 18 between that time and auditioned with nowi. what baffles me is why they were put in separate waves
ask /wool/ and /pxl/, too
Pre debut took forever for some, 'managers' were retarded too
>>97133336 thanks babe, you a real nigga
Also added all these peeps
Checked the times and either Asa or Aisha have to move their hours for the Portal 2 collab
Aight, done for this week unless people link the others themselves.
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The idea of Esila sleeves for master duel was brought up earlier on her stream, so I went ahead and made some. The game is pretty easy to mod for things like this, so just use the mod tool to swap these out for whatever card sleeves you want to replace.

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Pyxi: https://twitch.tv/pyxipops
Terryn ungraduated. I don't know who his whale is, but kudos
Terry my man, I know you got excited with how many people were replying to you saying how sad they are to see you go... but this ain't gonna improve your numbers.
All those replies won't translate to views
Your watch is not yet done
Was wondering where she was, added!
how do they do it
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This is how they look in-game.
Avg loser bondlive hate thread
Nice leak where’d you get it
wuwi said dwagon first

Must be a newfag bondliver since we talk about tributes and jumpers for months. So are you the tranny, fat anu, or someone from the new wave?
>fat anu
Stop hating ppl just because they're in bond
None of the above
The Bond girls aren’t loli enough for him to goon too
Are you guys okay?
Im swell how are you
Bondlivers are guests in this thread at best. Know your place, temu nexans.
Altleast they’re doing something with their other bitching on 4chan
what did they mean by that
you type like carmilla get the fuck out of /here/ and bond while your at it
minor spelling mistake its over for me
That's cool, GJ anon!
I’ll live with the bondlivers if they help keep the thread alive
Doesn't sound "fat" like Kiko nemuka etc but she did say her thighs were clapping.
No, the only null I was hyped for is starting a fansly and I this is the first time I've not felt excited about that
doesn't sound fat to me
Why is she cooming?
Bond is just a bunch of desperate sluts.
I thought we loved sluts
What a fat whore.
Some of them.
ok carmilla
Exercise punishment stream and pushups
yeah, for me.
you sold me on Anu
Iriam still not available in my country
Just use a Japanese account
She said something the other day that felt a bit off and it made me realize she's /here/, probably the person earlier that was complaining kek.
If you have an Android phone, you can download the qooapp app via web browser. But to see U.S. streamers, you have to set it for America and not Japan. That's what I did.
You don't understand anon, I wish Reina WAS a
slut and get desperate enough for VAllure.
Anu will be the prime slampig that Stevie should’ve been
>made me realize she's /here/
they are ALL here, always
>the only null I was hyped for is starting a fansly and I this is the first time I've not felt excited about that
why not? sounds pretty sex to me
Good. Now she knows how much we love her as AnuPig. You can tell she does not want to be in bondlive at all and wants to join a big corpo. Valid af.
Male or Female null chuuba?
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[Roseli News]
Roseli (Rose form) Birthday concert on the 12th (tomorrow) featuring Clotho, Rov, and others too maybe.
Also, she is selling Wose merch
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imagine not being excited for nullo bunnygirl sex
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>breed your bunny girl
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also this is pretty funny.
a story in two parts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpV0JIZXCeQ [Embed]
Yuri time
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this fucker ain't sharing!
patience anon
ahh, i missed that one
Oh fuck off.
Damn I thought Fifi forgot about us. Seems she had pneumonia.
Can I fuck the sickness out of her?
please don’t be on iriam
please don’t be on iriam
please don’t be on iriam
I literally just went to her twitter to see what happened a few minutes ago and was about to sadpost because I missed her...
I might have some.
Looks like I archived them in feb, was there any more after that?
wanderers fell for it again award
pretty sure her last stream was her PoV on this collab (Jan4)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMNWnBSK-Dc [Embed]
She is such a ball of sunshine, on crack. I love her so much.
Yeah, her last stream was Jan4, I'm looking for anything after Nov25 up til and including Jan4 if anyone has them. I have everything before that and everything after Jan4
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Manon schedule fix
Astrid has a real sexo model, but I haven’t been following her. Should I?
I miss her randomly liking my tweets
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Faelie hates us and will never come back
What happened to Mia? Just not streaming?
Fifi has an important announcement to make but wants to make a full recovery.


Please be leaving iriam.
Please be leaving iriam.
Please be leaving iriam.
Please be leaving iriam.
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whatever is happening with Mia has made her essentially stop using twitter for the most and also reduced her streams to like once a week
she also seems to deal with a ton of brainworms, even too scared to like her own fanart atm, at least thats what she said
if you compare it to before its like night and day
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i think too much stuff has happened in her IRL that killed a lot of her drive for vtubing
my hope is that her 1.1 model and twitch debut might rekindle some of that fire
She only has time for one guy now
And I'll fucking do it again. I just want Wendy content..
She doesn't want us.
Yeah, me.
she was big on nexas unity early on, the shut down definitely stung her
she also mentioned having to go to the hospital alot and kept saying its nothing serious but iirc she talked about an ecg and a cat scan on an older stream
I want her to be okay but I dont know how much of her health shes not telling us about
I feel like she would have joined IRIAM too if it was available for her.
nah, she made it very clear that even if she is thankful for the chance given to her with NEXAS and Anilive, that she never wants to return to a phone app ever again
Good for her. I was worried she was sad because her peers were moving to an app she couldn't use.
If Mia dies, then so do I
Me on the bottom
Shameful. Imagine if her dad saw this.
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She enjoys shaking those massive titties so yes.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlTDQxRAHKA [Embed]
Mizuki versus the freaks
She made a post that she still can stream on iriam and plans to stream in a little bit. She hasn't streamed in like a month and a half, maybe 2 months. Why does iriam peeps favor her and not kick her out btw?
They've technically never "kicked" anyone out (i.e. remove access to their account/streaming abilities) as far as I can tell. Check the profiles of all graduated Bond members and you can see that they still have the "top fan" section, implying their accounts still have the ability to stream.
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Enaria : https://www.twitch.tv/enarialiliales
join her membership and watch the stream
Alright. Which one of you fucks made fun of Fifi’s voice and made her cry.
where does she even stream? iriam only?
You're coming to Yukiko's partnership announcement, aren't you?
Before she got sick, she was barely going to start with Twitch (she did like 1 stream?) and right now her first stream back was on iriam. She said she 'might' stream on Twitch later, though I doubt it.
so what was the announcement?
She didn't say it yet. Seems she's waiting until her voice is back (I'll post it when she says what it is) so she can talk about it on Twitch. But she did hint about being unhappy in iriam.
goodnight brgers
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lol, lmao even
Anything worth knowing about in there, whistleblower-chama?
someone post the meme about the worst person in the community making a discord server
Mizuki's tits were legendary today, too.
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aiiiieeeeeeee aren't you afraid of getting banned???
funny how all chuuba dickswords devolve into bitchy clique infighting
a self proclaimed safe space discord turning into a toxic enviroment?
who could have seen this coming
I'm not >>97205461 ,
I'm >>97153979 (so another whistleblower-chama)
I'll post it if I see some shit.
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>>97206349 (OP)
Hi Belkis and Celes.
no one is gonna post anything of worth there anymore now that they have whistleblowers
It's not worth it desu.
my favorite part is gonna be how this will be spun into
>le evil 4chan is ruining it for us!
when they are the ones posting this shit here that no one asked for or cared about
its been like half a year when this same thing happened with JS and all it resulted in was that they made themselves fully irrelevant to the thread because no one wanted to deal with this shit
nobody asked for private information, fuck off bitch and stop lurking here
jesus christ bondlivers think they are way more important than they are
Celes, I will fuck you in the ass you queer
>>97153979 whistleblower chama, hello
i'm >>97205461 OP
we should do crime together
I blame Asa.
Who even says I'm a bondshitter? Kek
Jumpers and Founders are just streamers that failed auditions trying to get experience. Maybe in a year of being Iriam's toy, you can get passed down to Niji.
So who is gonna bring up how Celes, the uwu oh so positive neko tranny, admitted to obsessively browsing here?
Funny how the tranny says to get off and he's the one stalking it.
All in the name of positive and keeping people safe uwu
Honestly the uwu doesn't bother me. Do you think all of us here is going to stop talking cause of some uwu kek. Though that does sound more like a cunny needing correction.
Is he the evil vtuber DJ?
They were warned so let the floodgates open
No this one
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I didn't realize how much I missed Fifi..
tell us the announcement you monkey
She's pregnant and the kid is mine.
This is surely me
bros, nanos gonna make it
a child, with me.
that child? Me
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GODric: https://www.twitch.tv/godrichellion
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Nox (L4D2): https://twitch.tv/noxorphee
Arane (Yaps/sings?): https://twitch.tv/aranepurnama
Egregious lack of self-awareness to go "we want this to be a safe, positive space for everyone!" but also "if you catch someone committing wrongthink, snitch to the Mod Team(tm) so we can dogpile them" not even a paragraph apart.
>Most of the people who didn't want a shitflinging pen already left but if you keep this up I'm going to wag my finger even harder!!
Embarrassing but also completely expected from the type of person who runs a discord server.
Vtubing and the internet in general is way too old for people to still be making this blunder.
>Posting this info for a bunch of random strangers in Discord is fine, but if random strangers not in discord see it, it's a complete life-ruining disaster somehow
>noooooooo somebody in the discord shared it with somebody who isn't how could this happen you traitor :(((
Fuckers are having a footrace in the rake factory.
You're not supposed to let others notice that you're grooming, that decreases effectiveness a lot.
ok not gonna lie mhm hear me out haiyaaaa
Leaker here. Most of us know who that second paragraph is for since they tried calling out their bullshit. A hero for doing it honesty.
as a streamer who left the server BECAUSE of belkis, truer words have never been posted here
Funny to think the real reason why most left was because of celes and belkis. If any iriam streamers are reading, leave now.
What did delis and belkis do
Toxic positivity and controlling personalities
general twitter faggotry of believing the very first opinion that comes out as well as excommunicating people who dont match their exact idea of streamer
Glad to know she's into brown men.
Maybe trying /phone/ was a good idea after all...
They seem fine from their twitters but i guess discord servers may be different
Never trust the positivity only freaks
So 90% of vtubers
Wonder if they’re cleaning house or if any more juicy leaks will come out
They are cleaning house and getting ready to kick people
If leaking is against rules kicking is pretty understandable lol unless theirs grooming or some shit
>unless they're grooming
why do you think they're so bothered by the idea of someone posting shit here? It's groomers all the way down
Maybe some doxxable shit in their or something
i hope the leakers are the fun kind that give us stuff to laugh at like Aina's footjob and not doxx that no one wants
This wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t act like savior freaks
>we’re doing this to protect everyone
No, you are protecting the skeletons in your closet
Aina's footjobs are no laughing matter
They seem to have stopped leaking maybe theyre spooked
Still here. It’s fun watching them scramble and finally show true colors.
Has it gone dead silent or are they still continuing as per usual 8vms8
Some are trying to talk about it but the main event will happen later today
My main Niji girls are boring rn so i guess I’ll watch these nobody schizos In fight. Are they doing a call or some shit?
Left4Dead nowhere to be seen, she's been laughing at stupid workers all morning
Or maybe we were asleep. Why would we get scared?
You’d get kicked from your hug box
I wouldn't mind this drama if some of these guys didn't interact with my oshis
Whole thing seems like a nothing burger
Which iriam is the most likely to give footjobs?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcbqwolQRLY [Embed]
Probably Riyo the twink
Sure is being treated like a nothing burger by the discord mods
thats true.
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Wawoi catboys https://www.twitch.tv/wawoi_vtb
So they’re being reasonable and realizing it’s discord drama lol. Guess no more juicy leaks for 4chan today.
she's cute but her game choices are a great filter
>does anything other than asmr
>ccv tanks
gad dammit
welcome to the ASMR meta, yeah its a way to get big CCV but 99% of ASMR listeners do not care for the creator, they just want their fix
i hope people that are still in the server post more shit to scare them.
this is what happens when you treat other vtubers as “friends” instead of as coworkers.
Oh no does your soho have friends other than chat
Belkis, it’s late in the game to try and pretend it’s a nothing burger.
>Yea the fact they are trying to dig for doxxable info is something people need to know
Then don’t post doxxable information to a 100 member server? Are iriam founding streamers retarded?
Yes they are.
Dropped Celes. Which founding streamers who don’t contribute to discord grooming and fake positivity can I watch?
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Elise playing some Stardew!
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Forgot to post earlier, but Esila is live hunting for a shiny starter in Pokemon HGSS. Stream doesn't end until she gets one.
Most of the smaller people on Iriam seem fairly normal but without seeing in the server idk if we can be sure about anyone
Leaker here. Some founders are doubling down and blaming everyone but themselves. It’s really pathetic watching them scramble.
The normal ones are the ones who existed before iriam. If they got a model from iriam, they are not worth your time.
Post the scrambling
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Ok but be gentle
[Esila News] Esi has confirmed that she does, in fact, have bones.
Let the kicks begin
lol they are quarantining members and the freak outs are happening.
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I just hope my wife Anu isn’t part of this nonsense. I fell in love with her too fast
Damn the caught the leakers
I wanna suck her toes
Only a few first gen bond members like erebus are part of the discord.
Because 4chan fags which hunt people for being in a positive space
If you need to declare that the space is positive then it is not positive. Groomniggers would not understand positive vibes even if they were drowning in them
I wish the bondlivers would groom me
This is a very positive and supportive space you stupid faggot.
Because they hate Bondlivers for being in an agency.
Sorry you wasted a load on a tranny.
Plural loads
Join their servers. Let us know how it goes.
They need to start saying when they're a tranny so we can know who to avoid.
Honestly she’s still hot
very positive if you have to vaguely call people out in a mass ping for thinking differently
you couldnt tell off the voice alone?
A chicks a chick dude who cares
did Belkis nuke her entire shit over this?
nevermind, its just the IRIAM homepage being stupid
Hot? No. Fuckable? Yes.
Give me the names so I can block them
Of who?
Celes Aurion and Belkis Kamino
Personally if i’m in a public discord server I don’t post anything there that I wouldn’t be okay with someone outside seeing, you can’t really expect to be able to stop anonymous posters from posting screenshots, better to just not post things that would cause issues if they leaked.
And no one is even posting screenshots of people doing irl cosplay or some shit. No one is doxxing.

The whole thing started with the carmilla screenshots happened, showing some type of proof that she is a shitty human, and that the vagueposter was correct. Now they're making a big deal over nothing.
It's been 5+ hours
I kneel autismo queen
There are people posting their irl cosplay on the server?
calling people "fags" isn't very positive of you!
Yes kek
>5 hours resetting the game for a shiny
Only 5 hours? I miss Sana...
>>97237005 →
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>>97237005 →
did you miss all the idiots posting their irl publicly on twitter? they join stuff like #vtuberVsIRL, most of these new vtuber wannabes have no standards

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