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One of those companies is Phase Connect. They occupy 0,7% of V-tuber market, but take up nearly 80% of shitposts on this board.
"They" are always complaining bout Phase and setting up false flag shitposts.
These aren't by definition Phase fans.
I don't know who you're trying to gaslight here.
uh huh sure phaseflag, keep shilling or something
>>97133273 (OP)
>The one company that panders to right wingers is the one where a majority of cancerous shitposts come from
Surely it's a coincidence.
>>97133273 (OP)
80% is a generous low ball
Don’t worry, you’ll create that flamewar you want one day…
Any day now…
Surely just one more thread will get people to fight each other for lulz.
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Rent. Free.
it used to 0.6%
we're growing stronger
refill your popcorn because you dont want to miss what happens when phase hits 1%
>>97133273 (OP)
Why are people so intent on having consolewars? Why can't they accept that their side has their own set of trolls and it has nothing to do with some boogeyman? It's ludicrous
>>97133273 (OP)
Maybe they commit more crimes
>>97133273 (OP)
I don’t believe it
They aren't that bad
>>97133273 (OP)
If it's making third world faggots like you seethe sounds like they're pretty based
>>97133273 (OP)
I'm sorry that Iroha is dying. No need to post deflections.
>No need to post deflections
>post deflection
>>97133273 (OP)
Can we fire and ban all the twitch culture adjacent western vtubers? Its all cancer.
>>97126235 →
>same thread made twice in one day
OP is desperate to deflect
No need to post deflections phasekeks
>>97133273 (OP)
I would say its closer to 90%
>>97133273 (OP)
And you're goddamn right
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Nobody show this pagpag fes photos kek
>pagpag fes
phase is having a con?
i hope doxxagi is invited as a guest speaker
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>The one company that panders to right wingers
phase more like gayse hehe

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