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I forgive her. I want her back
i see you also make terrible life choices anon ...
I just want to make her a single mother.
I just want to be happy again...
least obvious bait thread
>>97134124 (OP)
i wrote this
hololive is so boring without her. i want my crazy GFE back
>>97134124 (OP)
>>97134124 (OP)
You cant forgive someone who hasn't asked for it
She's attractive enough for me to want to reproduce with her, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life dealing with her borderline personality disorder bullshit.
I will raise your child
O7, cucked and living in hell.
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Rushia in, Bloo in(generation centered around Bloo where she rp all members).
Hololive saved.
>>97134124 (OP)
her IRL feet are pretty sexy
have you seen that clip where she rubs the heel of her bare foot into her pussy?
you just cant post that without a link
Menhera pussy is on another level
>>97134124 (OP)
all yours buddy
>>97134124 (OP)
I forgave her a long time ago.
rushia was funny and self-deprecating
she's not like that anymore
still hot though
she can "come back" to chaturbate if she wants to be rich again
im pretty sure she is still rich
I don't know. Lawyer fees and a new model every three months start to add up.
>>97134124 (OP)
Michan ero fanbox onegai

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