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- Megas:
/lig/'s Archive (Non-Paywalled, excludes HoloNiji)- https://mega.nz/folder/JYtkXJwL#07gAQCQqI_9FsmX9oQJKSA

Ask in thread for options below (Including paywalled cards)!
Horny image maker: https://twitter.com/Wataaamage
Koi image/video maker: https://twitter.com/koi_s3
VTuber/Hololive Koikatsu Card
- Koikatsu Database: https://db.bepis.io/
- Pixiv Releases: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/バーチャルYouTuber キャラ配布(コイカツ)
MMD VTuber (iwara.tv)
- https://oreno3d.com/origins/3 (Iwara aggregator site#1)
- https://erommdtube.com/origins/3 (Iwara aggregator site#2)
- https://mmdfans.net (Iwara video cache/archiver)
Subscription Site Archives:
Patreon/Fanbox/Gumroad/etc. - https://kemono.su/
Fansly - https://coomer.su/
Catbox : https://catbox.moe/ (200mb max)
Litterbox : https://litterbox.catbox.moe/ (1Gb Max/temporary storage)
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Welcome to Naked Island. It is a tiny paradise in the Pacific where vTubers can connect with nature to escape the civilized world. There are three simple rules: Visitors must be naked at all times while on the island. Recording devices such as computer tablets, cameras, or audio recorders are allowed. Explicit sex acts are heavily encouraged and mandatory. Activities on the island include beach time, hiking, massages, saunas, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, as well as sex, sex, sex and sex. Curfew is when you run out of cum. Bedtime is once aftercare is done. Safety equipment will be provided for all sports and activities. Hiking requires a backpack of emergency supplies. Island is a paradise for Female and Male chuubas to engage in every kind of depraved sexual activities together. Lesbian and Gay activities are allowed. Vtuber adjacent characters and alternate personas/mascots are allowed such as San, Boros, every vtuber mascot, alternate vtuber personas such as Sallie/Olivia and Vtuber parents. They are also required to participate in sexual activities with each other and the other vtubers. Toys will be provided as the participants deem necessary
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Are hags too dangerous to be allowed to roam free on Naked Island?
No such thing as too much.
Hags are allowed to roam free. After all what's life without a little danger
Plus we need people to drain the shotas on the island since they have a lot of energy
Anyone know where I could get a Raora Kk Card?
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LDKI Rao here! https://litter.catbox.moe/eqyqb2.png
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Sniff... my job's being stolen... how will I fund my hunt for Merry Milk merch now?

Jokes aside -- if anyone needs a KK card, I have some time and might be able to help you if you reply to me sooner rather than later. Gotta keep my mind off travel shenanigans somehow!
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Funny thing is, that Rao card was from you; my catalogue is way smaller and it just so happened that I need it after someone else asked for it, lol
Do you have LDKI's Moona? I tried combining Hatoko's with a coord I found on Pixiv, but couldn't get the hair to work...
Also, by any chance, do you also have Ember's card? I tried checking /lig/ archive's Phase folder but found nothing
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That kk anon again, I've been thinking about adding more drawn elements to the images. Anons, how do you feel about the edit in comparison to the original?

Bit of a large request, but would you happen to have Koikings Haachama and Hatoko's Mio card? There's also a TAF4MAD Mio card on pixiv, but i'm unsure if you would have that one
Any good Mint cards based on her 3.0?
I think the edit looks better overall, the extra hair frazzle works, neutral on the extra "mess"

Based Anya smut. I have to say I don't think the hair strands add much, but I appreciate the extra detail, and I certainly think the pose and model work is great.

>The last faint pink rays of sun hang in the sky, casting subtle hues through the tall windows of Justice HQ's West tower.
>Inside the lights are dim, and two figures are seated, one behind the other on a large, luxurious armchair. A blue glow flickers behind the figure in front.
>Cecilia sits stock still as Elizabeth digs around in her back.
>light from Liz's flame occasionally passes through the bulletholes in her hard outer shell.
>she doesn't mind.
>the fight had been intense, if not particularly long, and she'd sustained substantial damage as thanks for saving Raora.
>Liz hums quietly as she switches out gears and springs inside her, and Cece allows rhat sound to put her at ease a little more.
>one by one, Liz lays out the individual mechanical parts that make her move and keep her "alive", and carefully replaces them with the finest clockwork Great Exardia can produce. Each gear costs £10,000 a piece and has a lead time of a year.
>with every original piece she loses, Cece feels as if a part of her is being lost, but knowing the extent that Elizabeth goes to to get her spare parts offers some small consolation.
>Once done with the mechanical repairs, Liz deftly removes the individual panels of her body and replaces them with custom formed wooden panels.
>Despite her stature, Liz has an incredibly soft touch, and the replacement panels fit in without any resistance.
>Panels of the finest Great Exardian oak, compressed and lacquered with painstaking attention to detail now make up about a fifth of her body.
>it would make Cecilia sad, if she didn't know just how much her continued wellbeing meant to the rest of Justice.
>Liz shuts the last panel, and applies just a dash of oil, then, with the voice of a mother, asks how many turns she needs.
>The fighting and the thinking over the last few days ran her down substantially, and she can feel the effects of low tension.
>she assumes it's what being sleepy feels like.
>She asks for thirty turns. Liz does this without questioning.
>When she's done, Liz hugs her and bids her goodnight. Cece plays her violin late into the night. It makes her happy to be part of an organisation that cares for her so much.

Sex with automatons!
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Liz card onegai? I need it for... stuffs...
Wake up.

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Holy boobers.
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That is a good moom.
Since its been enough time, interestingly, I found myself at the same conclusion, I liked how the hair looked on the face, the sweat and saliva, but didn't really feel much for the messy hair
Moom over june
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...well shit, the bus I was supposed to reserve filled up and now I gotta take the long way. Hey, good news -- I have time to upload!
As always, reply if you need anything, mail for private inquiry.

You mean the newest Ldki Moona on the rentry? That should be this one -- might be easier to move hair strands individually than hatoko's card.

Not a good sign if lig doesn't have a card for her -- the anon that organizes those cards is as particular as me with finding and adding them. I just checked mine, no Ember either.

I'vre been lurking a while and I haven't seen any other anon use a good helping of mouthplates and drawn elements. You new, or just an old anon trying new tricks? I'm a big fan of the edit. I actually also do post-processing -- mostly to remove clipping, but if I could draw better i'd also add effects like that, too. You'll find that most of the "good kk lighting" just amounts to placing a shit ton of colored shadows and other objects in-frame to add onto the shaders used -- I say "If it makes it easier, than do it!"

I will say though that I prefer manipulating the mouth over using mouthplates, though. It never feels right. Also, the "messy hair" edits don't look right when the chuuba's hair is already fluffy and not straight, imo. Think holos like moona, mori's straighter hair, etc...

For your actual request:
Does this Haachama not work for you?

Hatoko Mio should be ok to upload; wifi in my hotel is surprisingly fast.
cards: https://litter.catbox.moe/ln9zcl.zip
mods: https://litter.catbox.moe/mstb2y.zip

For that third card: Yeah, no one ever leaks cards from non-vtuber-focused creators to me... I:m interested in getting cards for that creator, especially now that he mad a Luna card. If you feel like modding something, maybe you could get this Wily27 card to the way you like it?

Wataa made a proper 3.0 card, actually!

So I do got LDKI's ERB. Will that work for your smut, anon?
This where I ask to see some big booty chuubas? >.>
The Haachama card works great

New anon, techincally, I've spoken here before, I actually gave you the Hana Macchia card a while back when someone requested it once.

When it comes to scenes, I feel there's a time and place for both plates and manipulating the mouth. A con of the hatoko cards is they limit the expressions possible as most face bones are inaccessible. Lighting is fun as hell, each shader needs to be lit semi-differently and it's interesting experimenting, but yeah you could be lazy with it too. The messy hair tip makes a lot of sense, I'll take note of that.

I got this
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"CLOWNFISH could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this sea before. There could be CLOWFISH anywhere." The cool wind felt good against her choco chest. "I HATE CLOWNFISH" she thought. ヨマツリズム reverberated her entire ship, making it pulsate even as the $9 wine circulated through her powerful thick veins and washed away her (merited) fear of amphiprioninae after dark. "With a ship, you can go anywhere you want" she said to herself, out loud.
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I need to cum to a vtuber picked by the thread
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nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn VIVI!
she looks cute
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and sexy!
she does look pretty hot
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She is also pretty funny.
nice body at least
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You now have to explain exactly what Dev_is does
idk what that is
This still looks like a Sugar Lyric design to me. If there are even any of them left.
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Damn, a nice juicy fox booty
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Thank you anon!
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The TimeRyS requester here, but as a stuffs enojoyer, I'll say I like the edit more. The messy hair is nice but the kiss marks and added fluids make more erotic
That and I also like the halftone shading (I think it is) on the edit
I think you posted last time but you do have an catbox gallery or archive of some kind right?
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This right here:
All the images I've put here so far
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Oh nice. And I agree with Ollie
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You can probably see why me and other older anons don't typically use the base hatoko cards too much, and just throw the assets onto other cards.

The problem with MMD ports is that a 100% faithful port will always fail, as it requires a custom headmod that typically isn't as flexible as a real KK head. The older ports (hourai's) were lazy with this and thus had no KKEYEs (eye movement) and stiff facials. Newer headmods from porters like Hentaiotaku and Hatoko do manage to get eye movements and better facials, but the morphs -> KK shapes never seems to transfer 100%. The card of my beloved Merry Milk is an MMD port, so I do get how you feel.

I'm guessing that you're already using KKPE to manually adjust those mouth blendshape sliders, right? Have you tried manually setting the mouth bones on the tab with the long list of bones? Sometimes the porters leave enough bones on the face that you can further push an expression by changing those up. I'd post an example that I did, but I can't exactly open KK in japan, lol.

That was a bit text-heavy. Here's a very very sexy cute erotic Luna to make up for it.
I do that often actually! This convo actually gave me an idea to show the differences, I might actually make lewd images out of it too
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Oh, that's good to hear! Glad to see someone else gets this idea too! I'm pretty sure doing this 1000x times is how AnnaAnon gets their style from. If only it worked consistently with Merry Milk's card (or maybe i need more practice with it when I get back). Looking forward to your next works, anon!
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>I am not flirting
>I am an AI. Heart.
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It's supposed to focus on group musical projects, akin to J and K-Pop girl groups.
This is probably what they did with the INNK assets.
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oh, cool
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Polka needs more love
Cute silly friend face
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Birthday stuff
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Stuffs on the beach.
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No stuffs...?
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I've got some chocolate boy stuffs
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San should visit his sister.
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Made a quick continuation of one of my images since it's her birthday

Ollie found a great gift for Anya.
I agree
Is this the BIG BANG or the Milkyway?
That's some pretty good Stuffs anon. Always appreciate to see some KK Anya stuffs.
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Big stuffs, small stuffs, some big as her head.
Stuff even bigger than her head though?
It's a big bang followed by a milky way
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Fuck you, why does that gotta be so cute and reassuring.


>mfw a song my dad and I once sung under a bandstand for no reason shows up on a Chilean tomato farming forum.

Give 'em a twist, a flick of the wrist, that's what the peahen said.


>seeing as she's canonically a fucking awful driver, Cece is the only member of Justice that doesn't have a drivers' license.
>instead she just has bus passes for a dozen countries that she stores in a compartment in her leg, and a bicycle.
>she also has a lunchbox. There's no food in it though, just a glock.
>Sometimes she'll be gone from Justice HQ for weeks on a single full wind-up.
>She can last for about a month if she's really careful to conserve energy.
>she also has an emergency beacon that activates if she's not moved for 24 hours.
>it sends an SOS to Justice HQ and sends all of the other members a picture of a sad Cece face and her co-ordinates.
>Gigi volunteered to be the rapid response. She hasn't been needed yet, but it's the thought that counts.

captcha: GGYY4
>Fuck you, why does that gotta be so cute and reassuring.
Just some nice (sibling/cousin/selfcest) love
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Hey, does anyone have latest Ina's card from LDKI?

>kronii grinding on her own daki

On-brand and hot.
Big asses
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I have this card, I don't know about mods needed though
Midsummer Kronii sweating straight through her white top and showing off her nipples
Before I go to bed, here's some actually spicy Cece lore I pulled all the way outta my ass.

>Because Cece was originally made to perform a servant role, her original manufacturers foresaw situations where the lord of the manor might try to have sex with their automatons.
>Instead of trying to prevent this they sold Cece with an added feature hidden deep withing the manual.
>the Immerhymen.
>Cece's personality was programmed to be a perpetual virgin.
>if Cece experienced sexual advances from a man, she was designed to respond in a manner befitting of a pure maiden, and in the event of a shameful skirts-up-bloomers-down lecherous fuck in the pantry, she would respond as if she was experiencing discomfort or pain, with tears to sell it.
>Her vaginal system also featured a replaceable fake blood pack for maximum shame.
>After a couple of hours, she would always forget the exchange happened, and would continue on as if her dignity had never been violated by some rich old bastard.
>replacing the blood pack could be done by opening her up and pausing her clockwork mechanism.
>Because the entire system was supposed to be invisible to her, Cece had no idea about this, until she joined Justice and formed a relationship with Gigi.
>Most normal sexual actions with Gigi went about as well as sex with a gremlin can go, but one night Gigi tried a strap-on.
>Up until now her systems hadn't registered what she was doing as sex, because her designers never imagined two women fucking, but they damn well recognised a dick when they saw one.
>Expecting Cecilia to love it, Gigi went full ham on her, causing Cecilia to wail, cry, and bleed.
>Gigi immediately stopped and tried to comfort her. She has no idea how she hurt her, but she just wants to make it right.
>eventually they give up on the strap-on and Cecilia seems to forget the whole thing the next day.
>they still love each other very much.
This please
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No dying and stuffs.
I enjoy large booba.
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The bigger the better!
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big fat Deron tiddy
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Who might this be?
I miss this damn outfit like you would not believe
Oh neat. Don't think I've seen your stuff in a while.Got an archive btw?
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I'll be honest I've never actually watched her before. I just follow the artist who designed her.
>>97145935 (OP)
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I don't believe you...
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Oi no dying while cute hags exist.
If you don't believe in that what hope does Mio have?
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It was supposed to bait so people would start posting again...
That doesn't mean stop posting.

That is a good Ollie. I like it a lot.


plap plap plap plap plap get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant (zombies can't get pregnant, but Ollie likes the thought of it so I say it anyway).
By the way, I hope I didn't bother anyone with the cece autism earlier. Here's some Gigi to say sorry.
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Kiara kissed Raora. Are there no bitches Kiara won't make moves on? That little Austrian slut needs correction.
Slapping Mori's ass during sex

Here's some seggs for you:

>Kiara is the biggest slut in Hololive. By a long margin.
>she has the elegant figure, the tits, the ass, the surprisingly good singing voice, the eyes, the sheer sexual magnetism, she has it all.
>as such, it is possible to track Kiara's movements around the world by the trail of satisfied bitches she leaves behind.
>Lui in a hotel bed in Switzerland with her eyes crossed in pleasure and her pussy leaking? Kiara was here.
>Ina tucked into bed in France with her hair in a messy pile and a damp patch on her sheets? Kiara was here.
>Ollie taped to a wall in Canada with the vibrator still running? Kiara.
>Raora curled up on a four poster bed in Morocco with her tail over her nose, drooling in her sleep with bite marks on her shoulder and lipstick marks on her thighs? You bet it's Kiara.
>Kiara is like a weatherfront. She just comes in, wrecks pussy, and drifts onward.
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San sex
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I need to cum to a vtuber slut
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Perhaps if I post a cute zombie, the thread will come back from the dead.
Imagine getting to tease a cute, tied up Ollie, getting to play with her body and bring her to orgasm to your heart's content
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Cute pantsu
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Needs more love!
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Cute zombie
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Rise from your grave!
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Playing with Ollie's nipples
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Hey anon, do you have the hatoko acrobatics/excersie Kiara outfit?

That might just be the cutest Ollie I've ever seen.


This is also an exceptional quality Ollie.


Phase seems to have an unusually high ratio of plains to mountains.
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My oshi dropped a banger let's fucking go.

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