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She doesn't have the vocabulary to ruin JPs.
>>97152312 (OP)
She's just treating her as a woman who gives her comfort, that's all
>>97152312 (OP)
No, she's feminized and improved now.
sora raped the comfort woman
Kronii did nothing wrong
She did and continues to do everything wrong.
>>97152312 (OP)
>God she's going to ruin Sora isn't she?
No, because Kronii's entire thing is putting on a fake front when she feels she needs to, and so she will do the ironic seiso act in front of Sora.
Why has Sora been hanging around the ENs a lot lately? Like I know the CC thing came out of nowhere but she's been spending a lot of time with them all in Japan. Why?
>>97152312 (OP)
They'll get along really well, off collab together, and then suddenly Sora will graduate, and Kronii will avoid mentioning her by name the entire way
Because they were all in Japan at the same time for a big event?
Because she wants to get to know her coworkers...? That's completely normal social behavior.
>Sora graduating before any EN
rumao even
Sora was first in and she’ll be last out.
She's had plenty of opportunities over the years. I'm asking why NOW?
Sora tends to keep to herself. It wasn’t until the last minecraft smp server and HoloGTA did she really start interacting with the other branch members, either because her schedule is conflicting with the others, or she’s not sure how to properly talk to them because she’s not good at English.
Pretty cute its cool to see sora hanging out with the en girls
Gonna be frank, but Kronii is the last person in EN that I expected Sora of all people to bond with the most lmao
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>>97152312 (OP)
Kronii is the only one that'd actually enjoy Sorasex, unlike the others who are forced to by her unsatiable appetite
From the perspective of the JPs this is likely the first and last time they will ever get to meet a foreigner, much less one attempting to speak their language
Yes, Yagoo accidentally created an international lesbian dating service and I will defend that rrat
Just remember Kiara compared RL Kronii to a model
Kronii a menhera or what? I don't know much about her
>Just remember Kiara compared RL Kronii to a model
What did she say about Bae? Because if she was gushing platitudes over Bae like some other EN's have then it was just Kiara "being nice" and nothing she said about Kronii can be trusted.
>Kiara compared RL Kronii to a model
Not a model, she said Kronii looked like the K-pop singer Minji specifically
why japanese use comfort women so much
More like minge *snicker*
"Kronii" tweeted a picture of herself and she's actually pretty good-looking.
From what little I've seen she really doesn't
Sora has been trying to play down her daisenpai status ever since Iofi.

she then went on to the more extroverted members like Matsuri, Subaru and Marine, having them call her as Sora-chan instead.

now she's going after ENs most probably because they don't hold the same "senpai" culture because I'd assume even though she insists on it, most JP members would have a hard time actually treating her as a friend and acting casually around her.
How big are her tits though? Did Kiara allude to that? The model is ridiculous.
>Sora has been trying to play down her daisenpai status ever since Iofi.
Sora has been trying to do that at least since gen 2 and the first minecraft sports fest where she was only a guest and did not participate. This isn't a new thing and hasn't nothing to do with Iofi, newfag
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Hello, I would like to humbly ask you for Sora reaction images. Thank you.
>>97152312 (OP)
You have never watched Sora (like everyone else). If she could spend her time exclusively with ID, EN and Stars she would. What makes her seiso is that even as she's slapping her meatflaps in your face as a bit that an ID is pressuring her into is that she maintains this aura of not really getting it.
Do not use Sora for your shitposting
>>97152312 (OP)
I'd like to ruin Sora if you know what I mean
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I don't know where Sora learned these. These are NOT idol moves.
It's just objective truth. For example, people act like it's such a crazy and scary thing that she said "You're the enemy, now" and it became one of her big memes but not only in that moment but in many times its been referenced since, she gives off the impression she doesn't notice that she said anything of note at all. It's like a seiso shield where even things she participated in are somehow not able to break through.
No anon. She will destroy the shit out of you
>From the perspective of the JPs this is likely the first and last time they will ever get to meet a foreigner, much less one attempting to speak their language
I don’t get it. A bunch of the EN members have moved in to their country like Mori, Biboo, and Bae. Ririka and Raden even visited Kiara in Austria. It’s not like Cover is unstable enough that they have to treat every foreign branch member like they’re at the risk of graduation.
>>97152312 (OP)
Who did she ruin before?
Nene trying and giving up will always be the best part
>>97152312 (OP)
wrong, Sora is going to complete the kronii feminization
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>being nice
>>97152312 (OP)
Sora survived Kson, how can kronii top that?
She's not having sex with me so clearly you are wrong!
Why is aki so bashful about this? Didn't she spread eagle on camera in one of her 3D?
Nigga please.
Even though those guys have moved to grorious nippon the jp girls don't hang out with them often or at all. This is a time that gives them an excuse to meet face to face and talk because the nips are generally too reserved to reach out on their own. Mori has frequently mentioned this timidity. Basically they will wait for the foreigner to ask them because they don't want to intrude.
That's it until Sora strap her to the bed. She will make Kronii revive her ancestors experiences.
"A" model. Not "her model". Models do not generally have big tits, quite the opposite.
It's crazy how obvious it is when someone never watched a Sora stream in their life
Have Kronii gotten past being a bumpling nervous mess when speakling Japanese?
>From the perspective of the JPs this is likely the first and last time they will ever get to meet a foreigner, much less one attempting to speak their language
Japan has been taking in 700k foreigners a year since 2021, there have never been more foreigners in japan besides the end of WWII.
>>97152312 (OP)
More likely the opposite. Kronii is on the idol path these days. Plus the JPs are way worse than anything Kronii's done. And Sora already collabs with men.
Probably because the ENs don't treat her like an unapproachable goddess the way most jps do. Sora has a habit of latching onto any holo that will give her the time of day, but most jps won't because of seniority autism. I think she's just recently realized that her English has improved enough to actually collab with ENs and not have it be a game of broken telephone.
Must be nice to have no life, knowing literally everything about vtuber lives and lording that over those who make innocent mistakes.
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Respect, mainly. For the Nips, respect is a huge part of their culture so they always treat seniority with respect. It’s why they even have a whole culture based on the honorifics with the whole “senpai tax” meme. Westoids and Burgerland-adjacent holos don’t really hold respect to that high of a degree as their cultural values are much different than Nipland. Being the very first chuuba of Hololive is going to cone with a lot of prestige, renown, and authority whether she likes it or not. And the Japs don’t play around that sort of thing which I can imagine for someone like her; she’s probably tired of being treated like this resplendent princess when she’d much prefer being treated as casually as you would a friend or colleague.
>>97152312 (OP)
I want Sora and Kronii to ruin me
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Sora is the kind of menhera who would stalk you for life
She is, but not any more than most of the members.
they talk to her like a human being
>>97152312 (OP)
No. In fact, it will be the opposite, Sora will turn Kronii into a cheap nympho whore who sucks off managers and investors for free
this and Hitler too
Sora works well with boyish girls. It brings out her cute girlfriend side and that's good.
Don't listen to anyone else, Mio told her that it's a good month for it
Kronii is not even remotely boyish. She's physically one of the strongest members, but most of them are sticks.
What I said was right. She's boyish.
Anon, if you are basing your definition of boyish on your old childhood friend who is suspiciously shorter than you, refuses to undress in front of you and has a higher voice pitch than your other bros, you should fuck that friend.
Wasn't referring to that sense. I'm saying her vtuber model has RIDICULOUSLY FAT TITS and whether Kiara mentioned Kronii's tits in any capacity.
>>97152312 (OP)
Sora is the clear dom in this relationship
I've never been a fan of kronii, even before her and mori's little obsession arc with the two graduated homofaggots. Never liked her vibes at all, something about her just doesn't sit right with me.
This is why everyone likes Kronii, she does not care about your standing standing and will banter with you regardless.
Case in point Gura, you'd think being the top girl in all of Hololive would make most people tip toe around her, but not Kronii who mockingly refers to her as 'sempai' and bullied the hell out of her at a summer fes.
And before you start rrating, they're still friends and Kronii made Gura laugh so hard she started crying during their last collab.
Kronii's general demeanor is very irreverent to a point that to the wrong person, it can come across as abrasive. Recall how she's told Gigi how much she appreciates pushing her buttons to find a limit. Sora is probably the same but in the sense that she's not shy by any means, just that she doesn't have a way to reach out to the EN crowd due to the lack of communication, and the ones that she can communicate with, often see her first and foremost as some aspirational figurehead that holds influence, and a friend from work second, or even third depending on how much they look up to her.
Considering that the running trend going around is that she spent the most time with Kronii, a better question would be: "Why did Sora hang out with Kronii the most out of any other girl?"
I still remember their first interaction was in HoloGTA where Kronii was trying to escape the police and got into a panicked call from Sora who was speaking in broken english about fixing her car. Good times.
>something about her just doesn't sit right with me
You're just a faggot, that's all
>I think she's just recently realized that her English has improved enough to actually collab with ENs
>"Why did Sora hang out with Kronii the most out of any other girl?"
>>97152312 (OP)
Sora is gonna save Kronii from her Sally addiction
>Non crazy homely long brown hair design, probably reflective of the person behind it
Oh god Sora run!
Kronii isn't the first person that comes to mind when I think of an EN member who can speak Japanese. Interesting fact to learn that she can speak Japanese well, according to Sora.
English alone can't be enough of a reason. Just because Kronii can hold a conversation doesn't automatically mean that it's enough for Sora to keep stick around her when there are other girls in EN that can speak just as fluently.
Nta but Boohoohoo take your L graciously turbo faggot.
its the resting bitch voice for me
You did not read the caption at all.
>She actually spoke only Japanese with me.

Besides that, the EN girls that we know who can fluently speak Japanese are Bae, IRyS, Mori, Kiara and Ina. Ina is too reclusive to speak to her, period. No Senpai or language shenanigans, I just don't see her hanging around anyone for too long. Meanwhile, the others don't seem to interact with any of the JP girls too often.
As well, they have been around for 3-4 years at this point, and knew Japanese well since at least that time. There is a chance that Kronii learned it at a good conversational level relatively recently, or at least to what Kronii deems as acceptable, and it was the first time they interacted since; the others have had multiple years to interact, and haven't really/often interacted, so it seems to just be how they are with Sora and the other JP members.
Pure speculation, of course.
>>97152312 (OP)
tokino sally
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History WILL repeat itself.
Kronii WILL lose the girl.
It's not a matter of if, just when.
poor kronii
sora tries *way* too hard to please everyone, to the point where it comes across as pathetic. it's the same problem i have with biboo.
the only one she pleases is me
>>97152312 (OP)
Sex with korean women
can't believe sora would go after fauna's ex like that
Sora will enslave Kronii, then barge into Fauna's house and offer her a new obedient cat
>tags: mind break
>>97152312 (OP)
management is telling every unpopular jp to latch themselves to a random en member?
Then she would be talking about CC, not Kronii. They already have a connection, relatively recently as well the 3D World, and Minecraft.
How so? Sora just wanted to get closer with her subjects and the only way to do that is her doing the first move, being proactive
>>97152312 (OP)
Sora im sorry.
I can confirm from image search. Kronii isn't ugly on the outside at least but they don't look alike aside from being Asian women
i believe the rrat about sally and sora being similar enough for kronii
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>>97152312 (OP)
>First and Number One both like CC
>First and Number One both like Kroni
So there's a formula to attracting mascot status idols. Just talk to them
this. kronii is the one in danger, not sora.
fuck ya muddah

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