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▼ Phase Connect Links
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▼ Tenma Maemi 天満マエミ (EN + JP)
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▼ Pipkin Pippa ピップキン・ピッパ (EN)
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▼ Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
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Archive: https://youtube.com/@TheNationalFuuraYuriArchive
▼ Dizzy Dokuro 髑髏ディズィー (EN)
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▼ Jelly Hoshiumi 星海ジェリー (EN)
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Previous Thread: >>97151739 →
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>>97157438 (OP)
why are you like this
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWd0-JsZW4k [Embed]
>>97157438 (OP)
Lumi is right
a nipple is tasteful, but here the nipples are banned and gooners are free to post their weird ass fetish about anal rape
this world is sick, SICK.
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Perceive Her radiance.
Illuminate one and all in Her splendor.
Captivate those with Her light.
Obey only Her brilliance.

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>>97157438 (OP)
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Confession time
I download all my anime in 720p.
pippa would do this
>/pcg ss/
>>97157438 (OP)
anal sex with jerry while her mascara runs
Not many anime benefits from the extra pixels.
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>>97157438 (OP)
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>>97157438 (OP)
You can't just post the non soundpost version.
Not allowed.
The native resolution of anime is usually sub-1080p anyway, so you are alright. Also, the Japanese they still buy DVDs in this day and age.
how is that a confession
anime isn't rendered at 1080, watching at that resolution is pointless
Man, I just assumed since Samurai 7 that anime was all 1080p.
>>97157438 (OP)
/pcgs/, would you date Jelly even after knowing she might be a menhera?
i like menhera women
>might be a menhera
nini hooman. o7
I wouldn't date a "mentally stable" woman even if you paid me, they are all menhera, the ones who are good at hiding it will slowly destroy your life. So yes.
this whole I wish i could date my oshi shit is pathetic uwu i'm so lonely
I also like the creature I watch, Jelly Hoshiumi, when she's crying. Sorry but you can't push me away that easily.
nice tits moomposter gn
cum right now
i am eating cheese instead of watching phase because the talents refuse to stream
true, but post tits
what cheese?
she's not my type
Is Jelly being racist and sexist? I love it when she does that
Stop asking dumb questions. The answer will always be yes.
sliced butter cheese
I got close to a low 2view schizophrenic manic depressed chuuba who ghosted me but when I started having fun in another chuuba's chat she dmd me a wall of text complaining that I abandoned her and all of our talks meant nothing to me and I hate her.
I dont think I could deal with a menhera girl long term.
anon she’s dead
>least blatant humble brag
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Hag sex
>>97157438 (OP)
I LOVE you.
I thought Hololivers were supposed to be seiso
Is her corpse being racist and sexist? I'd still pick her
that's not a menhera thing, most people do this
or stay silent and cheat on you because of it
That type of menhera can only be quelled in person.
You need to establish mutual ownership while shes holding a knife.
you have to let go
I am listening to music
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG564GILdCY [Embed]
anything else, or just cheese?
Why do all of phase love Peo so much?
You should've told her you love her the most or something you would've been married by now
just. cheese.
Its not just Phase, pretty much every small corpo raids into Peo if nobody is online
i will love jelly eternally
together we could power through even her darkest despair
Is she the JP big indie or something?
24 cards or 30 cards?
of what?
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lemon hooka
Ngl, the thought of eating raw butter cheese is pretty enticing. I wouldn't eat an entire block but eating like 1/4th of it would be nice
for a deck
hold up anal or anal rape? one is the peak woman experience and the other is just rape. also lumi only says that because she has super pointy nipples that show through her shirts
Lumi is our saving grace. Lumi is so very important to Phase Connect and this thread. Without her we wouldn’t be here.
because i am strongly considering 24 or 25 cards for the deck size
I spent months constantly trying to be there for her and help her in every way possible and be supportive but the only time we managed to have a real conversation is when I messed something up and we talked because she was angry at me.
She could never be happy for anything, was always miserable and only saw the bad things in everything. On top of having a very shitty life.
I stopped talking to her because it was affecting my own mental health.
but 31 > 24
Personally, I HATE Lumi.
but i am only allowing 2 copies of the same card per deck
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Hi, I'm Tenma
hi Tenma
then avoid getting more than 2 copies of the same card to keep it within regulation
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>This VTuber LOVES CUM
hello tenma
what color are your nipples
Was she cute
>hold up anal or anal rape? one is the peak woman experience
Is that what you tell yourself when your bf fucks your ass you fag, the peak woman experience
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I'm sorry I made a mistake with that picture
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you forgot to actually open the waiting room?
this seems contrived
she is exhaustingly stupid at times, cant remember what she is even arguing about, relies on retarded chatters for moral support, and needs to be slapped at least once a day. but I dont know if she can help herself and even when she is being delusional she is still really nice
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Lumi has a dirty pussy
no? are you good anon
I feel like we have lost the plot and just auto-respond to stimuli at this point
welcome to being old. im sorry you had to find out this way. nothing changed. you just got tired and started to notice
That doesn't look like Tenma, her hair is all weird and shit.
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Chief Two-View say, Geronimo smokum peace pipe jokes like anon's mom, worn out and overused.
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Kill yourself Geronimo. The yanks should never have given your kind land
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>>97157438 (OP)
>Pippa posts in the collab group chat and asks if anyone wants to play Minecraft with her
>only jelly joins
>Runie posts in the collab group chat to see if anyone wants to play repo
>Clara Uruka and tenma join
How much more is Pippa going to tolerate before she leaves?
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Hello Tenma
I think your coworker Pippa is really cute
lofi hip hop radio beats to relax/study to bu
for phase
I think you have it backwards as to who is tolerating whom
omg it's tenma
Pretty grim that nobody else in Phase cares to maintain a continous community thing.
i have decided on 30
you are severely mentally deranged and obsessive
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>>97157438 (OP)
This has been one of the shittiest weeks in recent memories, why do you have to do this shit?
he's right about her needing to be slapped once a day
Correct. It's this guy
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I'm been mentally well lately how do I make myself menhera so I can be more crazy (literal) for Memory?
i know
you seem to think that people need to feel what they type, people need to think what they type, and that the ettiquite on 4chan is the same as a boardroom meeting. the latter suggests you are an unemployed loser who hasnt touched grass in far too long. the former two suggest you arent old or mature enough to post here. I dont care if you think you are an oldfag. fuck off and come back after growing up
Start collecting Sanrio merch
You always say how Holo is soulless and phase is soulful or whatever but I watched Miko's soul calibur vod from her stream yesterday and it was funnier and more entertaining than anything I've watched from phase in over 2 years. The whole stream was her fighting against custom made meme characters and it was all a big fun inside joke for the fans, by the fans. And it was just a normal stream on a Monday.
When was the last time a phaser did a stream involving her community? And no, the stream where you sit in the cuck chair as your oshi reviews other men's bodies and clothing does not count and you know that.
>phase is soulful
was not is
stop fighting ghosts catalognig
hey man Tenma liked my body
so i win
>just let the fans make the content for you
shut the fuck up
Why is Uruka goading artists into drawing her with slutty clothes
I'd clean it with my tongue
where am i ?
uruka is a closeted whore
yes jelly i'll marry you how many cows do your parents want for you?
there is always that brief moment when you think the posts are yours. then you find out they arent and remember that even if they were, nothing is as sad or pathetic as memorizing posts and having them ready to go on your gay little reference sheet. see
only this time I am serious. you live alone and you will die alone if you keep taking this shit so seriously. good fucking luck. you cant be mad at pathetic
get in line, bud
I am the entire line
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GOD I want to FUCK Uruka. So BAD.
>wryyyy you caught me being a schizo again
yup, get fucked
Im not sure if laughing at your projections is the healthiest way to laugh at yourself. but good luck with that.
sure buddy add it to your little chart of imaginary characters in your head that you are valiently white knighting. I hope you took a week off and arent up all night shit posting on gibs
Pico needs to set up a compressor holy shit.
>implying I need an excel sheet to remember every post I read
Another day I'm reminded that none of you are at my level
does hime have a bush?
she seems like a shaver
that's what i was thinking but I would like to be surprised
Not since moving back home and letting herself go
kek I know I caught you because you are maaaalding
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Why would anyone go out of their way to spend time with Pippa when she ghosts them for months?
Rie should ask Loki-sama to take her to a soapland in Japan
Please srop sabotaging the Theo towers.
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I don't care about REPO or Minecraft. Who is going to play Obenseuer on stream?
You do realize that none of the girls actually like pippa right? Her personality is downright nasty and she is a bad friend who ghosts people for no reason.
Pippa's that annoying ass rich loser in school who you only tolerated cause they'd buy you food.
a holy one.
rie should molest me
Uruka should give me a handjob
You really think a person who's letting herself get fat would shave?
if you were on my level you would have applied that to a real job and would be citing code to a judge instead of masturbating to your white knight fantasies here.
if I was malding I would walk away from my entertainment. I know you cant do that and you are about to prove my point. youre a human pinata and you will never understand why. bullying retards is normally mean but you cluster b types are just human excriment
Also Lumi should play Infra since shes closest to civil engineering.
I love Goro...
I love Twisty...
that's a cute react well played and saved
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I really want to hear Memory's voice right now
Shiina owes me AA Paizuri.
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Hail Lumi full of eggs.
Return to her to her ancestral man, her property of her spirit.
Wouldn't that just be frottage?
Did phasers play Get To Work yet?
i have cum twice in an hour and it's phase connect's fault
Normal paizuri is also frottage
Dude. We get it. She has 28AA cups.
wait really? lumi has 28Cs or 28Ds. is that just the standard vtuber chest size?
lumi wishes she had ds
Pippa owes me a campfire date with grilled sausages, moonshine and stargazing
I don't know or care what that means.
Post tits.
I dont. nice Cs are perfect. if it werent for the inherent degeneracy of owning a daki lumi's cute impending grape design would be perfect but for the cup size distorting space time around it
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The real Phase KALEiDO
my nigger you should learn what that means if you want to play with them in person more often
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I have never found a single good chart showing off cup sizes.
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The Himecock....
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here you go bud
>only 5 scheduled streams up
>black souls ii
>violin slop
Absolutely fucking grim
how the fuck is she still in niji?
Is this the worst week of phase in recent memory? Everyone's depressed and streams are either canceled or dogshit. Where's the light at the end of the tunnel?
I miss Pico
is the weight per tit or both combined?
>jizz in my face
on you retarded half-black mutt
Just the Hina tweet unfortunately
Which one are you Jellyanti femanon?
100% combined. Ive never touched tits that weigh 3 pounds a pop. hell, im not sure what the band size on this chart is because I know those numbers are a bit high.
I love jelly you slack jawed mouth breathing faggot
She isn't
Moonshine owes me sex with his wife.
I love my singing dog wife so much.
she didnt graduate afaik
i miss Erina
poor guy, or maybe deserved since he decided to be a male vtuber
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I hope Jelly is doing better
I like Cs and everything below Gs
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I took a shower and got over it
>he thinks he knows any of Lumi's measurements
Why did dog move the Eimi collab.
I'm better btw
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJoNvSM8PkI [Embed]
You called Alice back, right?
Laters anon
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nini peeceegee
should i rewatch all of the current sao seasons again for the 8th time
Goodnight pigofam
nini it's peeceegees
something definitely happened here over the years. when i was a kid D was like comically large and you never heard of anyone with larger. these days it seems like every other woman has at least a D or bigger
Proof or stfu
Phase girl for this feel?
That's not actually a woman is it
Business implications of running a global entertainment agency with talents based in every heavily populated time zone on earth and then having maybe half a dozen streams in the same 3 hour window every day?
bro why are you taking instagram screenshots at 4am
go to sleep
I'm going to stop sexualizing and stop masturbating to Dizzy, nothing will stop me.
Loki's are much bigger
i had almost forgotten how shit niji's rigging is lmao
I always order the cheese pan it has cheese on here this part the ear the ear of pizza and then I order woh! The Panigoni
Hmm naruhodo. We are missing a middle eastern or indian chuuba
Obesity happened.
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When will Pippa show her chest?
already did. she has small torpedo tits with puffy ghostnips
Tenma's ethnicity is close enough to either of those
should I know who this is?
omg it's better
you, stop sinning?
ha, yeah right
But did you really?
those hands are familiar
nooo don't, your cum is too viscous and strong to not give it to dizzy haha
Yeah I'm currently watching a 1view play a game I've been addicted to recently and having a good time
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Good morning, /pcgs/.
Phasers are the best livers.
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Coon brother wars...
honestly, poko and panko should kiss
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So I heard you like vtubers
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Yeah, me
don't bully me
honestly, jerry should kiss me
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Sorry I don't talk to whores
Honestly, Lori should let me impregnate her.
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This but larry
but how?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pcrzPrqbyM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pcrzPrqbyM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pcrzPrqbyM [Embed]
I don't know but I'll find a way
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i want to hug her so bad
give me a yuu
that is cute
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What ethnicity is Teru(the guy who rigs a lot of the models)?
Why didn't the image attach damnit
Phasers are the cutest livers
does it matter?
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Phase Staff here. Let me clarify the situation with Ms. Jelly, as many of her fans seem to be worried about her. From the bits and pieces I've heard, around the time she went on her previous break to go back to "the jungle," she and her mom had a discussion about her future. For those who don't know, her parents are unaware of her job as a vtuber; they only know that she's working as a music producer.

Now, her mom wants her to use her degree, as she sees music production as a dead-end job. At the time, Ms. Jelly retorted that she likes her current work but assured her mom not to worry, as she'd keep it in mind. Fast forward to when her moonjelly account started posting—this is when her mom began confronting her more seriously about her future.

Long story short, her mom called her names and labeled her ungrateful, arguing that they gave her everything she ever wanted to live a good life. Now, Ms. Jelly is reflecting on her childhood, remembering times when her mom would snap at her in a similar manner and that's why she's feeling down. If it's any consolation, her dad seems to be supportive.
I guess not.
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I'm not reading all of that, sorry.
hi Jelly
Mucho texto
Thinking about Hime's ass gain...
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I need to taste her asshole.
Invaders when
She should leave the country. After you go missing for a few years your parents start to behave like people
I need to sniff every inch of the princesses sweaty body
tell jelly to marry me and i can take her around the world away from her parents while she can just stream at home with no financial worries.
i've made myself madder
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don't be mad. be glad.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-diB65scQU&pp=ygUIYmUgaGFwcHk%3D [Embed]
Hime owes me part two of the bunny stream
that's a big cock and tiny jelly
i fed the thoughts
i shouldn't have, but i did
Me on the left
Does jelly have a cock and what is the color of the cocks involved? Before I click this is important.
Zoomers are fucked beyond belief if such a short post causes eyes to glaze over.
>inb4 this is just an overly convoluted alice arc
I belieb
none and white
>Being this butthurt that you have to edit an artist's work when you can't even draw
Twitter down again?
not for me
Unironically use AI to summarize it
Please tell Aiko I love her
Sell me Muyu
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Can you get some cute sound bites from the other managers
The true jelly experience, thanks
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your tears sustain me
This is shitty, the dick doesn't even look healthy, where's the true original?
Phase Staff here—just to clarify, Ms. Jelly’s been feeling down after a tough conversation with her mom, who doesn’t know she’s a vtuber and wants her to use her degree instead of working in music. The argument brought up some difficult childhood memories, though her dad has been supportive.
learn to code
thanks bro
GN Jelly
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Ok bros so we all love Jelly, but does Jelly really love you? Are you actually one of her beloved chatters?
Lumi let me lick you feet
I love how this image triggers so many people kek
if you had to spend hours to edit because the image made you butthurt then you were definitely triggered first
>I love how this image makes my pp twitch
Jelly is cuter with a penis
Hours? You can fix this sort of thing in a minute flat. AI is pretty useful man.
>getting this upset over a shitty edit
Are the artist are something?
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Why are people upset about seeing a different-colored penis so much?
Damn so that's the image? Nice work
>the only retard complaining
>uhh ackchyually ur mad
man up dude kek
none of that made any sense, you guys were asshurt over a penis for days
Is the artist for this still around? I would kill for a futa Dizzy (new outfit hair) fucking Lolumi or Jelly
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Now threashitters will start reply to the gay post 20 times and say "oh nyo phasekeks like bbc" some time later
is that a
Yeah, it's uruka
oh nyo phasekeks - NANI??
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Phase should open a ES branch to make Pippa's chat truly American
Every time I see nice artwork of Uruka I remember her meme face, voice and her Seth Rogan laugh and all lust evaporates instantly.
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I'm fucking tired of SEAniggers and their bbc cuck fetishes
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I'll be honest here. I think a lot of this is jelly's fault and I'll explain why. People originally wanted her as a cute and funny alien princess, yet she took a chapter from Pippa's book and thought she could pander to the alt-right/pol crowd and was trying too hard with it.

I feel a lot of it wasn't genuine and she was just faking it for the money, yet eventually you'll get the highly sensitive no fun weirdo /pol/ fanbase that just hurts your community. Which is why this gayknight thing is hurting them so much, they can't handle banter or to make fun of themselves.

Pippa and her fans doesn't even do that, she's just being Pippa and the fans can take a joke
>capipis can take a joke
But I agree.
>I feel a lot of it wasn't genuine and she was just faking it for the money,
But enough about Panko. Jelly is the real deal, she's got enough talent and work ethic to make it without pandering to anyone. Panko just saw it as the easiest way to score clout itt without putting in any real effort.
There's nothing gay about jerking off to a 2D boy with a cute penis right
>she's got enough talent and work ethic to make it without pandering to anyone
Then maybe she should use that talent and work ethic instead of crying about not getting support for her music. She wants to be pippa-lite but cries about not being treated like an idol
Yeah it's just a drawing. Same way loli doesn't make you an actual pedophile
I'll agree, a lot of what Jelly was doing wasn't herself. I've watched her throughout the years and I can tell when someone is faking it to be accepted or gain a better crowd. It's the same thing that's happening with other indie vtubers who were making low views until they decided to "switch it up" and become like Kirsche.
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Since when did jelly say she ever wanted to be pippa-lite?
This is what happens when you don't stream Phase Connect. The absolute bottom of the barrel posters keep playing the telephone game with retarded rrats until they living in a completely different universe.
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Actions speak louder than words
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If you knew anything about the situation in Italy or Western Europe in general, you'd realise Panko is probably not faking it, just slightly playing it up
yep, she was also getting in a lot of trouble for doing this and was getting bonked. Fishman is smart, you can't bring this alt-right politic crap into business
UUUU I miss Ganko
so the voices in your head told you?
Bro it's soooo obvious with what Jelly is doing
About a year ago when she started working on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g9wynaGtLs [Embed]
Posted to /vt/ so you know reading it will be a waste of time
Is that a?
>gen 3 and kaleido bean plushies never ever
How do I cope with the pain?
Spamming drawn gay interracial of jelly every day
>it's just banter
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Bear schedule
Inislein will phase /in/
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post the real one at least
Didn't she joined those socks people and leave like 3 days later? I don't think she'll ever join phase
Would you like a hug?
What's her groomer mod situation like?
>Which is why this gayknight thing is hurting them so much, they can't handle banter or to make fun of themselves.
This partially feels like bait but this part of the post is dead on. Jelly got a lot of newfags brought in by clips of her being based and those new starknights are extremely fragile, getting called gay makes them seethe really hard. Even if it's Wemi of all people doing it.
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don't want her
Doubtful. Some part of it is played up but she's genuine for the most part.
wao! :O
>join company
>give up 50% of your donations
>ask for support from said company
>"bro why is Jelly so lazy?"
Kill yourself Kevin you fucking parasite. Jelly has been putting out music on her own channel, despite phase rather than because of it.
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>be Jelly
>join corpo to get more reach
>keep doing own projects while working at corpo
>funnel new paypigs into patreon
>get mad when corpo puts their foot down on what they allow you to get away with
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
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inis has a nice body
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Shondo rape
Nobody cares about her musucc.
Do any Phasers have pink nipples?
Pippa, Lumi, Clara
What's the current psyop?
none, she gets fucked by her dog Henry though
she left to join phase obviously and because a transformer joined her agency
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do you?
I doubt Pippa has pink nipples
Muyu kinda cute and breedable.
Have you seen how pale she is?
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That's what she wants you to think
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>dont like dark girls
>gloomi appears
>instantly diamonds
whats this phenomenon called
Jelly won't be in phase forever I'm just saving for when she leaves then she gets everything
Lumi has pink nips but they are wide as dinner plates
I still have the picture of her just in a cute bra she posted on x. Nice little tittes.
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How many trials would you overcome so that you could finally meet your favorite phase streamer, and knock her out with a flying crane kick?
A song by one of the people she most admires and about how much she loves her fans? Starknights are malicious.
what is birth
nah, I'm good
She's already milked everything she could out of phase anyways. Vtubing is a dead end in 2025, but she's already built herself a cult of oilers that will keep funding her lifestyle for the foreseeable future so she could quit anytime.
>Vtubing is a dead end in 2025
I've seen people say this since 2021. I remember everyone chanting
>as soon as the Covid lockdowns end vtubing will collapse
I wish they had been right. Unfortunately male loneliness didn't end with the chinese bioweapon flu.
Those people were retarded. In 2025 vtubing has nowhere to go since everything has already been done.
being horny
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buckle in, its only going to get worse
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i hate these harnesses
Phase connect will be dead in 2̶0̶2̶2̶ 2̶0̶2̶3̶ 2̶0̶2̶4̶ 2025 anyone can see it
>t. physicists in 1925 before quantum mechanics
It really is one of those predict the end of the world every year and when it finally happens after forty-eight false predictions they'll be so smug about it situation
Pico live.
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watch streams retard, Lumi said in a stream she's 28C
What is the misskey thing pico posted?
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That would be Pippa, according to her own description
how can you be slim and fat at the same time?
German leather fag fashion.
Reminder that Tenma
>Forced herself on Pico and stole Pico’s first kiss
>pressured Pippa into going clothes shopping and then constantly peeped into Pippa's changing room and made snide remarks about Pippa's naked body while she was changing clothes
>Dumped a raid of Harines on Yuu’s Pure JP chat and infected it with Gaijin as revenge for Yuu not seeing Tenma during the Japan Trip
>Tried to bribe Memory with 50 membas on her birthday like some kind of discord groomer in exchange for a collab (it didn’t work)
>harassed Loki-Sama, a Pure JP who suffers from acute gaijinphobia, in DMs until Loki agreed to collab with Tenma
>whenever a manager tries to discipline Tenma for sexual harassment, Tenma puts on a gorilla mask and makes gorilla noises until the manager gives up and goes away
>opened her arms for a hug and when Clara reciprocated the hug, Tenma groped Clara's ass
>abuses her Sempai status to get pussy pics and sexual favors from Gens 2, 3, Invaders and New JPs
>pressured Lia, Uruka, and Lisa into slapping their own "booba" into their mics during minecraft collabs
>pressured Pippa too but she said no
>when other talents call her out on her behavior she plays the classic get-out-of-jail card: "I'm gay"
Tenma is a sex pest and the Kevin Spacey of Phase Connect. For now they call her Mi-chan but one day she will be metoo’d
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>yfw we get quantum vtubing
Lumi has also claimed to be either 5'2 5'4, 5'6 and 5'9 on separate occasions. The girl lies just to lie.
It has been a while since this was posted. I'm sure the list is bigger now
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3wYEwE7rRk [Embed]
and if you average that you get her real height 5'5
she said she's a C, she never specified a band size
take your own advice and stop pretending that you know more than you actually do
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I hope they're having sex after
i can clearly remember her saying she's 28C
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How can an adult have a ribcage circumference of just 28 inches?
is this B cup?
You know, Hime is having sex with clara's dog right now.
you've been here sperging out every day for about 4 or 5 months
no, you certainly don't remember something she said once well over 2 years ago
make your own
Hime is sucking on Clara's left nipple right now
knew a girl who's 4'10, looked like an 11 year old but is 25 and it sounds about right
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>do a yuri manga VA collab
>they actually got horny and meet irl
kinda hoy not gonna lie
Lucky. Imagine all the free powdered milk.
don't forget spanking Eimi live on stream
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It was supposed to be me!
lol, i'm not the original anon who posted that, i came here 30 min ago
i do not like the shape of those tits
who bitch this is
they should do a yuri manga collab where they reenact the scenes irl too
cute girl
why do you want to have sex with clara's dog?
Don't be greedy, you already had your turn.
with me in the middle
Rie/Hime I know you egosa here please tell me what Clara's nipples taste like
Anon I'd date Sayu. I'm lonely.
wet dog
Hot, she should stream it
Hime, does Clara have sexy moans?
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>ur triggered!!!!
She sounds like a deflating balloon
/pcg/ is so gay. No thighs or hips and upper body is wide. Clearly male.
but then it it wouldnt be yuri
>>97164230 →
>>97164230 →
>>97164230 →
i'm just the "bed"
That's 猫又まんま from Emoechi
she said she was a 28 retard watch streams. Im almost getting tired of you being stupid
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