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Any expectations? Will they be able to meet their goals, or will consensus destroy Anycolor stocks like what they did to Cover?
>>97157862 (OP)
Yeah probably. Just gotta pay the organs less to make profits seem bigger. Nijifes won't be on this one, right? But they had that music festival thing. Will that be on it?
>>97157862 (OP)
my expectation is that this shit will continue to be fucking boring
Yep the NijiFes is the Q4 decider. Q3 will be carried by the Music Fes and Koshien and that's why they raised the event revenue prediction up
>>97157862 (OP)
Do you own stocks of the company?
If yes Why? If not why do you care?
were you not here last year? there's a reason niji stocks are good to make fun of.
>>97157862 (OP)
the selen shock and yab yab are pretty old news now and i can't think of any recent controversies (at least not for JP, EN truly is negligible at this point) - they've been keeping their heads down and not sperging about shit so they'll probably be able to spin this quarter quite positively
>>97157862 (OP)
their botting is getting aggressive this year, so maybe it's bad
>>97157862 (OP)
This time for sure EN branch will be merged
Are you working for anycolor?
If yes Why? If not why do you care if someone make fun of anycolor?
>>97157862 (OP)
Prediction: regardless of the numbers, nothing particularly interesting will happen. I expect that however much the company actually made is how much the investors expected them to make, regardless of how much it aligned with predictions or not.
Nijisanji's continued failures over the past year are already priced in, and nothing happened in Q3 that would shock anyone.
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>were you not here last year? there's a reason niji stocks are good to make fun of.
And now the script flipped and kuro live is laughing stock.
Karma is real.
As for what will happen, nothing, just more shitposting, and 3rd worlders living in trash hovels trying to interpret things they don't understand.
Nobody asked to describe yourself
lol kill yourself retard
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>>97157862 (OP)
What is Anycolor?
Is this Anycolor?
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Revenue consensus is extremely friendly for Anycolor. EPS is not out of reach. They could reach the consensus estimates
Sister still doesn't understand that cover doesn't invest in stock but kurosanji does. What happen again after selen failed assassination? Kurosanji bow down and lick investors boot, kek.
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pic related, but browner

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