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Back to Normal Edition

ときのそら 6th Anniversary Party「Keep Shinin'」Blu-ray+CD 2025.04.23
Early reservation campaign: Those who make a reservation at the participating stores by 23:59 on Sunday, March 16th will receive Tokino Sora's original illustration trading card

Latest Song Cover "Blue Bird": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbcLPwg_tCU [Embed]

Latest Voice Pack "hololive Valentine's Voice Pack 2025 ~Secret Confession~" through 2025/04/28 18:00 (JST): https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_valentinevoice2025

Music: https://www.youtube.com/@TokinoSora/releases
Holodex Radio: https://music.holodex.net/radio/:artist[ch=UCp6993wxpyDPHUpavwDFqgg]/
Watanuki-san song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHzfRyYEfHo [Embed]
Yume o Kakeru Group Cover: https://archive.ragtag.moe/watch?v=gyJQ9u_UKbo

Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/tokinosora
Fanclub: https://tokinosora-fc.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/
Manga: https://twitter.com/hashtag/SoraRecord?src=hashtag_click&f=live
Fan games:
Further information:

Previous Thread: >>96991349 →
>>97158287 (OP)
The SORA LOVE is at maximum!
Sora van Gogh new masterpiece just dropped
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Magnifique. But why aren't the nunnun holding the handles?
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Ankimo is holding a lightsaber not penlight
Sora Space coming tonight
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Started again
Sora is being incredibly Sexy
Oyasumi Sora-chan ( ˘ω˘ )
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Small thing, Sora normally chooses a white t shirt for fes concerts, neat that she went with a black one with time.
It's because the skirt is white
The colours pop more on the black. The white and everything is washed out, especially on SPWN lol
im buying the sora white day voice pack but is there anyone else i should look at too
>>97158287 (OP)
Soratyan kawaii
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I only bought Sora's but all the JP members (not sure about DEV_IS) have experience with this kind of voice packs
It's weird not seeing there Aki, Matsuri
I always get Sora and Azki, but Chocosen is always sex
Aki likes to write her own scripts. Her own bday Live and Fes prep etc., likely meant that she jsut didn't have time. There's very, very few of them that bothered to record anything for this which tells me that everyone was just too busy/worn out to be able to record this pack.
Sora wanted to draw the sun on the card but didn't because she felt it wouldn't fit alongside the stars
( `・ㅂ・)و
Having sex with Sora at the holofes was the best thing that had happen to me. I just hope she didn't get pregnant since the third condom broke.
The hottest part was her drinking my semen out of condom. And yeah, I took Sildenafil because I wanted to have sex multiple times with Sora to make her feel good before I came.
This may sound a bit gross but I did swallow the vomit when she threw up in my mouth from motion sickness after riding too fast. Whether it was actually Sora herself or a cosplayer didn't matter but her signature that she wrote on my body is close enough.
When Sora motions back and forth due to the way she is sitting do you prefer it your face or dick or pussy that she's riding?
Man, Sora's space was great
Sora please try doing a space on Bluesky or mastadon...
Agreed. Now I wish some amazing soratomo would archive and upload it to a catbox
It would benefit you more to learn how to archive it yourself
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No konsome yet, will there be a stream tonight?
Today's konsome, it's another busy day so stream's up in the air!
Sora's timing with these is spooky. I promise I'm checking her feed before posting.

I will enjoy this konsome, even though it feels like I'm being watched as a I eat it.
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>>97149958 →
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So no Sora for Anya 3d live, but still a chance with IRyS and Koyori this week. Admittedly, I don't see Koyori happening, but IRyS... I don't see it either.
>IRyS... I don't see it either.
What a pity, I think they combine well when they sing
=͟͟͞ ( ˙꒳˙)
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Another voice pack with Sora
Yesterday's "White Day whispering voice"

Today's "Noises" Alarm, notification, ...
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The gang's all here
Sora and Iofi hung out today but I'm a bit worried since they got caught out in the rain
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmi4jaBXVDU [Embed]
Romancing soon!
1 or 2 stream more before the final emperor, after finished the idol duty now she is back for emperor duty
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Sora playing SaGa again is how you know that things truly have gone back to normal after fes
Konsome, it's been a while since regular game stream
Did she drop her drink?
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Is this real???
Aren't those Ayame's katanas?
Aren't they cursed or something?
I don't think Sora would wield them
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Coughing tokino
( ˘ω˘ )
It's like sesshoumaru with tokijin. Sora can dissipate/overwhelm the curse
Curses are a skill issue
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First time the doll has looked small to me. Bag must be huge
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBta3O8A5DU [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnB7umMEdBo [Embed]
Cecilia talking about spending time with Sora in Japan
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Iofichama, your star start umbrella...
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Unbelievably cute 10/10 would love forever
Today's konsome!Another busy day but she wants stream tonight!
Ganbatte Sora-chan!
fuck that looks good
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fuck that sounds good
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(๑ ' ᆺ ' )
_(:3 」∠)_
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Anyone know the nature of the pokemon perms that hololive seem to have now? I saw Nene was playing SV DLC last night and Koro-san is going to play Stadium 2. Has TPC finally relaxed on their shitty perms arrangements? I'm wondering if a Sora pokemon playthrough is on the cards
Nobody really knows
Not that I care about Pokémon anyway
I played up to Sapphire and Ruby but the berries, contests and extra whatnots bored me enough to not play again
Utawaku stream soon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_bZgz4XXB0 [Embed]
Quiet singing stream Starts in 20 minutes!
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Sora wants to practice her singing even though she has to stay quiet. Hopefully she can find a better arrangement soon.
I don't quite know what to call this kind of stream, but I really like it. Quiet song practice but also sharing samples of songs she's worked on? Surely there's a shorter way to describe it.
Still, OBP is the best when you sing it in full power, well I can't wait for Sora to finish her studio
Mumei will be doing her fes chatting stream soon. I'm looking forward to hearing what she has to say about meeting Soratyan.
I actually prefer when she uses less voice. Very comfy
Anyone have a guess of how many BD's she'd have to sell? I remember reading some infographic that the big anime and even JAV studios sell only a surprisingly small number of physical discs in order to keep going. I hope she sells enough for future lives.
Keep Shinin is peak, Sora and tomos are very proud of it, it's much more than a sololive that focused for new album for the theme like her other sololives
Yeah, but it's always nice to hear old favorites as well. Nothing beats hearing your the intro favorite song start at a live.
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noon noon
what would a high noon look like?
=͟͟͞ ( ˙꒳˙)
Don't mean anything by it, but keep shinin was kind of small scale, these days, so hopefully doesn't need to many sales. I would hope digital ticket sales are also additional revenue that would lessen the reliance on disc sales to make a profit
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( ´•д•` )
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Sora was ridiculously cute today
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