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Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>97156492 →
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do you still think i can take setraline after it expires? i kind of want to start taking my meds again because it would be funny
i still have a lot of pills from 2022 left and it only actually expired late last year so it probably shouldn't kill me right? also i was storing some other stuff in the pill bottle for years bcause i forgot about it
Hehehehe Aubain Saiko!
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Elira cute
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My oshi Reimu is also my wife
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That last thread was so bad, look what happened to Rosemi and Elira.
Sorry but Reimu is already married to me
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Give them to him instead. But you should be all g.
Quildren should gain weight and lose their depression
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cocksleeve material
im isis ike im so tired from work today i was thinking of him
bro team pill ass thumbnail
How would you react if Rosemi had an Announcement stream and in it she announced that she actually doesn't pee.
i'm already force feeding ike estrogen he doesn't need any more pills from me
sertraline made me lose weight actually
what thwe fuck fbi help there's a terrorist
Menhera brain
im sis ike
*does a backflip but fumbles slightly and lands on his cock, breaks it off and then realizes what I've done, but it's in the trash and then regrets it because I'm now hungry for human flesh*
shin get off 4chan
i prefer last thread desu
remember when she said she would have a big announcement at the end of a stream and tourists spend the entire multi-hour stream baiting and doomposting about graduation only for the announcement to be that rosemi officially uses watakushi now
wtf i typed desu and it changed to desu???????
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I love my bird wife Enna!
I love my solar dawns!
stop pretending to be me senpai
New meat
i'm you
you are me
ok onions boy
{ #NIJIENchanted} Newfag discovers filters
WTF i type onions and it changed to onions
Ok Vox
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lemme see your feet
Of course, when you type desu, it appears as desu.What else would it be? Desu.
stfu that anon wasn't even me i typed t b h on purpose
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stop giving me yous idiots i was just funposting
don't care show me your feet
I am going to pretend to be myanon from now on just to piss him off
Guys I typed wanwan and it changed to stfu can you help?
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But you like attention tho
imma post your cars too
Next time, use the tripcode so people know it's not you, desu desu
leave them alone tjeure my bastards
*strokes them w/o your permission*
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nijien for this feel
the grey one will bite and scratch you he left a scar on my wrist cause i wanted to pet his tummy
you guys suck, kurwa to all of you
stop calling cats cars because i like cars but im a dog person
you play on the server??
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Ya I've been thinking maybe I should play.
how about the white one is he submissive
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And breedable. FUCK I'm not myanon but I was gunna rp as him too until I typed that and then recalled the day I got a message from a friend on Line that was literally just a screenshot of me sending Ver an akasupa calling him submissive and breedable and am distracted by memories of Weird Guy.
name a game i can go autismo mode on while i watch wiwa mc vods
it's ok i know you're not him since he's erping with anons on ninisani
Runescape? Or do you have anything that can play an older Pokemon game?
Yeah I was going to do it for the laughs but I can't be him, he likes men too much while I like women unless they're men in anime boy form and then I will allow it.
minecraft with anons
why the fuck would i ever play with anons
arknights IS5
https://youtu.be/OAVnOz7i-JA?t=39 [Embed]
hey i'm taking that too!! we're buddies
do people ship the mcs in rush hour
Anyone wanna make out?
Someone lost to me in poker before to be this mad about games with anons. Anyway do your zomboid reps or something to play with anons again in a crazy fucked up world.
post soles please!
sorry busy making out with ninisani anons already
>sending Ver an akasupa calling him submissive and breedable
how did he react to that
If I remember right he awkwardly laughed at being called out and then thanked me immediately after.
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zomboid reps...
Path of exile
Borderlands 2
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ill always love my big sisters
thinking on myanon’s bulge
cute........... submissive................................
I need a good fucking paizuri today
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Epic fight rn
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getting parasocial over anons
watching streams together
wanting to destroy their beds
to cum inside their most vulnerable hole
and everyday, it just gets worse
has wilson PISSED himself yet
>>97157101 →
o- oh
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interesting how the thread instantly went to shit when i went to sleep and now it's fine when im up....
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I hope Sonny actually runs for mayor next week pleeeeease
he's literally going full anarchy why would he run
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Second time
He said he might, he'll probably try to destroy the government from the inside
Sonny should join forces with Rosemi and seize power by force
he should bring some firework rockets
its cute how close feesh and hazumi became
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hana SEXO is now available for easy standalone viewing
https://youtu.be/iEur6KrFc58 [Embed]
Not after what it did to the hat store...
I'll marry Hana some day
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get in line
im surprised they let them put their nmf performances on their channels but then again oliver and belmond put their jojo one too
She was from the free day.
Can someone tldw on the first 4 hours of undertale? I missed it and I'm really lose who is this fish dude?
Japones Leimu is a fascinating creature.
I hope they completely scrap that idea and kadets finally kill themselves
you're better off watching a summary on youtube, nobody's gonna type out the entire plot of undertale for you
what leave me alone
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thread dead do anons hate me
I do.
im going to cry
Yes it is dead when anons aren't attention-whoring and saying gm for 50 posts
can i taste
im playing wilds what do you want
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Enna did it lets gooooooooooooooo
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okay i finished the eye textures for my ike vroid model they don't look good but you can't really see them from far away so its fine
getting started on the hair texture now, it looks like shit but it's just for seeing where i need to place each color so it'll look like shit in a completely different way when it's done hopefully
wow you want me to post about ike in diapers so bad
his face looks kinda fat
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stopp thats weird,
yeah i actuall ywant that...
the thread is dead
Enna is like a living, breathing piece of shit
im working https://youtu.be/RNfKw44fWHE [Embed] listen to this meanwhile
yeah so let the thread die dude, go amuse yourself with other things otherwise you get monkey pawed >>97172744
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how do i get parasocial if thread is dead
why do yoiu hate me i just want a little taste
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undertale into deltarune, huh...
noooo i dont whate you
jus ta little bit ok,
ok now listen to this one https://youtu.be/hnHUUVmh2Lg [Embed]
odds i masturbate
evens i shower
enna grew a...
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watching ririmu she wants to clear Monster Hunter Rivals today,
but that is on my playlist already
it's intentionally a bit wider because it looks cute
okay so im imagining he lost control of his bladder because of a surgery gone wrong and i feel like he would be really resistant to wearing diapers at first and be very upset like he would go outside even less and he wouldn't talk to anyone for a week anf then i would send him adult-sized sonic the hedgehog diapers at least partially as a joke and also a reminder to him to not take life and it's happenstances too seriously at first and at first he would be mad and then he would also think its kind of funny and want to wear them but he wouldn't tell me and eventually he would get more confident going outside again and then he would run out of diapers and he would be really embarrassed having to ask me where i found the diapers i sent him but it's okay because i am a very kind pervert who will not shame him for his lack of bladder control and autism
i dont actually have a diaper fetish btw
i dont know how monhun works but wasnt she playing with kou kun and chaika ?
why do you type like myanon
i do too, it's just how chill guys type
Anon what's your favourite show? Do you like mecha?
Who's your oshi and why do you like them so much?
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whorecub why are you making the captain make those noises
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Thinking about rosemi
This is the funniest joke because anons fall for it every time
Please draw Klara and Vanta in the same position as this drawing please
kill yourself kyousha
fuck off kyoushaschizo. stop being obsessed with that guy
referring to yourself in third person doesn't help you milgur
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>Rozen maiden manga re-released
>They replaced desu with yes
holofags are trying to get Enna+Millie fired right now
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Been thinking of cumming all over Reimu's cute toes this morning
To be fair they should have been fired long ago. They only reason they weren't is some kind of crazy nepotism
https://youtu.be/VxWRgVUCWiM [Embed]
i miss nijimelody
Hello fat boy
My cock actually twitched in my pants when I looked at her heels just now, fuck.
Rosemi standing on her tippy toes wearing those heels...
Go to sleep seanon
*grabs you by your love handles and rapes you*
They need to stop picking on Doorman...
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colors need to be edited for accuracy but good enough for something i did in 30 minutes
i'll get started on his eyelashes nose and mouth next time i open vroid studio
The reason people watch vtuber is for cute. If you want sexual go watch porn. Or go watch a lewdtuber/onlyfans model who does porn
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGAJd5gZHIY [Embed]
maria's chinese is better than her english
i can and will get smothered between scarle and noel's tits because thats what vtubers are for
Vtuber is softcore ecchi at best. If you're watch vtuber for porn you are fucking retarded, or third world who doesn't have porn access for some reason.
I guess women need a "story" to masturbate so they get a lot out of the NijiEN homobaiting collabs. But for a guy? No
>no you can't be horny for a girl who asks you to be horny for her you have to sit here and masturbate to enna\kyo cuck fanfiction only
i'm bored
>milgur gets triggered when you call him kyousha
when did that start happening
like three years ago
isn't that one of the things you were watching waiting for the she stopped at the right time she chatted
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nijimelody in 2 months
is this true that mumu is always cute?
Rapes you
Cums on you
>i dont actually have a diaper fetish btw
same but that was really hot and funny anyway
let's discuss ike getting stuck in public somewhere and really needing to pee
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yeaaa and shiina too, she's doing HR story now
giving ike a diaper dispenser, completely created in redstone
its not the same okk we're two different people,
i love maison ikkoku but also FMAB and Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu, rurouni kenshin, slam dunk those are my favorite animu,
i rabu ririmu because i rabu her autism, she makes ojisans like me happy ToT, she's just really kind and sweet and is a real gamer also, please valorant never again, i prefer league spam even
based, retard fight let's gooo
>no you can't be horny for a girl who asks you to be horny for her
Nothing to be horny about. Seriously go watch a lewdtuber, or go watch some porn. You're being cringe.
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delet ur yt and twt acc
what the
>>97174432 (me)
oh and also i dont have mecha autism i never got into it
>she following
>maison ikkoku
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gorilla nakama
I am extremely horny, where is Ike
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814 videos
4 months retard
Which Japanese-speaking EN liver would cry if they received Miyako Hirabayashi's etiquette lessons?
show proof
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it's too early in the thread to be asking for cock photos
wilson makes me so horny but there’s not enough porn of him to masturbate to
We have to be the change we want to see
have you searched through all his ship tags?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIhtJ7eJ-oI [Embed]
When I started getting horny for Reimu and saw her NSFW tag was largely abandoned, I started reaching out to people to commission art of her.
I still haven't posted it in her tag but I fap to it now
this is why I’m working on a smut fic of him
Open an Ike VoD and watch for 10 seconds, see how it makes you feel
Wilson is the one guy who's obviously fat based on his voice. Elira is a other one.
Oh and Fulgur don't forget
how many fucking times are you gonna post about how you think wilson is fat?
Rosemi can get one new hairstyle for her next outfit. Would you want:
A. Afro
B. Mohawk
C. Chinese hairbuns
D. Pigtails
C. Hairbuns would be super cute
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Have you known a fat person before? That's what they sound like
Yes, I have. I’m american. Wilson just sounds like a skinny twink
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He has no testosterone in his voice. His voice sounds dry and plain and is not deep.
Fat people have high estrogen usually. They have high pitch or no T voice, like Wilson
You know when I went to the konbini while Ike was trying to stream at midnight Japan time and asked if you guys want anything? I literally may have seen a guy who had shortly before stabbled woman https://voca.ro/1bhu1UvAUnjl
for what
Don't they have their holofarts to worry about instead?
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tomoe sex
For anything, they have a rap sheet a mile long. Enna's blatant racism, Millie being a cunt to people. It's easy if you try. Remember Millie got 2 strikes on her channel before
I miss watching Rosemi, please let her graduate Riku
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Delete this
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Wiwa was so cool...
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it's so "easy" that you've been trying for years and they're still here lol
What in the grand theft auto is happening in your life
How does she do it?
What do you guys think about corn chips
Welcome to my life just when I was settling down for a couple of days to be comfortable with a cat it turns out I very likely walked past a man who had just stabbed a woman and assumed he was just homeless and trying to keep warm. Welcome to a central district in Tokyo and enjoy your stay.
What did the retarded bitch Enna say again? I forgot
the fat guy? this was your last post >>97176017, hope your dementia improves bro
I want to grab wilson by the waist and fuck him until he’s crying
I want to grab Rosemi by the waist and lift her up while she pretends she's an airplane
the duality of man
I want to... Wait, anon I forget what I want. Help me anon. Hel
You want to watch Minceraft.
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i want to go home and play minecraft
I want to call an emergency meeting to discuss suspicious anons.
>Dead by Daylight Tokyo Ghoul collab
Who will stream it?
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Get a load of this intellectual feesh!
I did it, it was all me, I faked my tasks and laughed while venting, it took you guys two kills before someone even tried to report me and I killed them too before they could.
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Terminate Reimu Endou.
Do you think she shaves
that one dropnette artist is drawing sunflower art now....
You will get a trailer on their debut day and you will like it
Rosemi is a spry young lady who does not know what the 2008 financial crisis was and thinks Minecraft is a retro game!
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meloco should do a prison rp asmr
>no time for them to make cringey pre-debut tweets
I see this as an absolute win.
no trailer, no debut
they just start streaming and showing up in collabs with all the other livers playing along and anyone in chat or on twitter who asks questions gets banned/blocked
I feel so bad for newly announced vtubers who have to wait longer than a day or 2 to debut, they have nothing to do for themselves except tweet dumb shit to drive up engagement on the most cancerous app of all time until they debut and they usually can't even post their voice or more than a teaser of their model
God I want Patanee to suffocate me so bad
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predebut cringe is high kino tbqh
this but feesh and it's actually true
i just checked the imouto asmr thread and i didn't see her
Yeah! And that's why she gets along so well with Rosemi-nee!
I can see the good things in it though. It gives people a chance to see how they are before debut. People can get a feel for their personality and they can show how funny (or not funny) they can be. It can also test their creativity. What kinds of memes and other stuff can they put out to make people more excited for their debuts? They can use their time wisely during that week to get more people interested.
I hate when Enna acts cute because I start liking her again.
Wish VTubers would all move over to Bluesky or some other platform so we can finally abandon Xitter.
This but my oshi
Alright since it's dead hours anyway imma complain.
It fucking sucks that we have at least 3 different livers who are pretty much soft graduated. I want to see peto and ktk play Minecraft and rp, I wanna see twisty interact with people again.
Definitely not happening now that vtubers are starting to stream on twitter itself
corpos aren't
I'm having a manic episode but it's okay because it's giving me motivation so I've already planned my solo song front to back for when I get invited to the 2050 nijifes anniversary concert and finished ironing out the final details for my choreography, visuals, pyrotechnics, etc. down to the second
Lmao faggot
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>no lolisho allowed
>no private accounts
no thanks
Vtubers are WHAT
nice i also put together my setlist performance but 2050 seems too far i'll probably die of dementia by then
will literally never happen until the boer fully shuts down the website no matter how much better any of the spinoffs are. same way we've all been here for decades now even though fourchannel 2025 is a hollow shell of a hollow shell of the glory days
I know a lot of song ideas get turned down so I have a backup for 3 other ones and maybe I will have an orisong by that point too
Why anons at this hour are more tribalisitc, mean and cynical when compare to early or night SEA hours. I though NA/western anons are the paragon of humanity and morality?
sometimes you just just gotta be willing to fork over the money yourself to make it happen so don't give up
Why anon can't learn proper English grammar?
This post was the first thing to make me laugh today
Sea hours is a bunch of women who want to see homosexual buttsex interactions or farm attentionwhore points like children/invalids
all hours are bad because the only people that come here are the immorals of each time zone
all me
the only NA anons here during the workday are NEETs, this is all eurohour baby
why use many words when few words do trick
There's a few ex-corpos who stream on there and multistream with twitch and youtube too
Also there's one vtuber I follow who does imouto content and twitter is basically the only platform where she doesn't have to cover it up or be sneaky about it
I don't know why more vtubers don't multistream
stop forcing people to post when there's nothing to post about, all it does is invite more off topic shit
My cute wife Reimu
Shut up. Either go to work or sleep unless you admit you are a Europoor
Watching clown, then I'll watch vampire, then I'll watch zombie.
thinking of wilson pissing himself
Wosemi ToT
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annoying to work with multiple chats, splits the viewerbase, prone to technical difficulties, etc
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killer wink
Don't worry, one of the crazy mentally ill attentionwhores is here: >>97178831
They will clog the thread with attentionwhore posts since no one gives them attention their sad ugly little life
streaming on X is suicide-tier, it's such an awful platform, why would you ever do that
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letssssss gooo
all 3 of these are doppio...
Why does Twisty keep tweeting there's no place like home
gmgm pentomo!!! chu
Trails in the Sky the First is still months away. And basically, I'm gonna sleep happily.
im the scarecrow
Why is Ver Vermillion like this?

Man, I love men.
It's okay me too, I'm going to need to convince them to let me do a costume change but given it's just a skirt prop over my shorts it should be fine. I come out and am all onee-san coded asking the audience what they want to hear and then my first song I tear off the skirt and sing Emperor Time by SILHOUETTE FROM THE SKYLIT.
good morning my wife chu chu chu
gm anon! chu!
im gonna sleep and miss ike and be sad and cry and miss ike
Awake before you again and was too busy planning my fake Nijifes performance and telling my friends I saw a killer that I forgor fucking NEVADA you.
So you said "good morning" to a bunch of anonymous people. How is this on topic?
Forget that, how is this even a valuable post? Is this your chatroom?
do you like path of exile
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Enna called her fans an incel and Elira laughed
i laughed too
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feesh is going on a trip again...
I'm going to go write fish yaoi goodbye
This but Ike
sorry i was busy doing normal things while thinking about ike instead of only thinking about ike
i think he should get lost in japan and get trapped in a wall somewhere and also he's drunk and has to pee and hes wearing a maid dress because japan
is this what it feels like to have a spouse with a job that requires lots of travel
Heh, nice to hear you also enjoy Tsuritama, would you like to go to the summer festival with me? W-we could maybe hold hands as the fireworks start after sharing some takoyaki or is that too close to a fish for you?
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same but without the sleeping part
i miss ike
we really are the monster hunter wilds...
Enna really like insulting people.
Why did she get a cute model? It's like totally random
ikouze to placing monsters and hunting because we're in fucking monhun?
I hate when people like you casually throw around weightless statements like this because you will never be able to fathom even a fraction of the despair I put behind my words when I post that I miss Ike
What do u think about corn chips
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Smash this
>doppio lets meloco take his job for a week and she turned the whole school into a prison
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https://youtu.be/uLI4P7aZHgw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/uLI4P7aZHgw [Embed]
https://youtu.be/uLI4P7aZHgw [Embed]
Ike and I are doing a joint karaoke starting in 3hrs starting with Killing in the Name. It's unarchived on my channel but you can come in person if you slip me 20000円 and bring along something to further intoxicate him. We're both in 3D and he's going to be a creature while I death drop while singing and perform to the point where he thinks he can parkour again and falls over.
Oh I actually never finished Tsuritama. I should actually watch anime during dead hours instead of scrolling twitter. Right now I'm actually reading manga and then I got an idea for a cute sorta-post-apocalyptic merboy story.
Takoyaki is really yummy. I can't wait to get some the next time I go to an anime convention!
I miss this trend
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This is xsoleil school now
This but ike
So Luca is the John then. I missed the latter part of the streams
>she's leaving so now I can watch marvel rivals collabs without worrying about her being there
I can finally catch a break
I read this back in the day and was going to cosplay Hana but never did...
Yep he bullshitted his way through the election and got voted in during the debate which made fun out of Trump v. Biden but in the end Sleepy Zaddy, otherwise known as the Engineer, won.
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i got to pet a mom cat
but her litter has yet to trust me
Rosemi got ROBBED
Who is the Kamala Harris of NijiENchanted?
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bye byeeeeee ririmu-chan~
Oh Finana booted up Minecraft again
We know, Ike.
I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

Good morming!
gmgm wosebud!! CHU
thank you milord for helping out my feesh oshi
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vox is too strong
Good morning I'm going to nap shortly and then go out and get something with pork or ham, not sure if I want just a sando or something warm but I will consume your brethren and you once I've slept.
Off topic
i like desperate lost ike in a maid dress, i will think about that now
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Hello hello anon! *chu!*

What's underdog?

You may consume my brethren, but my flesh is for Rosemi-sama only!
Which one??
...for you
Enna karaoke when?
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She's going to get lost isn't she?
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>finana's already lost
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gmgmgmgm, cute bud,
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Would you an Australian beaver?
I want to cum on each tooth like I'm squeezing out toothpaste onto a brush
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good week coming up with granddad
I'd eat out her beaver the entire stream and then let her bully my cock
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Everyone just assumed Finana's species...
They're forcing him to play with homos now?
ryoma and nix oh hells yes
who's the blond
>starbuncles are being used for forced labor
don't let peta know
He knows that straight people are fired so he's covering for himself.
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Hello hello Ririmu/parasocial anon *chu!*
Good mormon, Weewa! Funnily enough there's a book of Mormon next to the Bible in this hotel room, hehe. PicRel favorite Mormon
i wonder if ittetsu's 3D debut will be him pretending to be a game character like https://youtube.com/watch?v=H7YEQ1u0BXY [Embed] but with RPGs
I like this outfit because I can imagine tripping and accidentally grabbing her shirt and pulling it all the way down as I fell
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woaj... youre in a hotel?
they crucified amogus
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Cuddly boy.
I assume you're not talking about Zanny? All I know is and more.
I miss Aster's chat
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Yeah! Travelling a lot to visit family & friends before my new job, flying again later but will be able to relax a few days before heading home to the States =w= Watching the rest of what I missed yesterday rn too. The Beef Dragunov
He looks OLD
The courage to snort cat
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Nijisanji yaoi :3
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An indie named Dobi. He's pretty chill. Idk much about him though
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My nitrate suddenly dropping at this part just made it so much funnier, hehe
new blood debut annocument when
gngn anons chu!! Minecraft streams have been so fun..
polykrisisis love
just heard the news bro...
your nitrogen...
after noctyx vtl
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When I meet Enna

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=298Cw3_qGwE [Embed]
Uh, buds, care to explain?
when will zuttomo, fuuchan and ike join nijienchanted?
He IS he's an old man who was originally from the streets before being rescued almost a decade ago.
Zaddy chill, we won the election and I was quoting Sonny's brother's schedule wording.
In mother Russia cat snorts you.
Ah cute COT
He's got that scrunkly look old cats have.
It's sleepy zaddy's fault
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>only 3 minecraft povs tonight
nijien is playing in ninisani they cant stream it
she got the sigma surgery for the sigma virus as it makes everyone shorter until a few iterations later where they flip flop on proportions again and again until everyone abandoned the series for the gba spinoffs because inafune wouldn't make legends 3
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guys is ryoma ok
I'll fix him
NijiEN rose
>weird guy #2
it aint so bad
this makes me no less confused but alright
sometimes I think about how funny it would be if various livers were /here/ and not just reading but actively participating in the hornyposting with us
This is just roommate shit isnt it
who do you think aiquild REALLY is
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da wose!
yes, and on an unrelated note have you noticed there's a newly added reason for reporting just on this board? pretty neat!
wilson no..........
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Heh, check this out
The Rose
no it's his alt where he mentioned on stream before
Timestamp or kill yourself
sometimes I think about how funny it would be if various interns were /here/ and not just reading but actively participating in the threadposting with fans
Da hero
after friday, he can't stream until then due to renovations.
kek and you faggots told me the thread doesn't tolerate doxxfags
nenmen whore
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I'll be the shota of EN
8 hours old thread...
>5 words

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