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Post and discuss your favorite Spanish speaking smol indie vtubers.
Big chuubas and corpos stay in your general.

Previous: >>97128614 →

Do your part to keep the thread clean by reporting and ignoring bait and offtopic garbage.

>>97168056 (OP)
Fertile hips
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>>97168056 (OP)
Hag thread post more hags
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Based. Please make more for the Eru carrousel.
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Dayum Aivy eats good
Nice economic model
At this point I doubt Aivy gets anything, she sounds too virgin
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She's busy with Rodolfo right now
Do you ever upload your AI creations to their hashtags? I'm sure Aivy would love this >>97169258
Did she really think this was a good idea
>Resolve this in 2 hours or we expose you
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I only post them here
I'm sorry that's like 20 screenshots I can't read all of that. Can you give us a quick resumen.
I obviously clicked on the wrong post I meant to quote >>97169339
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I like this thing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RX-kxu1vLUM [Embed]
>Accused Kotori of manipulating evidence by editing screenshots
>Unedited SC shows her asking for bad stuff about Kotori
>Accused Kotori of being a drama queen and expert in manipulating the masses and "shows" evidence of such in the past
>Evidence is some chat logs with a fag saying it, no evidence
>Pivots whatever Kotori manager was trying to fuck her to keep his position or Kotori was doing everything in the shadows
>Shows "evidence" of trying to reconcile and solve everything peacefully
>Said evidence is her(raena) manager saying to Kotori's to accept all responsibility and issue an apology in less than 2 hours or they expose her
>Like 10 more images of "evidence" showing Kotori being a unstable and bad person(just chat logs with some fag saying so)
Preventive not granted Eru Anon
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You know I've recently became interested in menhera girls. I was listening to Aisu's stream yesterday where she talks about the boyfriend she had and she sounds like industrial strength menhera.
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>Lesbians only
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Todo es distinto
Cuando te estoy mirando
No me comprendo
Será porque te amo
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maowing all day
>>97168056 (OP)
yuki is so lucky
Yeah but she doesn't break down for her fans and where's the fun of a menhera when she keeps the menheraness away from you? I want to live the ups and downs, not just hear the anécdotas.
Yes, I'm a emotional masochist.
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How fucked up is that despite having collabs with Holo, Nijisanji, getting invited to multiple concert, having off collabs with big En indies and utaites you stay in the 30-50 CCV range after almost 4 years, like were is the growth?
>>97141054 →
The images change so quickly because I tried to synchronize them to the beat of that song.

I was doing some tests today and I managed to fix some issues I was having with bad video outputs. Apparently there are tons of formats for images and ffmpeg doesn't like when you try to use images with different formats or some shit like that. So the solution was to encode all images to a common pixel format and that fixed it. In that same operation I resize the images to a common size, adding black bars or columns if necessary. Here is a revised video with the song I liked: https://files.catbox.moe/uwhlrd.mp4

And with the Colombiana song you suggested: https://files.catbox.moe/4b52r2.mp4
I used the same images as before plus the images AI anon posted in this thread. Feel free to post more Eru images I might do a video with more of them.
nigga watt
That girl Taiga got into my feed recently again and gets like comments from Holo members and stuff and her streams are like <50 CCV
No one watches male collabers.
From the very beginning Taiga had the weakest debut in her gen and she didn't help herself by almost immediately collabing with males. She just didn't understand the market, I guess.
One would think she may have a bigger fanbase after collabing with such big names
pity bump
extremely pity bump
Let this dead thread die already retard
En esa mierda te gastas el dinero para el modelo? Estafadora
sylvie flopped and nobody gives a shit about that whore besides those mexicANOS that are grooming her right now
groomed slut
I would buy her those shoes if she steps on my balls with them
Sylvie Onlyfans when?
After Meica: https://x.com/meica05/status/1899490857675375025
She should stream in onlyfans
joy bump Bv
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7k dollars...
The troon woke up from its slumber
Just ask to Ang or Puchy maybe they leak a video
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She's the queen for a reason
Based my queen
I still remember sharing parts of my culture to Misora thinking it was new and interesting to her, only for her to be a latina all this time, how stupid I may have looked in her eyes.
What does it matter now?
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MeicaDeidad Zatsudan Stream
I'm going to vomit
We need a picture of Mao breastfeeding Sylvie
Imagine the combined smell
Take the L and move over
MEICAGOD <3 <3 <3
bros our rrats????
based sylvie <3
Is Sylvie ovulating?
>sylvie terminating rrats
No i get her pregnant
She has been interacting with a lot of girls these past few days. What is she planning?
Snatching viewers
forcing collabs
/here/ girls collab, sylvie x mao
She's doing exactly the same thing Yamu did.
Commenting on her "friends" tweets so they can promote her debut for free.
it was never real, it was all a koacucks lie.
>talking about sylvie
>koa mentioned out of the blue
The nooticing is getting too real to ignore
This, shitters hate only will bring our girls close
saving face because many girls got wind of her doings behind doors
>>97151221 →
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I can't see you like this

I'd like to see you happy

I'd like to make you happy
>Koa starts streaming
>Shitter become silent
No one told me EruGod was playing Megaman X today. This shithole general is getting worse by the day.
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>Ang having a meldown
>Thread is calm
And thefucking nigger was calling himself a good guyy here, fucking sad nigger
KoaxFer=Big Love
Diabetics don't live long in Mexico
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Eru having trouble with this stage
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She did it! Now on this stage.
the new rig vedic aryan empire is on it's way!

rigvedic aryan empire will rule the universe soon
>those colombian moans
Not for you btw
It's so cool to see how she's learning to search for secrets all over the map. I bet if she goes back to Megaman X she would find all the hearts.
She sounds annoying af
>1 minute
Kys Ang we are confy here
>Estoy en el hospital
>Estoy haciendo el teaser del debut
Shut the fuck up Ang and go for your coquita
fuck off Drogadicta
>Fag has never been to a decent hospital
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Repost this coquita de vidrio to scare Ang Leo away
Don't even bother, her fans desperate for female validation won't say anything
Why does she sound so different? Is she on drugs?
But this is too much, she doesn't even try to hide that she's lying.
She's always on drugs anon
>No acepto trans
No se acepta ella misma? KEK
Que feo hablan los chilenos por dios..prefiero mil veces la forma de hablar de los peruanos
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She switched to another map.
Sylvie is one of the most psychopathic emotional manipulators I've ever seen
She was like "mmm this place looks sus is there something here?" and she found a heart.
Yamu:Ustedes son lo mejor que me paso vida
Mao:Ustedes son lo mejor que me paso
Sylvie:Ustedes son lo mejor que me paso
Don't they know other ways to show gratitude?
>esthetic surgery
So he is really getting rid of his chilito?
What's Meca's and Koa's way of showing gratitude?
Sylvie si estas aqui, por favor deja de usar esa voz loli ya no es necesario, además a la larga te terminara doliendo la garganta
Te amamos aunque tenga voz de shota <3
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Annyone can fake a screenshot fag
Ah shit I had to attend something for a moment. Did she take the pink capsule?
If in your head everything is Ang, good for you...KEK
Imagine getting mindbroken by a meximono diabetico
This fucking place needs ID's
It would significantly improve the board, yes.
I hate when Sylvie uses that annoying voice de rata
No wonder why she was bullied at school
Bro your metformin pills
based ang
They have editing rooms in hospitals nowadays
the fuck are you on? some of those girls acutally make token of appreciations for her fans
>>97171211 →
>910inc, formerly Wactor, unveils a new talent, "Devil-Nyaa". At time of writing, Devil-Nyaa has cancelled their plans to join 910inc, and 910inc has threatened to doxx and/or sue her per their contract, with multiple talents QRT'ing the declaration in support of the company. This is easily one of the wildest headlines in /news/ history, which is very impressive.
Excuse me but what the fuck is this retarded midget doing now?
trans pedonigger coal above
>wactor in the big 2025
Let it go
He never learns
This nigga gay btw kekw
She said she paid some editor to do it fucking diabetic faggot.
She doesn't accept you, sorry Anon.
>147cm, 45 kg
I love flaquitas
Then go watch Koa and her duck voice, diabetin. Her fucking annoying voice sounds so natural!!! KEKAZO
>followed by meica
>deflecting to koa again
Flaquita queen <3
koacucks what do we do now??
nobody its deflecting to that liar hag and her weird ass shota voice with progeria, kekw
She unirocally got a full gen collab today and it barely went over 200 CCV
KOAKEKS OUR RESPONSE??????? its stil funny to me how when she talks she force that duck voice but when she sings sound like and old hag.
They actually follow each other
>nobody is deflecting
Everyone is saying this
The fact Koa is a cringe hag larping as a loli doesn't change the fact that Sylvie's voz de Alvin y las ardillas sound annoying too
Hi Koacuck, keep sucking anglo cock
Now that they can't target mao, they're going to double their efforts on koa, so you'll be seeing more of that often
>shota voice with progeria
Are you talking about Sylvie or Koa?
Everyone agrees
i dont think even koa's fans are as obsessed with her as them kek
At least Sylvies voice its natural, Koa its forcing it every fucking time, and the pacifier shit, shes literally this
https://youtu.be/GQHRg0QJQGw [Embed]
All this stress from shitposting is taking a toll on your sugar levels bro take it easy
>At least Sylvies voice its natural
nobody tell him
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>Sylvies voice its natural
Only You samfagging, truly pathetic
>its natural
eslkek... take it easy and breathe
ofc it is the same shitter as always KEEEEK. pick up a dictionary retard
Hi Sylvie
>Only You samfagging
Type again without the impotent tears please
Comparing a 31 yrs old hag without life with a literal little girl... Anon, I...
fuck off Sylvie
regresa al "hospital"
Koa is hag with infantilism and Sylvie es un enano deforme con asperger
Biblically accurate descriptions
why the fuck is the samefagging shitter who doesnt even know basic grammar not banned yet?
nobody cares
>Koa is hag with infantilism
DeepL is free
But how much noise can a schizo make? Suddenly, the pace stopped
its quite literally just one retard samefagging to deflect the discussion to koa every time sylvie is mentioned. he always uses "its" instead of "is" so you can spot him easily. then he just starts replying to himself with nonsense
its over
I like it more when people are discussing streams. This turbonigger is so annoying.
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>mfw I've been using its when funposting just to mess up with the nooticer anon
Even if it's slower, I almost prefer eruditos posting about eru and megaman
dw im almost done with memorizing his speech patterns and beheviour, i can pretty much instantly tell when its him or someone else trolling
Tell that to fer putogil
Too many threadwatchers, tourists, and soldacucks lurking, discussing live streams is just giving them ammo to shitpost later
You obsession with Koa is unhealthy Sylvie
Seek help
low quality bait
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that's enya btw
>i spend my time memorizing a poster's patterns and writing habits to defend a general better
Seek employment
anyone streaming right now? mao ended almost an hour ago
Shura is singing in french
Did she sing that Alizee song?
What the fuck are they going to shitpost with Megaman?
she loves him
She just left. Well, I guess I'll watch the archive later
Who the fuck is she talking about?
>mfw there's no archive
holy menhera meltdown KEK
I'm ded
JAHAHAHA A quien le esta rogando por regresar?
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Alphaz I think
I can think of a few names but really doubt is any of them
Dahlia is doing random tier list
Autista Cínico de mierda
Tu usaste a Mao para darle celos a Sylvie y ella te perdono
pushit never left tho
>eres demasiado buena
post the screencap
Hi metal
fuck off Koro
I dont even remember him participating in mao chat
That retard gremlin forgave everyone who removed her oshi mark kek
They don't exist, they are the same Hispanic viewers, only they speak English so that Koa thinks she has an English-speaking audience.
That guy is a +30yo faggot with suicidal tendencies. Mao and the other girls just feel sorry for him.
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No one cares about the midget
>5 days ago she wanted to delete followers from her alt
>today she unlocks the account to expand it
something fishy going on
see >>97208092
and sylvie forgicve this kind of shiters
Im sorry for everything ive done everyone.

I will no longer bother you guys anymore, even Meica, Yamu and Akami.

I just want peace and LOVE back like years ago. You guys need to chill and figure this out yourselves. I know you can do It.
>artistas checken las solicitudes de dm
>*shares a draw made by felipe*

why is sylvie like this?
She read your post so early on 4chan that's not healthy.
>she is monitoring 24/7
Doesn't matter when you post it, it's always accurate
Is actually pathetic how obsessed she is with this place
She's losing relevance, she should get bigger tits
ruru, repost a meme if you are here
She its not here retard
Can Koa career be saved at this point or is she will need another life again?
>all that tagging
Just how big was her fuck this time up to be desperate like that?
of course
she's acting too cringe
Again making another alt to talk about drugs and sucking dicks?
Because Koa doesn't have friends to tag that doesn't mean other girls can't do it
Bro, this feels sooo FORCED!!! it's uncomfortable
Shes is love bombing soldaditos jajskjsjs
But yeah no joke she was not like this a year ago, some love here and there mixed with the usual random memes and stuff
As her debut is getting closer she's looking for more engagement.
I get this
But Nigger come on, it's so obvious
Use DM, not a twitt tagging vtuber wanting to pretend that everything is fine
This is not an attack on Sylvie (I know the resident nigger will probably see it that way) but I often think these twitter interactions feel fake. Like you say they can use DMs and they probably have each other's discord or whatsapp, yet they choose to interact on twitter purely for engagement.
Sylvie is a selfish manipulator, and that's the truth, le duela a quien le duela.
That's not what I said, nigger.
Crayon developed ludopatía
If you knew how she really chats you would realize how fucking fake those tweets are
If she is doing those for engagement prior to her debut then is a smart move, but it would be better if she kept a steady presence in her socials instead of disappearing for no reason every other week
What you mentioned is just makes it more evident.
Exactly but enyway
We'll see how long this bullshit lasts, bet after the debut everything goes back to the same old crap
By me bye
worrying stuff
I didn't read this

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Quién lo diría que se podría
Hacer el amor por telepatía
Are you the Uke or the Seme?
Damn you Aivy for this knowledge
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Damn you for reminding me of those words
Respond the question
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Uke is then
Rock bottom fag
Poor Shadow...
Yeah Sylvie keep doing whatever you want at the expenses of others like the selfish bitch you are.
To think I put my trust in you once, you worthless brat.
Holy brimstone
Whats wrong with getting more engagement
many are saying this
Is this who Sylvie is talking about?
every general has a compulsory aw this isn't new
What the fuck
fuck off diabetín
Based ESmol trans queens being sapphic as fuck
Are you going to something? No?
Never this is my social life
I'm the average esmolchad
Im trans too btw idk if it matters
I want to impregnate shondo to overwrite her family's schizo bloodline with my own superior mentally stable genes
I think xey might have killed himself
esmolchads are worse than pajeets
You won't be here if you where mentally stable, and you are brown poor spic on top of that
How did you know?
ya lo sabemos Sylvie
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He lost his Latina...
everyone said the same
good riddance
being a esmolkek is the same as being a pajeet
Ironic how a cringe namefag troon dares to say that
^ butthurt pajeet
Obssesed with transCHADS award
Apparently mom committed suicide
Your average 5'1" indian from the deepest slums of mumbai would make you cry lil bro
Yamu This Pls....
And a cringe facetard on top of everything
All Oldfags Are Trans.
new thread doko
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Who the fuck wants that fag.
me and many more
Sure sure...
then make one yourself slob
Go back to hell, Satan
you can post it now, we're at 11

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