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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Catch-Up Tuesday with Subnautica!

>who is Nina?
Welcome to /nina/! This thread is dedicated to Nina Saotome, an indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan and singing.
She is known for her powerful and sultry singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work.

>Interested in how Nina sings?
Here is a small selection of her covers:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8LkXeuwkww [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tgf6qWaGuPA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMF38a9B-n4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXjuMwcvpQM [Embed]

>Other links and resources
R18: https://x.com/hashtag/Ninintai?src=hashtag_click&f=live
>Unofficial VOD archives
New: https://youtube.com/@NinaVODs
Old: https://youtube.com/@annalsoflevtia2846
>Unofficial archive of various lewd OC, KK and sloppa

>Related threads
Large indies >>>/vt//lig/
Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/

Previous thread: >>97125919 →
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I love Nina so much, bros.
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Nina? Love her
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I think Nina is the best
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She said my name. Later virgins.
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I love Nina, bros!
Finally on time.
>calling my name on stream again

I live again
>thread whines about no more greetings at stream start
>Nina begins greeting at stream start again
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She didn't say my name...
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sorry lad
Quick, everyone start whining about how she's not married to me yet
Shouldve posted in chat.
but you don't exist
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But she's already married to me.
is she not boring yet?
she really has family issues, doesn't she?
When will you stop being boring?
Not really?
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Classicbros we are so back
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>doesn't like peanut butter
wtf is wrong with this woman
dont mix pee with nut
visions of bat at the window
why use peanut butter when you have perfectly fine fresh butter?
Please understand, her mom ruined her taste palette
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Me, yes, i needed this.
You just know if Japan had some special peanut butter she'd be all over it
>Been playing subnautica for a week every time i have free time
Gonna be hard to not backseat this one.
Could be worse, could be Oli playing MGS.
She needs all the help she can get. Between the woman nerf for geolocation and her ADHD, little progress is made
she actually likes backseating
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It depends how hard she's struggling.
I wish she would squish mine like these
Gember is a weakling...
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He's just holding back.
>Wants to organize a battle royale
>Wants to be a drill instructor ordering us around
>Likes buff shirtless men fighting
>No one has fought over her before.
I'm not so sure about where this is going
Amazing cat, damn
We always knew it was gonna come down to a battle royale.
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I'm sorry anon, you're my brother but there's no family in the arena
The end of the year Battle Royale for her marriage, obviously. Hope that you have 1M points for the entry ticket redeem
Eh. It's just a good shot.
>no teeth
>regularly has his flank shaved cause of grooming issues
Let's say, he didnt roll the genetical dice well, but the looks are majestic
>war, war never changes
Computer, generate Nina in Snakes sneaking suite from MGS4.
>So risque she won't show it on screen
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It's not that risque
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I love her yapping, bros
Nina feet worship under her desk for hours
computer, please generate.
Stop stealing my thoughts
With Twitch anting Vtubers, it's better to be safe than sorry
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Get out the Gestalt pool, Krumel0
No, all Shibes are Interlinked.
What am I looking at?
I have to love all of Nina and that includes her feet, simple as
sensory deprivation ditto I guess, maybe?
>863m the moment she enters the game
This won't end well.
Please more mahou Nina butt
>Nina loves getting stretched because it's a good kind of pain
>Barely manges 1300 calories
She's a living onahole
Oh, she's not gonna play it is she?
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Not the first time she yaps at the fabricator.
Nina is afraid of being stabbed to death.
Just like any fucking person on this planet.
fishe love
weak tbhdesu
The ghost leviathan really is a dick huh.
>I can make my own population
What phase is she on?
2 weeks of saying hi to everyone in the audience... I assume phase 2 or 3
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Stop being weirdos.
Last menstruation came out of nowhere and broke the pattern. No phase announcements from me for the time being.
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>gamecels crying about the game mid-yap
Nice boat
Would Brian Boitano watch Nina?
I swear she missed something, like a recording that gave her coordinates to a place
How close is Nina to the end?
Not that far IIRC. There is something she needs to find beyond the 1000m depth line that will tell her how to escape the planet.
Does any of you shibes have a high resolution Nina ref sheet?
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Finally, a smidge of progress, and plenty of yaps to balance out the game.
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Slowly getting there/10
I love my oshi.
you mean the yap mid-game?
There's a channel in the dicksword with all her ref sheets
I wonder what game Nina might play if she does a game thing, besides MMR
*certainly a percentage of progress*/10

Good yaps, fun gameplay and a bit of singing. I love Tuesdays

the plot deepens/10
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoETiwKEBT0 [Embed]
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Not gonna join her Discord for drawing Fat Nina, anyways.
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Fat Nina you say? Let me convert that webp for you good sir.
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Here, for you Shibes.
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God bless Anon. Very cute

feel free to check the discord whenever you want. It's pretty chill and not cringe, or not as much, as other servers
God, she's so round, I want to punt her ass.
boring bitch
>>97172077 (OP)

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