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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>other corpo threads
Glitch Stars:>>>/vt//gsg/
EIEN Extended:>>>/vt//eiex/
V4Mirai + globie:>>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers:>>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers:>>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended:>>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended:>>>/vt//tsunx/
Stellar Verse Productions:>>>/vt//svp/
VSPO! EN + Specialite:>>>/vt//fpspec/

Previous thread: >>97171555 →
First for Acti love. Now go to bed
incredibly based i know
uuuuuuugh ;-;
TVA owns this thread, chudcel.
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Nta, that explains why it's so shit
Retro won.
they hate mozzu though
why are you falseflagging
im not, i stopped posting her there because they seethe and cuckpost every time she's posted
>>97207275 (OP)
holy boobers
pretty sure they were liveposting her halo and morrowind streams
it's the /vrt/ schizo

How's your groomer-in-chief doing? Pretty hypocritical stance he's got here or is this one of those self-tells where they accuse others of things they secretly do?
It's not hypocrisy. Convincing someone that everyone else is out to harm them is a classic abuser tactic. And the rest is just basic nice guy groomer stuff.
eat too you got acti day dont be late
Figures. I think he usually goes to sleep about this time, at least
the schizo is the only one posting in that thread, dude cycles through streams to livepost all of them, sometimes he antis the same girls he posts if he thinks he's owning gachis and unicorns. so he used to anti mozzu often when mites were still there
poor mites being chased across the board like jews, always looking for a new refuge
Mozzu deserves to be anti’d
no u
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this general was better when akio air was still around btw
Who is @fancytunahaver and why am I seeing their stuff on my timeline due to the algo
Is it someone I should know?
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Who could it possibly be I wonder
Mocha then? Just googled it, no idea who that is so I guess I can ignore the algo pushing this on me, thanks
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dead thread
I love Mozzu!
acti and her discord killed it
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Another one bites the dust
for retro males on her alt
God I love Furi Fentanyl
How could you do this to Nemo?
cute nemo cosplay
Furi logged out and gave her discord login to a lawyer so they could delete everything she's ever said. To help avoid prosecution from interpol surely
help an ex-blue woman out anon
You never know with those fucks at Vreverie
What the hell happened to /vnug/
stop asking
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>6k for a used indie model
>10k "worth" like Pixel Link IPs
All that added shit isn't worth much but wtf are these prices bros, artists and riggers are out of control, even funnier that they usually are the "eat the rich, fuck capitalism" types but then do the exact same thing. Fuck being a /corpo/ CEO or a grifting Elia, these guys are the real winners basically selling shovels and pickaxes during the Gold Rush.
I'd rather take a year to painstakingly draw and rig my own model in my downtime
Elia Stellaria is my favourite GFE streamer. I’m going to donate $100,000 to her so I can get that skeb together.
The result of limited competition because of how time-consuming rigging is and how few riggers are out there. Wait for China to figure out how to automate the process in a way that still looks good.
I hope acti has a good day today
drawing or rigging a model isn't easy, not everyone can do it, takes a lot of time and artists/riggers are always in high demand. why would it be cheap?
New Nemo outfit just dropped
the prices exploded like crazy, it was like half of that about a year ago
Demand increased massively and supply is still low
>Demand increased massively
as vtuber corpos drop like flies?
yeah that's what happens when everyone on the internet wants to get a vtuber model
vtubing is dying or at least not a +100% demand increse compared to just one year ago
this. elia is just being smart about it and cashing out sooner than later. too bad for those simps getting sucked dry though.
there's still enough demand that artists and riggers cant charge 5k+ for models
/corpo/ deluding themselves into thinking small corpos make up the majority of rig demands when you can go to any of the streaming sites filter for vtubers and find the the majority arent corpo before even considering people who just collect models
Some Japanese flesh streamer stole/scammed 25k$ from some schizo and the schizo stabbed her to death (Ai Mogami)

It's a lesson to not scam mentally ill people from money using false narratives.
It takes a lot more effort for irl schizos to do schizo shit in the rest of the world compared to Japan where anyone is a short train ride away.
like 90% of vtuber models I see on twitch look like DIY or low budget models, if artists and riggers are charging 5k for those they are literally more grifty than elia
You overestimate the amount of effort it takes to fly a plane
most indies just buy pre-made models instead of commissioning personal designs
I hope Elia graduates after this donothon and runs away with all the money.
no way man, she'll keep doing donothons until her whales die of starvation.
“$200k and I will blink”
>before even considering people who just collect models
Oh come on. Nobody does this.
And how many of these indie vtubers are actually just png? Your "analysis" is bogus
And how expensive are those in average? Or rather, how much have they increased over the past 3 years and compared to how much the conventional art/rigging has?
What's her total at now? Last I heard yesterday it was only 11k or something like that
only 11k? grim her pigs have really left her.
on booth you can find them for 10-100 bucks depending on the level of customization and that price has been quite stable, or at least I don't remember it going +300% like custom made models have
3 years ago a decent custom model was 1000 for the art and 2000 for the rig
I have huge respect for indies who draw and rig their own models, even if it doesn't look professional they're always soulful and have that personal touch most models (especially the premade ones) lack
>there are a large number of groomers and sociopaths
He'd know.
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nice a swear voicepack
VSMP2 is inviting way more people than the first iteration
the map will be x10 bigger with x100 more people with many languages and you can climb all the mountains
so close to that amazing incentive of a karaoke stream where chat picks the theme.
>a karaoke stream for 15k
other vtubers do it for free
yeah but you get to choose the theme!
Shee better get invited this time
Does shee even like minecraft
Shee's my ideal woman
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puppies with shiki while yura vibes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGQOilu3LzY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGQOilu3LzY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGQOilu3LzY [Embed]
Only if 420blaise is also there
NTR podcast is creativity
Some people that acted like they didn’t like Minecraft got mad about not being invited last time.
I will give Shiki a five litters of pups

After I'm done with Yura's tits anyway
why are the v&u's graduating?
they're joining my harem
they're joining glitchstars
I miss the part when Shiki went indie, and openly talked about how random waiters flirted with her.
That is true vtubing to me. Just tell me about your relationships and post as many selfies as possible. I literally cant wait to donate when I see that.
They sent their paypigs to their pl/rm so they can get money there and skip the corpo. Why wouldn't they?
So even encounters with male waitstaff counts as dating now
It's funny when people don't get invited because they've got too much drama or beef though
The ownership is changing and the contracts are being rewritten.
She literally said how he flirted with her.
men flirting with women counts as those women dating them?
I think demand has the inverse effect of what you think it does kek
it's cuck content, you don't have to listen if you don't like it
yura thinks it's alittle too accurate
I didnt listen. I saw the twitter post, sadly. This is the same girl that reminds her fans how they didnt donate enough in december 2023. I dont think I ever saw someone openly criticizing her fans for not giving her enough money. Absolutely shameless. And then she stood up her fans to go play Valo with some random fag KEK
Sadly to some of these retards, it's all the same
"V&U is taking a new direction" apparently, they didnt really say it like it's a bad thing, it's just not what they wanted to do
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from what I've seen they seem to be moving towards idolshit with one of the remaining ones literally going to idol bootcamp to learn dancing and singing? don't care much about vnu because to me they were all kinda shit
I like that these posts got lazier so they stopped pretending to "remember" something piecemeal and now just vomit their .txt file of imagined grievances.
Like visiting your nosy grandma and immediately hearing all the fanfiction she wrote about her neighbors.
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that was a good ran stream but its over now

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXzNQAK4m7k [Embed]

look at those tits bounce
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modman lost money
Fucking woozie is going to an idol camp and that's why she's staying in v&u? Such a big difference with her feelings about idols a few years ago.
eeeehhhh that's part of it but if that were the only/main reason, prices would have spiked hard in 2022-2023 and not 2024-2025. I think a lot of the problem is that artists/riggers slowly caught on to the fact that they could charge every corpo obscene prices because that's just what you do with corpos with most shit, and that's bled over to everyone else over time. I know that like enya from idol corp talked about getting her friend bri to do her rigging, then told her to basically upcharge the shit out of her normal rigging rates just because as a corpo, idol would pay for it. at that point if you find out SOMEONE is willing to pay 3x the normal price, you'd be fucking retarded to just drop back down to your usual.
Shiki did say openly on stream that people didnt donate enough so now her budget is tight. And the Valo thing is also known but you have to ask Prism discordfags for that.
You simpoid cucks are hilarious "everything is a lie my girl is perfect and pure" kill yourself retard.
This is why I actually prefer instead of all these daily goals or random donation things covering life expenses when streamers just have whatever their next project is as a donation bar and when it's full they start working on it and put the next project up
I just said I liked your post, man. I like that you've consolidated your bit so much. Really shows you care.
>imagined grievances
literal facts but you do you cucklord or 1view defending her friend
I'm only giving Shiki big donos when she does ASMR streams (and not just whisper into the mic stuff, actual GFE ASMR). I figure that's the only way I could get her to do them more often
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>ywn date an emotionally unstable shiki
pretty much this, hold your donations for content you want, and when it's content you want be generous with your money. girls will always eventually make the connection
why would you want GFE from a male collaber lmao
>with x100 more people
ex-kawaii still need not apply for some retarded reason
sixteen times the detail?
>some retarded reason
Kanna is just a bitch and hates them, that's why they werent invited in the first place. How many times do I have to say this
TWENTY times the detail!
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yura x cage i ship it
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>debut as ekkomori
>1.5 months later
>not a single cover
what gives? kilia had a cover and an original song by this point
it's not like she streams more, counting 26 streams on the first 30 days of kilia but only 14 in the first 40 days of ekko
>"idol shit"
You're starting to sound like /vrt/. Let me guess, you're all tiggers.
she's released 10 covers and streamed for hundreds of hours on her hidden vdere channel
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the absolute state of modern vtubing
also that's a man
I counted at least two dozen Minecraft streams, around 120 hours of Minecraft content on Shee's channel.
that's less than a month of standard shee content
https://youtu.be/QS2n1nfz6I8?t=14033 [Embed]
goes on till 3:55:53
Shee and Isla are the only kawaii whores who care about Minecraft that weren't invited last time. I'm sure they just need to send big coach shine girl a DM and she will let them in if they aren't already. Ephemira jokes were in last time and barely played, probably will be in again.
I hope I get invited
The way she talks about it makes me think they invited japanese vtubers
>Nemo "six million wasn't enough" Nevermore is healing
Do we forgive her?
>they should just send her a DM even though she told them to fuck off the last time
They're not going to do that because they don't want to act like shameless beggars
I mean Isla probably wouldnt join even if she was invited because she just wants to play it with the other gen 1 girls and doesn't like socializing, but even Shee wouldn't ask for it again after getting rejected and having a public melty about it
the fact the worst thing ekko has done is show her hands despite the company she keeps says a lot about her
Isla is so awkward about networking goddamn, charzu too. Why are these bitches so stuck up? Even nene had to give it up and collab with pillow for a popularity boost.
can you post said public melty, anon?
I want to see just how schizo you are.
Who unblocked her?
>public melty
it came to me in a dream
lol he won't cus it wasn't a melty at all
The good ones don't do networking because almost every vtuber is fucking evil and would backstab them for 2 more ccv
Not getting involved with any of them and just doing your own thing with your fans and small friend group is how you stay sane and pure in this industry
the original kawaii whores are almost done with vtubing, only NeneWhore needs to keep her grift going because she needs it to pay the bills
It becomes really obvious who shits up this thread whenever kawaii girls are brought up
Also worth noting that they're hags with jobs so they don't want to deal with a bunch of menhera zoomers
>so they don't want to deal with a bunch of menhera zoomers
That's one of the things I love most about vtubing
the roastie femanons seething about cute girls who love their fans instead of cucking them with males? yeah
weird deflection
oh sorry, are we doing the "males are ok actually, unicorns are the problem" bit again, it usually starts around these hours
Nobody from kawaii has whored out yet and that makes the schizo very mad.
>instead of cucking them with males
lil bwo doesn't know
Let me guess, it's the pkg fag
and mythos only has ugly 3dpds
She gave up
>witches on etsy selling love spells
wild concept
Women are cringe larpers. Some "powerful" witches said they were casting a curse on cheeto man but he still won because he had some form of barrier
1 new song and she'll have more subs than Mozzu again
tell me about mythos
faggot corpo
everything wrong with modern vtubing
Never click links to their twitter
do the opposite of this and find out >>97229329
What's there to explain, it's a bunch of males and fleshposters
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>>97207275 (OP)
What can Mozzu do to get people back on her side? Banning Proctor obviously won't happen.
it's over for her
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ekko is so trashy
Building up good will shouldn't be too hard, she hasn't done anything unforgivable yet. The thing is that she just can't help herself from having woman moments.
Hylo already did this and at least her boobs are huge
Money money money....
sabotage Elira.
You know what they're going to pick
They should pick the one that rhymes better with cuck-.
hiyo mommy milkies
Fine. But you don't get to complain about flesh posting
simp squeaks
Acti love.
hasn't she been around for ages now who still hasn't made the shift
Covers are expensive and rarely if ever make any money back. Girls do them as passion projects. If they are very lucky they can farm subs from them. Corpos absorb the cost of making MVs. Indies are more reluctant to sink the money on a project with no return.
You're a vtuber manager, aren't you
>indies have no passion and are just in for the money
she does covers on twitter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPoy4vqDvww [Embed]
Anon's shark-onahole-wife
stupid bitch is too scared to play a horror game in the middle of the day
cry about being femcel reveal the full kawaii & vdere boyfriend lists bring more basedboy unicucks to her side
It's 8pm in the first world
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4Ia1iUY3h4 [Embed]
a bitch with fat tits from a dead corpo
Fat tits paizuri
mako is firing dei animals already
>mh wildslop
what makes it slop
Roca retweeting all the fan art she missed is so adorable
Best purple woman
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It made the classic mistake of coming out after that anon picked up a truly ebin buzzword, silly
every vtuber is streaming it
also mozzu >>97229850
what is that outfit ekko
how does that make it slop
not where she lives
autistic slag
https://youtu.be/hSvrktrIDis [Embed]
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The nijishit merch seller and blaise are dating aren't they
its campy and janky to shit sometimes but vtubers should join the edf sometimes
Saw a lot of people complaining that it caters to a new public with a lot of cutscenes, forced walking while talking sections and they made it super easy. Don't really care about MH so it's their loss I guess
if unreciprocated flirting counts as being in a relationship I think dming eachother is around the level of having been married for 20-30 years
bad rei lost
shee won
bad game creating bad streams, a lot of them, textbook slop
bad rei
me no likey therefore slop
Shit take. My vtuber is indie and she pumps out one cover a month even when she has less whales than Ekko.
Ekko is just phoning it in, 4 months to debut and she couldn't get a single cover ready.
This ASMR reminds me of Kilia
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this is a retro thread, we don't like modern games
shouldn't it be the streamer's duty to create good content from anything possible?
it's yet another open world walking sim with industry standard camera and controls
pitybaiting just like elia
Covers with music videos maybe
Tomoe Carmine™ put out a cover within a day of the original song dropping
>Corpos absorb the cost of making MVs
this is not true at all
kilia did as well
https://youtu.be/5Jja39-69G8 [Embed] original
https://youtu.be/cE2GAqilhgc [Embed] cover
is an ekko issue
I miss Kilia
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UVMEYOLiF4 [Embed]
what did she mean by this
don't mention her in the same sentence as the whorse
Who is this?
mozzu if she was good
It's funny because it would be better if it had standard controls instead of essentially the same jank MH has stuck with since they dropped analog attacks
retrofags be gone
Filian would find it hard to make a MH Wilds interesting
>game spams them with cutscenes and dialogue if they are doing the story, mihoyo tier
>dumbed down gameplay but still needs at least 50% of their attention so might as well have a pure zatsu stream if it's just to hear the bitch talk
>if it's "playing with viewers" see above unless you are in the lobby
Anon, your reading comprehension...
you have dementia
Nice stream
genderbent greek god chuubas
I have no idea who she used to be
>Filian would find it hard to make anything interesting
fixed that for you. the only entertainment she can provide is when she's being tormented by her collab partner.
This is Echo's previous corpo account, but apparently NexStage Project gave it back to her when they folded.
she'd be more entertaining if she played retro games
She had to buy Blair
question mark question mark
tomomi is going to be an idol
I feel so worried. I think Elia is feeling sick again. She's an hour late for the stream. I need to donate to make her feel better.
woozie would never
how do we cleanse /corpo/ of femanons
I'm a newfagg to her. Why does she do that?
Autism filler word
marry them
These autistic tits are pretty cute anon. Thanks for linking
Just noticed this, thread darling Elia Stellaria is being featured on Reddit right now.
doom with bloom live now
did she kill herself, why is she 2 hours late
pitybait strats to get pitybait donos from pitybait whales to her pitybait life
are you trying to summon her like betelgeuse?
Elia Stellaria
Elia Stellaria
Elia Stellaria
it worked
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what's her dono total and how much longer does she have?
I finally got my car sold, it took a week but im ready to drop it all on the goose, im coming to save you babe
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no no, it was your parents car remember
at some point it stops being hatewatching and just becomes regular watching you know
Only a true Elia fan can properly describe what a chicken burger life is
acti live btw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGZptsup9-I [Embed]
i'm an actual eliadachi
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I love her so much. She's a Goddess.
she cares about us so much, she put shitty goals so we dont donate. I understand now
wife material
mites are really bitter about her leaving huh
Just donated $5k to Elia. She deserves it
I will match the next dono amount I see on stream, no matter how much it is
pekora's monkey just donated $2k btw
says it's no longer available?
I'm matching this too.
Thought we were done namefagging.
works on my machine
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I am going to donate ten thousand dollars to Elia Stellaria to extend her donothon. Wish me luck y'all.
Elia guilt trip Stellaria
well, guess that's what i get for being a poorfag :(
>hopefully the clock goes up
good luck anon
There’s got to be somebody better to donate your money too. Like Raki.
on these donothons the chuubas say what they need the money for. Did she say why she needs 100k?
she needs more moneh
did she say she needs 100k?
Mozzu is threatening to sue Elia for using her IP. Yes, Mozzu owns the Elia Stellaria IP and is charging Elia $100k for it.

We’re not bitter, we’re happy. Elia was a bitch to the other girls and made it known in her members stream and tried to pit her fans against them, especially Airi. We want everyone to see just how much of a fake scum bag Elia is.
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isn't pitting your fans against other chuubas based if you're a mite?
Bros... it's over for me... I just got recommended a sayu fleshpost video... don't let it happen to you, learn from my mistake.
It's the last goal so I just assumed
raki talked about fucking frat boy wizards on stream
aren't they called stretch goals because it's unreasonable to expect they'll actually happen
how high did her actual goals go to? 10k?
I'm here for tits
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Well, femanon? He's waiting.
Is Raki's donothon starting the 15th?
Peony seemed to be the closest to Aletta way back when, so that surprises me.
Airi sexually harassing the health bar is a little weird but I won't complain. I wish she played more games
She's very insecure. So she chooses to tear down those close to her rather than lift them up.
Elia thought that Airi was friends with her only because of her money basically
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I will miss those tits
Instead of freaking out about whether or not people are going to find you again, how about you stop having woman moments and stick with what is working for you right now
So is it just Meeta that's gonna stay from Oracle? The other two don't look so great
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Nice subject, idiot
Someone bake another one then
>>97245678 →
>>97245678 →
>>97245678 →

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