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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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This thread is made to discuss and find English-speaking Vtubers who do ASMR.

>Ongoing streams
https://asmrfarm.com/ (Mixed JP/EN)

rentry with useful information: https://rentry.org/tinglesvt

Previous thread: >>97171150 →
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I need to make her cum.
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we need his help
>>97208072 →
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menace is my wife and i love her very much
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Me and my wife
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Being lazy and listening to Chroniko kind of day
What are you, Chinese?
goodnight i love menis so fucking much
I love my tiny, filthy, perverted wife Menace dearly.
Do you have any uninvited pets watching her with you?
I have a fish tank, they can watch
gone but never forgotten
Just jacked off to Mono again and am once again sad that Sanrio took away some of the best NSFW ASMR rp out there
I mean even before sanrio things were already iffy
lol I remember when some chatter called her Momo and she said "humm, who is Momo.. are you typing with one hand?"
Anyone get alias anono before the purge?
>>97208128 (OP)
Cute feet
Are you talking about the pillowdear collab?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyVDztI-bs0 [Embed]
Reina has been studying
Never forget what they took from you.
Just general archive
Last chance to download Reina's asmr btw, link self-destruct soon
already listened
I liked the part where you wear her thighs as earmuffs
Blueball asmr
We love our women here
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This is good, I like her
This is as close as she ever got to cumming on stream. I wanted her to do it so bad, but she always held back when she was close. She's a good girl like that, but I wanted her to be a different kind of good girl just one time.
I think she did cum, actually. One time she pinched her nipples so much (I think both at the same time) that she cried out in pleasure, her voice got immediately ragged & shaky as if she was quivering, and then whispered to herself "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck". She came. Pretty sure it was one of the succubus streams. Still one of the best I've ever heard

Oh and there was that one time she begged us to put babies inside of her (probably from post-nut euphoria)
Maybe I need revisit some of the vods. I knew she was touching herself, but I was never fully convinced that she was cumming with us. I didn't know then what I know now, though.
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I miss her
I missed her and tried to record a voice message for her but got nauseous from nervousness
I miss when people didn't spam about Menace.
like you are doing it right now?
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Every time I listen to Menace it's like I'm coming back to Pokke village
I drank her piss yesterday, it was tasty.
Blair is up and she's being cute
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I miss my queen, Nene Amano, so bad
How embarrassing!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcbqwolQRLY [Embed]
honse gaymen
chinese horny
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPHkL9lFgEQ [Embed]
>>97208128 (OP)
Komma should do earlicking ASMR.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zje2eUNvB6s [Embed]
licking halo's ears
How am I supposed to take a step back exactly?
The pre stream anxiety is killing me today. Why am I like this?
Dumb kinekeks
like so
God I wish I had the balls.
very dumb
Just do some JOI and you'll get your own dumb kinekeks, Mozzu.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp1dX6flHT8 [Embed]
new chrokino
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV0FYOBCBC8 [Embed]
her bratty attitude was amazing that day
I wish I was a disabled retard who lives on disability so I could watch Menace all day
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i can help you with that
I do this but my entire family is disabled instead
I have a heart condition and need to take meds everyday. Maybe I'm in.
niko pls i have no hair left
>【ASMR】Humming & Layered Whispers
First she doesn't do anything Monday or Tuesday and moves the stream to tonight, now she's doing humming? Fucking humming? Miwa HATE!
I feel like such a nerd when Menace talks about this stuff. I've never had any piercings before. I was just a shy nerd.
just napped to Raki laptop test asmr
very nice and dangerous GFE
fuck yes i love humming
miwa LOVE
I have a disabilitydis-ability to make that money!
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Can someone marry Rana (fat) and get her back on the ASMR grind?
If she's fat, no.
We love chubby girls itt
i love chubby by 2010 standards
2025 chubby is morbidly obese
Pretty sure she doesn't like asmronlys so that's why. Rana I did try one of your zatsudans once and I'm sorry but you are honest to god boring as hell. You talked for 2 hours and never said a single interesting thing. I'm really not trying to be a dick here, but you genuinely need to work on your ability as an entertainer, you're pretty solid at asmr, if you don't want that to be your thing that's fair enough, I'm just saying what you're doing in your normal streams is not going to help you build an audience.
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She isn't any more or less entertaining than most other chuubas out there
I like her drunk streams but I am also biased cause I like her voice and bitchy attitude
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She's back soon! (non-asmr)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMNpIOmNNXM [Embed]
must be awful for her to be forced to work one day
Is our resident shondofag ok?
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Kinekeks are trauma dumping like crazy today.
One day you'll be comfortable opening up about your insecurities and you'll finally stop obsessing over others.
adult men should not "open up about their insecurities"
instant red flag for wimminz
No Fansly stream tonight then?
love woman
sucks bro. Losing a parent to suicide, especially when you have young siblings too is terrible. I hope you shonfags can help your oshi through this and give her the support she needs. Also she should honestly take legal action if she was released from hospital by that retarded doctor.
Huh, I stop overthinking about what I'm typing and just go with the flow and she starts picking me out and I start enjoying the stream a lot more because I'm not overthinking. Is it really that easy?
Her bf Michael will help.
Good job anon.
You need to be 18 or over to use this site.
What does this have to do with asmr? Is she going to sob into the 3dio about it? Otherwise I don't care.
This is a thread about gfe and jerking off with vtubers who do asmr. We should probably update the OP to be more clear
>This thread is made to discuss and find English-speaking Vtubers who do ASMR.
Actually nope, already covered desu.
We could add something like discussion is not limited to ASMR content.
I think it's fine as is personally, I don't mind non asmr discussion but I don't think it really needs more encouraging either.
I hope I can remember that for every stream and it slowly just becomes normal for me to not overthink what I type to in Menace's chat.
just don’t think about it too much. she gets thousands of chats everyday as long as its not overly egregious you’re just fine anon
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damn just saw the news, poor girl.
hug your mommas when you still can ;_;
Daiya didn't schedule her asmr upload yesterday for some reason and then she forgot so it's going up "at a normal hour (today)"
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Nene and Miyu left nice words in her replies
Aspiring groomers have a good opportunity here to cover her debt from the youtube membership refunds. Seize your moment.
I really don't think $200 is going to break the bank for her
she will make that back in one fansly stream
I thought Shondo always streamed on Twitch, aren't the youtube uploads just a vod channel?
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Anon he's talking about Menace
>>97111355 →
he doesn't know about Zenya's immunity
Oh, I thought it was like people still freaking out about the Michael thing or something, the threads about Shondo today are all pretty hostile.
Ekko called something kino. She's on thin fucking ice I swear to god.
don't let >>97233905 watch Mono Monet...
It's a Common twitch phrase now, even has an emote I think
hu dat?
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Stop jerking off, your girlfriend misses you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H43B6EVSQBY [Embed]
but wasn't she married or about to be married?
She divorced Rev?
I will now watch your chuuba
Wish we had a board to talk about fleshtubers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aFE9ZRu2n0 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyAGwb0cbw4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnE3Cgna2g4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAwn6mO4rlo [Embed]
shit tonight
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZO2MyuUk1I [Embed]
Zenya posted this 30 minutes ago.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZO2MyuUk1I [Embed]
It is kinda weird that there's a board for vtubers but nowhere really intended for discussing youtubers isn't it? I mean yeah anime site, but still.
Now kiss.
is Twitch still not paying russian streamers?
poor Soya
at least her donothon went super well
VOD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSuNOSQQ8vU [Embed]
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp1dX6flHT8 [Embed]
zenya cringekino is back on the menu boys
Isnt she Japanese? Why does she mostly do english language stuff
Please be properly focused, I liked the last one but I can't properly appreciate the experience of wanting to shove this dork into a locker if you're blurry all the time Zenya
JP: ~123 million speakers
EN: ~1.5 billion speakers
I'm pretty sure she's Australian. Also her about says "I speak English and am learning Japanese, I'm also pretty dedicated to keeping it silly. :3"
English language stuff draws in a much larger crowd. Plus she streams on twitch which Japanese streamers don't use
Patreon stream at 9:30, no new Maidsly announcement. I guess no group masturbation today.
Oh damn, I thought she was native Japanese but Australian makes sense
Don't be stupid, we don't need Menace for that. Let's just all agree to meet up at 9pm CST.
flicking nikos neko ears as a recreational activity
is there an EN yet that does live2d intercourse like Mare and Karin?
fucking mofu's tight moth pussy until she cries
They use their 3D model, and no
if menace lived alone she could be as loud as bao or alekirser
but alas, she loves mozzu too much to leave her side
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Blair GFE arc is over
is Korean, I don't think it will ever happen
maybe until youtube members
Kek, I wonder if she thought yesterday was Wednesday. I prefer gaming in the morning so I'm still happy with ASMR tonight.
she's still gfe in discord
She was ovulating yesterday
I know. I'm not fully there yet. Seeing her playfully get mad with other chatter's comments and telling them to shut up would still make me panic and close the stream if it happened to me. It's rough getting used to a new vtuber.
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>miwa and zenya are overlapping
Who do we blame for this
Pretty sure it was 11th or 12th last month too. Seems like those are the go to dates to expect non Wednesday or Saturday streams on.
we blame chiwa because miwa is supposed to do asmr yesterday but they had a collab
chiwa owes me sex now
Last month she told us she was ovulating on Valentines, I used that to figure out this months ovulation would be the 12th.
If her cycle is an average of 28 days fansly streams might be on Tuesdays from now on but cycles can change. Either way Menace is good about letting us know ahead of time when streams are going to happen.
She was pretty cute...
I meant 11th/Tuesday, im retarded
did Kanna finish Prey? don't wanna commit if she dropped it
She tags the games she's finished. Doesn't seem like it
She hasn't finished it, but she did 2 streams of it 2 weeks ago after putting it on break for a few months. She's slowly getting through it, but it's probably going on break again because she has so many plans in the upcoming weeks
I'll wait then, thanx
>im retarded
you watch menace, that part is implied
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVMhm9JWz3w [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBlZnwQSt8Y [Embed]
Too bad Nene dropped San Andreas, she robbed herself from listening to Samuel LJ saying the greatest line in gaming history
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i can't for the life of me notice the difference between a ku100 and a 3dio but the nt5 has a distinctively better sound than the pair of them i think
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoqBRHoIbEY [Embed]
apparently this vtuber named miwo renamed to Miidere to do live asmr, seems alright from vods
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeENFlsTgj8&t=5838 [Embed]
Sounds like props, so I am not impressed in the current meta of legit chronic masturbators
chroniko masturbator
My girlfriend (roleplay) strawb's last upload was peak...
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I need to go on a road trip with Menace and deny her every time she asks if I can pull over so she can pee then when she can't hold it in anymore I give her a lustful gaze until she makes a mess.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnE3Cgna2g4 [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZO2MyuUk1I [Embed]

Which way, tinglerman?
/we/ are relaxing with miwa but I will take a peek at zenya's flat chest every now and then
miwa left ear
zenyur right ear
you kno how it is
watching zenya while listening to miwa
Is this GFE? Does she do any other GFE vids
chroniko is my girlfriend yes
zenny looks even more autistic with the separate audio/video
still cute though ofc
She is not GFE
She only dates muscular australian men
>She only dates men
yes, me. i'm a man
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZO2MyuUk1I [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnE3Cgna2g4 [Embed]
miwa live
Zenya ToT
>Chest in full frontal display
Literally begging for people to dive under her shirt and bully her budding chest
do we really have people here that don't use 4chanX/XT
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stop overlapping
??? bro
got me 2 brats
>wedding ring
just watch miwa first because zenya is prerecorded anyway
nice try, miwa. I WILL listen to both simultaneously
Technically miwa is playing prerecorded layered sounds. Your move?
Funny thing about that, I prefer Miwas prerecorded content over her live content.
menace should recreate this
The grace of a bird that hits the windowshield of a car, the body of a malnourished boy, the personality of a discarded used condom.
Zenya is the perfect woman.
how is she going ssshhh while humming
It's a mix of phone users and people from SC
>zenny looks even more autistic
She was a top student when she was still studying computer science and she pretends to be a loli on the internet and does gfe roleplay as your little sister. You can't be more autistic than that.
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'tism kino
>anything = autism
this meme has overstayed its welcome
I love Miwa.
this post is autism to the 3rd power
what was that?
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sorry miwa you're getting muted if all you are doing is humming
Kawaii. Love Zenya.
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Zenya doxxed me
There is the meme autism and there is "I'm a top student in the most autistic branch of study" autism. Have you ever met a top student from a CS class? Let me tell you, they're not high functioning. They're barely functioning at all. The only thing high function about them is the code they write.
I realised for the 100th time my gfe chuuba doesn't care about me in reality
I go through this every month
Zenya a cute!
BA newfags in her chat asking who this is
Menace loves me though.
Id spark for Zenya
How would that result in you getting good grades
Wonderful Zenya, I am staisfied.
I don't think she is
Miwa time
Zenya is a good girl
Don't even bother engaging with the brownoid. It's honestly just impressive it can even solve the captcha.
keep relaxing
At least get your porn scenarios right, it's the teacher you have sex with to get good grades. I am the teacher btw.
i couldn't. that's why i paid for my pass.
i dont play BA and even i know who this is
this is why you gatekeep newfags
It was me I took her virginity.
We need more mommy vtubers, especially since a lot of these vtubers are getting older
do you really think zenya is not the type of girl to get railed by the entire class and the teachers too? body count in the hundreds.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6hcfc21sKQ [Embed]
based doujin enjoyer
Archive? Link has expired
Zenya seems booksmart due to being ultra autistic and going into CS.
Someone has actually been shilling zenya hard on the catalog lately and that's probably not a good thing
If Zenya is truly as lonely and groomable as you guys claim, why aren't you grooming her and sneaking into her dm? After all I've read, I'd be tempted to try.
two catalog threads in a row
Why would you do that instead of just enjoying her content?
She's already got an army of groomers trying to get in her pants.
I like the idea of Zenya. I don't like the girl behind the vtuber, necessarily. She probably has real icky hard problems.
i actually dont read doujins that are based on anime/games because theyre mostly about the character and not about the art
First, because I don't actually think she'd be the type to be "loyal", the need for affection she demonstrates is, to me, something that would just lead her to chasing for it from others. Second, it would be morally wrong. Third, personal defects that would make it unenjoyable.
I just found Zenya's neocities page. That girl is autistic.
She's the one grooming us
she is most likely ugly
>vtuber instead of fleshstreamer
ugly. don't know why people are so obsessed
Because I'm not a groomer.
I <3 ugly CS autistic vtuber instead of fleshstreamers!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnE3Cgna2g4 [Embed]
Actual ASMR going on right now
Not a fan of humming but glad you enjoy.
miwa lurv
Just her regular stream I'd imagine, she just doesn't keep vods for some reason
I just wanted to come home and watch a menace VOD, I fucking hate SME...
>Tried this game once, it's definitely neat but seems like it can get real complicated real fast. I do like the aesthetics of it though. I'd like to play this game more but realistically, I don't have the time to really devote to this. It's that game of autism game that appeals to a specific group of people and I think otherwise it might just seem boring too?
>https://youtu.be/XrN0BaQxbwk [Embed]
Hag Zenya playing Factorio is real. Listening to pre-loli Zenya while watching her irl asmr video feels so weird.
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I love the retarded sounds this Korean harlot makes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIIVFSp4dmE [Embed]
hag alert
lolibaba eroi
I hate how every time I think it's a video about the Halo series. it doesn't even help that the O is capitalized because y'know, the rings.
Zenya's real voice. She sounds like the average Asian Canadian comp science girl.
The curious case of Zenya Hima...
False alarm everyone, she's not actually autistic, pack it up.
We're all groomers here though
She sounds autistic and she likes the game.
I might be madly in love with my wife but I'm not a groomer.
I'm just here to relax and sometimes fap to horny women with their consent
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I'm just here to fap and sometimes relax to non-horny women without their consent
I'm just here to fap to horny women with or without their consent
>not autistic
>likes factorio and neocities
Anon please.
I just want to kiss Chroniko
i just want to kiss miwa's butthole while she plays games with chiwa, who coincidentally owes me sex
>I take on anyone
>You know who else uses 4chan? :D Someone here does, I won't gonna say who
>Oh you guys, 4chan is not that bad. It's literally just people, y'know
>I couldn't even dab when I was 3D
She didn't finish the tutorial.
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we are?
You can kinda hear new zenya in old zenya when she gets flustered.
>4chan is not that bad. It's literally just people
Oh no bros, our cover is being blown. Quick, we need to cause some massive calamity again.
who? i need a /here/chuuba to oshi
if you are a vtuber fucking LEAVE NOW
this thread is for the boys
Old Zenya: >>97245763
Reminder, this is her: >>97244559 →
you fags have a new oshi every day of the week
My oshi is the girl that came here to masturbate.
shit tonightposter is my oshi
>he doesn't have multiple oshis
i only have one previous oshi and that's because i'm not getting the attention i want anymore. why should i stay
All the whores are my oshi, I'm that supportive.
I want to lift my perfect imoutowife Zenya up by her shapely beautiful legs and press her against the nearest wall while she squirms autistically in my arms and I nibble on her succulent caramel neck. Let me cure your frustration, Zenya!
I switch to a new oshi everytime my current one makes even the slightest mistake.
Lickable tummy
Blair is my forever oshi
i have never cheated on menace.
Ok but do you want the valley girl voice or the loli voice?
>check /tingles/

why is this thread always obsessed with the same 3 streamers? they're not even like the best out there
I only oshi chuubas that starts with M
Menace, Miwa, Miori, Mene Amano, Malias Anono. The best ones
Shill yours then, this thred is the free market. Mence, Miwa, and Zenya both have strong unique appeals.
there is no loli voice. one of the most common criticisms against her is that she doesn't know how to do the loli voice. that's why /uoh/ doesn't like her. it's the same voice right now and back then

coincidentally, rare Mu stream just started
I've been goslinging over Blair without any issues
it's better for everyone else if those three alone concentrate all the potential schizos
the new gfe queen ?
Koreans are not to be trusted
>it's the same voice right now and back then
Absolutely not. Listen to the old vod that was linked and a stream from a few days ago.
I really want Cera to be a good girl and make me cum today
Why... it's 1:30am I was just going to bed...
i fucking hate you retatrds so ,uch nstop talking abot this ubullsuit like tis out falt if you dotn want to read ti fucking talk about soutr shitty cuuba you fucking retard holy shit
go fuckmyoursewlf
my queen, my love.
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amen bro
share the link ?
meganekos will be running this thread soon don't worry
>good thing you're joking because even though i'm a librarian the last time i read a book is probably years
blair is showing off her tits
Are you okay anon? I think you'll have a stroke soon.
I'm not that retarded but if it's good there will be an archive
I think you've had enough, anon
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that's illegal bro
SCfags will likely leak it anyway
Blair is really happy about her twitter post blowing up
Doesn't sound like it
>blowing up on her face
i love her giggles
Goodnight Miwa!!!
cheers cunt
Who was she before? Her voice is really familiar.
V&U robotgirl
We already have Miori to cover the mentally ill Korean GFE niche
Non consensual relaxation is not a crime but you WILL go to hell for it.
shes actually european
I think /tingles/ needs more harcore gfe and blair is one of them
That's cuck experience
Oh yeah echo...I see, thanks.
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>has mods
good luck with that groomercucks
Bweh used goods
Blair is showing her tits and legs
No, that's your mom anon.
mods or manager ?
what literally everyone has mods
I think m*nace doesn't
How long until Miori's fans jump ship to Blair and she has another melty?
I don't see any mods in her chat but I don't care about mods as long as they don't spam.
Zenya is Canadian though.
Blair is dangerous
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>I think /tingles/ needs more harcore gfe
GFE fags ruin threads with their paranoia and schizophrenia, you will regret your words
blair is sniffing me
I don't have to think that hard, blair has a 1 vip on the channel that is a big yt, watch a couple of videos of him and there is a woman in several videos, search for CurtRichy
She doesn't have mods only some vips anon is being retarded
Why are you guys bullying Zenya?
we aren't?
I think the only vtuber I like a lot that does a lot of asmr is my soon to be girlfriend, Ikumi, and she's popular enough that I don't really see a need to push her in a thread about asmr. Most of you probably know her and have your own opinion and I'd just annoy people into hating her if I brought her up too much. Most of the vtubers whose asmr I like only do it once a week or so, so there's only so much to talk about.
Where's my cat maid little sister wife
so it begins
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aFE9ZRu2n0 [Embed]
Bringing back her shameful past and calling her autistic repeatedly is bullying.
The paranoia is the best part. The whole point of being here is to watch the ants go into a frenzy in their little ant farm.
https://youtu.be/JGb3tRkpReY [Embed]
04:14 same pitch
I need to stop thinking so much, sorry anons
Autistic girls are in, plus we are autistic ourselves. Its a plus.
Her past isn't "shameful" either.
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>calling her autistic
>doesnt accept non-business dms
>doesnt really do asmr
>doesnt affectionbait on twitter
>audios are just straight RP scenarios or horny rambles
>fansly streams are feral masturbation
how did ally get a reputation for gfe again? shes great at what she does, but this is 1% of what actual gfe'rs do
Both of those are charm points.
Sounding like a hag for your imouto is humiliating...
What are you doing on 4chan? Twitter is this way: https://x.com
I've never heard anyone call Ally GFE.
she's literally credited in the description, stop being schizo
too early for megakekos to start having melties
Damn it's over before it even began
the schizo who keeps spamming about her valentines stream does, and after looking at her content it just doesnt make any sense
Her fansly stuff is always 1on1 it does feel pretty gfe but I close chat I'm not like you weird fucks who watch what everyone is saying.
What's the problem with the valentines stream?
uh oh, megakekos cucked right at the start. Damn, korean girls are dangerous.
sure, but its just a script
she's not saying "omg i love you so much (tipper), Ill never leave you!"
Its hot, I get why people like her

nothing, there was a guy going nuts swearing she was fucking a guy live on stream during it and that it was a betrayal to all her gfe fans
I hadn't noticed him calling her GFE, maybe I just wasn't paying attention. There's people that will have a meltdown if a solo porn creator has a man too, whether she does GFE or not so I just thought it was that. Certainly doesn't happen nearly as often as with GFE creators, but it does happen.
You're retarded
That's not her and if it is then i'm in love
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I think allys content is great and how openly horny she gets on stream is hot as fuck, but I just dont get how guys are unicorning the girl who is sticking 2-3 vibrators in herself every single week thinking shes some pure virginal waifu just because she has a cute anime voice
I never much understood that myself. Like sure, she was fucking someone who manages to stay completely silent during sex outside of exhaling for a handful of seconds. Who cares? She's the single horniest person on the face of the planet, you know she's getting fucked regularly unless you are both completely retarded and delusional. She isn't a pure idol.
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makeship extended Nene's plushie campaign because they are selling. One extra week to buy this cute thing before it goes away forever
Menace hates us and lied about the stream
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>>97250802 →
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Yeah, and itd be one thing if she was actively fostering a shitty parasocial gfe environment with her fans but that clearly isnt the case
if anything, shes more distant with her fans and discord than most tubers
It doesn't even look like her.

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