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A Little Treat Edition
Previous Thread:>>97200096 →

>Upcoming Stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09O8ylooCFg [Embed]
>Previous Stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzPU6Pni-XQ [Embed]
>Go watch it again: Birthday 3D Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouQF2A1l_cI [Embed]

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aThUfmKQgaY [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kttt7pb5o6I [Embed]
>3D Debut
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqiU63uqC9U [Embed]
>3D Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouQF2A1l_cI [Embed]
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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Flirting with Fuwawa while Mococo is away.
Wallet fatigue is big right now. You can tell even the biggest paypigs are lukewarm on even more expensive shit releasing based on their replies. Some aren't even bothering to reply any more too...
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>>97209183 →
They need your support to fulfill their dreams though... they're doing it for you, you know?
Why are the shitposters back?
they were only visiting for fes, Japan doesn't let people with no skills immigrate
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They're done traveling. Post frequency in general went down during fes, and now it's back up since people are back home
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Sorry you're jealous
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>>97209146 →
I've posted a few times but the data provider im using while I'm in Japan is blocked so I can only post on wifi. Plus I normally don't take many pictures so what little I do take ends up going on twitter. I went to a Pokemon center today, couldn't even buy a box of the new set, 10 pack max, there were a ton of kids in this one so it was mega loud walking around
Why are people still posting random trip shit to the fes tag? Even people like mugetsu who are on a completely different jp trip that started after fes ended.. They aren't looking at that tag again, use #FUWAMOCO stop flooding the fes tag with unkempt unrelated bullshit.
Seems like I got one hell of a VOD waiting for me with the offcollab gang karaoke when I come home after work huh
It was wild.
It was fine, but I don't think the kazoos were needed again. It made the other karaoke with Mori and Biboo special and unique, but didn't offer anything new this time
We need to address FWMC's piss fetish
Yes we do, they're not embracing it enough
I wonder how Fuwamoco feel about the Ruffians knocking up a bunch of jp femruffians and assorted other women during their japan trips... They might even lose a few fans that fall in love with pussy for the first time.
FWMC and Lamy haven't interacted with each other enough
Fuwawa would think it's cute and would be happy for them. Mococo would get jealous.
I posted until I stopped getting likes
I have a VPN server at home (that I'm using right now), but you should be able to pay for a VPN like mullvad or whatever and a 4chan pass if it's really important to you
7 people singing at once is too much, so the kazoos let them participate
I ended up breeding one femruffian repeatedly who stayed with me for tickets and got a BJ from one cute ayame cosplay girl after fes
All in all a great event
Was the femruffian at least cuter then the one that schizo keeps spamming every thread?
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Pics or it didn't happen
This is a strange larp
>>97209046 →
Source? First time seeing this one
I'd want to respect her privacy especially with how often she posts selfies on twitter
Lamy is too troublesome. She'd get in a troublesome loop with Mocochan
How about a single pic of you in Japan
>FWMC and Lamy haven't interacted with each other enough
They literally had a collab, though Koyo was there too
No Ruffians had sex in Japan, especially not with "femruffians". It's just weird that sisters are trying to pretend otherwise because everyone's knows we're all kisses virgins for Fuwawa.
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I use mullvad but not to post on 4chan, everytime I've tried to its usually blocked and I don't feel like going through each and every one to see which one isn't, I was just mentioning why I haven't travel posted much
Yeah, only once. How many times have they collabed with Koyori or appeared in lives together? Plus their shared MC at fes
4chan pass lets you post on rangebanned IPs like VPNs
Why are you moving the goalpost
Women should be the only ones allowed to fuck femboys.
I never did. I said "enough". I didn't say they never interacted.
NTA but it the OG post says enough. Anon obviously wants them to interact more than they are doing now.
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gn ruffians
Can you count as a virgin again if it has been well over 10 years since the last time?
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good nigght
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you better hope so
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Your virginity is something that once lost cannot be regained. No, sorry Anon, it's too late for you.
why did I lose it to a random jp girl that I'll never see again... I got caught up on the hype and now I'm damaged goods
Anybody know if it's true you can't eat at the taiyou yakiniku place if youre by yourself, I thought I saw a post saying that
I see, I don't care enough to buy a pass
shameful display
now youll never get married
You can still lose other forms of virginity like kiss virginity, anal virginity, oral virginity, first blood, etc.
All I can tell you is if you try do an online reservation it won't let you reserve for one person. When I went there a few days ago, there was a sign on the door saying they were fully reserved for the day, and I got there before they opened.
Ueh might be because of all the holo fans during those days. I'll try tomorrow regardless. Thanks
I did not see any femruffians worth fucking on the tag the entire past week. The meetups and food parties people posted looked to be entirely men. Where were all the cute girls yall are talking about?
Staying with me because I got them all tickets
prostitutes are cheaper than fes tickets
One thing I saw was at a different yakiniku place it said you needed 2 people minimum (it was in Japanese so I might be wrong)
Not everyone wants other men to ogle at their women.
You got ripped off. you can have an actual good looking woman that'll do anything for less. Instead you overpaid for some manipulative inexperienced women that look like ogres.
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That's morally depraved! Where should I avoid going to make sure I don't run into these women?
I just want someone who'll love me for what I am... is that asking too much?
What game
What game was this about? I can see why she'd want to make a girl character that isn't though, especially since she doesn't seem to be particularly muscular herself.
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I-I'll keep a back up plan just in case...
CHADzki is almost 3.5k followers. I'm expecting him to finally get the fwmc follow soon. He's been working tirelessly to support them and everything he posts does huge numbers for them. He gets it.
But I wanted the extra humiliation of a femruffian having to do these things reluctantly because she otherwise couldn't afford the trip
It makes it hotter when you know they don't really want to do it and especially not while cosplaying as Fuwawa or Mococo and baubauing
You're the one getting manipulated. They just have to pretend for a moment and you're giving them expensive tickets and plushies and whatever else. Is this your first time with women?
even in your made up sexual fantasies that you post on 4chan women don't want to have sex with you
you guys are really pathetic
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>You guys
It's always the same schizo
Mococo would not be able to survive on her own let's be honest
Wrong, it's at least two cause I'm not all of the posts
She was talking about Monster Hunter 3 on the Wii that she played a little bit of when she was a kid.
This Fuwawa face is too dangerous
Would Fuwawa?
So you admit it's a larp
Fuwawa would wape a wuffian
but would she wape mango jam
Finally, it's been forever
Well? Did she say yes?
I don't think any ruffians have ever had sex. It's a bunch of virgins in love with two make believe twin dogs, what do you think?
Fuwawa has not once thought of sex with Mococo. She's her sister.
I'd let a paypig stick it anywhere if it meant i could go to fes next year.
She already has
Well of course she hasn't, she doesn't think, she just does it
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Fuwawa is way too powerful... she can even wapespwee wuffians now...
I'm thankful Calli has been been so helpful and kind to you both, in all your this's, that's, and y'knows I want you to know I treasure all you do share with me, I take it seriously, and I hope in turn my own general words of support can still give you strength, #FUWAMOCO
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I got raped in Japan and now I'm crying in my hotel room...
>Talents have recorded either a "Sweet" (affirmation) or "Sour" (gentle ribbing) track.
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Don't forget to buy the merch ruffians it means a lot to them! 1 million merch soon!
New outfit coming to the mahjong client I play on.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUtsmqhBTjI [Embed]
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Wait what the fuck, since I'm Japan it set the prices to yen automatically and voice packs are fucking 500 yen?? Unless this one is cheaper than other voice packs, we've been getting fleeced
It's cheaper than normal, they're four bucks each
Alright that's a little better
cumming on a cute jp femruffian's flat chest!!
he's still getting likes, why aren't you?
Fuwawa just flew over my house
You are in Japan stop coming/here/ you fucking loser. Go bang some nip pussy at least. anything but shitpost here.
On the Shinkansen you dip
This voicepack is literally the 3 second slop clips that losers spam but made into audio and with a price tag attached. Who is buying this shit?
People who want something official and collectors too. And as usual it's another way to spend something to support your oshi.
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Me, I thought they were cute Fuwawa's seems much more general purpose though for me to use for something
For what
I dunno yet, I thought about using one of Fuwawa's for an alarm since it'd be a little less jarring than the one I've been using for years
Don't ever use something you like as an alarm. You will come to hate it.
I already hate Fuwawa. Her favortism and annoying laugh and bau baus were too much.
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That's kind of why I was thinking against it. I don't want to start associating her voice with not wanting to wake up yet. I'm sure I can probably find some use for them somewhere else
Maybe app notifications? I don’t know if you can do it per app, but getting Twitter notifications with Fuwawa’s voice would be funny.
tomorrow is another shit day for streams. shill fwmc morning and paypig suck off. when is the fun solo content coming again? The horror slopathon sounds like a nightmare and minecraft is weeks late on a dead server.
All Windows sounds can be replaced
Can the cursor loading animation have a sound?
>ueh one second
Lmao I love it
Raden jong stream has started and she will jong against viewers later
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYDSLjsV92k [Embed]
Wish they had imitated the device connect/disconnect sounds. I would have used those in a heartbeat
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>ueh one second
why isn't there a I REALLY DON'T LIKE THAT
After getting more than 30 FWMC likes in the span of two days I think I shouldn't worry about likes anymore.
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FWMC LOVE the Ruffians.
FWMC are proud of the Ruffians.
FWMC can't stop thinking about the Ruffians and they talk about us every time they interact with other people.
FWMC are territorial over the Ruffians and they don't tolerate people criticizing us.
FWMC would pee all over the Ruffians to mark us as their property.
like Rance?
Where? In the voice pack?
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Fuwawa is my mommy and my wife. Mococo is my autistic daughterwife/pet.
FUCK I knew they’d get sick after that karaoke
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Damn, it really was a superspreader event...
Thank you Kiara
At least it was just superchat reading and FWMC morning, nothing important lost
Takes longer to incubate than that. They got it at least a day or two before today
I have a feeling something was passed around backstage. Koyori got sick too and i wouldn't be surprised if we see a few more pop up too.
Red alert, periodschizos! We may have a situation, remember to keep track of this!
I mean with that many people from so many regions, its highly likely someone catches something
>have a lesbian spit sharing orgy with members who have been in close proximity to another sick member
>get sick
>Kiara got them sick
She has one more anti now
That probably wasn't it, but there is now a high chance they got everyone else sick at that off collab since you are contagious for a bit before you show symptoms and sharing kazoos even if you aren't sick is pretty gross honestly. The way you have to use them just throws spit inside of them.
FWMC morning came back for one episode...
Sharing spit with multiple people really wasn’t a good idea.
I bet it was Kobo. She brought them some ID snacks which are most likely produced in very unhygienic conditions.
Probably from the spit swapping
Women are not known for their good decision making
Orange woman hate.
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ID snacks would probally murder FWMC with spiciness alone.
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jwu and haven't watched the vod yet. wtf did I miss?
Fuck, at least the SC reading is no big loss
....was it from the wapespwee?
They shared kazoos dripped in spit
>all of EN gonna die cause one of them brought ebola
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Christ, somethings going around

Oh right there are 2 orange women now. I hope they don't have covid.
Look at Twitter. FWMC are "tired and under the weather" and cancelled FWMC morning and the SC reading so they are probably sick (or on their period)
I wish Mococo got me sick by her spit.
Same tbhonestdesu
Not the hecking superchat reading I was totally gonna watch that
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Mococo could have a deadly, super contagious disease and I would still drink her bodily fluids with a smile on my face (same goes for Fuwawa, obviously).
Dog's have have many illnesses they can pass to humans so you are safe.
Still go watch the vod. It was a fun stream
Well shame about the fwmc morning but I wasn't gonna care for the SC reading anyhow to be honest, nowadays I skip those
Hope they feel better soon
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Anon, they aren't dogs, they are *demon* dogs... It's different, okay?
I'm a little sad that FWMC morning is getting cancelled today (Completely fine with SC reading not happening) but I hope they take the time to rest and recover.
Yeah, same. Out of all the streams we could lose, we aren't really losing any of the "high value" or interesting ones right now. I really hope they get better before their next stream though.
they are all fucked (by me)
Nice, and there's no streams tomorrow too. Now I can give more love to my actual oshi
Cute fluffy girl
It really was a superspreader event...
Being in Japan has me a little messed up, didn't even realize fwmc morning would have been soon...
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>Now I can give more love to my actual oshi
Yeah, me. Come here, rufferan, I'll teach you just how deep my tongue can go.
You would actually take proper care of them both while they're sick and do all you can to ensure they're resting up and recovering, right?
You would hold back your gorilla urges for a few days or a week and just be a nice and kind gentleman
>>97208281 (OP)
Praying for FWMC’s downfall
Sometimes sexual activity encourages recovery too
I would rape them both back to full health
So how did they pass it to everyone else in the collab?
You're animals...
We're all animals, just animals that can read
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I'd pray for your oshi's downfall, but I don't think she can have a "downfall" when she is already a pathetic failure.
Well they're already sick so
I can't release that information
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Ruffians are dogs too...
My semen has healing properties, or so I believe
Good, I hope they die
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They'd be weak and needy in bed. They would probably ask for for it themselves.
Why though?
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Fuwawa please spit in my mouth. I want to share your sickness with you.
They are embarrassments to hololive and to life as a whole and their fans are all subhuman wastes of life
They mindbreak people by being fluffy and fuzzy
Your mother would die of disappointment if she knew that you waste your time in a Mongolian basket weaving forum wishing death on 2 cute girls.
FWMC don’t even care about their parents seeing as how they abandoned them to pursue being Japanese
>t. jealous sister that failed the Hololive auditions because she is a pathetic, worthless shack of shit that now dedicates her life into hating 2 retarded dogs that are loved by all of their coworkers
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Pao de Quiejo?
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thats recent
No Biboo was right, I'm worthless. I don't have any applicable skills to help people
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If uncle doesn't end up with elf Im going to riot
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They seem fine to me. I watch Biboo most but most every FWMC stream I've seen had been comfy and entertaining.

Fluffy and fuzzy are good things though.
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Here's a pic I got of her
>Biboo was right, I'm worthless
When did she say that? All I heard is that we don't get limbs.
I'm gonna be honest I haven't watched the karaoke stream yet. Just basing it off the ramblings here
Biboo will be punished orally, vaginally, and anally for talking down to FUWAMOCO's fans like that in their presence
I'll be honest, you sound like a jealous sister, and I'm not saying that as an insult, I mean it. You should try to improve your life instead of blaming others for your failures.
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BAUSED. FWMC are forcefeeding her more insects right now.
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They are the sexiest puppies.
Yeah, FWMC were surprised too
What stream was that that they went through the Mr donut history page with us?
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Aipai dance hall
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This smug fuzzy puppy needs rape correction

Careful ruffians...
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<3 <3
Let me handle it. Don't want you guys to have that trouble.
Plus I always wanted to fuck Biboo, her tiny body and tight holes are irresistible. Need to feel that confirmed hairless cunny.
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can FuwaMoco do this too
They're so cute
Are we supposed to be impressed? This is nothing special, bitch.
>20K hit tweet: advertises Deep Rock Galactic instead of FUWAMOCO channel
She went shopping with FWMC and hold hands with them
Left hand Mococo right hand Fuwawa
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She really loves them, I'm glad they're friends
Once again, it was retarded of them to host a superspreader event yesterday when multiple members were already sick. I hope they feel like shit.
FWMC NEWS, not you other whore
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CC luckiest member alive
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Sounds like they're becoming good friends.
Cute Bau Dolls
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Haha wouldn't it be funny if Fuwawa did that. You know, and sat on the Ruffians.
Good, CC is cute and I like that she is outgoing which is what fwmc need since fwmc are not
I feel like they've gotten a little better over the past year at reaching out to people, but CC will absolutely be a big help with that since she's great at just asking people to do things without fear
So that's rules them out of being in Koyori's live live birthday 3D.
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I start to think CC is a turbo dyke
Minecraft is also getting canceled, I'm certain of it. No way they can do 5 streams in one day when sick.
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Bring forth your strongest Ruffian
You've been trying really hard to pick fights, are you doing okay?
She’s also a lolicon who dreamt about Biboo wearing a pacifier. Now I’m remembering Mococo’s school days voice pack ToT
They're doing as much as they can with everyone still there in Japan while they can, it could be a while until they see each other again in person
That all happening immediately after the long extremely exhausting training/practice/rehearsal marathon before fes and fes itself is a lot
I'm very proud of them for being so decisive about this, it's been really good to see this kind of growth over the past year. Take all the time you need FUWAMOCO, we'll be waiting too.
It's been a while since I've had a challenge.
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No your doing horrible and the burnout end inevitable crash that's starting to happen now was something everyone saw coming from a mile away. Everyone but you, apparently.
Based Diamond Dogs enjoyer
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You're doing great, Mococo
Isn't koyori sick too?
Yes she is. Which makes them hosting an off collab yesterday completely insane. And don't get me started on the kazoo sharing either. I feel most bad for Justice because they probably are going to get sick because of it and it'll affect their limited time in Japan recording their 3Ds and meeting other members.
>prechat already open for FWMC Morning 142
just how needy are they
Sis there was a tweet already saying it was postponed
You can’t go on the internet and tell lies, that’s illegal.
Glad to see their downfall starting. This is how you get permanent throat damage.
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FuwaRissa fags eating good these days.
>It took one episode for FWMC MORNING to have another cancellation
KEK A DOODLE DOO. I hope it gets discontinued completely.
>all these talents getting sick just in time for White Day again this year
Towa is sick too
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So many people are sick...
It's normal to have a boyfriend in today's idol industry.
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Who caught it first?
Honestly just glad they decided to axe both streams at once instead of just hoping they'd be fine for the later one, only to cancel it an hour before. I feel like a year ago they would have just tried to push through one of them
Ruffian... she's dead
But Mococo is always right...
Beats me, but it's no surprise that it spread around as quickly as it did. You've got a bunch of girls that don't get many chances to hangout in person all in close proximity before they probably even knew they were sick
Considering the thousands of people squeezed together in a venue for fes, it wouldn't surprise me if they all caught something there and its started to make itself known
Straight women act more gay than lesbian women all the time.
I would guess it probably came from a random person in the crowd. Since it affects the throat, and because there seems to be at least some increase in on-stream sneezing and coughing in recent days, that's probably how it spread between them. That and random unsanitary shit like letting a friend take a sip of a drink, or that kazoo.
This is crazy, must be unusable to get this kind of engagement on twitter. I hide notifications if I get 20 likes because it's unbearable.
Meat makes your immune system stronger
what is Fuwawa's sexiest 3D live performance?
>200 people waiting
This is the one bad side of not having precat always on like others. Usually I like it, but I feel bad for the people there who just don't use twitter.
Mugon Iroppoi. For Mococo it's Kaibutsu.
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lmao they really hate GG
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HUH?!? At most I'm like 2 chapters behind unless I missed something
dumbfuck artist didn't give horns to any of the children
canceling fwmc morning 1 episode in...
If Advent ends up playing monster hunter they should play anything but wilds desu
GU is ten bucks right now on Switch, so they could play that
They're incredible...
This was definitely my favorite fes performance yet. Previously it was Shallys.
GU is too hard for them
jk, thats just the currently leading theory due to the existence of uncle's notebook
They won't play long enough to get to the hard part. They can just play as a meownster hunter for a few hours with Advent
Wouldn't surprise me if they aren't even sick and they wanted to go out with everyone while they are still around. Including the males in the industry that they won't mention.
The hard part for most people is the dante must die mode for them. Monsters take a nice chunk of your health with each attack even at the start.
30 minutes, open prechat girls
They have extra lives as a palico though, so they won't feel as pressured that they're letting everyone down. LR village monsters also die in less than five minutes if your full group of four isn't completely braindead. They'd be fine
>Frame is still up
#HelpFWMC They need to move the frame or the algo with bonk them for not streaming on time
bau bau I suspect you know already, but just in case, letting you know the waiting room for #FUWAMOCO Morning #142 is still there counting down.

Thank you for your message earlier I think there still might be some Ruffians who could get confused unfortunately. #helpFWMC
Wednesday means cancellation.
don't worry, the purityschizo in its eternal desperation for fwmc's attention posted it already.
It's good that a favorite posted. If I did instead they'd ignore and keep the frame up.
This is why them playing favorites with ruffians is a good thing
>Looking forward to the first pup talk in almost half a year
>Go to sleep
>Wake up
I knew I should've prioritized my JP oshi instead
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Oh Rissa, our children are so cute... I'm a proud father! being tied up and watching helplessly while the stud from the gym fucks Rissa's (my wife) pussy
I don't think Purityschizo is a favourite, more like they have to put up with him.

...fucking weirdo, sociopath as they come.
You are jealous of him. He is their ideal fan.
Their ideal fan goes to their concerts. The thing that made them finally admit they're full fledged members of Hololive wasn't a comfy gaming stream, it was fes.
The things that make them the happiest are either directly seeing their fans in person at events or concerts or at least seeing their fans having fun together in real life. Someone who does nothing but spam on the internet will never be their ideal fan. And I say this as someone who does nothing but shitposting on 4cheese.
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You sound like an AI poorly trained off of recent shitposts. Could you maybe at least attach a smug Fuwawa or something to your posts?
Please Nerissa, don't forget about the jailbirds...
KYS whoreschizo, you're the only sociopath here

They LOVE purityschizo
Why is nerissa always harassing them?
Nerissa is happy to have friends
>And I say this as someone who does nothing but shitposting on 4cheese.
We know, whoreschizo
She's american.
did they oversleep usually the stream is already live
>he became so obsessed with demon dogs that he warped his entire personality and sleep cycle to emulate theirs
I'd rather retain my identity as a human being thanks.
Oversleep is not quite the word but yes they're likely asleep now.
>chat is disabled for this live stream
did i miss something
Ideal fans...buy merch? At least a tiny keychain?
Wrong. The timestamper and sobbi are obvious favorites and don't attend the concerts. Same with the purity fag.
It was cancelled along with the superchat reading
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Oh Rissa, my chair is ready!
being tied up and watching helplessly while the stud from the gym fucks Rissa's (my wife) pussy
They're feeling sick, today's streams are cancelled, likely went to bed and forgot to delete the frame. Posted on twitter.
>much superspreader event
It's called HoloFES.
What the fuck is this shit
what ever happened to that Fluff N' Fuzz guy from /here/? this was his last post https://x.com/CuteMococo65806/status/1871552261002047941
It's whoreschizo projecting his cuck fantasies again because he hates Nerissa
You said ideal fan. Both of those you named would agree with me. They wish they could go and are happy so many people can. Only that schizo has a melty every time they put Hololive before him. Like dinner with Suisei or making a song about Pekora's event.
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Good nite, don't bite too much
Jailbird ritual post that's also being done over here lately
new week new "favorite"
>second fwmc morning
>already cancelled
ding ding ding
ding ding ding
Not if Kiara is patient zero. And you know that regardless Mococo's autism will make her think it was the karaoke's fault.
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The jailbirds developed a serious NTR addiction after one of them made a 20 minute long NTR Nerissa AI audio
"Don't compare yourself to other Ruffians", where's that copypasta? It's pretty useful for posts like this.
Gee I wonder why /baubau/ stopped posting it. It's as if someone didn't want it around.
He's right though? What the fuck do you have to offer as someone who doesn't buy merch, doesn't attend their concerts or meet and greets, and doesn't send superchats? Your chatGTP walls?
I still have it saved somewhere because I kept expecting someone to sneak something into it for when I'd bake with it, but I stopped a while ago when it seemed like it already served its purpose
It didn't matter how many thousands of people attended expo. Talents have zero in person interaction with fans and they did all they needed at the venue before it even started.
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Sending messages like this to their other selves lol sickening
Every time I think I'm menhera I get reminded that people with a somewhat normal life are somehow worse. I don't know if this makes me feel better.
I draw.
>people with a somewhat normal life are somehow worse
That guy wasn't normal at all.
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I think what annoys me most about this is it looks as though he went out of his way to make this as unreadable and eye straining as possible
and then set two cards
You shouldn't compare yourself to others, people who go to Japan ten times a year didn't magically gain that ability because of FWMC. They have a headstart on you that comes from birth. You shouldn't feel bad that you can't. You should feel happy that others can. That's what not comparing yourself to others mean, not pretending your oshi doesn't want or need anything you can't personally offer.
The post you are replying to is clearly just the reinerschizo doing one of his sneaky demoralization posts larping as a Ruffian. No real Ruffian would believe that because it goes directly against FWMC's words.

>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
fuck you kek
Whoreschizo's favorite buzzword
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Actions speak louder than words and FWMC's actions have shown that they care for more Ruffians than others
I even mentioned having fun with other fans offline. You can do that with zero dollars. Make a friend and watch their next youtube 3d live with that friend. Share a photo in their hashtag, even better a video with you two doing the calls. They'll be overjoyed.
He seems fine from checking other tweets
>they care for more Ruffians than others
Indeed they have.
First, it's highly unlikely they caught something in the morning and felt ill in the same evening.
Second, there is a lot of girls who already got sick/are now getting sick despite not coming to the karaoke.
Third, there was a big-ass event where most of the girls of the company mingled together a couple days ago.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvrNwGVCl2I [Embed]
Not too sure if anyone is left around that needs to hear it anymore, but if it helps someone, I'm fine with people posting it again. I just probably won't attach it to the schedule post anymore so people that don't want to see it can freely mute it without also getting rid of the schedule
I don't see an issue with this

Everyone has favorites in something. Even you have favorites. What's the problem here?
Yeah its pretty baused!
There is no issue, ruffkeks are just entitled
But what if it's morning sickness. Who's the one who did the deed?
wuffian mental illness
One of the favored ruffians, I would assume.
Uh oh, whoreschizo schizo is having another melty! I can't wait for you to accuse every single post on the thread of being the "whoreschizo" again!
I've never really seen a problem with it either. It's pretty much impossible to eliminate preferential treatment so it's not worth worrying about. The only thing you can do is not get worked up about it yourself
I'm the one who typed it out, I pretty much stopped posting it because I felt it served its purpose like the other anon said. And also out of laziness whenever I baked
>they care for more Ruffians than others
They clearly do, my ESL friend.
FuwaMoco aren't stupid enough to give into a night of passion and jeopardize their careers.
See >>97223431
Ruffians are that mentally ill that they believe FWMC should love them all equally even when they haven't contributed shit to earn that love
>Everyone has favorites in something
My favorites don't schizo out if I don't give them attention.
Uh oh whoreschizo feels called out

Gonna spam your copypastas again?
>FuwaMoco aren't stupid enough
They're always stupid enough, even for that.
Me. Fuwawa crossed her legs in my back and locked me.
Season 4 is not off to a great start. I knew they shouldn't have brought back FWMC Morning.
Is this "whoreschizo" the sisters' new bogeyman? I don't know if he is real or part of their imagination, but real or not he clearly did something to mindbroke them.
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>FWMC Morning returns... for a single episode
Yeah, me.
There is an actual whoreschizo, but the guy samefagging right now just kind of latched onto the name without understanding the context around it
Why did you reply three times? It's almost as if you're upset at being identified. You hate all of hololive and shitpost for and against FWMC. Nukes have humiliated you before
thats the pero avatarfaggot and im also pretty sure hes the reinerschizo
I'm getting cloudy feelings again...
There isn't. It's just some ESL who doesn't understand the common language of this place. Hololive is made for CGDCT, it's not surprising that the ones that go against that aren't liked by many on this board.
This is whoreschizo
>I don't know if he is real or part of their imagination
He's you

Good eye detective
I wish I can report this shit as clear spam but fucking janny banned me again for reporting clear spam
FWMC are sick and Shondo’s mom passed away ;_; sad day
>fuwamoco morning back for 1 stream
>fuwamoco are now too sick and cancelled 2 streams
fuwamoco morning haters completely vindicated
Did they steal Biboo's katana?
No, the one calling everyone "whoreschizo" is the reinerschizo. He acted in the exact same way a few months ago by calling everyone he didn't like "erenschizo", and the nukes clearly showed that he was the reinerschizo shitposting in the thread. I don't know why, but the smug FWMC reaction pics REALLY trigger him.
wuffians are twannies...
Nukes have also showed whoreschizo getting nuked as well
Have some empathy. They are trying their best and its our job to support them.
i summon baeschizo and activate whore of greed to draw 2 of my dick
Never cared for her but that sucks.
Not everyone, just you
Shondo probably killed her mom for attention
>he's strawmanning both side
kinda pathetic ngl
i'd post smug fuwawa but i dont have any in this device
I wouldn’t put it past her desu
Shondo is a ruffian after all
Whoreschizo only gets nuked when he starts graphically describing how he wants people to die, and I don't think those posts are ban worthy, they just get deleted.
two useless micro dicks. you lost the duel little bitch
Fuck you. But I hate I can't disagree.
Sorry to hear that, FWMC would be absolutely broken if Mama Puppy died
I saw her mom had some serious medical issues recently, that’s horrible, RIP.
Hey fuck you man we're not IRyStocrats
Fuwawa's tits here look very
KEK that tweet was seriously fucked up...
>I don't think those posts are ban worthy
I wonder why kek
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Very what?
You know, yaaah
Very, just very in it's purest essence.
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No but /HiRyS/ can look almost indistinguishable from /baubau/
my dick is not micro, kaiba, but it does contain THE UNSTOPPABLE EXODICKA
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I also don't think my singular report is banworthy, but here we are
I'd post the picture again but the last time I did it made me sad. Shit was fucked up
Do they have their own erenposter?
I can't help but laugh every time the antis try using the "Ruffians are the worst fanbase!!" angle... Do they not go to any other thread?
We certainly were one of the most prevalents at some point at the very least. Doesn't seem as such anymore though.
IRyStocraft posted a picture of his dying grandmother and put a stream or song of IRyS' right next to her bed, writing that IRyS was saving her or something and he even tagged IRyS herself iirc. IRyS of course took the bait and responded to him
Ruffians ARE the worst fanbase, this is commonly agreed
IRyStocrat posted a video of his mother recovering from brain surgery, massaging her face while he played IRyS songs for her when she didn't have the faculties available to refuse it. IRyS also responded to the tweet eventually
they should come and see nekomata mel "general" sometimes
I don't because the one I used to go is 10x more dead than this one at its worst and has a schizo worse than any one schizo this thread has.
Marine's general is pure shit and I'm pretty sure it's from one dedicated schizo
Let's not talk about /mellow/...
Jesus fucking christ.
They're the ones making those posts in other threads as well. Right now they are hellbent on Advent since it's the Golden Gen.
>Making cuck and hate posts in /ope/ then crossposting
>Making posts about how Biboo sucks compared to FWMC and crossposting to /gem/
>Making posts in /gem/ about how "Ruffians hate Biboo" and how we're all mad at her for insulting us or whatever
It's all so tiresome.
when did yu-gi-oh get such hot monster girls damn
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Okay maybe ruffians aren't that bad
They were shitting up shiori's thread for the last few days because she didn't go to Japan. It is all tiresome.
That guy isn't even a real fan though, I checked. He was like a fucking 6 month member. IRyS has been around for 4 years now.
I saw a recent one around Valentine’s and it was bad. Some schizo using generic reaction images with “lmao” in every post had 50+ messages shitting on Marine for her Ao collabs and Ao mentions and not doing anything for Valentine’s.
My favorite is
>"Global is laughing at us again..."
>Check Global
>One post with no replies that obviously written by the same person along the lines of "/baubau/ is having another meltdown"
Labrynth is based man
Too bad other than the top two ladies, the others are just butler and literal furniture
Yeah and then they made posts here about how Shiori is hated by FWMC etc etc.
>He was like a fucking 6 month member.
That doesn't mean he wasn't a real IRyStocrat, retard
dude stopped calling everyone whoreschizo suddenly kek
There is always a worse thread and it's never the one you're currently in.
I like her. I'll seek out porn of her.
You were already called out though
Just because he wasn't spending a lot money doesn't mean he wasn't a real fan. Hell, most of his money was probably going into that brain surgery
Yes it does. Not even a 1 year member?
>A lot of money
If you can't spend the 5 bucks a month for membership, you need to get a job, not watch Vtubers.
Personally miss old /ehe/
>Yes it does.
No it doesn't, you're a retard. Maybe you'd have a point if he had a week long subscription or something
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The Biboo one is very popular as of late, especially because Biboo is inclining hard after playing Minecraft and interacting with senpai. As if FUWAMOCO would be anything but overjoyed and proud that their genmate moved to Japan and is adjusting well to it.
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Sayaka Miki is a bitch a ass cuck
Touched a nerve there? What are you a 6 month Ruffian or something? At the very least it means he's a newfag. Also I don't see any other IRyStocrats posting braindead mom pictures, just that one SEA. As a Ruffian, you should know better than to judge a fanbase by one person claiming to be a member, I don't consider purityschizo, the doomer, or the BRs to be real Ruffians either, no matter how long they've been members.
I miss a lot of things, and I'm still hoping like an idiot that things work this time
>At the very least it means he's a newfag
I accept your concession
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