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>>97208533 (OP)
sora said she monopolized kronii
turns out that was a lie
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My wife is back
are we really using this one
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i miss umisea......
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I love Ina!
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>papa, mama, this is the canadian girl I'm dating
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I love this doll
I watched the Ceci parts of karaoke and she was cute
She is Kaela's now
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Pemaloe status?
udon lady ah ah ah
you mean the constant background screaming?
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Her brain is actually fried from too much sex.
-ly based
Lappu cute
Current EN couples
>Mori and Kiara
>Ina and Bae
>IRyS and Flare
>Kronii and Kaela
>Fuwawa and Mococo
>CC and GG
kronii hates her fans
Waiting for Kaela crumbs
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unchi www
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>all of them were so pretty
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Someone fufilled La+'s request, lmao
>all the justice girls are pretty
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hey man
>She is Korean though
>all of them were so pretty
blanket doesn't count
She finally did it, her dreams can come true!
kronii is canadian not american you dumb fuck
apologize fag
eat your cum
>Everyone was there
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXLKbTnMP2M [Embed]
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Do you think she can eat it all?
they are already coping >>97208678
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>the unitygods in question
if she mentions Shiori by name I'll eat the cum of everyone in this thread
Bro ERB is a very public person it's very easy to see what she looks like. If that is kronii's definition of very pretty then her opinion is invalid lmao
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Dai-senpai finally has someone who can treat her as a normal girl and not some godlike figure
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EW__2gnC8w [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EW__2gnC8w [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EW__2gnC8w [Embed]
it feels weird knowing that Kaela is watching the stream in another room
like I'm intruding on her own private ASMR stream
kronii has her tits out for me
Down the hatch :D
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How does this make you feel whiteboi?
lmao she's gonna pay kiara off to lie and say she was in the corner playing a console on her own again
>still coping
oooof not a good day for you
She's known Iofi forever.
>Ui senpai
Wait, its pronounced Ui?
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it's so cute I love this doll so much
Taken from a twitter post which should explain it
the vibrator noise would raise to many questions
>>97208487 →
no im sure its because they all got... amnesia...
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>all of them are pretty
meanwhile Gigi irl according to Nerisa’s portrait
they were taller than me
peepee EXTREMELY soft

>Possibly autistic

>Not autistic
All of Myth besides Gura
The rest
On the EN side at least, and with less BL
>used a notepad for MC ideas
Ina is too dandori...
are they going to explain why they put the korean canadians together?
Raora and CC rizzing kiara and raora even getting a kiss is bad writing. We had 4 seasons of built up for takamori and suddenly in the first episode of season 5 kiaras first kiss is with some girl that only showed up recently and was never mentioned befor?
Kronii and Ina were going to publicly execute Ayame live during their MC segment
yes, User Interface
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Nobody in Hololive is autistic
kronii don't know how to milk these stories
if it were kiara, every 3 second interaction can be yapped for at least 10 minutes
she's zooming through all the topics
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>>97208533 (OP)
I like how Gigi was jealous she didn't get the orange kiss
these are boys arent they...
I like the derpy looking one in the middle
Stay delusional grem. If that's what it takes so you don't kill yourself please keep going friend, you matter, make sure you buy merchandise so I can continue to enjoy this hobby for free lmao
Takamori is dead for real. That 24 hour stream idea? Dead. Those Split Fiction collabs? Dead. There's nothing to sustain the ship anymore
She wants to get back to getting blasted by Kaela
knowing kiara, you know how absolutely little she would sell out for
her dignity isn't worth jack shit as long as she can get some attention
Go watch Kiara instead if you want her instead kfpiss
She has a piece of ass waiting for her to get done in the other room.
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Bae a cute.
How you holding up with no streams?
This just proofs hags> cunny
its kinda fucked that kronii seems to be loving her best life while fauna's cat died
so? not everyone has to be the same
Kronii sounds so cute and happy
Laplus cried to DO U? Jesas how many superfans are like that in Holo
you are stupid and gay
kronii won lmao
bae talked so much about eating meat. you know what that's a codeword for
Kuro beam on baby bean
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Should Kronii have been a loli?
She hired a hitman to kill it and she's celebrating a job well done by fingerblasting a holo
>voice acting autism
she still thinks she can make it?
It changed her life my dude
NTA but unemployed third world zoomers like you are THIS attention starved and pathetic need a complete eradication from the face of this planet.
Damn she might like this song a little too much
her cat also died like 2 years ago
Should you have been born?
Kiara is a shameless attention whore I don't know how more people don't know this
100%, without a doubt
what kinda games you playing on your ROG?
like beef? yakiniku? i could go for some beef
stay in denial schizo, you should kill yourself, you don't matter. make sure to stream it so we can get a good last laugh at you

>Possibly artistic

>Not artistic
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i'm playing monhan
why are shitposters so obsessed whether Gigi is ugly irl
damn that's a sick burn
>this guy doesn't remember that Fauna had two cats
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Bad bot you are replying to a joke post
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raora isnt a hag and gigi isnt cunny
Art is a spectrum
based. i will never forget the moment i found my oshi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNmmnB4bP0M&t=3213s [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNmmnB4bP0M&t=3213s [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNmmnB4bP0M&t=3213s [Embed]
That's a problem with the casting where most of the seasons are either filled with fujos or girls who wouldn't actually kiss another girl, until now
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It's one nigga on cooldown
she took few days off because of it, Fauna is going for a month kek
he's talking about kronii's kitten.
My point still applies
Except for the fact they’re both in love with the same person, and Calli actually slept with her.
she had the cat for like a week right? not much time to get attached to it.
>>97208298 →
gigi is clearly a loli
Huh, so this is what it's like for japs to listen to English make jap sounding gibberish
i own zero pairs of pajamas
the fuck is wrong with women
How much does Kronii sleep to need 18 pjs?
Bitch has only adopts old ass sick cats knowing thwy will die next week to feel good about herself and virtue signal on the internet
but it was happening way before that. You just want an excuse to post unrelated shit
>18 pairs of pajamas
why kronk like thjs
CC met Gigi IRL and lusts after her checkmate retard
gigi clearly said on debut she isn't but you can believe whatever you want
You are a retard and don't know what loli means
>Because fat people dont deserve happiness and ugly people don't deserve love
stop describing your life dude
>people stealing Kiara's pickup line
kronii spent so much fucking money on korean plastic surgery of course she looks good. just like all those cookie cutter kpop trainees
i have like 13 pair of shoes/boots
actually it might be more. most of them are for rough terrain hiking
Pissing in Kronii's mouth or drinking Kaela's piss?
She's like 30 and radiates zero loli vibes
she's just nice like that
funniest rrat I've seen around
He raises an interesting point though. Every time someone meets with x for the first time they comment on how they look, but with Gigi specifically it's just silent
>Takamori is dead for real
>There's nothing to sustain the ship anymore
They just had crab dinner for like ago
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>Kronii is motivated
It's nice that Zeta is finally interacting with HoloEN in Japan
>lusts after her
Not sure about that part, but she did say that she was a stick
When is this anon ginna develop a real personality
>muted kaela
I HATE ouro kronii of hololive en promise
Cc is probably fat and ugly too cause no one said shit abkut her being cute same as gigi lol. Her "joint pains" are probably her knees screaming "ahhh eat a salad"
making out and groping each other rn
is she getting her pussy ate rn
"Oh, hi."
She muted to make out with Kaela
okay then, pick one:
>Niji's ENReco ripoff flopping
>Hololive getting blanket Pokemon perms
>HoloFES being a success as always
>Cover's stock beating Anycolor's
Cunnilingus on stream. ID is too powerful.
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Kronii should get a cunny model
how did the angry face spam went from Kanade to Kaela to Kronii?
Kronii FUCK YOU!!! I wanted to hear...
i dunno but it's a great emote
do you think an AI can learn to lip read a model in the future?
So it's okay when Kronii does it, but when Ollie does it she's a whore??
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wait what
>Her "joint pains" are probably her knees screaming "ahhh eat a salad"
holy shit we have actual catalog tourists shitposting here now
>kronii can't stop giggling over the jealous comments
Kaela has been taunting pemaloe for two weeks and it led to the Kronies hearing about it
kaela kinda looks like kanade's mom
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Kronii Sexo Noises my beloved
so uhh what happened this year? the gayness multiplied by 10
Kaela and Kronii have been having sex for the past 48 hours non-stop. Also, the "animalistic sex with Kaela" has been doxxed, and lo and behold it's fucking Kronii.
Better than Kiara's annoying personality
Definitely possible, but it would make a lot of mistakes.
ollies had outdoor sex with jurard
Ollie is fat and loud and a bad streamer
Kronii is hot and sexy and skilled
Simple as
>kronii's tits will stay fat, and she'll get buffer
They are basically designed to be extremely good at recognizing patterns so yeah, if they can't already.
because no talent would willingly create an emote for "i'm mukamuka at you"
That can't be possible, Kronii is dead-ass asleep most of the time when that poster is awake.
Twap cute
Now you're just completely lying
Everyone who met Ceci so far called her cute, even her fucking cab driver called her cute and she got candy from the guy too
>these bitches are twigs
Preach it Kronii
usually it's homegrown schizos but this time it's actual fresh meat catalogfags
amazonian muscle woman kronii crushing my head with her tree trunk thighs
(Don't call them sticks don't call them sticks don't call them-)
Oh so they're not sticks after all.
>Kronii streaming
>Kaela walks in naked to break her composure
>quickie while muted
>comes back laughing at chat
how much glue do i have to drink to have an opinion like this
loli=underage girl
she's a tiny korean anon...
because Gigi is generally well-liked, schizos are desperate to find any angle to paint her or grems in a negative light
it's pathetic and laughably easy to spot in these threads
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no point in replying to schizo he will spin this around forever
chances of Kronii getting stabbed by Fauna after this?
ERB is a fucking sore loser
Yea bro cab driver saw a fat foreigner and tried to appease her with sugar and sweet words so he didn't get swallowed like Kirby
ERB is definitely autistic.
oh man one of them are gonna break their arm one day. cause from the sound of this they are just doing the regular 3rd grade armwrestling
how the fuck is her cat getting CANCER fucking kronii's fault??????????????????????????
kronii is perfect but not ominpotent
I feel like Kronii has successfully groomed most of EN.
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hi do you have summer cc pictures?
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Liz massaged Kronii apparently
if shitposters supposedly target Gigi because she is well-liked, explain Kiara
Gigi isn't underage lol. Her model isn't representing an underage person either
It was on stream even
and rosarians want ERB to be their muscle mommy...
I havent seen her press her honkers against Noel's yet
anon you can't just tell pedos the truth, it upsets them greatly.
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it's spring you idiot
so you're saying they're never active at the same time.. hmm...
i thought mori deadlifts like 300 lbs
how the fuck can kronii win?
so Kronii did battle ERB and won?
>so uhh what happened this year? the gayness multiplied by 10
Allow me to explain
kronii, unless you're working out your wrist and pronation, it doesn't matter....
not until later this month
Kaela's a delicate little flower (blacksmith btw)
if mori loses to a skinny korean shes an embarrassment
irys needs a 4th(stickmen) tier
>I could beat Kaela
The lesbian stats...
Yeah, you're right...
maybe she poisoned 2 random bags of catfood in her closet that one time
>kaela do you want to try arm wrestling?
>...why do you look so shocked?
background silent laugh....
Kronii bringing her girlfriend into the stream
>don't destroy my hand
muscles dont matter that much in arm wrestling
You really replied to someone who doesn't watch streams. CC was never in doubt because there's multiple evidences, it's a poor attempt at deflection. With GG, no one's saying anything and that's alarming.
mogged her twice for good measure
wtf kaela's voice sounds so soft
what the FUCK bros
>Heh, pretty good Kaela, you made me use 0.01% of my full power.
Ultimately, in the end, no one can defeat time
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Has Kaela gotten Kronii to forget about Sally yet?
Why is Fauna keeping three year old bags of cat food?
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Who is Noel lusting over?
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they do. just not the muscles they think
they're both so different from their usual monotone tsundere demeanor
>did you know that I met Kaela's parents?
kronii confirmed to drink on stream....
kaela refilling her alcohol like a good asian servant
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is this real?
when did the EN arm wrestling thing start? It was the Myth offcollab right? How did it spread to Promise and Justice? And why did it skip Advent
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No one's saying anything because GG isn't actually a human being, which explains why her voice sounds almost like one of those high-pitched robotic voices sometimes.
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>met Kaela’s parents
mori cuckliope…
umm, they are both...
why does a vegan support rabbit butchering just to feed her cat
what the beep?
come back kaela.....
Kronii is doing night time skin care on Kaela.
why would you dox her like that..
kaela doesn't sleep so her skin is probably shit
Super chat and ask and post your PayPal here and I will send you double what you super. I am in bed or I would do it myself
It's a magic hammer.
W-what the hell??
Ok that's kino
>Kaela doesn't even brush her hair
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FINE but still no summer
wait for another summer then....
see he already tried it, these people are mentally ill
Breaking Dimensions, they arm wrestled and Advent was apart of it
death will defeat her.
>she's got it
implying kaela is fugly because she doesn't take care of herself
kronii grooming(traditional sense of the word) her so fucking hard right now
>when did the EN arm wrestling thing start?
During the Myth off-collab
>How did it spread to Promise and Justice
During BD, also Advent was apart of it
It didn't skip promise watch streams
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>feminizes Suisei, IRyS, Kaela through cosmetics
>visited kaela's home
>met kaela's parents
>did skincare on kaela
>brushed kaela's hair
>"she's so pretty"
>"she's got it, you know?"
when Kronii goes down on a girl she wants to see a ZZ top concert down there
real love is when you keep a person because you like their personality and groom them until their appearance matches your taste
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Eh? Karaoke?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ak-Wy1MMwA [Embed]
Are ID Members back to Indonesia? Beside Anya and Zeta?
Kaela back with kronii
Rest members unknown
I couldn't post when she said it, but it seems like mori and kronii avoid the arm wrestling match to use each other for motivation for the gym lmao
the jp anons were right
kronii's voice is MUCH better in jp
Im watching the Karaoke vod
Yagoo put something in the EXPO water..
Yeah, Ceci is confirmed to be really cute
I honestly don't know enough about Gigi to really say anything on that part and the girls don't help much either so he can keep going with this shit until someone says something concrete
The sad part is Kronii will do all this shit with Kaela and still be obsessed with Sally at the end of day
I seriously can't get over how much she loves that song
Man I love these video
Is Kaela kroniis wife now?
What does this mean? Google tells me ZZ top is some boomer band??
How new.....
I didn't say that
suzy karaokes are always archived so i don't stay up for them
is the thread fun or dead during these? i might try to catch it
How come SEA is obsessed with dox? it's never like this during other hours
>Fauna was the rebound
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You know if I had nickel for everytime her audience acted like they got cucked in real time, I'd have two nickels but it is hilarious that it happened twice.
The Chronic is coming
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbCnt-iEkM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbCnt-iEkM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbCnt-iEkM [Embed]
Kronii does know that being gay is illegal in Indonesia, right?
Kobo is also back in Indonesia
This nigga doesn't even read threads lmao
Has Kronii never seen a Hijab before?
just joined the stream. is kronii in ID right now?
Reine pulls strings for the holo girls.
usually the thread is dead at that time slot
It's over. The first ID graduation.
>wearing a hijab is fashion
Big bush anon
The problem is that half of the "JPronies" are non-native speakers talking like anime characters. Maybe there will be a few more actual JPronies now
Not yet. This trip is for the marriage and honeymoon.
Fes is apparently the HoloMems answer to spring break.
The members of which have huge beards.
How does Reine exist?
sea bros, clock woman is shitting on us third world...
I just dont want Kronii to be gangraped by savages there Kaela better not take her to the real shitholes there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYOTELgJcVo [Embed]
Okakoro later
>did you get high from random people
>Speaking of high
Need more proof since yesterday meet biboo (and the biboo tweet)
it's not *that* illlegal, especially for girls. yeah, homos get caned in aceh, but that's monkeyland.
the graduation thumbnail meta has been changed
wtf, stay away from my clock you faggot random jp dude
Kronii is got hit on again….
>Kronii got hit on in Japan
Kronii got into NTR manga situation IRL.
HoloEN shipping is cringe
what? homosexuality is not illegal in Indonesia, public sure, but closed doors it's permitted
The fuck is Kronii talking about?
>Wanting to see hair down there
kek, ok anon
so what' the deal with the red faces in Kronii's chat?
>Feet touching
there's something VERY wrong with feeling the touch of someone else feet with someone elses and thinking about it makes me feel icky
JAV agents scouting for random hot girls on the street.
I think Kronii met one of those pick up artists you see in anime
she got hit on by random dude in japan like in the anime
>getting hit on in America
ew sexist pigs
>getting hit on in Japan
sugoi its just like my anime!
everyone is jealous that she ran off to have sex with kaela instead of streaming for her fans and to make things worse she's gloating about it now
lol no, ignored is the correct term
so confirmed that kronii's super erotic IRL according to jap standards
i only know the term from JAVs.... you guys are so pure
From pemaloe showing their jealously, its spilled over to some kronies now
PC-Kun in shambles
>hitting on people
>hitting on people Japan

wtf does that need a wikipedia page?
why is she drinking so much? just how much sex did they have?
this but unironically, all shipping fags are cancer
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I want to lick Biboo pits as Shiori
this tweet was posted at 2 am Japan but her clock is giving indonesian time. unless she didn't change it which actually makes sense for Kobo
Hot enough for randos to shoot their shot...
holos plays footsie all the time
the Indonesian word for water is "air"
fucken upside-down oppositeland over there
Holospy here
Holostars sub discords are on meltdown after finding out that one of their discord owner is also the mod of the Stars sub and who is apparently botting biboo and the nijiENs minecraft streams (they're making their own ENreco). I've been culled from half of the boy's discord and is trying to rejoin.
That is my report for today.
it's actually the most intimate thing humans can do, more than sex according to kurt vonnegut
You have to watch it live.
kronii knows EN/KR/JP already. why does she bother with ID?
Kronii needs a husband who will impregnate her, her being a lesbian is a waste she can be bi at least
no one gives a shit, go back retard
Why do we act like we haven't seen her
Same goes for 80% of EN
I'm not saying you should post it here at all, but it's kinda weird to still go "huh, sounds like x is pretty!" about holos everyone knows
Her wife spiggs it
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fuck I forgot about my selfie
no chat / no board spam = no difference
i would rather not fuck my sleep
sad thing is suisei is my oshi, i own a mochidoru plushie
kronii is reaching kiara-level stacy levels
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>Kronii gets hit on all the damn time without her knowing
I think Kiara wasn't wrong when saying that Kronii looks like Minji from Newjeans
you have receipts right?
Ms worldwide
>it was only a few months ago
chatter, ame was in that event...
Kill yourself
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Good Work Holospy! Keep your head low and watch out for strays
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Holy shit, nice Kracks
Kronii hitting on other holo girls is just her way to cope about Sally
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>no peko img
Shit spy then
Ame has only been gone for like what, 3 months?
She does, and the fact she's a dyke supreme is the tragedy of this world.
why didn't they watch it backstage if they were in japan?
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nice work holospy but you are late, they are already egging PLandlord in /#/

we're deducting your pay
They finally doxxed Ennacuck?
About damn time
I thought her earlobe is giga gaped.
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That crossed with a gym bunny I guess
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Sorry chief, I lost my glasses...
Intern? Kronii you're more powerful than justice and advent combined.....
Sadly that during twitter/x down (when kobo post few tweet but still not upload)
And look the recent pending tweet
not a rrat. do you seriously believe her jaw surgery wasn't cosmetic when jawlift surgeries are so common in korea?
you people responding to that retarded "spy" are just encouraging him more
i saw older rich women have it in movies/tv series
Probably himself samefagging
Giga retard, we know exactly what she had and what surgery she got for it.
>when jawlift surgeries are so common in korea?
You're talking about fucking leaf anonchama....
who are these friends kronii keeps bringing up?
I got anons tip right here *unzips dicks*
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looks like we got yippee'd
can i be your fren? i want to hang out with crownii too
It's not even the Kronies doing that, it's Pemaloe.
yipeee :D
I would think the fans would be all for gay girls trips together
>3 people
>4 people
who the fuck is kronii hanging out with?
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I really, really, really love my wife Gigi a lot and I want to kiss her forehead and play videogames with her while she sits on my lap and listen to her cute endless yapping and her loud screams which bless my ears everytime and
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*becomes all of EN's boyfriend*
gigi won
these two
If GG can pull, I have a chance!
ugly things are so cute? https://chiikawa.fandom.com/wiki/Hachiware
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i dont get it
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my nigga hachiware, who sounds like Vivi for some reason
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The only takeaway is that EVERYONE finds CC very pretty
When it gets mentioned that much it must be true
I mean kaela said kronii's parents will meet her parents
stay away cheebs, those aren't for you
Speaking French is like a gigabuff to the JP members
>is Korean
>chat starts spamming red face emoji
any other EN mention the new hot managers?
There's a reason Kronii bonded so much more with Kroma than any of her other shitty managers
damn what did fauna do to kronii
>cat person
>hates fauna
Manager she shares with Mumei who she stockholmed into being into Petplay.
>suzy karaokes are always archived
Not always...
>Cat person
Also unironically a furry with a fursuit
i wish kronii would share mumei with me......
I’m pretty sure Mumei transferred to new managers (she now has two).
Hololive members are referred to as "girls" all the time. Like "the Justice girls"
Who affirmatively is not a girl and is instead a woman, so including her in this is weird?
One is still Kroma but one is a new hire that is "training" with her
besides the EN ones which she did like once or twice?
which other ones got lost
Raora and ERB
Kronii is talking about her pussy.
What's up with karaoke streams sometimes getting deleted? Is it some copyright bullshit?
Ever heard a girl talk before anon?
First day here?
So what happened to Kronii's dog timemutt? I only hear about her cats recently.
You think Kronii will make Kaela smoke weed if they visit Canada?
which holo isnt a pretend gamer and has actual gamer cred?
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Why is there two Holospies?

More importantly, why is the other spy a homoloving woman?
AM and PM is an incredibly cute set of names.
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with her parents
ever heard of a korean BBQ?
There were actually two timemutts, but they're old and one died
We know ERB is on the older side, but has raora ever hinted at her age?
Dont believe it is kroma anymore and she had said it would probably shock some people since they seemed to have a different public name for the manager she was sharing
fuck off we love the holostars here here
>one dude from Reunion Island
hell yeah
>one died
not milking a pet death for months on social media?
kronii will never make it as an internet persona
>north korea
Who is that guy's oshi I wonder
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>deadbeat asking to doxx yourself
kys nobody likes them
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Nigga who's we
What the fuck, people live in Whistler?
kronii thinks 3rd world setup is nice?
i thought ID have to save like a year to buy a new PC
Well considering what happened when her cat died I'm not surprised
Worse, a fembeat.
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Ririka owes me sex
I like Hakka singing but that's about it
I'm starting to dislike Kaela.
be friends with reine
She didn’t want Timecat 2.0 to happen again
This is why you shouldn't let her accumulate a tab, she needs to pay it off immediately.
We're only undercover so that unicorns wont stab us like the crazies that stabbed a fleshie recently
i'm starting to have sex with kaela
Raora's relatively young, but she has much much more of a "woman" aura than a "girl" aura
kaela is one of the richer IDs. thank chumbuds for that
What do you dislike about her?
I'd be surprised if even 5% of people here did
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Kaela makes EN money.
I used to watch them but I have grown to hate them because of faggots like you
>ID has poisonous water
What kind of a fucking shithole is Jakarta that you can't even make Ice out of tap water?
>crazies that stabbed a fleshie recently
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The unfiltered tap water turned Kronii gay. It makes sense now.
maybe HolostarsEN money
>sally mention
Sally mentioned
That looks too far north. That might be prince george
damn ollie is cute
oh the high is gone
guarantee that guy doesn't watch them himself. when someone is that on the nose it is always pure trolling.
Some woman fleshie streamer got stabbed in the neck with a 13cm knife by an obsessed "fan" who sent her thousands of dollars in superchats but ended up getting blocked due to his creepy behavior. This resulted in him stalking and murdering her on stream. Happened very recently.
Life imitates art....
>Alex Jones said that theyre putting chemicals on the water that makes frogs gay
>Canadian waters turned Kronii gay
>Kronii is a frog
they take shits in their tap water
Toronto tap water will give your cancer
t. vancouverfag
They're sinking bros
let them be
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Gura cute Gura cute!
i prefer drinking water from natural sources like in a well or a stream, much fresher
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Kaela couldn't fix her...
Bitch You live in the place with some of the best tap water on earth lmao. Filters barely do shit.
give it time...... maybe.......................
>guarantee that guy doesn't watch them himself
ah, a true holostars fan
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remember the myth+council offcollab at ax? I just want to turn back time
where's the liveleak link?
i live in a place where you can drink water directly from the source. the ocean.
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>no arabs
they arent many but they exist.
I wonder if Kronii will fish on this trip
woman streamer scammed man, man killed her on stream, now twitterfaggots are using the parasocial card to shit on hololive fans
I too love the taste of decomposing pigeons
Anon that site went to shit years ago. Also the video doesn't actually show anything.
I hope not theres a lot of man eating crocodiles there
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The new Monster Hunter is too easy. I've made it to the end of High Rank and I've only carted 3 times.
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She can handle it
oh wow just like oshi no ko
kronii knows she's a bad bitch
kronii wants to become a sticc.......
Kronii should gain 8kg.
>Kagura Mea mention in big 2025
Wow, that's a name I haven't of in a while
You think Bae ships Mea and Roberu
Anon, it's 31C in Jakarta right now and its raining so she's probably feeling +35C
i've been drinking water from the well behind my house for 31 years of my life so far and have no problems
>almost 18lb
You are already a skeleton. No wonder you starve yourself.
somehow, Mea returned
No shit.
I'm not gonna say it
If anyone has the nerve to tell me what I should like, I will dislike it more. I don't want to engage with your shitty community and I don't have to. It's fucking off-topic. Get the fuck out of this thread and make your own.
people discovers Kaela during Gura MC collabs
of muscle
She has Kaela a room away and she's still thinking about Sally, it's over for Timesmith
does chumbuds just enjoyers kaela?
Kaela makes EN-tier dosh
She's loaded in Indonesia but not Reine buy your bloodline rich
before read, type
Always thought I was weird being able to notice the "end of stream" voice
the End of Stream voice...
I don't think you understood his post. You're just being trolled. There is no community
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>the majority of EN is man hating dykes now
Why is this allowed?
>Israel hololive fan isreal
Mori used to have that too, but then she started using it randomly and now I can't tell anymore.
Hopefully this Kronii fling doesn't end up causing another graduation
Stars EN really fucked everything up.
All the more reason to never fucking talk about them here
good. my dick turns into diamonds when a girl meanmugs me
you can sense her staring off into the distance, daydreaming about something else as her sentences trail off and become stilted
Bitch borrowed money and wouldn’t pay back. TT guy blaming it on parasocial fans. Not really relevant to vtubing.
typers don’t readers
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oh it's THAT time again
Oh you can pick it up too?
You don't have to hate men to be a dyke. You can even bond over shared desire to plunge clunge.
did stinky mea really brag abour getting insider mumei info from aqua or was that just some made up shit a rando here said
no ID will ever graduate ever. they KNOW they can't do better
光あれ came on in the store I was shopping at and I want to cry now
I know Kronii has the 'tism but what is Me Ith
No fucking shit. Do you think a troll cares whether your opinion of something they don't care about changes?
Tism meith
Did you think that Watamate was lying about being in the IDF?
holy shit kagura mea mention AIEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>You don't have to hate men to be a dyke
Yes you do
slimy grifter
It's sorta like when you're talking to someone over the phone and your purposely start to trail off when speaking because you're trying to end the call
Pemaloe, how come you are shapeless?
Do you hate man because you love woman?
quite a big yuri day from start to end, was fun
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>plunge clunge
Lol hwat?
Pretty much, yeah
But it's still going, false alarm?
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qrd on the timesmith deeds? i read this thread already what else did i miss
Of course I do, I don't trust Jews in general.
It got pointed out so she had to extend it. Wait for next time
>2 grems were willing to kiss each other for their oshi
>2 holos were willing to kiss each other for their fans
Even JPs know about Kroniicore...
who are these faggots asking for mon hun streams in chat. You haven't had enough of that shit?
kronii is the hipster of hololive...
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Kronii I would sub to you if you stopped playing garbage
Me, I want to see Kronii finally play a Monster Hunter game.
Kroniicore is kinematic though
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>yeah im kinda the hipster gamer of holo
kronii, ela showed up to holo in the first month rocking a single digit download itchio game, you gotta step it up
Pirate fucker
did she really said RTS?
CnC arc soon?
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Preach my indie game queen
drag kaela out of that dregs of humanity type of game she plays all the time
make them kiss NOW
>Death Stranding
please no….
What RTS did Kronii play?
>Excited for Death Stranding 2 even though she hasn't played the first game yet
she had a 1v1 vs jaedong
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Stopped herself from bad mouthing FPS games before Mumei killed her.
Kojima makes a damn good trailer
its a sign
She gonna play red alert bros
I wish Ao-kun would use feminine outfits more often.
Bitches love Norman Reedus because of Walking Dead.
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me on the bottom
why can't she just straight up say they're banging? why beat around the bush?
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>it's like you knew I was there
what the fuck KEK
Dorky blue pussy magnet...
but Kiara Nerissa Kronii literally did?
Most people don't actually care. Tons of people were excited for Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 despite never playing the first one even though that game is a direct sequel that starts at the end of the first game and continues the quest that the main character couldn't fulfill.
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They're so cute, man...
Shhh, you're going against his retarded narrative
she saw that lol
kroniis are kimoi...
To be fair, getting to fuck boys aren't in every game
that guy is gonna kill himself
damn the shitpost angle keep getting dumber each year
GG probably isn't cute cause she sounds a lot like Doki and well... if they are similar...
tbf that kronie was smashing his face against the plush
it wasn't a gentle kiss
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I missed the first 70 minutes of Kronii's stream, did anything cool or cute happen?
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She ate Kaela out live on stream
Why mad when you can just enjoyers videogames?
She beat Kaela at arm wrestling
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Kaela broke her
So Yagoo was lying about AI not replacing vtubers and Gigi is Cover's attempt at making a neurosama?
One of these is true.
kronii will call kaela sally during sex and timesmith going to end...
Ina need to teach these tech illiterates how to do dual stream setup
does CC have arthritis or what or why is she so weak against biboo of all people
does bae sit on the chair?
She beat Kaela's arm strength so she could beat her cervix with her tongue
she knows about the muta stack micro
i miss kronii...
Otomos can give you more details but yeah her hands are fucked. She can't use controllers either
She has some kind of problem with her hands which is why she cannot play with controllers
duh, starcraft of course
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she doesn't have hands
where minecraft
why doesn't she just get replacements?
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her illness is undisclosed all we know is that her grip is fucked only mouse and keyboard and that bizarre joycon setup
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Violinists tend to develop fucked up hands
None of the ones on market are actually better
Because the only compatible replacements are also all fucked up. Her makers built her wrong, as a joke.
She got too attached to it
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Hot 'n wild sex with this one.
Is that Lamy?
Four finger CC...
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kronies... pamoles... at least you can sit together in the chair...
Can't wait for them to play this cute game
Ollie is talking about Flare and Ina having sex.
Not even the ones with the Hitachi attachment for Gigi?
OIllie is literally bragging about the Nerissa kiss coaster.
Isn't DMM a pronsite?
What is DMM TV/scratch?
>flare: daisuki!
>ina: *friendzone hug*
i've experienced this way too fucking many time in my life. this is NOT sex.
Autofister is REAL
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>I saw CC and GG
>and holy shit it actually does look like they're dating
Ollie said CC and GG look like they're dating.
Is it going to have everyone or just the heavy hitters like holorun
it's sex because I said so
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ak-Wy1MMwA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ak-Wy1MMwA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ak-Wy1MMwA [Embed]
What did she say about them that made them look like they're dating?
what are some Towa-like things
They're together all the time like FWMC.
ollie is talking about the suisei/towa clique
fwmc are just sisters they arent dating
anyone else bothered by the broken thumbnail image of the vt sticky thread
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>girls complain about back pain, tense muscles and all kinds of shit
>Absolutely refuse exercising
As a physiotherapist, this shit infuriates me to no end. 95% of our patients are women and a half of them has ""fibromyalgia."" Every single receipt they come with says "EXERCISES" but they opt for massages and my boss rolls with this shit, because it's easy money.

If your back hurts from sitting on your ass 6 hours a day, you need to strengthen your back muscles, FUCK.
>they arent dating
Yeah cause they're married from birth (their words)
works on my machine
e-sports games, collabing with random women outside the company, grooming them in the secret towa discord (real).
is a 4chanx bug
Bananas and baseball caps.
Mori: Assasin
Kiara: Saber
Ina: Caster
Ame: Archer
Gura: Lancer

Kronii: Saber
IRyS: Rider
Bae: Berserk
Fauna: Caster
Mumei: Berserk
Sana: Pretender

Shiori: Assassin
Nerissa: Lancer
Biboo: Caster
FuwaMoco: Berserk

ERB: Saber
GG: Berserk
CC: Lancer
Raora: Caster

Uhm, maybe too many casters and berserks
Shicchan is dead...
works on my machine
if there's anyone who will tell you what they look like it's probably ollie
ok mister physio man, im not a woman but my back hurts because im a mega nerd who played video games since i was a kid and carried a fuck ton of books in my bagback so now my back is hurting since i turned 22. what do?
It's the same thing with people always being tired. People love being sick and weak.
what does IRyS ride tho? the answer is me btw
Can anyone post Ceci moans
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ek1wfNsOyKo [Embed]

these women talk about biboo like predators...
didn't know my phone had 4chanx
They're planning to add more everyones after the release
>ONE guy from Russia
At least he isn't from Moscow, but man as a Russian this is fucking sad to look at, whenever I see those pin maps in places and that no one from Russia can afford to travel I get depresso
Me, also the carbonated love car
>It's the same thing with people always being tired
Let me guess, your advice is to go sleep?
>Suisei karaoke
>Anya birthday

Another night of kino, boys
>these women talk about biboo like predators...
Does that surprise you?
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Again it was literally only Pemaloes spamming the angry face because Kaela bragged about going on vacation with Kronii to the Pemaloes like how the one kid at school would brag about getting a Wii before anyone else did because his dad worked at Nintendo.
Also Biboo as the Jewel of Emotions psychically manipulates those around her, but it's broken so she just makes everyone want to molest, etc. her.
No, it's to stop using your phone, buying a better bed + pillow, and taking melatonin
Did Biboo moan?
This, too, is Sundial
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uhm cum
It's neat how Advent lore turned out to be real.
>shiori is the archiver
>people are obsessed with biboo
>fuwawa and mococo are annoying
If only Nerissa would sing more...
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You're literally in your prime. First of all - visit a doctor and get an xray of your spine. If it's normal - hit the gym and lift. If you've got lumbar scoliosis or something like that - hit the physiotherapist and hit the gym.
It pisses me off.
"Oh, my back hurts, maybe a massage will help?"
"Maybe it hurts because you weight 150kg and your only activity during the day is walking 500m to our clinic?"
"No, it hurts because I have thick bones and genetics"
>anyone else bothered by the broken thumbnail image of the vt sticky thread
Yeah but it honestly befits her legacy
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GSH, woman.
Matsuri frenched the zombie!
Advent got to craft their characters unlike earlier gens
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perhaps but Nerissa was hogging all the moan cred
Is it Holoanimals Crossing?
What if phone actually helps me fall asleep? Like putting in an earbud with a relaxing video playing
I heard that hitting the gym for muscle gain is kinda useless, you need to target you back muscles and shoulders specifically to not get back hurt from sitting all day but maybe i'm wrong and strong body overall will help too
What about Justice though?
Is this AI?
Every time I try back exercises I struggle to breath after a few days. Mind you I injured by back after squatting with poor form cause I injured my knee. It's been years and they're both still fucked
Yes, just like that Advent
It's very hard to hear because of Nerissa. i hope some autist will use AI to isolate Ceci's moans in the future.
It's true, but you need to strengthen your whole body anyway. But stronger back muscles is what will immediately help with back pain, along with some posture correcting of course.
It's a Holorune Factrossing
Don't abuse the melatonin, it'll cause your body to stop producing its own. If you have wireless earbuds use those but keep the phone away from you.
>I heard that hitting the gym for muscle gain is kinda useless,
Did you hear it at the local mcdonalds?
Got a doctor's examination, or is it your feelings telling your your knees and back are fucked beyond salvation? And even if they are - you should strive to strengthen your muscles even more. If you don't, you'll be stressing the bones and joints of the fucked areas even more.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahkmskRuSNw [Embed]
They're spiggin it
How do I go to the gym and not be lazy and stop going after a few times
Nah, Kaela's family is rich. She told stories about their family trip around the world, and her family also does regular medical check up abroad (which will happen after her trip with Kronii)
as expected of leechchama
i can deadlift 400 lbs.
i still have back pain when i'm slightly bent over when washing dishes
Did the dogs actually mute part of the vod that had the asmr in it?
>outing with jurard
god why the fuck did i give this stream a chance
bye bye
>ERB hang out with 2 homos (Jurard and GB) IRL
This is not even cuckbaiting.
Watch streams at the gym
You should know better by now
and gigi burin?
Just Do It™
why are you excluding moona?
Speaking of her, this just popped of on my For You page
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Work on your core, deadlifts aren't a good idea when you suspect a spine problem, also, I don't know your deadlift form, you might be curling up like a shrimp.
It's like I'm at my work again and talking to women. I hate it here.
When you notices how good it actually feels to not feel back pain and shoulder pain, how nice it feels to not get shaky hands after lifting something heavy like a full grocery bag, it's all the little painful things in daily life you learned to ignore and when it all goes away life feels wonderful. Also if you have a gamer chair maybe consider getting an office or ergonomic one, it's really bad for your back too.
You don't have to go to the gym. Just buy gymnastic rings and some dumbells and you're good to go.
I excersise but it's stop and go cause I need to stay on my feet. I can't knock myself out for 2 days. I want to complete an exercise program before seeing a physio again. Then they'll have no reason to tell me to jog on when I coma in all sore

It's depressing doing light excersises and my right knee feeling lingering while the rest of my body is fine. I'd love to cycle again
He hanging onto every word she saying since she started stream so he could mention something in this thread if she says something about the guys.
And Ruze, Moona, Ollie, Gigi, Ceci and Raora. Do you not hang out with your coworkers? Or do you have sex with every coworker you have? Come on.
>how do i say this without getting cancelled?
>liz was a top
that's anticlimatic. there's no fucking way that was what she was going to say. what was the real yab that she was smart enough to STFU about this time?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYYSCMWsPGI [Embed]

>Mumei: Berserk

This one is just plainly wrong.
wish I was Nene's Pokemon
>click on stream
>Ollie is gushing about liz saying she treated her like a princess
don't you fucking drag CCGG into this. ollie said the afternoon was girls only
don't try to fuck with the thread readers
>Do you not hang out with your coworkers?
Fuck no.
for what reason?
did you close the stream? she's talking about dicks RIGHT NOW
Not difficult to understand, the two of them were hanging out with the EN homos.
I admit I had no idea. What should it be?
Dude don't get that Ollie and most of ID has no problem with the stars
why not
those single mothers need frens
>AFTER WE HUNG OUT WITH THE GIRLS, me, Moona, and Liz split off to meet up with Jurard and Gibby
Direct quote from Ollie
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Would you have sex with Ame? She's my oshi but over the years I realized I'm not sexually attracted to her.
>watching ollie just to make cuck rrats
kinda pathetic
Caster or Assassin would fit better. Archer would also work.
Assassin. Mumei is a very speedy tonberry.
JUSTpiss was a fucking mistake
God dammit why do people here always call me a woman
i came from kronii's stream. i was hoping for more cute off collab stories but i got this...
gibby from icarly? noah munck?
Maybe stop being a bitch
Yes, notice how that doesn't include Ceci/Gigi/Raora? If they are hanging out with the stars they don't want that to be public knowledge
it's pathetic how much these people who hate stars watch their content just to have more reasons to hate them instead of just ignoring their existence like the rest of us. must be a brown thing.
gigi burin is together and fucking around with ceci immerbreen the entire time during that liz thing
You mind seems to be on dicks far more than ollie actually. I think you wish you were ollie more than the the 2 homos her liz and moona were with lmao.
leave my boy Gibby out of this
I bet IRyS smells nice for a fujo
Probably, she feels more like a friend than some I'd lust after
Does anyone geniunely feel cucked by this? ERB is a literal 2/10 woman and Jurard is some Pinoy loser
because ollie would definitely leak who the traitors are. CCGG are confirmed safe
I tried all this but it turned out I had sleep apnea
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>no one is live
>because ollie would definitely leak who the traitors are
do you understand how mentally ill this sentence is
I would cum on her tits while she's sleeping
Uhh why is Kronii showing her armpit off in the thumbnail?
Summer 2025 advent should get a new 3d, since promise got their 3d yukata summer 2023, 2 years after debut.
what about her
>Yes, notice how that doesn't include Ceci/Gigi/Raora?
Yes, that's the whole reason I posted that, because that fag was claiming that those 3 were hanging out with the homos
no? cute girls are only allowed to hang out with cute girls. if she cheats, she should kill herself.
I respect Ollie for being open and fearless about man love like we are for woman
>CCGG are confirmed safe
this must be why the phillipines has the highest schizophrenia rate in the world
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Btw, I know how to fix your spine.
I've been in Ollie's zomily (members) streams, she doesn't cross that line even there.
Based cuck
We are watching Nene
https://youtu.be/TYYSCMWsPGI [Embed]
is smoke a joint with her at the skate park while we listen to sublime and id listen to her crazy conspiracy theories all true
Watch stars with the rest of the indocucks ITT.
maybe that's normal for her Idk
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My Ina!
yeah nene cute
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Fluffy Nene today!

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