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Fuck off, intern-kun.
>>97209043 (OP)
That's the fun part
We don't
>>97209043 (OP)
actually if Hololive ever released their HoloEN number it would look the same. Vtubing boom is over in the west
>b-but what about
No. Admit that you're cooked, sister.
>whoop whoop
>whoop whoop
>whoop whoop
>whoop whoop
Not really Q4 2025 is going to do a lot better when you start counting the concert in.

Q3 was bad because everyone is in Japan doing prep for fes and noone was streaming.

Again, a holochart would look exactly the same.
Everyone was taking off preparing in February, which is part of Q4. Check Elira's stream history as proof. She streamed all throughout January, but only had 1 stream in February.
>>97209043 (OP)
Merge them with the main branch. That way the ENs can unlock more synergies with their JP senpai, growing EN.
>>97209043 (OP)
graduation is the only salvation for NijiEN.
>>97209043 (OP)
>Makes 5 million dollars in three months

Looks like they're still doing better than HoloEN
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They just need to give da wose more air time.
>>97209043 (OP)
>Go to twitch
>Do sleeping streams
>Say you're literally dying
>>97209043 (OP)
What happened between FY23 Q3 and Q4?
You can go find those numbers anon
EN concert cancellation happened. Also Pomu graduation, so the NijiEN hype quickly died down
>>97209043 (OP)
Terminate Elira and Enna.
So, commerce... what merch have they been selling lately?
Selen shock
Birthday merch and the jap merch that some of them are part of. But holy shit I gotta admit, EN merch revenue being mere 370 million when their JP branch made 7 billion is such a gigantic gap that not selling EN merch is more profitable at this point
They've been doing a lot of reruns over the past year. Like far more than they've ever done before.
>>97209043 (OP)
> -50%
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Nijisanji Prison merch LOL
>>97209043 (OP)
>black screen stream
we dont
>>97209043 (OP)
Okay, I'll do it. I'll fuck Elira until she's no longer evil. I accept this duty.
>>97209043 (OP)
>2024 Q4
>event boost
>still made less revenue
that's one thing hololive should steal from niji, we really need more reruns of old merch I missed because I was a poorfag at the beginning
Hard same. ESPECIALLY after they get that fucking merch distribution center set up. I want a damn ruffian plush but the shipping was like 100 fucking dollars and it'd be even worse now with tarrifs.
You can fix her anon!
>>97209043 (OP)
Looks like selen wasn't so negligible after all eh nijikeks?
>>97209043 (OP)
They are done for! Not one EN even made it to Niji showcasing their livers in the report. But ID got in. ENs existence is less worth than ID.
Why the fuck is Roa there
She might be the eternal punching bag of Nijisanji.
>>97209043 (OP)
Start by removing all fujos' access to the internet. Asia's severe mental health problems are a big part of why things got to this point.
>>97209043 (OP)
Fire all the males.
>actually if Hololive ever released their HoloEN number it would look the same
There would be a decline but it would far less severe than NijiEN. The general decline of EN vtubers couldn't be avoided but the scandals and toxic work environment were because of horrible management. Instead of cleaning house they threw the blame on their livers that were leaving while rewarding the livers who helped with the smear campaign.
noraneko is the only good thing that's come out of nijisanji
>>97209043 (OP)
Botting, surely that is going to work
Gura alone makes more than NijiJP could ever hope to, But go off SEANigger
>>97209043 (OP)
more gfe
HoloEN makes more than NijiJP does by itself, Kill yourself you inbred pagpag eating SEANigger retard
They all deserve to be beheaded, Especially elira vox and ike, Just stitch PNG's of their models onto their IRL faces and hang them up gallows style
>>97209043 (OP)
Public apology video to Selen & Pomu
I miss covid, bros.
I miss staying inside all day watching le funny shork and no one making fun of you for it.
I miss the lockdowns.
I miss normalfags breaking down mentally both irl and online.
I miss the coofs.
>>97209043 (OP)
Holofags and Phasecucks seem to be rather worried about NijiEN MC success, eh?

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