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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Making out Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 3/11:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (6,763)
2: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome (6,678)
3: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (3,285)
4: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (3,195)
5: https://youtube.com/@dokibird (3,040)
6: https://twitch.tv/OliviaMonroe (2,887)
7: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,364) *Tie
7: https://twitch.tv/Buffpup (2,358) *Tie
8: https://twitch.tv/CottontailVA (2,278)
9: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,235)
10: https://www.youtube.com/@KirscheVerstahl (2,140) *Combined

1: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (6,382) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (3,671) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (2,969) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
March 12th - Anya Melfissa
March 15th - Henemimi
March 20th - Shirahiko
March 28th - Cyphi
March 31st - Nina Saotome
April 2nd - Honey Goblin

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>97205039 →
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my wienerbrød
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
>>97210054 (OP)
need to cumflate Kiki the gokkun queen
I want to cum inside femanon.
I think it might be time... to delete my ex-oshis folder..
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Yes... YES...
Do other generals have something like liggerman who's literally (me)?
Who's your ex-oshi?
Who's your current oshi?
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I fucked your thread oshi.
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>>97210054 (OP)
tib funny and also cute
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God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
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engaging toob posting. stand by
I don't think so, but he serves the same purpose as a Vtuber's mascot.
kiba, eat a whole watermelon pls
>>97209730 →
Molly is leaving silver trails alright.

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Night, /lig/gas!!
Please save me...
if she saw these i think she would actually detonate
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Finally some good fucking slop
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Not sure if the pierce brosnan architect thing is only for /bg/ (previously /ag/), but there's that what I can remember.
Big tits
She only did ASMR a little bit as Yuri, a mix of torture roleplay/sounds and relaxing ASMR, but nothing sexual like that
wdym finally, slop always slaps
if it didn't artists wouldn't get mad about it, like they didn't when it was the disjointed surreal cat monsters of the early days
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Love my wolf wife
I just can't watch Mari anymore after the nose job. It sounds like they replaced her voice actor
Idk feels different to vtuber mascots, but yeah. I just think >male, blue is fun and I'm happy that we have that

I mean it's not really thread specific, but they do kinda own that
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wide woman has a soft spot for yuy
Oh my
Her giggles are cute
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Bodega got me to play 13 Sentinels and I keep wondering when it gets good.
Never pick up a game a casual promoted.
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thanks I was gonna ask
wow a fat nappy haired vtuber, that is so sexy and interesting.
Pillow is my slut.
I have no sluts, and I'm fine with that.
i think that women should have rights n shit but i want to own suko
Plump and squishy cunny
ectos voice sounds different
hmmm yes
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Would you say she sounds... a little fatter?
wait for it to kick in, I know woolie the pie thief also enjoyed it as well
One more of her getting ligged.


Have a rare Jets clip.
molly screaming and swearing obnoxiously while getting fucked
I have not seen a single second of this molly slug.
Perfect body.
It's less " close to crying " in the voice than usual and more giggly/giddy, like she's full of energy or something good happened.
>Coqui realizing that if she broke down Apple Jacks to their elemental properties they'd be on the periodic table
>"Wait so like with everything, even if it's like gelatinous?"
I came inside her before the stream.
Coqui is so smart
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Not bad
I'm 5 hours in. I don't know how much longer I can wait
Holy shit, she's getting smarter
What about the Apple Jacks with marshmallows
Coqui should do a media share/maro stream where we teach her things that aren't sexual
Still waiting for another deep space stream
Just keep at it anon or reduce the difficulty to story modo/raise it, depending on what your tastes are
That would require quality control.
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incredibly cute desu.
i kind of want to rail beribug's chubby fujo body

Have a rare beri clip.
What does /lig/ think of Kumbomb?
I love these tangents with Coqui where she learns a science subject she should have learned in Elementary or Middle School kek
>I just didn't realize the entire universe is made out of elements
She's not at the top of my list but I would
let me know when she goes back to her real voice
please tell me this is an actual joke. . . Or she is playing it up. This is bimbo levels only Mint would Love to achieve
You don't love it enough to clip it, and ship it. Doubt you'll even rewatch the VOD because you sound more tilted than pleased.
Suspicious but was never really on my radar anyway
Dime a dozen slampig. But it's funny that Blackjack was completely sure that she's snuffy eventhough they streamed at the same time before. He took it so far, that Kumbomb had to make an announcement that she's not snuffy
Why does she keep going higher with it?
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No she's actually fairly uneducated, but not like mentally retarded just genuinely did not learn things as a child.
Why is she suspicious?
pays bills and sense of anonymity since she won't be recognized off stream
Suspiciously similar
thanks for the update Krimbro
See >>97211712
You are talking to Blackjack
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What are we planning to do today?
I don't even play cards
burying my face in sand after being acknowledged by a vtuber
Get blacklisted.
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Go all in.
In short: doxfag that samefags in here to use it as evidence in his dox forum
I think Ecto has been doxxed here enough times that if I were her I'd never leave my house
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Need a nursing handjob from a shork girl with her freshly worn panties.

Have the most common Ashton clip.
either she's playing it up or localizers are even more retarded than I thought
>agoraphobic shut-in
>moves into new apartment
>newfound cooking hobby
>tries to hide record of hundreds of gifts received on Throne
>takes months to "move" and "fix internet"
>adds items to her Throne just in time for her birthday
>scrubs any mention of her getting the polaroid camera and air fryer for said birthday
>singlehandedly strongarms the FCC to fix her ISP
thanks for the rice and the pocari sweat, but can you send her some dessert?
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French women love
You know agoraphobic just means she doesn't like being outdoors right? That doesn't preclude any of those other things.
I'm not whoever that is. I'm not even interested in her, she doesn't really do anything for me. I just answered the guy. The one that asked and started monologuing about it all might be your schizo though.
she also raped me
It's a spam repost. There was no thought out into it. Just like thread OP posts often are.
he knows all of that, he just likes antispamming any clauvio image

don't bother replying to a retard like that
Clauvio is cute and so is her tiny penis
can i have a clauvio zuma ecto bodega harem
Clauvio posted this. She will also go live soon
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Why do the biscuits clauvio want cost 60 fucking dollars for 6 though
Well there goes the thread.
I might as well just go to bed now
They're good biscuits, brent
Because throne is a middle man of a middle man of a middle man. Just gift vtubers with gift cards if you're trying to be a savvy spender who doesn't believe in overcharging.
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seems like shes going for less hours streamed than numi or juniper lol
>nobody watches the VODs or highlights
>everyone expects more streams to be published
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Coqui now realizes that the Pochacco figures on her desk are made of elements, she previously thought "synthetic things" like plastic were made out of some kind of other stuff that isn't made of elements

She also just retold the story that she got an A for a semester in algebra by sitting on the teacher's lap in front of the class (he claimed he was practicing for working as a mall santa)
I love how she's willing to learn though
I would give her a D iykwim
I would love to join in, but I'm blacklisted from her community. Enjoy though. Wish you wrote some of your thoughts instead of tattle telling with no spice.
I love this dumb frog, it makes every moment she learns something feel precious
perhaps she is stupid as shit `
and I wish you grew a personality other than "i'm banned from every vtuber's community" but here we both are
Someday I should work up the willpower to build a "Coqui discovers heliocentric theory" compilation where it's just Coqui being like "I thought stars were just hanging out by jupiter" and shit
I don't know why you want to have a cow. You're going to have to eat it you know.
Why does this bat have a sense of humor?
I feel like this persona you've constructed is fake and I don't know why you're doing it.
Please don't acknowledge the creepy retarded fucking schizo pos that everyone wants to leave forever
God forgive me for the impure thoughts I just had
I'm jacking my funny bone

Oooh like Oooouuuuuh!
He has multitudes anon, he's also /asp/'s pet retard
making coqui answer basic science questions naked and if she fucks it up the drapes on the glass box she's trapped in will become fall off in a public place
Nice try Coqui. We all know what your tag tier list looks like
good one krimbo
I'd like for Coqui to watch some of the shorter Nilered vids even if she might get lost during the explanation of the process.
she always seems open to learning shit, it's a good trait to have. a stream where someone like mint teaches her random science shit would be a blast
>he wants more react sloppa
that would last literally 3 seconds. there needs to be a bit more juice
i want to trap coqui in some sort of tesseract where mint castella teaches her how to play kerbal space program until she has a functional knowledge of orbital vector mechanics

That'd be cool too
the one where he turns a plastic glove into grape soda flavoring would be cool
>ywn feel and hear chibidoki yelling and purring on your dick
you know that coqui's brain would collapse at the purple gold video
Trapping Coqui inside The Tain from Myth until she beats SpaceChem.
>he doesnt want learnsloppa
>sitting on the teacher's lap
I like stories like this where someone is clearly struggling with their urges but found a healthy outlet for them
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Italian women love
Well... theres fansly soon
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Somebody send this to Giri
Does Giri have any antis?
This is just my opinion but I don't think you should stab your streamer to death
Should have given him the money back. Only 13 isn't worth your life.
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Chuubas should hire me as their personal security professional guy.
That's sad man I didn't need to see that right now
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I've been doing home security for years now, they should hire me for security
It's always a little strange seeing Kirsche emotes in a place like Coqui's chat. I can't imagine those two ever talking to each other but I like both of them anyway
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Ooooooohhh like BatAtHomeSecurity, I get it.
imagine dumping 13k on some female streamer, very unforunate otherwise
the year is 2035. the only job for most /vt/ posters is being recruited into the private militias of various vtubers in like 40k imperial guard regiments
i'm a member of the Castellan Janitorum, the elite fighting force of the fat bitch brigades of mint castella
Just remember that as a streamer she's she ceo of her own company, so it was a ceo who was killed for her company scamming a customer.
Apparently she was BPDemon that asked that guy to "loan" her 13k and that she woul pay him back but then she blocked him and refused to pay that 13k back
I'm sad that for vertigo reasons saru will never go to a con and have 30 or 40 viewers al dressed up in tactical ear walk around her protecting her that would have been so cool
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The MaxStrat squad WILL save Kitanya.
Source? If true then he's based.

Most likely he just donated 13k over time and was a schizo she got fed up with.
If that's true then she had it coming tbdesu
Simps walking around a washed up e-girl is not cool
If someone donates more than a grand you should honestly just refund their money and permaban them. Healthier for both of you in the long run plus it's obvious they don't have all their faculties if they're that willing to just give someone money.
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It's much more likely he was just a parasocial retard. There's no way to spin this like the dude is a victim here.

We gotta do something about these simps man, encourage the lonely young men to buy some meth or something rather than spending it on e-girls.
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Meth is just another pipeline for stabbing someone to death.
Have the japanese- and western vtuber/idol fans who ape their online culture- considered not being insane retards who whip out a samurai sword for suicide if the streamer gets a bf or does not reciprocate their love
Get them into collecting cardboard like God intended.
some people just have a lot of money. 1k isn't that much to plenty of people.
why do you want to bankrupt 3am
Quote from the guy
>I raised $13k with my savings and consumer loans and lent it to her for living expenses, I decided to attack her as she wouldn't give the money back

Either way taking out a loan to loan to l, let's assume, a friend, is also insane
Hostile moth woman "Juniper Actias" should maim me until I'm too weak to resist
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Always wondered how Nyan managed to get away with IRL streams considering all the complete schizoids she has offended in the past decade.
Sure I was just throwing out a number but still I think encouraging high value donations/tips just sets a bad precedent.
You would never be too weak to resist, she's pathetic
why on earth would you take the word of a dude who stabbed someone to death at face value
just post bat dude
To quote shondo
>just don't betray your fans, it's that easy.
Foxplushy mod in da liggy!
Sinder don't look....
why are people like you pretending to represent some sort of pro-murdering faction of posters in my thread
a tip’s a tip, a wee tip
how the fuck do you tip over 13k and not think it’s unwise at all
well it's kind of the whole business model, so I don't think it makes much sense.
Okay Michael.
Guy didn't run and imidiately game himself up to the police. Do you trust a streamers baiting thousands from her fans over a guy who clearly respects the law and is willing to face the consequences of his own bad actions?
can you please go back to planning your school shooting and leave us alone
taking out a loan to donate to a streamer is insane, especially if you'd ever think you want it back.
most boring meme to come out of /shon/
Problem is it's usually a lot of little dono's that add up over time, rather than someone dropping a lump sum. Go into pretty much any somewhat big female streamers chat and you'll see someone like this who's always there gifting bits or subs or sending throne gifts or whatever, anyone of these could fucking snap if they wake up out of their little menhera parasocial trance and realize what they've been doing.
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She's naked and tied up in the box like a suckling pig, face down ass up, and for every question she gets wrong a dildo gets pushed a little bit farther into her ass
all it takes is one schizo to believe it
All the guys I've seen donate 1000s over long periods are always very clear that they arnt parasocial, don't think of the streamer in a sexual way and that they don't expect anything in return. I don't see how any of them would snap
donating 13,000 monster dildos to alice
1K isn't much to someone like Sinder or Shylily either but you wouldn't catch them just handing it out to people. It's unhealthy behaviour plain and simple.
they probably stopped caring or were full of shit
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>they arnt parasocial, don't think of the streamer in a sexual way
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people can do what they want with their money and don't need seething retards like you instructing them
Bao on the other hand........ medical bills.......
I think she would have trouble doing it in 2020, but by 2024 it's just beating a dead horse.
Anny Oilers would like to have a word with you
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may chance a blue?
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Found the oiler
damn right
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The e-girls should run their businesses more ethically and encourage healthy financial and social habits rather than let their fans spiral into financial and emotional debt (where they're aware of it)
i need a snuffy stream
1k please doko
It would be cool for her
As long as they didn't stink
*stabs you*
should've posted those feet
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I will lend you my power. Snummoning The Great Racc with the sweet rack.
you guys watch elia stellaria here?
Its mostly platforms like twitches fault for turning donating into a status symbol. Look what happened to streamers like Nina when she replaced her subgoal with a direct donation goal and donos fell more than half because people can't brag about how much they gifted or donod if it's direct. And look at how many people still gift 100s of subs to saru even when she tells them over and over to not gift subs and to buy merch or gift on fansly instead.
I would say twitch should put caps on donations and its their responsibility to maintain the ethics of the platform they offer, but then individual streamers would just turn to 3rd parties like streamlabs anyways and twitch would lose money twice over without solving the problem so that would never happen.
No. Too bright.
I think I've seen her mentioned here recently but she's not a common sight
Like how Shondo wants to have a donation goal to buy a wedding ring for herself but wants to limit how much each person can give but no platform gives you that ability
I see what you mean. She is literally too bright. Her model is like light mode.
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>kuu got a referral to ketamine therapy because ect didn't work

I didn't even know they could do that in Finland
Well unlike getting shocked, ketamine actualy has scientific evidence of it disabling your default mode network so it can actually work for mental ilnesses
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>still hungry after this
are you guys sure para isn't fat?
>Like how Shondo wants to have a donation goal to buy a wedding ring for herself
She shouldn't do that until she's settled her house and family medical situation.
I think shes alright, really hot
she only eats one meal a day, so she's often hungry
>getting zooted on gubbermint bucks
Damn kinda jealous not gonna lie
who gooning rn in the K-hole
Her family can't spend her wedding ring though, so it's better to give her that instead of money
is this that vtuber with the massive tits and preggo belly
Good for her honestly

Ketamine has shown good results
kuu stream in a bit possibly
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hell yeah
If that's news there's also famed chatters who people get excited to see chat, and end up donating fan art, and things when they see them. Don't believe me? They made gifted subs a thing to profit off this very behavior.
So she has a new excuse to not stream?
*pees on you*
wow you look really silly now
I mean the money that she would get for that now would be better served towards buying a house so she can have her own room and ease tensions with her siblings, which she's always saying she desperately needs and can't afford yet. Once she's settled she can worry about that like with the KU100.
No, she just said she's streaming today moron
The Feet Princess
Just wait til she's on the ketamine.
oh oh next we can try psilocybin and go for ego death
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*stubs you*
Krimbo calm down buddy
is that an ex corpo? she has an extremely corpo name.
Nobody wants to join his discord because he keeps banning them when they stream fallout new vegas in the gaming channel so this is his only outlet to see and be seen. His viewers abandoned him long after he became partner.
Hell why not put up a long term donation goal for the house?
Ever changing housing market.
subathon price list is insane. 50k total, man...
Kawaii Project's gfe queen
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Saru was never a true e-girl. All we ever got from her is a bit of cleavage here and there.
that could also work, Mint (pawg) had a "bad trip" on mushrooms that scared the shit out of her but left her in a better place mentally than she was before and was the moment she decided to try streaming
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did you miss her stream?
*Production Kawaii
Also she was named something different there. She joined V-Dere after leaving and that went poorly probably because of Mozzu. Now she's indie.
An e-girl vtuber would be perfect. She wouldn't have to look like a jerk for having the catgirl avatar, and failing to provide nya nya neko kitty loves you forever service. Honestly I wish every vtuber who fails to act out, and use their lore on stream would revert to e-girl character. The bait and switch gets old. Only so many times you can tune into the stream of a vtuber who fails to play their character before the magic runs out.
So they went ahead and shocked her into having seizures with an experimental procedure before recommending her take a drug that's shown actual positive results
I'm talking about the flesh streams.
No, she gives me major cunt vibes every time I've tried to watch her
It'd be pretty fun to shock a girl repeatedly
What if Saruei was a horny french sllllllllut
For who exactly? I know she's not in my DM so it's not my problem.
>what if
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I got some good news for you buddy...
When is she planning her next Fansly thing anyway. I've not caught her at all this week thanks to family and waging, also poppy playtime sucks.
My oshi just DM'd me a video of her shaking her skinny chinese ass with a purple jewel buttplug in and she asked "wanna fill the other hole?" what did she mean by this
How much did you pay for it
No game truly sucks. What's sad is a lack of interest. If a vtuber loves something they can make a excellent presentation of it. Unfortunately poppy play time is a trend chaser game so most of what you get it cash grab streams with it. Find a shimada of poppy playtime and you might learn to love it.
nothing infact I'm not even subbed to her, I've never spent a single cent. I just send her shitty brainrot tiktoks when I find them.
Damn RIP time to cut off all contact
She said she wants to do a hand cam stream but flip flopped between Fansly and Twitch. We'll know for sure this weekend.
Every social interaction is a transaction. Thanks for displaying your use of the bartering system in reply to answer that anonymous post.
Nice fanfic
Para just didn't send me a DM for the first time in since everyday. I hope para doesn't send me a DM. That would be very unpara of her.
>>97210054 (OP)
Which chuuba is this? boolivia returns nothing relevant
Fuck off Simon
I think it's supposed to be Olivia Monroe, but I don't really get why she's a boo.
Olivia Monroe. It's just a silly Boo edit.
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sometimes I fantasize about hugging my oshi really hard cause she's super tiny and I pick her up and I flop her body up and down in a way that slams our hips together and embarrasses her inj public cause it's like almost sex kinda
if the ring would make her feel more motivated and hopeful it could be a good investment. probably talking less than $3000 which wouldn't dent a house much. as for how to do it she could sell something digital on kofi, 1 per person, with a limited stock.
Not yet. But some Anon in another thread said that she and my oshi are similar in their content, so I might check her out sometimes
How do I become a high value male worth of Inis' attention so I can steal Henry from her?
never using the words high value male again is the first step
weve secured the HVM and are en route to extraction point Henry
Same except none of that, but sometimes I think it would be funny if she watched my stream with her chat like she was watching a fish tank. Over time it becomes a regular thing they do, and they make games of guessing what's going to happen or quize each other on past events that occured. Slowly more and more channels from the category they watch together and more and more they learn together until they have their own fantasy football type game they play together.
Then she contacts me, and asks if I would like to join her community.
the only good vtuber news out there.
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cute dm
girl_dm just woke up in a hot sweat
simpcity finally made a thread of her
Girl DM would call this rape. Honestly, her reaction reminds me of a Seth Dickfield
kill yourself you fucking midget
How are things going with uwo? None of you have mentioned him for awhile.
post more DM rapes
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GOOOOOD MOOOOORNING LIGGGGERSSSS! no i will not like dya or freya or any other assertive and/or blunt chuubas
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Yap about japan
she looks like a nerd.
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What if dokibird was a slut
Watching her show up in Mori Calliopes Omori chat was one of the coolest things ever.
Not in my DM box not my problem.
I can't believe the music synced when she was crying. Cinema.
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giri is live making Calbi Jim and Oppar Corn Dogs
after just chatting about streaming in the first class shinkansen and getting 56 on the rice purity test
Doing it on fansly would be kind of interesting but she'll probably do it on twitch since a lot of chatters didn't want her to do it on fansly
Why is that leek so big?
i like her selen fly high version, it was sex and the only time i like heterochromia
She should stalk a mini me and then take my hand and bring me to a dark alley and pull my pants down
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leek, leek japan.
Giri still live in japan?
it's still 8
Giri admits having premarital sex with Onibro
yeah, she's doing fine there actually, making videos and recording for tv. I remember she almost broke her leg on a trench because she was doing a take walking backwards near it
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Snufflation Season
Well, if she wants any offspring ever at this point, then she better fuck him and never stop.
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i want a cooking chuuba wife that makes me food and money while i do nothing
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Well I think we should talk about how cool and cute and smart and sexy feemsh is and how she should dress up as ramlethal valentine and kabedon me.
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>She should stalk a mini me
i heard that for kuu's next treatment they're just going to hit her with hammers
she needs daily semen intake from me to fix her
That hammer? My cock.
lmao I wonder how disappointed they were
Stroked my goonrod for an hour to Saruei sloppy kisses, I'm never getting a girlfriend
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she changed beef ribs for ox tails. there isn't a single stream where she doesn't change stuff on recipes.
i need to continue reading the novel for apothecary. the anime is working wonders on that.
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I'm the hammer
I wonder what'd she even do on Fansly, just show off the smutty books she owns?
Is that pony content outside of /mlp/ I see?
What if your oshi was really attracted to men who shit their pants in public places
im really fucking thirsty
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my wife catcat!
>have to make an account just to see
Gay site
talk about how you want to eviscerate Nemu and bathe yourself in her blood, piss, and shit from her entrails
I'd wonder why she's into men so old they piss dust
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What would a girl think if she knew a guy was getting turned on from kisses
It's like looking into a mirror
Probably that and also talk without a filter.
built like a fucking doormat
I had a dream that anny opened up a fansly account and did anal on stream.
That's one fat motherfucker
Saru finds it very flattering when guys get turned on by her.
is that a grimmi thing
Ain't nobody wanna see that
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the tism friendly and unfriendly spoon, or whatever the fuck this is.
>I schizo'd out about corpsehusband, snuffy stopped hanging out using mouse's channel.
>I schizo'd out about ipn, anny stopped hanging out.
>I schizo'd out about ohnocturnal, doki/selen stopped hanging out.
>I schizo'd out about Luca, maidmint/pomu stopped hanging out.
>I schizo'd out about uwolabs, Hina stopped hanging out.

I am a schizo that everyone here loves that wears a cape.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM6-QVxIXTs [Embed]
do you think when vtubers talk retarded like this on stream 8 hours a day for years that they start to sound like that when they talk to their family and it freaks them out?
Nigga we all hate you. Even trash hates you. Now fuck off back to your gay little circle jerk dox forum
hold on let's hear him out
No, he's human trash
Btw this guy is under 5ft tall, brown, and is an unironic cuck
you were not a successful schizo with aethel, soda and tomato.
6ft 1 blonde body builder
Do Juniper next
>under 5ft tall, brown, and is an unironic cuck
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choose your path
is this what you tell yourself to cope simon?
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>>97216116 →
>>97216116 →
>>97216116 →
I think you are the only 5ft brown person because on /pol/ you had a Brazilian flag.
You already admitted you were a midget. I didn't forget you fucking dwarf. Go jump off a table. Should be high enough to kill you.
proofs samefag?
kek keep fighting ghosts you absolute retard
k-kill yourself simon ritual posting.
not that hard to find out
>coming from the guy who samefags his posts to post as proof to his faggot dox forum
>everyone to me is simon samefagging, see my brazilian voodoo sorcery of the posts i make it about here saying its simon.
I wonder why height jokes get under your skin, faggot. I'll be sure to keep reminding you that you need a booster seat to drive a car
>making shit up gets under people skins about something completely opposite

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