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>Upcoming Stream:【3D BIRTHDAY LIVE 2025】 Through the Curious Tune - Anya Melfissa 2025 Birthday Live 生誕祭ライブ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXLKbTnMP2M [Embed]

>Previous Stream:【Just Chatting】HoloFes Talk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHrUGYqxj4E [Embed]

>Previous Stream:【#hololivefesEXPO25_DAY2】hololive 6th fes. Color Rise Harmony hololive STAGE3【チラ見せ】(Free Section)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OkprzHcirU&t=2485 [Embed]

>Previous Stream:【WATCHALONG】FIRST STAGE with JUSTICE! #hololivefesEXPO25_DAY1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEV7T8peRcw [Embed]

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#krossets (Assets)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@OuroKronii/featured
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GZ5XGzRY-g [Embed]
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM [Embed]

【Original Song MV】
【Original Song MV】蒼天に燃ゆ / Souten ni Moyu:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTxcH54jhPk [Embed]
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」:https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
【Original Song MV】Rise -【hololive English -Council- Original Song】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHibTDJlTJw
【Original Song MV】 Our Promise【hololive English -Promise- Original Song】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcVyYmVOi1U
Kronii's Latest Cover Song:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQbmiAo6_qU [Embed]
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's 2nd Zatsudan BGM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SC9Qzs7VVI
Kronii's Game BGM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Member BGM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUt_6oM9jI&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Birthday BGM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXGPOaYp30&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Anniversary BGM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2OoITXJfAI&feature=youtu.be

>Current Schedule:

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:
>>97174573 →

>Current Bond Level: 8.0

>Fanfic Listing:

>Kronii's Streams, Collabs, Music, and Merch List:

Remember to report and ignore schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!
>Also report any Leaks or Defamation against Kronii to Cover using this link
Kronii love!
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Yet another one falls to her impressive arm strength

I was hoping Yellow Kronie would put up more of a fight.
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Tickling Kronii until she's a cackling, sobbing mess!
Wonder if they're going to Bali
What if the phone pack is Krunny?
Phonefag detected
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don't you guys have phones?
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Hehe phoneposters
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Better when blended
Don’t lick that. You don’t know where that stinky grem has been
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Tell me about it
I still feel bad for that Grem
Do you guys post directly from browser? I've been looking for a replacement for KurobaEx but haven't found one
Kronii please give me a massage
Kronii will be humbled soon enough
>no previews
> Talents have recorded either a "Sweet" (affirmation) or "Sour" (gentle ribbing) track.
Kronii acts surprised to get hit on in public while looking like
Was it Kobo who had a similar encounter last fest or was that another holo?
Yeah it was Kobo
She has "sour" for both languages, as if there were any doubt
i wanna scream on kronii's strap ughhh
Pp2v korean canadian mode in japan
Wonder if Justice will still be around by the time she gets back to Japan. Maybe she'll be in GG's 3D debut or something
Even Kronii speaking it can't make Indonesian sound pleasant
the kronie kissing a plushie isnt some fat brown retard?
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I love Kronii!
I hate Kronii
This was me >>97199463 →
You're welcome.
Time to VODwatch.
I hate Ela
I'm just saying, if it was me hitting on Kronii, I would've been alot more degenerate with what I'd say
Is there any codes for korean in japan?
If I were Kaela, I would be stimulating Kronii's clit till it looked like a stressed-out pufferfish.
Yeah, 962.
mori already fucking lost at BD kek
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Kronii and Mori never arm wrestled during BD, its why Kronii is motivated to train.
I don't why I find this cute.
No, they haven't arm wrestled yet.
>Kronii's POV
I will never forgive Kaela for grooming Kronii to be her friend
How dare her
I don't know this song.
That was short but the butt pumping was worth it. Now to wait for it to finish so I take screenshots.
>still able to use the idol outfits from HoloFes 4 and already using customized versions of the HoloFes 6 outfits
Huh, that's interesting
Those FES6 outfits are great
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As much as I would love to see Kronii in a skirt one of these days, the half pants combo was an absolutely right call for her this year since it just draws your eyes to her legs anyways.
look at her go
Kronii mention on CC's space
She said that Kronii was the most fashionable EN she met so far
CC said kronii was the most fashionable girls she met
Year 1 hikki rrats in shambles.
and that she likes Kronii a lot and she's very cool.
that shit died years ago anyway that's not the first time an EN girl said this
those were not rrat she was in a pretty bad place overall when she was still living at home
Yeah, I know, but I always remember it.
That's indeed true too.
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is Anya a based spacetime enthusiast?

so fucking great
For VOD watchers: https://youtu.be/FXLKbTnMP2M?t=776 [Embed]

Also, they voices combine really well.
that outfit is so good, she's so baked
I'm actually seething with anger
>Anya: ‘I present you, clock ass.’
ID girls pumping and dumping your oshi seething anon.
no need to be crass
No, this is crass
>Kronii after doing a line of cocaine
t u s h i e
wrong continent for cocaine
that's a pocket dimension anyway
I guess this is the original (?)
https://youtu.be/bnofYmfKLeo [Embed]
I wonder how she's managing right now considering how it's twice as hot in Indonesia as it is in Japan at the moment.
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Activity btw
temperature does not work that way anon
if it is 10°C then that doubled is roughly 290°C
You know what I meant, don't be a twit about it.
The problem is, as always, humidity. At high humidity each +1ºC means a lot of difference.
>80% humidity
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Most of the other apps are dead or worse than KurobaEX
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So this is how Kronii high feels like...
What is Kronii's strength realistic estimate?
Like 50kg×12 (impressive for a woman) on a bench press. Will she be able to do it?
I think she said one how much she could press, but no idea when. Maybe if she mentions it again archiveanon can add it to his archive. It would be more relevant than the bond level anyway.
Anniversary merch finally shipped for me. Estimated delivery date friday. That's going to be some nice instant gratification, ordering the birthday merch the day before and getting kronii product in hand the next day.
20kg each side, but it's only 4 or 5 reps
I hate ela
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I wish I could live on her back, surviving only on the nutrients from her sweat, which I would lick clean all day long before resting peacefully on her muscles at night.
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I thought Mumei was the one with 'tism.
Why? They are just having some friendly time together.
NTA but she's milking (not THAT type of milk) this way too much
I think she's just happy
You are reading too much into this.
this, she is really happy. it has been really long time when she was this happy
t. pemaloe
I'm happy for both of them.
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'tism makes her cuter but she needs to be careful not to enter 'tard zone
what is the difference?
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Kaela if you fumble on fucking kronii I’ll make fun of you for all remaining time in the remaining universe
There's no way you actually watch kronii if you can say something this utterly stupid
Fauna fumbled on her real hard tho. Or maybe Kronii ruined it. I'm kinda inclined towards the later.
Do you hate Kaela for being too close to Kronii and why ?
A. You are a racist and hate SEA fag, if it's Kronii with someone else it's fine.
B. You just hate gay shit in general
C. You are a delusional unicorn and actually think that you have a chance, so you hate anyone who is too close to Kronii no matter what gender ?
after indonesia they should visit kazakhstan
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Can't be schizo if it was real
Nah, Canada next to do the cultural interchange complete.
Are ankles supposed to do that?
Hello fellow KroFauggot. Glad to know we're not extinct.
Yes. Are you that stiff?
I'm more perplexed than anything. Why Kaela of all people? Out of all the Holos to date I'd pick any Promise member over her. I guess Kronii just sees something I can't.
Name and her consequences have been a disaster for this thread
> I'd pick any Promise member over her
Promise can’t even schedule one full collab together. Kaela hung out with Kronii all the time.
holy fucking cringe
Love is like that. Right in front of you but you just can't see it.
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I'm starting to think she's actually in love with Kronii. Doesn't she know that if she tries to get serious with her it's going to end badly?
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I think its time to accept who were destined to be with
that's not an otomo though
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As long as its not a man, I don't care who Kronii flirts with or fucks.
I just find Kaela boring
This is what happens when you leave Kronii to come up with all the ideas
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A and B but also >>97229273 their collabs aren't fun
So is the voicepack any good?
There's no previews
For me the only boring one was the fishing game one.
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For me, I want her to use this trip as an excuse to offcollab the rest of the IDs
>He thinks 80% is high
It would be nice, but do they live close by?
It sounded like they were leaving Indonesia shortly to me or at least going away from where Kaela lives.
So Kronii's going back to Japan after the trip?
Most of the ID leave near each other but they are probably still in JP
Yes, probably just for the Hong Kong thing
At least she'll have a bit more time to hang out with the girls that live there then
The vacation is for ~one week, the meetngreet is at the end of the month, so she's probably gonna record for her birthday, plus for any guest appearances
>one week
It sure doesn't sound like it
Everyone is jealous about Ela but imagine being her the day after Kronii leaves after having her with you for a whole month. And then, no Kronii. Dahlah…
Kaela said it was just one week, maybe a few extra days
Hyte case is back
>Implying she will not desperately spam collabs in fear that Kronii forgets her
>>97212015 (OP)
Which stage did Kronii perform during in Holofes? 1, 2, 3?
it is floating dirt block
Is it true that al Kronies are keks?
No, those are the Tik Tokers
Wonder why it’s a limited item and not a long term product
kronii the only foid i like
The hottest thing about kronii is she's probably flat irl
based and real
Yes after September 2022, anyone who is still a Kronie is a cuckold.
>so this is what it'd be like to have them big... hahah...
>maybe i should get a little expansion... just 300ccs...
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Nah, the Kronii feminization arc has to stop at long winded and troublesome cosmetics applications and skincare routines and other shit of that nature, the moment she starts down the "enhancement" road she's done for, she'll be an absolute addict and totally BOG herself.
You have no idea how hard that makes me, though realistically speaking I imagine she's probably just average
It's no longer about feminization, we're making her into a BIMBO
that's timemom fat shaming at work
You get it.
>feminization arc
As if this thread wasn’t shitty enough
I'm convinced she probably has average sized tits, just that they're shaped nicely, since she did get a reaction from her masseuse, and having huge tits restricts you from wearing cute fashionable clothes, just ask Mori or Noel, they mostly wears baggy clothes irl
Maybe she just have perky tits
If she really had amazing breasts she would have shown them off because girls can't help but show off they have huge tits, especially vtubers. She's lying and is completely flat.
Her even telling us about them in that situation was "showing them off" for her.
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Look at those motherly hips!
What really happened
>masseuse: where are your tits lol
>kronii: fucking BITCH
What song would she perform at Fes?
To generate artificial scarcity
Some Kpop shit probably
Was her massage story just kayfabe
What if Kaela addicts Kronii to that one phone game that drove pemaloe insane?
Kronii would never and should never play HoK
She has big tits for an asian woman which means having any tits at all
Kronii playing a MOBA is more of an impossibility than her unironically getting pregnant by Kaela IRL.
Nobody is telling me if the voicepack is good or not...I need to know if it's silly...
don't be silly, Kaela would be the one knocked up
Afk. I’ll let you know as soon as I buy it
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Manga Kronii when?
We got doujin Kronii
Kronii should get fatter and meaner
Also she should have access to a time machine. Also, any time Kronii isn't around all the other vtubers should be asking, "Where's Kronii?"
she would sing a nursery rhyme, it's her duty as a mother
All the more proof that she sees herself as a bird and not a snake
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Would it be rude to walk up to Kronii and slap her tits? Would she get mad?
Most people tend to avoid giving off the appearance they're retarded, so I guess that makes you the exception.
she would cum
Poor shillsis is suffering burnout and being down...
Wait a second is the birthday tag supposed to be like "go for it" or is it supposed to be "kro wait"
wait would make sense since the actual birthday stuff is getting delayed
if only iRyS was as good in bed as Kaela
Bae only has sex with Towa and Ina though
what does bae has to do with anything?
they replied to this? >>97234153
I thought they were saying IRyS should have sex with Bae like Kronii is with Kaela
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>>97234510 was an unrelated reply that brought up IRyS for no reason when this >>97234153 was presumably talking about Bae's members post
Milk would shoot out and ruin her shirt, so yes, she would be mad
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Who is Ela
Kaela is boring I never liked her collabs with Kronii!
Kaela is nice and I always like her collabs with Kronii!
who do i believe.....
Subtlety of a hammer.
Who is the hammer, who is the anvil?
Get your own opinion?
Either way would work desu
From accounts of ID members, Kaela is naturally beautiful
I bought it, so I'll let you know. Waiting for it to show up in my digital purchases
Pretty sure the amount of people who watch Ela /here/ can be counted with one hand otherwise it isn't really a surprise. Kronii doesn't really talk about it but Ela definitely considers Kronii to be one of her best friends and they even bonded over their fucked up jaws
>Have to make fes art and birthday art back to back
another reason why being a kronie is suffering
That's too bad
ok, finally got them in my digital downloads. There are 5 clips, fairly short. They are all cute / silly. All are about 10 seconds long

First one is her saying she will eat chips aggressively and then frantically looking for water
Second her lots of Kronii giggles
Third is her doing a wake up alarm. Good mouth noises
Fourth is her mocking your gym skills
Fifth is her giving you a notification noise for your phone
>Second her lots of Kronii giggles
Just got mine too and this one was my favorite. I'm going to die, her giggles are too cute...
I wonder if they're the same in Japanese
Giggles are better in EN but I think the JP wake up alarm is cuter than EN
Aww, that's not a lot at all, I was hoping there'd be more noises. I was looking forward to pimping out my Windows with funny Kronii sounds...thank you though.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ME6ozpwfgRE [Embed]
Wrong thread
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Kronii is still living rent free in there eh. Also, if we're posting JP clips, there's this one too tho I think the JP translatoronie got all of them for us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz7vypor94Y [Embed]
Bruh I don't even go to the gym, I'm tired of all this gym culture pervading my Kronii experience
Cool comment to read after coming back from the gym.
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I think Kronii should bully us more
Agreed, she needs to do lots more femdom teasing content with lots of push and pull, insulting us, praising us, insulting us, praising us, etc. Especially while having that sultry tone she does present in her voice. And playful teasing laughter at us. Stuff like that.
I just work out at home
I don't have space at home for that luxury.
I need Kronii NOW!!!
Kronii sleep
go back to sleep Kaela
Same. I need Kronii's tight pink Korean pussy wrapped around my cock RIGHT NOW. It needs to be riding and grinding and pumping up and down on my shaft milking out precum into her wet pussy to get mixed up with her pussy juice inside her and inside my urethra until she works up a sweat and drips sweat on my body.
Stop being weird
I really, really, want a collab with Sora.
it is not that hard to find how Kaela really looked, knowing her history as professional lol player and manager
she has told how it fucked up her digestive system when she consumed coffee to keep up with game
will they tell us when they tie the knot or keep it a secret?
Not only physically, if you have watched her yapping stream she is really sweet.
Isn't it illegal in Indonesia?
Kronii sex
way too sweet to point of being idiot not even noticing she was being bullied to shadow realm
she's not what i would call beautiful, but she's definitely cute as hell. if that distinction makes any sense.
I guess that is part of the reason Kronii likes her, she has said she loves ‘must protect’ women.
only in some parts where you get either flogged or prison, but other parts you just do not get protected by law when shit happens
some of those bullies are now her friends by the way and wery protective. she is literal anime protagonist
Iirc she got bullied by a salesperson into buying shit she didn't want at a mall once and then cried to her parents or something
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She is Honey & Clover's Hagu of Indonesia.
I bought the voicepack
not really sure what I'm supposed to do with these honestly besides like, the alarm
yes, i remember it was crappy cosmetics that ended up to her mamaelas stash, but papaela was frigging chad taking Kaela back in mall to see if scammer was still there and get Kaela to not be afraid of going there again
you play them on repeat with binaural headphones while edging intensely in order to rewire your brain to associate intense, mindmelting sexual pleasure with all variations and tones of her voice. When you finally finish and have a 20 second long spurting watery cummy orgasm you ideally cum over a printed picture/picture of her face on a tablet while her voice blares in her head (this is called a cum tribute, and it is an extremely powerful form of ritual sex magick).
Dawg you gotta chill
Everything is up to date atm though I will probably go back and add some additional snippets from Kronii to what other members have said for added context and information

Also, decided to keep track of the Arm Wrestling thing because why not. It'll be on the first page of the Kronii List all the way at the bottom

Here's a catbox for Kronii/Anya https://files.catbox.moe/pkz2hz.webm

>hololive Noises
- (EN) - $4.00
- (JP) - $4.00

Also, would you like me to continue posting Ela's tweets that mention Kronii? Some of you fucks are becoming annoying with your whining

Its not a weird stat to keep track of so if you remind me, I'll be happy to do it
It was a busy 24 hours, thanks for your work as always.
Why are you guys using kg? when it comes to gym stuff nobody is using kg, they'd use pounds. Same as Canadians would generally self report their weight in lbs and not kg.
If they lived together their opposing sleeping habits would drive each other crazy
It's not hard to convert a measurement unit today anon.
Excellent. Timesmith must be dissolved.
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Tism Meith
kino thanks bro
Kronii vs Ayame finals...
Didn't Kronii said she defeated Liz twice.
She did
Wtf am I looking at
We also know Kronii lost to Mori.
Its not an up to date chat but its only been a few hours since the stream
If you get an updated version, I'll gladly take it
1kg ≈ 2,2 pounds
also all major hololifting is done in kg per calli, raora, korone and others using it
When was that, I don't remember. But yeah, Mori is the most fit of EN by far.
always appreciate your work!
I haven't jerked off in two whole days, my libido is out of control. Please understand.
I don't think they have and if they did this trip, Mori is heavily nerf by illness and Kronii has poor gym reps
I really want to see a Kronii-Korone match...
you have a problem anon
Kronii has never actually gone against Mori in arm wrestling
Instant loss by Kronii, Korone is super fit, Kronii hasn't been doing her reps in a while.
that is latest that they had made in reddit it is from december and might be missing other older records. link is to make pic and list sources
Way back when they all were in a group at some other thing.
If you mean the EN concert last year, they didn't wrestle, they both said it.
Nope, they've never arm wrestled
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I wanna see Korone pin down Kronii
I don't think the dog is that big…
few sharp gut punches takes care of that
Talking about pinning down, Kronii should play Rumble Roses.
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What they should actually do is have an eating contest and see who taps out first
mogu mogu contest should be with Okayu
post tits
Same except you (post tits)
don't show your boobs, it would be a bad precedent for the thread
You will never see perfection whoronie
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(with dicks)
this anon is... facts

i could bag her if i really wanted....
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anon, the ads!
She wouldn't be the first one to post her tits, the precedent was established long ago
why though, like, you have access to google i mages...
Apparently anons here are incapable of opening a porn site.
Getting a candid picture of some mid tits from a female Kronie is hotter than looking at search results of generic porn breasts.

I know what I'm about.
ugh stop
why? it's not like im like, sending it to you speicifcally it would be me sending to to ANONYMOUIS, i wont do this its stupid
My feet stinks after the gym, but my hygiene is top notch, I don't understand.
It's just a genetic thing.
post feet
are you a doctor?
post pits
Kronii, don't stream, I'm sleepy again and I missed last night stream.
Just buy a foot powder
I'm a man.
post anyway
No, I don't want people to see my giant feet.
Post them or I'll post my infinitely worse pair
Do what you have to, I'm not showing my feet you weirdo.
Very well. I'll post them in this thread to not infect a fresh one.
This anon gets it, if there are femronies here, post tits.
Anon, just go to /soc/
Did Name come back or something
Anons are just horny I think
>Wanting random whores
>Not femkronie whores
Also who wants to navigate through all the dick picks?
whats name


whats so special
grems are getting more action than kronies are
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This will be up for 2 minutes.
that's because grem are action people, kronies are pure bark and no bite
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Cut those nails man
Anon, cut your nails, your poor socks.
I squirm, I struggle. Ergo, I am.
I will, I'm not that crazy yet. I just misplaced the tool.
boobs and dick aren't equivalent
He doesn't wear socks or shoes, otherwise the nails would naturally curl into the toes.

You can just use regular scissors
boobs don't deflate based on mood
why are only /inf/ and /gigi/ getting vocs?
Nosferatu is a Kronie!
Some anons do
but they do deflate or inflate depending on fat or hormone changes.
you don't pee from the boobs
There are no girls on the internet, so there is no burden of proof for the inverse
I wear socks and boots, the latter is just big enough to not make that happen.
I don't have a good pair of scissors either.
survivorship bias

inf? i do post vocas in gigi and ceci too! because i also like them!!!!!
>whats name
Ah you must be the Newronie. Name is a just a relic of the past
who were they...
But they pee from the vagina and people love those
boobs don't have vagina you dummy
Fanfic writer, clip maker, TimeRyS and KroFau shipper and totally not a man acting as female.
I'm not an expert but I don't think that's what that means
>He still thinks Name was a man
Cool it with the schizo theories
>he didn't get the Name VP
there are womnen they just dont say they are becuase of people like the ppl in this thread
Misspelling aside, that is true
who CARES about missspelling its late and im like, im busy...
Well, Kronii was a woman in an IRC chat somewhere at the start of the millennium, that is enough proof. A troll at that.
I'm an attack helicopter, but I don't mention because certain people will want my coordinates and there are some ground-to-air missile anons lurking on this board
>Kronii was a woman
Do you have any proof for this?
I need cute femronie... not the lesbian and menhera one
Kronii was a woman who could have been a mother to me
No, but she didn't have that big clock before 2021.
There are no straight femkronies
>the lesbian

lol is that what i am to u, you're not wrong... why do you want a 'femkronie''
>not menhera
>watches vtubers
pick one
Those are femhooman.
there are mtfemronies that arent lesbian if you are okay with it
Wadamama watches Kronii...
ERB's mom watches her too...
who is Liz mom anyway?
>ERB's mom watches her too...
Oh really?
He means watches ERB
Some random woman.
Her most recent mention is a Kiara + Liz karaoke. She was supposedly watching the stream when the former tried singing Motherlover.
her mom is her mom
Name shouldn't come back
who wouldn't want a GF who is similarly passionate for their niche and outlandish interest
nini kronies!!!!
Big if true
i want the end of the krofau fanfic tho...
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Speaking of mothers, a reminder that Nerissa used this art for the thumbnail for her mom's stream debut.
Krofau...ended, anon...
how does that even work?
Mumei is liking kromei posts again
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She also retweeted this, she is just horny anon.
Thanks for the update hooman
shes so me...
I love her fucking monkey ears. I want to suck on her big monkey ears while I go balls deep in her sloppy cunt and her titty sweat smears all over my chest.
Anon you haven't nutted in 2 days just bust already
Anon, you might need to take care of yourself
You know exactly what you meant and now I'm gripping my cock.
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Silly anons
>lesbian 6/10-sounding asian femkronie
My ideal wife DESU
So is any femronie going to post tits?
Otherwise I'm just going to look at Sinder's new nude model.
I like the animation where she's giving paizuri, completely engulfing the cock, and making the heart symbol with her fingers and when he (me) cums his cumshot shoots out the top of her cleavage and through her heart-fingers.

they already sent some to Kronii
Ela is with her, no need to send anything
that i would do... if she wanted only.. i'd do bad things
>Kro and Ela sharing lewds of femkronies and fempemaloes while in bed
you can improve the rating by posting tits

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