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Previous: >>96813863 →

>YT Channel
Main: https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki
Sub: https://twitter.com/fubuchandayo
>Do your reps!
>Shirakami Fubuki "Comfy Fox Inn" ASMR Voice Pack
>Buy: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/comfyfoxinn_asmrvoice
Translation: https://pastebin.com/uUJw7Fzh
>Hololive Gamers 3D Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIbjRU2Mo8I [Embed] [Open]
>Figure pre-order (Deadline: May 15th)
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I love Fubuki!
I know and I want one and name it Genshin.
Looks like she is already back today t
and might stream at 21. I guess she misspoke when she said she won't be back until tomorrow then or plans have changed.
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>>97212851 (OP)
What a cute fox.
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Frame in 10min

She doesn't remember her post saying she was going to play Minecraft at all, it was always going to be a MonHun frame
* Slaps her Fubutt
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She was very cute today!
>Sololive was one month ago
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Me on her legs
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It feels like it was not that long ago.....
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Concert vod ends today.
Food fight flends
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What did Mio draw?
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Good night, friends!
Sleep tight friend
>Hi friends
Not really sure what this is about but its fbk related so should be interesting at least!
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Interesting, she did the Suisei thing where she is the only one wearing a bathrobe while the rest of the members are wearing just a towel. I remember her talking about this exact scenario months ago but I don't remember the details
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I wonder why she chose a bathrobe, her normal outfit is more exposed than wearing a towel, even us are naked all the time.
I'm happy to see the Fubufeet, at least.
Double Fubump
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Good morning, friends!
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Stream today at 20
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qOB2hTvEX8 [Embed]
She wants to play for about two hours today to give herself and everyone else the opportunity to watch her Sololive one more time before the archive vanishes at midnight
Looks like Mamagitsune was visiting. Seems like she comes by on a regular basis, pretty nice.
I kinda miss when she posted on her sub-account non-stop about whatever came to her mind. It barely feels different from her main these days.
Good morning, friend!
I love the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, never thought Friend would play one of these. Good thing there's other ways to watch her Sololive archive before the Blue-ray release!
I'm really glad they got the Pokemon permissions after all this time. I loved the old Mystery Dungeons on the DS, this one is a remake of the first one, right? Is it as good as the old ones?
Unfortunately, I haven't played this one, so I don't know if it is as good as the original. I've played the GBA one, the DS ones and the Super Mystery Dungeon for the 3DS.
It's meant to be a remake of the GBA game. The art style is the main divisive point against it since the sprites were so well done in the GBA game and some don't like the shaders they used. Otherwise it's an MD game.
I got to say it's getting a little much... We just had the Sololive and Holofes and five figures of her were announced, then we got another three things today and there seems to be more to come. I'm not afraid to skip stuff I don't care about too much, but still.
She chose Pikachu with Skitty as her partner
Kind of disappointed it's not like the GBA where the questionnaire actually determines your pokemon.
It was like that but she chose to reroll, she got Eneko (Skitty?) herself first but switched to Pikachu.
I feel the choice kind of ruins it though. The whole point of the questionnaire is that you don't know who you'll get but you'll have to live with your choice because you're you not someone else.
Fair, I get where you are coming from. I usually rerolled until I got my favorites anyway in these games so I appreciate having the option to choose directly without looking up a guide.
Understandable. I'm not saying it ruins the game or anything, just a bit disappointing since the original mechanic was so unique.
I mean the mechanic is still there as long as you don't choose to reroll after the first time. I think if I were to replay it, I'd probably choose whatever Pokemon I get the first time too, it's a pretty neat mechanic.
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She's extra cute today. I really like her retro stream layout, too. This is going to be a fun stream series.
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Otsukon! Very fun stream. These games always had cute stories, pretty nostalgic.
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Impregnate this friend
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Good morning friends, a new dish has been added to the menu, spicy curry chicken
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I love you, Fubuki!
That's a lot of Fubuki events
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Servants, wake up!
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What is this about baseball uniforms for Holo and niji?
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Nobody knows, they only dropped these teaser images. I'm sure we will hear about it soon.
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Mio looks good in Friend's outfit, but the reverse isn't true imo. Like during that NY's medley swap.
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Funny, I always thought the opposite was the case. The red parts of Mio's hair clash too much with Fubuki's blue parts so it looks a little unnatural while Fubuki's white hair is neutral enough to work well with Mio's color scheme.
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I want a Mio hoodie
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You can have the hoodie if I get to keep the Fubuki
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I want official fubuki hoodie
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No. My hoodie and my Fubuki.
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My mother in law reposted this, what is he trying to imply?
Goodnight friends
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Good night, friends!
Sweet dreams friends
Good night, frieds!
Friend should be tied up and have her butt spanked!
Cute art
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Another one is coming out soon, it was announced that Fubuki is going to be included in Vol. 2 of this series:
I hope they base it on her actual Sukonbu hoodie. It's a shame it's only available in sizes M and L, that's probably pretty small considering it's Japanese sizes.
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Sex. More art of the black gyaru would be welcome because of the novelty of it.
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Good morning, friends!
Virtual On in an hour:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnhxVnLpGR0 [Embed]

Phasmo at 20:
good morning, friend!
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Hi friends! Divegrass in less than 12 hours. I've noticed a lack of Fubuki emotes. I'm looking for Fubuki and Sukonbu gifs. Any idea where to find a good collection?
This guy makes a shit-ton of Sukonbu gifs:
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Thanks, I probably won't get them in for today but I can imagine that some are very useful. No I need some cute Fubukis. We have tons of Mio emotes but almost nothing for Fubuki.
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Phasmo frame:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSGC9J5djVI [Embed]
Spooked phasmophox returns
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