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Where's the niji anime? Niji vidya? Niji metaverse?
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Guess it turned out that the Lie:Verse was a lie...
Nigger you can read in the pic that it's written novel and comic
holowitch disaster deflection thread
>>97217678 (OP)
Same thing that happened to hololive alternative
Sometimes I wonder if these scam projects that they invest in but never go anywhere beyond a few promotional materials are some sort of method of sending "legitimate" money to yakuzas.
But HoloAlt has still been releasing new chapter frequently by a reputable artist for years, with English translations too. Lie;verse would've been way more noticeable if it's the same.
>holo out of nowhere
Absolute mindbreak
>>97217678 (OP)
whatever happened to holozontal?
nah it's hasnt
It's still going strong, wdym?
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>>97217678 (OP)
>Lieverse was a lie
>>97217678 (OP)
Didn’t you ask this before?
>>97217678 (OP)
Already ended
Seems pretty frequent to me judging by release date
damn, nothing we can do to beat the "nu uh" strat, holobros
>Says the one with niji always on their mind

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