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Previous Thread: >>97211225 →
>>97218132 (OP)
I didn't know Pico was menhera...
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>>97218132 (OP)
Wife op.
>I didn't know Pico was menhera
>>97218132 (OP)
>Phase Connect
AI slop for the slop streamer
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bX8-8928lcM [Embed]
>>97218132 (OP)
Those picofams? All me.
Behead Pico for flashbang posts.
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I love Shiina!
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what a cute dork
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Would you listen to your oshi tell you about her day while holding your hand
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isle of lumi
yes, but she WILL be groped while this goes on and eventually get horny enough to stop yapping and smooch :3
yeah, why?
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Phasers are the best livers.
Just a thought experiment
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What dan carlin podcast should I listen to do some work for once
why do you want to know?
Good morning
I basically already do, the tard hands would be a nice novelty
I'm not sure I don't watch him. There's 72 of them so just pick a random one. Good luck with your work :)
What would you do if your oshi contacted you in private and confessed that she was romantically interested in you
Would you rape a phaser?
Wake up.
I'd literally have a heart attack
tell her "you are insane, we don't even know each other"
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All for Michiru!
I hear the build up to the pacific war was really good. thanks for the reminder, I need some less inane content
tell her to just send me the crypto scam already
No. If it's some kind of roleplay fetish sure
Assume it was a fake account catfishing me as we've barely spoken outside of chat and half of that was hostile.
Eurobros, now that the US economy is going to crash and burn, which of the burger Phasers will you buy as your sex slave?
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I'd be flattered by it and not know what to do, I'd probably stutter a bunch and start to cry
I want that very specific kind of bully sex where I spend all day pushing eimi around while she's horny but says no and end up fucking her brains out in a locker room where her spirit is broken and she's afraid we might get caught making her cum harder
I buy Muyu while you're all fighting over them
no, but courtesy groomimg lumi as a thank you for all of the content is a different story
heart attack
in the off chance its real, live the life ive dreamed about for years
I would need a strong female who could birth me healthy children for the upcoming war so none of them.
but my heart would probably most likely be beating really fast
check into the mental hospital because I have no oshi
i'll take Lumi as my wife, i have land and a house in the countryside, i also have chickens she can play with
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Anons help, I need more michi images>>97219195
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Drop everything and chase the dream.
I would tell her
"I'm flattered but I'm in no state to pursue a romantic relationship at the current time, I need to work on myself. However if you'd like to be friends that would be alright, but be aware that I'm pretty cautious about engaging with the streamers I watch beyond the scope of their streams. I feel like it has the potential to ruin my enjoyment of their content."
How much would it cost to buy Muyu or an equivalent SEA girl?
Disregard it because it's probably fake.
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>what if
>would you
>which phaser would
If she's calling me on the phone, I don't think I'd pick it up
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Bloody Nora, this blindsided the fuck out of me.
2 girls stuck in a starknight.
forgot to say, i also have a 100 square meter greenhouse that can provide her fresh salad almost all year round
It's not going to crash and burn relatively speaking because it will cause a global recession and the entertainment industry is notoriously recession resistant. I will buy the Intel dip and one or all of the tropical Phasers because they're reliant on tourism and organized crime.
>shonenslop meme
Read a real manga
The cost of a round trip plane ticket + a one way plane ticket.
I'd see where things go and she'd move in with me if things worked out
But she'd end up having to graduate at that point, I make more than enough money for the two of us and I'd be against her having people parasocial for her and I wouldn't want her to pull a Kana about it to her fans
I'm sick in bed so I don't have access to my image folder, but I came up with a great joke, /pcg/.
How do foot fetishists like their fruit?
By the foot!
I will only ever marry a pure European woman, but I'll take pick up Shiina as a maid to take care of the children and help around the house.
Pippa, by virtue of being extremely American, also has potential as some sort of court jester
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I wish Michiru would stream more
it's another ark arc
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Common Sense #250 - Fear The Automatons!
learn some stuff about north korea's military
satan stop being lazy
The (you) inflation has been unreal I've been farming 20+ (you)s each day just by low effort posting
Wow based have an up vote.
old ark streams were kino. a new ark arc would probably be more streamer server slop
Try again after she graduates
I'm watching her streams right now and I need her to not fuck that up
I average about 2 (you)'s per OC post. Very grim.
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autismos who missed on teenage love stuck daydreaming about their life are drawn like a moth to a flame to the would you post, like fishing with dynamite
Don't spend them all in one place
Pico glows in the dark.
FallenShadow Twitter post
tfw can't stop listening to purin's filipino girls
Is filipino girls a california girls parody?
God hates some people
PhSaE cOnNeCt?
would you
>miss out on teenage love
>gain introspection, shitpost as much as you want
>get to watch your oshi every day
>get 1 or 2 gfs in your teens
>married at 24 with a kid that doesn't look like you
>lost 50% of your wealth and income in the divorce
>get to watch your oshi every day
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I'll take whatever I can get
Would you
>blogpost on 4chan
>blogpost on 4chan but in the online anime girl larp discussion forum
Out to buy milk and cigarettes.
>shitpost as much as you want
My gripe is you guys don't really shitpost as much as you used to, it's mostly whiny lonely shit and sexual fantasies now
you're getting old an-non
sokay I like you farming me, I'm a narcissist
>ohhhhh, shadowmama don't put your mouth there! Aueeeeeooooo shadowmama, thats so dirty ohhh shadowmama!
Cute l, based, and occasionally funny.
I've given Shondo a lot of shit here but shitposting about someone's mother dying crosses the line into evil.
Would you give your oshi a (you) if she asked?
Only if it was the Pippa.
Sorry. I missed.
What is the standard quality of shitpost you would like to see, anon?
I think you're right that my shitposting has become stale, weak and creatively bankrupt but I should aspire to meet a higher standard to set a better example. This general need not become exclusively "would you" followed by "I would" posts that get no replies.
the last time pippa gave me a mean look i ended up exploding in my pants with out her even so much as touching it.
Wait her MOM died? Holy fuck that's horrible
Its great that you feel empathy, but in this case its for someone who has repeatedly lied about her life situation for content and who has said far worse about less deserving people, again, for content.
Hina is probably working so hard on her comeback stream rn
Bo Bina
Bitch probably working at Abercrombie or some shit.
Doesn't mean you have to be bad too. Give people time to grieve the dead.
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I know nothing about her but yeah, this isn't something to joke about...
You spend too much time in the catalog
Jelly is probably thinking about leaving Phase right?
Likely suicide. Unfortunately, you can't really stop someone who is determined to off themselves. Can't watch them 24/7.
Sorry Mr President, but it wouldn't work out.
I am, by anti'ing her for being off topic in the /pcg/ thread. She was officially disqualified as a phase friend almost 6 months ago. She is BAT tier, and continuing to post her in /pcg/ will only spawn more disagreeable sentiment.
Husband application streams take some planning.
Get a life nigga talk to people irl nigga
What the fuck.
I didn't watch her much but her mom sounded really young too, that's awful man.
How did her mom die, jesus christ? Was this out of the blue??
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Buy a plane ticket.
Jesus. I can't even bring myself to Lumipost this time. Hope this doesn't throw her into a downward spiral and that she has enough of a support system to prevent it.
oh boy..
>officially disqualified as a phase friend
You really spend too much time in this board
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Mega grim :(
Based. /pcg/ should take notes.
Not while DIzzy and Lumi are still around.
I really wish punctuation wasn't optional. It makes your sentences come off as childish, obnoxious.
Go grief post in the /shon/ thread.
>Hina finally recovers after mourning dead parent for months
>God immediately proceeds to smite Shondo's family
No happiness allowed.
What was she upset about? I sent her a meme to show my support. In the small chance she might see it. She usually starts streaming just as I go to bed.
lmao this nigga big mad bruh :skull:
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... Poland?
lil bro crashing out :skull: :skull: :ToT:
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Same. Felt like she's been a little extra bitchy lately, as much as I was put off by her recent behavior, I didn't hate her. I have her fumo for God's sake, and it's not like real friends and loved ones can't be extra bitchy at times either. And no matter how much I was put off, I certainly didn't want her or her mama to suffer like that. I'd just stop dropping by to watch rather than wish death upon on her. Hope her friends are staying in touch. Don't need this spiraling any more outta control, for her sake.
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Hoochie mama I love Runie!
No one knows, she might mention it when she does a solo stream.
>Poking fun at a chuuba's dead relative
>Types like a catalog regular
>Thinks he has authority in the thread to decide who should be posted
>Gets angry when people don't type the way he wants
This has to be the most pathetic poster I have seen in this thread. Even Flakes or Henri would be seen as a prime male next to this guy
It was me, Barry. I told Shondos mom to kill herself and she actually did it. The madlad.
isn't this the girl that went full schizo about managers and shit the other day
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>the other day
Images of posts on Twitter are sometimes very old.
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I was talking about Jelly.
Calm down, man
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God i'm so fucking horny for Erina right now
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I hate footfags with an ardent passion.
i only like clean well taken care of good looking feet
but i understand
Agreed. Women should have their feet surgically removed and replaced with additional hands.
You don't hate them enough.
Not phase I don't care.
Did p_u_p_i draw this befkre xhe had a stroke
Looks like you had a stroke just now pupi
Catalog monkey detected.
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How do images like this make you feel? Be honest.
It makes me feel bad
yeah, posting randos that have nothing to do with phase in the phase general is a dead giveaway
Phase friend Nekrolina is streaming again I guess she's not phasing in as an invader then
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I cared more about Nimi's cat than Shondo's mother kicking the bucket.
You will die in your sleep
Never watched her and never will I watch phase girls and that's that. To bad so sad people die.
i guess no word tonight
At least it's not the fucking foot burger meme. I like feet too, but I like them as much as I do many other parts of a woman's body. What I don't like and don't understand is needing to have feet being put into bizarre scenarios like that. I also don't understand artwork that has feet take like 75% or more of the composition and be hyper detailed compared to the rest of the work, but the weird scenario thing is much more egregious .
that was the alternate art to the foot burger meme
i very much prefer this alternate art to that one
Something bad will happen to anyone reading this post
replying to this post will lift the curse
>At least it's not the fucking foot burger meme.
In is...
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>Thinking it's real
I didn't see anything *walks away*
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REPO collab pt 2 on Sunday night, same time as last time
Please drawfags & commissionfags, get more porn of phase girls like this made.
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The heart is on the wrong side.
sorry I didnt know this was facebook
Better than Pooland
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fixed it for you
No problem, kiddo! Just don't make that mistake in the future!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPG1i6-GZhQ [Embed]
Why won't Sakana let Clara stream on b2?
why is Clara even in JP?
doesn't she have two younger siblings? that's insane.
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What is the point of all this she's been sitting out there for some time now
Clara why
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Can an anon who got the muyu birthday merch tell me how big the package was? It's FINALLY here but I have to got OUTSIDE to get it now so it's stressing me out
She wants to make money to gamble with and also wait for people to talk to
Is Pippa actively trying to be unlikeable?
Sakana needed a free translator.
Haha guys isn't it funny? Clara wants to fuck Loki haha isn't that hilarious?
God got the wrong one.
She really can't catch a break.

Shondo has always been highly critical of corpos, managers and mods - for good reason. Assuming you don't watch her at all and have no grasp of her, Shondo isn't a minor or obscure chuuba. She has a very high CCV, legions of fans and is incredibly funny. She's one of the pillars of vtubing, with no exaggeration. If you use twitter and see the amount of people expressing their condolences and support, well those aren't just random folks who do it out of basic courtesy. Shondo is a legendary chuuba.

She's been supporting her family and thus mother with her vtubing so this must be quite a blow for her.
Because Saya took her spot in Gen3.
Which is a shame in more ways than one because JP being a different head manager means less strict social media discipline.
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All you asked for was streams. Nobody ever said they had to be streams of any redeemable quality.
she's just built that way
Subtle antibait
in my coomer years I carried a 28x18x14 30lbs package 4 miles and survived, you'll be fine
pretty sure she said she wanted to be in the JP gen
Is Lumi actively trying to be unlikeable?
>Because Saya took her spot in Gen3
nah Dizzy said gen 3 was just supposed to be a tsunderia gen before her and ember said thery wanted to be invaders instead
Clara just pushed really hard to be in a JP gen
I want to carry Muyu on my shoulders
Lumi is a sly fox of a woman. Pippa is too young to be this cunning.
>wants to be in a JP gen
>barely makes an attempt to stream in Japanese
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Thanks, I'll trying my best to not get arrested
it's clara we're talking about, if she can be a white woman about something she will
she wants to be ninja
she was 100% japanese for like 3-4 months until she realized 90% of her viewers were amerimutts
She seems very sweet offstream, with all the stories we got from Offkai.
1) She needed a job to keep staying in Japan and was a good hire in theory (Can sing. Can rig live2d. Can speak and translate JP. Has experience with vtubing in Japan and in Japan's entertainment industry in general.)
2) the strat with her, I think, is that she'd act as a bridge between the branches (and with management, a better Iori and Tenma, if you will) as well as a literal "main showgirl" to siphon a bit of viewership from EN to JP and boost overall JP numbers and put Phase's name on the map in Japan, and thus boosting other JP girls in terms of JP viewership as well (rising water floats all boats, like with Pippa). Whether that's worked or not, IDK (the increase in JP viewership could also come from a) Pico's networking b) Loki and Yuu's grindings c) Kaleido's existing viewer base from their PLs).
Pippa is cute and funny
stop posting about yourself
Hime twitter space. Listen
Pippa is a textbook tsundere. Will call you a baka but then do nice things for you.
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>drops each new game she starts
>short streams once or twice a week unless it's streamer server slop
>tweets even less than she used to
Tgs rust 1 was over a year ago. Over a year of this
https://youtu.be/k0KMYVJRaBY [Embed]
Except her chocolate sucks and I will pretend to like it.
She'd be perfect if not for her insane political takes.
Do you still enjoy watching her?
>Will call you a baka
that's textbook omega cringe
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>she wants to be ninja
Has she covered this song?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jDHRW6fngg [Embed]
>insane political takes.
I somehow missed all of them, example?
>cringe a weeb vernacular
Fuck off tourist.
Cute cringe though
I do feel like she's been trying to kill her own hype.
how autistic are you, do you take everything literary?
She will float at around 1.2-1.5k but those are real fans that like her.
I think she said so herself. Which is stupid, she is like all american zoomers, pays too much attention to social media fluff instead of just doing what she is doing well.
she could easily be bigger, but she doesn't like that
I'm gonna say it Michiru is the worst streamer of the JP girls
Clara doesn't even stream in Japanese
Didn't mean to hurt you, just saying I think it's cringe bro
anymore because japanese people don't watch her
Fucking hell. I guess this was coming, given recent events, but still...
She never tried.
Cause she's a bad JP streamer the worst in Phase actually.
she was streaming only in japanese for a couple months.
The vods are right there anon.
she has like one or two jp viewers doesn't she
As a former Michiru bro, I have to agree. It really looks like she's been self-sabotaging so hard ever since the RP stuff started last year.
where did Clara hurt you? do you want us to curse at her too?
What did Damichi do to you?
I don't consider her a JP girl
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As Vice-Prime what will her first action be?

force us to say thank you after every kindmi stream
open investigation of Fixmi kidnapping.
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What terrible news to wake up to. It's hard enough dealing with sort of thing when you're mostly normal, but Shondo has problems of her own and they will make this time much harder.
Filbert invader when?!
Kindmi is boring and fake
play boring gta rp for weeks, right after playing boring rdd rp for weeks
do you guys actually watch vtubers? I treat them like radio most of the time, help me not to think aobut real stuff
wen new invaders
The character death happened on screen
Fixmi gumi, I'm sorry.
Little bro simping for a platform :cry:
She just doesn't care. The foundation of her personality is that she does what she wants when she wants for however long she wants. It's the best and worst thing about her
you’re boring
she clearly was beamed out! somebody startreked her!
as boring as rdd rp and gta rp yeah
i do this
i dont care what game they play or their model as long as voice is nice and they are good yapper
lil bro fumbled so hard baka :skull: :skull:
Nta but are you really gonna try to say hours of GTA and RDR rp is good content?
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Pippa deserves a stud.
Hime space
just noticed now did she mention if she got her stuff back?
Gen 4 next year probably
I tried listening to the hime space but shes talking about periods while sleeping naked and almost puked my brekkie.
my bet end of April, since it's a symbolic month in JP
Hime is pregnant...
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Clara is a Japanese girl as Japan is a melting pot built by immigrants.
I can fix himes period
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All JP invaders trust
I've been thinking, are men who are strongly disgusted by periods gay? I'm neutral about it my whole life.
she should do a i want to be neenja the movie watch along with Lumi
increasing the aoc
[Hime News]
she chipped her nail
I can only assume you've never had a gf if it grosses you out that much
Clara is like that one blonde stereotype american from anime. Like the one from zom 100 or similar.
Everyone talks about "Sakanas idol dream" but what about "Anon's raping Pippa dream"?????
Hime is more japanese than clara
Hime's nip is infinitely worse than Clara's
feel like an actual job
shitty chores that force you to stay engaged
they both have only one? what happened
shut up clara
correct, if you're not farming gamer gussy then you should quit asap
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>damn you trap for low iq people I keep falling into!
Hime and clara are on the hunt for older men
I'm sure she'll end up with someone nice eventually
Big juicy Filipina titties
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky00Tb3T_MA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky00Tb3T_MA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky00Tb3T_MA [Embed]
will she be on time today?
sex starved anon
Flat tasty Filipino chest
you called?
Yeah, me.
Cwawa wape
damn looks like a full house here
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Yeah, me
Flat tasty Mexican chest
my one and only is getting cured of her depression... she no longer traumadumps in gfe twitter spaces... she no longer hides in members only streams...
Guess you're with the border patrol
Yes, but will she accept this boon?
She's already sabotaging her streaming >>97224085 you think she's not going to try and sabotage her love life if any?
Yabbit needs some serious counseling.
They're gonna film a JAV together.
we can take turns correcting her
god I wish
she hates me now... i need her cuddle in bed spaces ...
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wemi late blue archive

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL0tvDze314 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL0tvDze314 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL0tvDze314 [Embed]
don't joke about it, i want your help fr
and you doubted my dick would fix her...
I have to get something off my chest /pcg/. Hikki girls scare me. I don’t want to date one
I'll date them don't worry.
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Time to log in for another long workday of cuckposting, rratposting, noticeposting, blogposting, ligposting, avatarposting, gayposting, politicsposting, doxposting, femanonposting, catalogposting, holoposting, fanbasewarposting, and numberposting.
Is he dead?
they don't exist outside japan anon don't worry
You forgot newsposting and niniposting
RRATS on why is Lumi late yet again?
thanks for stating the obvious
That himekiss was literally all for me
That's right. I ninipost until I collect at least 4 (You)s
she hates us
she hates me specifically
wemi is clogging up the schedule with these missed streams
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That's vile and inhuman. Anons are supposed to ninipost once and go to sleep
i have never niniposted in my life. It's attention whore behaviour
What does Panko Manko actually mean?
I think she forgot about daylight savings...
She knows I'm in chat today
Breadcrumb pussy
breadcrumbs pussy
It means she's a whore
Pussy breadcrumbs
it's japanese for breadcrumbs pussy
breadcrumb pussys
nyotaimori RP stream when?
Panko Manko means Panko Manko.
>jelly not replying to wemi dms
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She's swinging...
vtsister coded post
she's still mad about the fagknights thing
She HATES her
She LOVES her
Wemi news: Hipster weebs can suck her buthole!
How is it Wemi's fault that everyone who watches Jelly is a homosexual?
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and fat
Who in their right mind would want to talk to Remi?
Fatknights let Jelly get hurt.
Capipis will protect her now.
Wemi slapped Jelly in front of Sakana
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Cha d'fhuaireadh dad
Does your family know you're gay?
Gwuys I'm wowwied about Wumi ~(>_<。)\
this is the most boring loop possible
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shut up
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bluestacks more like bluescreen amirite
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It's time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PslSy8-de_Q [Embed]
Does your family know you're a pedophile?
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>no sound
fuck you
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I made a delicious tuna penne pasta with vodka sauce, I'm still impressed that I made it so good.

But enough about me, anything happened? I saw the news about shondo's mom though, RIP to her and I hope shondo is doing okay
why penis
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yeah they know i'm a normal straight male
name the loop
Her viewers like futa.
I don't think this is a mintard
You're pushing your own fabricated rrat here because you're a sleazy piece of shit.
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Finally got back to my PC. Memorybaker who wronged me the other day, you will regret this.
Mint sux!
NTA but here ya go https://files.catbox.moe/bgkhdn.webm
not going through the effort of making a soundpost
it's been 3 days and nothing
so glad she's back wew
>I hate when women simp for Hasan
Phase friend Menace
You again?
Loin cloth to cover her clearly female genitalia.

No, you and that anon like it. Fake fans. Go chase after Zentraya whatever his name is.
Wanting to fuck kids isn't normal
Fresh lemon bread
>>97226705 →
>>97226705 →
>>97226705 →
Mint sucks me and I suck on her. There, I said it.
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>i strongly disagree
every time
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Perceive Her radiance.
Illuminate one and all in Her splendor.
Captivate those with Her light.
Obey only Her brilliance.

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nta but no

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