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>>97220520 (OP)
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Hololive sites

Twitch sites
ennanigger is really upset today. all those bots and nijiEN still lost to part 2 of Shiori playing a game from 2011.
Not the indog thread
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>>97220496 →
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>>97220520 (OP)
>64,057: Subaru (Hololive)
>55,014: Miko (Hololive)
>42,047: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>34,866: Pekora (Hololive)
>26,147: Miko (Hololive)
>24,377: Okayu (Hololive)
>22,126: AZKi (Hololive)
>19,115: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>17,559: Shiina (Nijisanji)
>16,846: Koyori (Hololive)
>16,520: Vivi (Hololive)
>15,203: Patra (Indie)
>14,382: Korone (Hololive)
>13,953: Nose (VSPO)
>13,830: Shion (Hololive)
>11,985: Sho (Nijisanji)
>11,702: Matsuri (Hololive)
>11,398: Botan (Hololive)
>11,344: Speciale (Nijisanji)
>11,297: Hinano (VSPO)
>11,018: Moka (VSPO)
>11,010: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>10,719: Raora (Hololive)
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>>97220520 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbCnt-iEkM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbCnt-iEkM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbCnt-iEkM [Embed]
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>>97220520 (OP)
>03/11 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999) | [14 entries]
4.982: Elira (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
4.687: Wilson (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
4.430: Luca (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
3.820: Uki (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
3.162: Shu (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
1.960: Sonny (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
1.595: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.527: Alban (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
1.315: Enna (Nijisanji) | Undertale
1.291: Meloco (Nijisanji) | Song Live Recording Stream
1.209: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | R.E.P.O w/ Clara, Runie, Uruka
1.176: Dizzy (Phase-Connect) | Make Good Choices
1.144: Lumi (Phase-Connect) | Minecraft
1.093: Bettel (Holostars) | Week in Review
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kiara joking about en5 so casually just proves that en5 is not happening this year
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>>97220520 (OP)
>3/11 TALLY:
10,719: Raora (Hololive) | Eating EU Snacks Offcollab w/ Kiara
8,744: Shiori (Hololive) | Portal 2
7,571: Vox (Nijisanji) | Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted
6,623: IRyS (Hololive) | Post-Fes Talk
5,431: Maria (Nijisanji) | Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted

1) Bijou (Hololive) - 16,359 - Monster Hunter Wilds w/ Gigi, Ina, Raora
2) Hololive English (Hololive) - 13,872 - HoloEN Spring Party w/ Cecilia, Ina, IRyS, Kiara
3) Ina (Hololive) - 16,923 - Monster Hunter Wilds
4) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 14,925 - Holo8
5) Ina (Hololive) - 12,421 - Monster Hunter Wilds
6) Bijou (Hololive) - 14,054 - Handcam Offcollab w/ Cecilia
7) IRyS (Hololive) - 14,718 - Birthday Karaoke + Announcement
8) Wilson (Nijisanji) - 13,200 - Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted
9) Maria (Nijisanji) - 13,144 - Cooking Simulator
10) Bijou (Hololive) - 19,622 - Monster Hunter Wilds & Post-Fes Talk
11) Raora (Hololive) - 10,719 - Eating EU Snacks Offcollab w/ Kiara

9x: Hololive
2x: Nijisanji

3x: Bijou
2x: Ina
1x: FuwaMoco, Hololive EN, IRyS, Maria, Raora, Wilson

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
21p: Bijou
13p: Wilson
11p: Ina
9p: IRyS
8p: Kiara
7p: Cecilia
5p: FuwaMoco, Hololive EN, Maria, Raora
4p: Vox
3p: Shiori
1p: Baelz, Elira, Nerissa
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See this is the difference between NijiEN and HoloEN
HoloEN raiders spam nonsense after a raid and makes the raidee super uncomfortable
NijiEN raiders don't say a word and so as to not disrupt the comfy environment for the ones that were already watching
It's called RESPECT
uhh why did you crop out the other person?
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>>97220520 (OP)
Is it wrong to find her sexy?
btw. Genshit canceled a seiyuu appearance on their game because he offended chinks for some reason. not the first time they did this btw.
Justice flopped. Cover is sidelining EN like they did after Council flopped. Don't expect any concert for EN this year either after the abysmal performance of Breaking Dimensions.
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Why is Wilson in the cope tally? I thought he was now the algorithms chosen warrior?
ya they're so respectful that they also leave to not ruin the vibes of the stream
nta but it ruins the reaction picrel, kronii alone is just
while with kaela it gains context and becomes
>time smith
If there is one person they would make sure didn't know in advance it would be her.
>canceled a male's appearance
based chinks
nijiEN raiders also leave the stream they get sent to at a perfectly uniform pace.
Holy shit
Were getting Cover USA 1st Gen ran by Cover and UMG
>bae watches mea
>mea fucks roberto
Is bae a cuck?
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Ok but seriously, aren't Pekora's numbers still much lower than usual? Even if you wanna say Shion lost the graduation buff, you'd think there'd still be a bit of buff since its a Shion collab in the end, its not like a Matsuri or Aki collab. How could Pekora not reach at least 30k?
No she's a shipper
>meanwhile takahiro sakurai cheating on his wife is totally fine and acceptable, he continues receiving roles like nothing happened
Oh shit, RIP
That chat speed graph doesn't look too bad until you see the scale
Shondo suffers the most.
that's probably not gonna be very good for her mental...
Shippers are just cucks with a story arc
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see picrel
So a cuck who self-inserts themselves
Is she copying Nimi's tactic?
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Went to check the spring acrylics in Akiba Kotobukiya around 6PM. Asked about the others and the staff said they were all sold out except for the ones currently out. There are around 5-6 acrylics per stack
To be fair, Sakurai kind of got overshadowed by the Furuyabortion thing.
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No she wants them to get married and have children and send her the wedding photos so she can die from cumming that her ship sailed. Such is the life of a shipper.
fallen shadow, it's an indie
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What's that?
nta but I like watching mousey x connor but I feel nothing romantic about mouse.
What kinda fucked up life must you have to reply to a message about someone's mom dying this way? We're you just not hugged enough as a child or what?
this must be embarrassing for kiara. Being a member of myth and all
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Where are all the viewers?
Too many overlapping monhun streams, like 150k on monhun alone, and ShubaMiko is the bigger tourist draw
SC reading.
Next angle
I forgot that Scarle rarely raids because her audience is so separate from the rest of the Niji audience
Does anyone actually watch her?
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Vshojo fans are whipped cucks, we know.
I watch holo to be happy, not sad.
Unironically tired of being sad for a graduating member for the last 8 months
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Sweet sweet karma.
she averages i think around /big/ level so she's pretty high in the indie scene
it got restocked
Once Shion reincarnates after saying she's quitting hololive because vtubing isn't a real job, you probably won't feel sad about graduations ever again.
>anycolor up 10%+ on aftermarkets
What the fuck happened? did the announce a TCG card too?
I wouldn't be spending my time here if I was normal
>raid bleed all bumpy
>raid bleed smooth like a baby
>pretty high in the indie scene
So basically the answer is no? Why would anyone care then?
>Biboo acknowledged the boys BTS
My respect for this girl just increases day by day. She is literally flawless and to think it was the 'loli' too. I am sorry Biboo
>no wilson
>no view
Happened a week or so ago, sizeable restock apparently. Quite a few things of hers got restocked
Cover recouping some of their losses from the 3 years they wasted on that grifter. Nice.
The financial report notably outperformed investors expectations
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Yes, because that "bleed" is over a four-hour period.
Sweet karma. Fucking retarded whore deserved this for taking Fauna away. Rot in hell, bitch.
>can restock the plushies
>can't make a nendoroid though
Lmao Cover is actually seething
If Cover does well, Cover and Anycolor go up.

If Cover goes bad, Cover and Anycolor go down.

Investors do not treat them as competitors but practically as branches of the same company.
Your oshi is having a bad day. Go comfort her and stop posting this shit.
nijisis no one is falling for it...
Yeah it's botted as fuck.
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This nigga says hes sad
You're trying way too hard to fit in.
its funny really, Anycolor beats expectations and rises 10%, Cover beats expectations and drops 20%.
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The vast majority of their raids are like this btw
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Miss her?
Pekowhoreleech has always been a shitter. Miko is the only protagonist of Hololive. Pekowhoreleech didn't even go to the expo venue and stayed at home the whole weekend.
Did her mom commit a hero or was it from sickness?
Sorry sister but that raid bleed pattern is unnatural. A bleed that smooth is impossible.
Ren had a 3D debut?
>nijien abyssmal quarter today
Roru nijisanji deflection
Does anyone? If she wasn't close to Ame, no one would be talking about her.
Yea she was really cute in her collabs with Axel
Cry harder, /lig/ger faggot.
maybe she (mother) did it, she was heavily menhera too
Ewww botted stream.
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moom is back home
To be fair it's probably view farms rather then bots
Her mother had tried to kill herself once and barely survived, it seems like she tried again but this time there was no one to stop her.

She was sick and in constant pain, hopefully she can now rest in peace.
Thank God, she can finally go back to streaming
>t. Lignigger caught posting another indie during seeth.
>we got a few plushies in stock
>burn them all
They need to empty those stocks somehow which is different than making a nendo from 0.
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Makes sense, I would probably do the same if my daughter was some dogshit indie grifter whore
Grow up
Blue leeching whore pekora needs to leech on her mom once again to revive her reclining numbers
currently 1633 in stock
I mean the 95% raid transfer is already unnatural enough lmao
that's not even a holo vs niji thing
there's just no reality in which a normal youtube redirect works that well
Raid slides are so 2 days ago...
Post raid with godly retentions!
World's most expensive toilet paper
noun [ U ] mainly US informal: ways of getting money dishonestly that involve tricking someone

How did she trick you? By acting like you weren't mentally retarded?
>go back to streaming
You mean go back to NOT streaming like she's been doing for the past few months?
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Yes that was the joke anon thanks for noticing
you are genuinely retarded
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pls consider
learn to drop hate
invest in a smile
love will come
maybe you will like it
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Good morning /#/. I love Jelly!
This must be a ligger, they are known to be retarded.
Complete and utter ligger meltdown
Nijisisters' IQ is below the 2 digits.
American culture is different from your weeb self insert culture
>Her mother had tried to kill herself once and barely survived
did you see it happen? how do you know
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goo morning
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soo is she okay?
How did Anya's 3D do compared to the other IDs?
she said it in her discord, maybe even on xitter iirc
Are you now going to shit up the catalog posting "LOOK, HOLOFANS ARE SUPER EVIL, LOOK HOW THEY LAUGH AT SHONDOMAMA'S DEATH"

Aren't you?
Hope she finds her
Why do you know what these shitters are saying on discord
>kuzuha 39k
>Pekora 25k
got posted in here several times around the michael era
Was. My oshi is CC now.
What? Would anyone be bothered by me making fun of a retarded trashy whore? Maybe her 3 fans I guess?
He's a subhuman troon
What did you expect?
Botted stream like Mikhoe
I think she'll be fine. Honestly think a break might help her since you could tell that she had been a little out of it for the past couple of months.
I’m an ironic weeb
>admitting that you will shit up the catalog

Kill yourself
Raora is streaming btw
>okayu 35k
>Pekora 25k
>>>bvtm trooncord
>Streaming at 9:26 AM EST

People are working or studying, for fuck's sake. She is wasting the Monster Hunter buff on nothing!
Another kind reminder that God is a holofag
lmao. if they know those are bots, supposedly from an 3rd party, they definitely should not be raiding them into their other streamers and risking getting them in trouble too
American culture is centered around...
guys raora is streaming too..
Botted stream like the leeching whore
It's more like Hologirls don't reveal nearly as much on their social media, they have probably seen some wacky shit on their lives.
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>Mumei didn't bother getting a work visa because she only went to Japan to hang out with the girls one last time
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idk who's willing to buy something like this tbf
still trying to post lies lol
It's too late. YT will never crack down on bots but if they did those channels would be all infected.
>suisei 53k
>Pekora 25k
>ligger projection
I watch Justice
Nice try, falsefag, no one watches Justice.
uh oh it got mad again when you started talking about niji kek
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if you are asking for 6.6k then it isnt worth 9.4k now is it
>no stream
Bijou's washed
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>subaru 46k
>Pekora 25k
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>NijiIN is decomposed
IDK, why was that one small corpo making talents pay $10k to keep their IP when the company went bust? Were they gonna find another buyer? Like imagine trying to debut with an identity that got yoinked from someone else
Migo and Shuba has the same brain KEK
>This place is full of shitposters
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Ela humblebragging
>place 37k
>Pekora 25k
First time?
>Altare tattoo on my body

Are you fucking kidding me
The indie sphere continues to surprise me with how fucked it is
>Were they gonna find another buyer
no I don't think they were, they were simply following their contracts. The ip would have been "archived" unless the talents themselves bought it.
iirc their latest gen didn't even have to buy it because it was already theirs (? I might be wrong on this)
>1 pagi samefagging
>Altare tattoo
People like this deserve the graduation
Oh no.... did he just sentence blue homo to death?
This is gonna age so bad in a couple of months.
kaela peaced the fuck out of Japan as soon as she could to get away from getting dragged to homo shit with the rest of ID



these are some dogshit 4 views bots compare to nijiJP civil war
what is the purpose of this?
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You gotta sell all your assets if you have debt and vtuber companies only have the IP as an asset.
members post
It’s the newfag in #s who has to keep reminding everyone he’s a newfag
Holy fucking kek
They never learn kek
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>holoparade bans Jun's name
What the fuck is wrong them??
>Wawa acrylic stands at kotobukiya.. are left plentiful... pls... adopt my acrylic stands...
>I can't quit
>doesn't even do a farewell stream
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No Nijibrowns Gold?
>Anya 28k
>Pekora 25k
Its actually baffling they didnt make the nendo, unless fauna didnt want it, literally everyone else did
2 australians 1 canadian and one flip
He didn't quit, it's you who quit. He's still streaming and doing art for Nimi.
>don’t worry Kiara they are getting restocked daily
Kfp cope is delicious
Okay, kekson.
Caspurr is so bitter and angry that it's no surprise that anyone that watched him ended up quitting.
>spending a bunch of time designing new merch for a graduated member
Are you dumb? There was no way the nendo production was going to continue past her graduation, it's completely different from restocking existing merch
this thread used to post more about numbers but now it's more about homos, drama, etc
and it will never be the same as before
Moom... please go visit your wife...
Fucking BASED
I always mix the up, those two are the same for me
can't remember which one is the drama orc and which one is the runtiest cat boy (gay)
yeah but who determines the price?
>shit on hololive
>leech on holo game
To be fair hey were restocking it fast before fes.
Nendo doesn't actually want to make them for shitters. They dragged their feet forever on Kiara and literally only greenlit Promise because Fuwamoco weren't allowed to skip their seniors in the greenlighting process (the order Nendos get greenlit and actually released have no connection). Mel never got one because Nendo dragged its feet long enough she got terminated.
TBF that might be the last stock left
means she sold alot but not as many as other girls
She literally just came back from visiting her in Japan
uh oh more peko bait soon
RIP if true
I will now buy your indie slop
Big if
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They all Kneel at the end
Now you remember why shes doing karaoke at 2am last year
Shes probably the first one to know fauna is leaving
Aquacrews looks like this?
Being willing to go to Japan to hang out is somehow a bad sign but not the fact that all the other graduate prospects aren't even willing to go at all?
Imagine your oshi getting passed up for this lmao
Kronii is in indonesia
So that's why the usual jp shit stirrers didn't flame aqua's graduation
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Bot broke?
They are supposed to look like femboys
Dosent he have prostitutes to fuck? did he lose all his money why is he leeching?
Based developer
Give her the EN5 spot YAGOO
Estimators? I don’t really know how liquidation works. Generally they have to price things in good faith (to the debtors) or they’ll get in legal trouble, so no giving away the models for $5.
yeah. he lost to the Gura/Raora trickshot simulator collab too.
There is no single person in this world that would fall the vibe check worse than Shondo.

Mori, Fubuki and Kaela would look at her for less than a second and they would send her home.
I didn't want to know this parasite was a acquacrew.
Why there ID doxx on the last thread?
shitcord is upset today
yout headcanon is not real anon
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the first Hololive nendo was Matsuri, the shitter of Gen 1. they also skipped over Sora, who should be getting dibs on it.
Raora hit the 2nd trickshot really fast
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Chu chu
Does anyone have a link to stage 2 vods? Im trying to rewatch it and i cant really use nyaa at the moment.
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what a fucking ugly monke, get fucked retard
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>please hire western michael cat
Fuck no
GSC's production pipeline has always been fucked. It can take up to 3 years for a nendo to be finalized.
Rather have her than ERB or GG
kys shondonigger
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Too easy
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never believing this bitch
lol, nigger
you are clinically insane, almost as much as her
Neuro won btw
Nice try shondo. Aren't you supposed to be mourning?
sometimes saying you like niji is all you need to become popular at school in japan
>Patra playing X8
It's a shame that game has so many stupid gimmicks on the stages. Mechanically, it's one of the best in the series.
>And they all clapped

In the year of our lord 2025?
>everybody clapped
>And everyone clapped
I bet Godzilla appeared and gave the dude a medal too
FWMC forgot to take down their FWMC morning frame
The Return of the King
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eykdz8_Ik4 [Embed]

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I thought only burgers clapped...
holobros... i don't feel very good.... I can hear the king's engine roaring already...
The Nimi special
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Thank god nijiENchanted happened when it did. I was starting to worry about nijiEN's future.
>the shitter of Gen 1
mels is really forgotten....
(Me again, sorry, I get excited when talking about Mega Man)

The thing with the X games is that X8 is the only one that A) Has little to no artificial difficulty and B) Takes more than an hour to finish

X1, X2 and X4 are hilariously easy and quick.
X3 and X5 have collectibles and stuff but you don't really need them to finish the game properly
X6 and X7...fucking suck.

So the only real option for a proper stream is X8.
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will nimi comfort her like shondo did with her? This will finally settle their relationship dynamic, we'll see if nimi definitely ditched her or if she simply didn't bother interacting with her before
>Nimi thread about her cat dying still up
>Shondo thread instantly deleted
Anyone know?
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you can check on vrabi, I honestly don't remember numbers by heart
They are not friend
the japs get western memes many years late, remember how they finally started posting cat memes until last year
cool story bro
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There's too much real life seeping into vtubing.
this is some rider-kun tier post
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Would you?
Kronii stop posting here
Only if you watch twitch “vtubers”
I mean, you can do a 100% x1 run and get a few hours out of it if you aren't going off of a guide...
Same with X2.
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GG's throat is fucked...
Cats are more important than people so no
That's a bit too furry for my tastes.
Lowest quarter ever?
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Punishment by God for promoting homosexuality
yeah... they are getting paid in fucking pennies...
go check their superchats you're going to have a nice laugh
Watch out!
I have the working theory is that the subpar mixing of some songs cause dissonances which hamper plant growth
I'm curious about Hololive music as a genre. Did he use Shiny Smiley Story? RIP? PARE PARE PARE? Mogu Mogu? Mumei? Every one of these songs feels like a different genre of music.
blue woman slipped
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It's the Japanese necessity to flatten everything.
Lost to her girlfriend so it's okay
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPf-c4z6Ofc [Embed]

they're so cute...
6m and still growing.
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fucking DESERVED
its not real anons
then everyone stood up and applauded and then xhe was handed a 1million dollar check and the title of the queen of all schools
So that's why Fauna is dead...
Mint should be a guest at this year's holoEN concert if there is one.
She will be a guest in the men's bathroom don't worry
>one upping Nimi
Any other liggers want to one up this?
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Imagine posting about your cat dying, and a bunch of grifter leeches offer fake condolences on Twitter. The ligger world is honestly depressing as hell
Kinda hard to up one's mother.
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Cuckaronies status?
The earliest Holo Nendos were different, there came a point where officially all remaining Holos were greenlit and ever since it's been in seniority order that they get greenlit but they still come out in order of perceived popularity for the most part.
This is the kind of /u/ that is based and makes for a good ln
Poor kronies always getting cucked lmao
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god i love them so much
This shit is so pathetic lmao "you are one of the best cat moms I know"
thats a really good looking egg
By a cute girl join holo get to go on date with your oshi. By a dude join holo because your oshi she wants nothing to do with you this seems unfair.
hololive songs that heal plants
>Shiny Smily Story
>Kirameki Rider
>Mogu Mogu Yummy
Hololive songs that kill plants
>Team Tomodachi
>Not a single funnel to pekoshio
Pekora abandoned Vivi really fast
Songs that kill cats:
https://youtu.be/7iucmGGJAyE [Embed]
it's overcooked, should've used a mold
>runny yolk
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Too easy
>You are one of the best cat moms I know

Jeez, Shondo, thank you, that's real comforting.
>Off pako
>Da bois
Ollie and ERB are the destroyer of idol culture.
Is Fucking unfair that girls get to join Holos get to go on cute dates with their oshi while if a dude joined holostar for their oshi they get ignored. I want to go on dates with Kronii, FWMC, Nerissa too desu. I want see Kronii smile when I wake up I want rub oil on reine back in the Maldives. I want to see Bae and IRyS in the Onsen washing each other. yeah I'm going back to anime.
how come i never hear about the new vshojo girl analee?
might as well just drink the egg bro
>having a melty off a headcanon

Anon, come on, have some class.
Has this been the best EN fes arc ever?
Now look at her suffering with her dogshit numbers
judging by the amount of lesbian sex that has been happening, yes
wtf is this retarded larp lmfao
is it another homonig playing pretend?
eh, only 50% chance its actually true
anya got to 28k
moonas had 34k
zeta got 24k
risu had 20k
ollie had 16k
reine 16k
kobo didnt have a 3d birthday or anniversery but she got 11k on her birthday + outfit reveal
kaela didnt have a 3d birthday or anniversery but she got almost 10k for her birthday stream
iofi does not have any stream pre sept on hololyzer but her numbers are abysmal
I hope it is
Are you blind?
sometimes i wonder
if the selen shitshow didn't happen, will nijiEN still get their 3D?
Yeah it's been pretty fun, hoping it manifest interesting collabs, apparently Kronii befriended Soda and they talked about collabing so looking forward to it
She's exactly what you'd expect, a Twitch whore that collabs with other Twitch whores like Laimu and Dokibird.
+2K turns into +1K
did the new tick happen yet? either way the guy from yesterday was full of shit
doesn't look very simple
Funny how indogs mad about yuri then this happen
>Queen Liz back in the lead
Chuds lose again
why would they not? they would've gotten it sooner and in better fashion if that person didn't disrupt all the plans already laid out and scheduled for everyone. why did you think many of the EN were showing how excited they were?
Not now flip
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Gold status
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indogs? you mean flips?
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>as expected of holojp
despite having 0 guests with good numbers and high overlap she got the 2nd highest ID 3D numbers in a year that JP mindshare paying of for 3D lives as usual
As long as you aren't a chumbud, yes.
>Proof of Origin (PO) Token is a parameter that YouTube requires to be sent with requests from some clients. Without it, requests for the affected clients' format URLs may return HTTP Error 403, or result in your account or IP address being blocked.
>A PO Token is generated by an attestation provider on Web, Android and iOS platforms to attest the requests are coming from a genuine client.
tl;dr youtube is putting DRM on their videos. how will this affect vtubers?
Has Nimi replied to any of Shondo’s replies to her tweets?
Maybe the nijis shouldn't have bullied her into suicide
Both subhuman
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>they would've gotten it sooner
lol lets pretend its not damage control that made their 3D possible after years of "delays"
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ofc he was full of shit
you can't trust anything coming from /ope/ that thread had a nijicord on their fucking ass for a year now
not surprising they're doing this shit gay ops right in the middle of the nijibot shenanigans
yeah but your post doesn't make sense if you use that subhuman over other subhuman
flipnig deflecting, can barely speak english lol
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Is nerissa with jurard rn?
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Reminder that all your oshi's hard earned money will only go to my oshi's viewbot and there's nothing you can do about it.
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idk but ERB is for sure
here you go bro the clean version
Constantly shitting on the girls won't stop your 3D debuts from flopping hard sis
Correction : both SEA subhuman
>nijinigs botted shitshow arc
>vshitshow dead as hell
>phase having 2 ppl on hiatus cause mental health hort
>ligcucks cucked as usual
>homotards on the reclining more than ever
HoloGODS stay fucking winning
ermmm saars tell this down please
this is hateful and sexist
Lol judging by numbers, no
Poor Zeta looking at nothing...
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no where near 10k
the popular one at that
is this lower than nijiEN 3D?
anon your post is a reply to Kaela of HoloID not Kaela of HoloPH, so your post still doesn't make sense even with that correction
>how will this affect vtubers?
Kuzuha chat will become more proportional to the size of his audience
Because no one really cares about Vshojo getting another already popular vtuber once again, her debut was fucking hilarious because it was just her totally not being mad over the fact that no one theorized her joining Vshojo
Is JP chat culture...LE DEAD?

What about King Wilson?!
It beat Aia
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miComet live concert in the Tokyo Dome in 2026 followed by miComet marriage 3D Live in 2027
My oshi is pekora btw(me)
>kaela fans is ID
>deflect to PH fans

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Someone do a comparison of all nijien 3Ds vs the homos, please.
>PH fans
those are called antis
>kuzuha 41k
>Pekora 25k
What happened nousagis
Is anyone else starting to lost interest in HoloEN?
non stop nijinigger melties
watch pekora MonHun with shion
yeah it's like watching your friends hang out while your a third wheel.
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reminder beware of pajeet itt
yeah faggots and nijinegroids
Yes,SEA fanbase?
I don't understand
Trannies doesnt care about this accessories
you know flips are the ones who are well known for being mad at yuri right?
Youtube will only work if the client (video player, browser) "signs" the request in a way only operational systems can do, in a similar way Netflix (for instance) and other paid video providers do.
[philippine spy here]
Philippines is on civil war right now because the based former president was arrested by the International Court and libs are cheering for it that would make the faunaschizo and shondoschizos here blush convenient it's happening at the same time the current first lady is being detained at Los Angeles airport because of her connection to a filipino CEO who died from drug overdose
[philippine spy out]
You meant indogs, right? It's considered a crime to be a lesbian there.
Pekora should be worried about her fans
i know im gonna be annoyed if they fuck youtube dlp
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https://youtu.be/ITjgL_G-xCc [Embed]
Shame she didn't get Gurenge permissions for fes in time
don't care call me when they take out the fliptards' internet for good
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they will, certainly
remember when we complained about the obligatory gurenge at every 3d live?

I kinda miss it...
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He's not even hiding that it's all about shipping for these fucks
but i like shipping IRyS with biboo or biboo and cc or biboo and shiori or biboo and fubuki or biboo and waowa
is it worth following him for keks, or am i risking myself too much with brain damage if i do?
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This holoartist (Female?) is popping off nowadays
I’m stupid, what does it mean. Does it means that it will start banning IPs that use a headless browser?
no, i don't think she ever replied
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when did he drop the FEdevmain
did he give up on the mod?
Would honestly not recommend it, i just check him out whenever i catch him sperging out in the wild and even that is too much
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Cute 10k ccv shitters
I don't understand flips
>they don't like yuri
>but why do they need to ship the girls with another man ?
i'd assume videos will refuse to load if they think your browser is "cracked"
He got kicked out for being misogynistic and anti-lesbian.
He might have gotten kicked or the project got dissolved, whatever happened he stopped with it due to some friction with some people he hung out with.
Why does she keep including her OC in everything?
This attention whoring grifter you mean
Actual mental illness isnt funny anon, it is sad. You only see filtered shit posted here but the one behind that is a sad mentally ill motherfucker. Do yourself a favor and dont look at it.
They are unironically too dumb to imagine themselves without a clear male insert
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your organ trash can't get 10k without botting nijinig
She says its her watermark
She is followed by like 25 holos so its working i guess.
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Soulless ass game
I know that right now yt-dlp will not work if you don’t pass through your cookies, you get bot checks.
Astel's thumbnails are something else
his twitter friends are going to turn on him eventually once they realize he hates women lol
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It's not even a fucking joke
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That means you are part of the cabal anon
he posted new bangers few days ago, other than that he is just being creepy towards cosplayers or female fans
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Pekora's women
I don't think it will significantly affect vtubers as only video downloaders like yt-dlp or pirated versions like Revanced may he affected
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Cooked by a FEMALE who gets it. Are flips this retarded?
>reliable, ASMR, OL wife
>bratty, menhera, JK, gf on the side
Yo, that's a really strong doujin setup.
#s pet strikes again KEK
could also fuck with adblocks. neal has had a hate boner for them since he took over. indians always ruin everything.
You heard him
is biboo and nerissa also gonna get sick soon now that they've all shared a kazoo
Some 7 feet tall leather faggot needs to fuck some sense into Rider.

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