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Previous thread: >>97211962 →
polykrisisis love
I love when she told her tongue
SAY A!!!
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I love my bird wife Enna!
I love my solar dawns!
is denauth just a short people wave
Slowly Ike looks up from his book, Ike click his tongue and adjust his glasses. There's a ruckus going on somewhere and it could be a fight but the sounds don't combine quite right for that. Moving away to an empty classroom he distances himself from the trouble and sounds who are keeping him from attempting to complete his homework. He knows that if he doesn't do it now he won't after school and he'd rather try and do it now rather than eating lunch or dealing with what's creating the strange and slightly dissonant sounds from the roof of the school building. He sees a young mafia boss pass by the window, talking to a boy who surely is too young to go here and shakes his head again. Luca's at whatever Luca gets up to again and he never signed up for that; Ike would rather focus on trying to get through school, doing what physical activity he can to get through anything that might get him into a fight and his fixation on music.
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the vrm ike has made me bold im going to try to remake my sims ike for the third time wish me luck
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sex with shortstack women and shortstack men
I don't think I would survive a relationship with mumu
Why do you think mostly everyone in Niji is single?
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we do have similarities, huh...
>young mafia boss who doesn't quite understand that he's attracted to men or how much he's manipulating his adoptive brothers. His instincts get the best of him though.
>Adopted due to his potential as a hitman and later actual skills. He gets forced to crossdress as part of some missions and Luca ends up raping him.
>Has been taken advantage of sexually since a young child and is currently being groomed by an upperclassman. He's good at stealing though and Luca's family adopts him too. He's teaching Wilson about sex, while also having sex with the upperclassman grooming him, people he needs to steal from and his older brother Luca.
>Awkward and quiet and bullied people from school but has a blooming relationship with the one bully who is friends with him and is starting to realise that he's into public sex and voyeurism.
>The one reason Ver doesn't get beaten up constantly. He's strong enough to protect him yet not strong enough from his pubescent hormones causing him to molest his friend and eventually rape him.
>Sonny has a fling with him, causing Alban to become jealous enough about it that he too sexually abuses Wilson out of jealousy.
>just wants to try and survive, his autism and music obsession cause him to hate certain sounds but in the future, he'll discover through exposure to these at his school he loves moans and sex sounds.
Ewiwa, Millie, and Kotoka laughing at you when you prematurely cum
>when i think of a dog
>i think of sonny
g'day shippers...
Enna and reimu too
this is so perfect anon
>Ethyria talking about Vox, Fulgur, and Kyo
>I have a nice pussy
His proper introduction and Zali's don't happen until S2.
>Creep and manipulator who learnt those behaviors from the time where he had to play the victim on the streets and started to be abused by people who were setting him up to be a cop who would later be forced to fight against Luca, Alban and Wilson.
>Wilson's fellow ESL French speaker who starts to figure out what's going on and wants to help Wilson but he starts to realise he's too far gone to save.
She's giving hints to Fulgur
Milgur go to sleep. It's like 4am there
reimu is really spicy...
>Reimu will never beat the shit out of your bully for you
Yeah it's why I love her
.....marry Millie fuck Mumu kill Enna
Sorry Enna, but Millie is so affectionate and sweet and Reimu is an anal queen
nta, but it's 12 am in flipland
I get hard filtered when people say aluminum instead of aluminium.
I hate it so much.
Fair I don't pay attention to time zones
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getting parasocial over anons
watching streams together
wanting to destroy their beds
to cum inside their most vulnerable hole
and everyday, it just gets worse
Willy watching Enna's stream
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Everything with your likeness, we love seeing at others. It reminds us of you. Silly yuyu... Goodnight... Love you...
And this >>97225368 is how Fuuchan gets introduced to the BL game. He's in chemistry class beside Uki and mutters this under his breath. Uki giggles and he finds it cute. Due to being sickly he has to drop out of school shortly after and while in hospital his only gift is a wrapped up, what appears to be box of aluminum foil but while oening it discovers a romantic letter. Following various surgeries he recovers enough but has missed a couple of years of youth. His priorities keep focusing on the boy who sent him that gift though and he manages to hunt him down, their reunion starting with a kiss.
Why is Ethyria suddenly collab ing?
not wilson but i love you too
where does vanta fall in this? maybe someone who’s a grade or so above wilson and becomes friends with him but ends up getting roped into things when he sees wilson crossdressing at some point and is turned on by it
Maririn is Reimu's closest non-Ethyria friend.
Luca is Millie's.
Enna's is Doppio maybe?
gngn yuqtie!! wilson love
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Millie, please post something on X
I never noticed that you are in a collab...
And thus ends Zuttomo as if anybody's surprised
She's depressed so
Just join the discord for pings, they'll never miss anything
she hates (you) and her fans
Probably trying to cheer Millie up.
If you're replying to Kyousha then yes, otherwise no
He doesn't make a move until he's been underage drinking though and it takes photos and videos of him from people who saw him to convince him it happened. He tries to claim the images and videos are deepfaking him having done it but when a guy his age who's figured himself out far more tells him they were kissing at the same party before Vanta and Wilson very openly got it on that he realises they actually got it on and the reality of the fact he really wants to do it again.
Why does Reimu have her and Millie as live2d and only Enna as a Fugi?
>on X
Imagine calling it that unironically
Nah, I’d rather stay anonymous
Who is she following on twitter?
you're right, he should've said "X (formerly known as Twitter)"
and he’s in a bit of denial that he’s gay, arguing with himself it was just because wilson had the appearance of a girl at the time. Deep down vanta knows that wasn’t it. He ends up saving a video or two that was sent to him of what happened to jerk off to later.
Zali ends up seeing a photo of vanta and wilson at the party and questions him about it.
also how old was Wilson supposed to be in this again? 10?
not enough ram
How is being one random account in a sea of 10000+ where nobody is looking for you breaking anonymity
9 when it started I think but by this time he's in the same school so 13 and has been groomed so much that he doesn't even think twice?
Enna Alouette is in severe debt.
What would you do if Finana Ryugu turned into a hamster?
right, so vanta and zali would be 14-15 at this point. And alban is 15 since he was 11 when wilson was 9.
wilson doesn’t question things like that anymore (similar to alban) especially because of missions. Zali and vanta are really worried for him but wilson thinks they shouldn’t care so much.
same as normal finana, stick my dick in her
nevermind it's just getting worse...
I just realized, Millie started the stream by telling us she's on her period, but she didn't tell members about it yet.
She must be REALLY depressed this time, she's never missed updating us on that before
Good to know Vox
Dont finana is also gonna go somewhere?
Don't be so pessimistic Vox
Sonny canceling his streams itsso over I wanted to hear him sick
Uh, it's a little too late for that, Kyousha
Pretty much the reason why I stay up late in case she does a guerilla membership
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sophia found rosebud
If I'm being honest I don't know if she'll be in Niji much longer. She's been letting the hate get to her and she can't find motivation. She just wants to be with friends and family and not stream
Reimu is good at swimming
Jesus reimu was a competitive swimmer, she probably peed in the pool
I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets anxiety over that
You obviously never watch her because none of this is true
Thanks for sharing Vox
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He ran away to escape persecution for his crimes. He's still in some other vtuber discords though, including other EN livers'.
So what happened to Reimu saying that Vox and Ike are her closest friends in Nijisanji and that she would stick her hand in a fire for them? >>17328255
I have and she's literally been doing ASMR and membership spam since last year. The majority of her streams are in membership because she hates seeing all the hate.
Hamilton is meh.
Speaking of Epic the musical since Ethyria were talking about it isn't Rosemi basically Circe? She turned her viewers into pigs..
I'm Japanese famillie
would smash yuki wildaughter
Twilight was crazy like he had moms thirsting after him and was like 17
That's not what a Disney adult is guys.....
Last time this happened, Nina graduated....
Good, she should fuck off forever.
wilson definitely has a scents/musk kink
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they put willy in fortnite
nina's gonna graduate again..
See? That's literally what I was thinking about when I said I don't know how much longer Millie is gonna be in Niji.
She avoids public streams, Ethyria are suddenly collabing
It's all too familiar
I think it's funny that you had to leave milliecord because you're such an identifiable schizo that you knew they'd ban you, kek
stop thinking anon
That makes it pretty tempting.
shota rape posters wake up we need you
omg its mee!!!
im goingg tto slleepp
theyre busy raping shotas
gngn anon chu!!
Enna and Millie got married......
but… im drawing..
Can I be the shota that's getting groomed and raped? t. woman
Millie HATES that song
odysseus didn't marry calypso, that was circe...
The only thing that makes me think is how every single post in your "conversation" is 60-90 seconds apart.
no, shotas are male
theyre for the bros
i just woke up what's up
No you can be the woman getting raped and getting your skull beaten in by someone large enough to make you look like a child
You can turn me into a cute little boy anon please
I don’t think we have any underage male anons.. most underage people here are lurkers and then probably one or two femanons that post like once every 3 weeks
nO fuck off being a shota is reserved for us maleanons
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continue the storyline while i shower to save the world i can't write but you guys can
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Would he have one dick or two? I'm thinking about commissioning reimu being fucked by him
I’ll do my best… I can’t write well either but I can try..
>most underage people here are lurkers
youngpeep is 16
ai quild is 15
one of the rosebuds is 13
most of the briskadets are 15-17
theres a pentomo that turns 18 this year
Ha get deleted
whorecub, do you know any ideas on getting to know this guy in person and then assassinate him using raw uncooked cassava in the guise of tapioca pearls?
hey the jannies right now are alright, must be shotacon jannies and thats cool in my book
>ai quild is 15
holy rape
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cocksleeve material

i heard shota rape
I feel kinda bad for the 13yro rosebud..
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>15yo aiquild sexually harasses 27yo myanon in twitter dms
im so fucking old im practically 35 im literally dying
I do not want to rape shota Ike I want to coerce him into fully consensual sex and teach him how nice it is to have his big sister make him "feel good"
Mumu won't pee in the shower but do you think she ever accidentally peed in the pool
Rosemi? Cute.
Maria? Sex.
Sonny? Blegh.
it was mostly discussed last thread, if you weren’t there
anons had very good ideas
Underage male anons please let me groom you
You will never have a child. That's a good thing
>Sonny? Blegh.
Reimu 100% has NSFW mods installed
I'd rather kill myself than have a child of my own anon...
anons who don’t say their age (or not often) are usually underage
You should do it then
i would figure they're hags, around here
true, that’s probably more likely around here. either 13 or 45
no theyre right, most of the old anons wouldnt hesitate to say theyre over 30
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>>didn't visit Japan, didn't participate in Nijifes
Your discord bot needs an update.
I need to groom shotas first
I am close to 30
also rape
ah i'm in the office today so i haven't had time to check the thread, i'll give it a look on my way home
while underage anons don’t want to say anything since they’ll get 3 replies asking to groom them
Ask Reimu yourself, Vox
Ligma(Meloco) evolved
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fEqGMZWqnU [Embed]
The difference between the way he said this and the way Nina said it is so telling
i hate this hat so much you have no idea
anons are getting weird...
you are weak and vulnerable and elderly, there will be rape
Reimu is too addicted...she's gonna beat everything while Ethyria are offline.....
when aren’t they weird
god that's so hot to think about
so old people are also groomable and rapeable?
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Should've been a pickle hat
back in my day (the previous thread) anons waxed lyrical about shotas molesting each other not this ungodly bullcrap
what has this world become...
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can you fucking delete this FAS looking troglodyte from this thread, ts genuinely pmo
cutie, I wanna rape him
I like to think about shotas touching each other while I touch a shota and watch them
this but ike
>back in my day (the previous thread)
No. Antis need to be exposed. Social media has made them too comfortable in attacking anyone without getting punished for it.
t. Mike Tyson
13yro easily trusting wilson getting molested by a 15yro zali at school who convinced him he was practicing giving people “check-ups” since he wanted to become a doctor.
FF is alright but I wish someone would play atelier
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dont care, cute 2D shotas
15-17 year olds male liver sexually harassing me a 27 year old virgin woman
I wish there was shota wilson art but I haven’t seen any (not even from jp artists)…
btw this doxxer has confirmed cp on his pc >>92211352
> Wilson
> No shota art
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>>97223516 →
I fell asleep at the end of the thread RIP but yes Shinotaro made another son and he's a rapping zoomer but has a very endearing side
I wonder if we'll be seeing another Tales game soon....they're doing a collab with the new atelier game
>27 year old virgin woman
stay that way all the way to your 40s, virgin mid 40s women are the coolest
honestly the most boring part is that it's all the same people that he's posted probably dozens of times before by now. if nobody gave a shit 2 years ago you think they will now? go do something about them yourself retarded faggot
Ewww why are all these indogs in this thread?
Honestly though.....
Can't believe Ike just let rape happen
those posts also seem like a call to raid or attack people dont they, very odd
But I wanna get railed so bad already
Until those people suffer the consequences of their actions, their names will be repeatedly posted.
Passionate sex with Riko after marriage.
so why aren't you enacting these "consequences"
what the fuck dont say that out loud... a pomie or rosebud might hear you
Numberfags are falseflagging to blame them on Nijifans
You should send these to underage female fans on twitter. They'll do the job
>yeah my fellow niji'bros'! lets get em!! look at these names and pics i posted lets attack them!!! cmon bros!!
you are gormless
There are better uses of your time than this
shota wilson pissing himself walking home from school and getting seen by sonny
Anon... I'm on 4chan... what makes you think I have any social skills.....
Sorry I may also be a year old virgin but I love my oshi too much to cheat on her with you
so you're a pussy, yes, that's what we're saying
you don't get to call anyone "all bark no action" LMFAO
then market yourself to a maleanon then, what the hell
Nta but
>implying that you actually need social skills to get railed by some dude on a dating app
Ike likes rape
Women don't need social skills on tinder, just a vagina. Like literally you can be the most insufferable, unsociable asshole imagineable and still get dozens of guys who want to meet up and fuck.
Now you might get date raped or end up in a gutter if you pick the wrong guy, but that's part of the excitement
How do people still not recognize milgurschizo
Instead of taking about doxxing people can we go back to shota rape like last thread please
Sonny holding his tiny peepee to 'help' him pee
DoL Sydney but Ike and Eki.
Both suck
this but loli rape
you said you would do this like half a year ago, get on with it already or fuck off
milgurschizo saw the fat ugly bastard doujin that one anon linked last thread and thought he should post all the irl fat ugly bastards he has saved on his pc
And he keeps rubbing it and making wilson feel weird
Isn't yaoi almost Always toxic
Sydney sucks the only good love interest is Eden
I thought you were talking about the city
look i dont know what to tell you, maleanons are also as autistic as you so meeting one irl would be impossible. your best chance is a dating app but >>97229476
You mean Kylar. Who is also Eki.
Sonny says that it doesn't feel weird, it feels good and he should say it
I like the cut of your jib, but unfortunately I'm not breaking anonymity on this site
Tru I'm Also fat and out of shape.....
I might be into that date rape thing but the only thing holding me back from trying dating apps is the fact that I'm a virgin
why did slutposting evolve from posting nijijp lewds into posting ugly 3dpd tits
i dont see how that would be a problem for maleanons or men on dating apps in general
No I'm not that anon I'm a different anon saying I'm an autistic male who is fat and out of shape
wilson tells him it feels good but weird, and keeps squirming and asks sonny why he’s still touching him even though he’s not peeing anymore. Sonny doesn’t respond and pulls Wilson’s pants down fully
I need to watch Sonny groom shota Wilson while I play with shota Shu
theres a femanon out there whos into that probably
This but Sonny and me and it’s my boobs
We didn't gatekeep hard enough.
Nta but I'll be real here, posting tits has always been culture. Back in the day you had to post tits or GTFO if you were a femanon
I want shota wilson to be groomed by everyone in en
Wilson on the verge of tears says he feels like he's gonna pee again, Sonny says to just let it out because it's not pee
>I might be into that date rape thing
>the fact that I'm a virgin
This is also a mega positive to them
Willing to be raped and a virgin? You are literally the perfect match for every sex addicted creep on tinder.
Wanna fuck?
>>97223653 (OP)
Terminate Reimu Endou.

I hope she graduates too.
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did she make a joke about this again? I've been stuck in a meeting so had to leave the collab.
If she graduates I'm offing myself too
Its post cock or gtfo in this general now
i love marie's art. all it took for her to stop being menhera was to oshi women.
i think ike should be raped by me an upstanding teacher at his school
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Ya I think I'll go back on mc.
haha what if you posted cock?
14yro wilson starting to message a 21yro vox online after his older brother, luca, introduced them since they were friends in school despite being a few years in age apart. Wilson trusts vox easily and doesn’t question it when he begins to ask personal questions, or when he gets asked if he has a girlfriend. Wilson doesn’t even think it’s that weird when he records his own moans while jerking off to send to vox.
he has
Only if you're a 15-17 year old nijien liver
i want to go home and play minecraft.... (alone)
i just ordered a 9800x3d, i can't wait to see how it barely helps running this fucking game
yeah but what if he does it again
No, but we should fuck. It would be nice.
that cpu might honestly be a bit shit for minecraft, ill buy it off you for 300 bucks and help you find something better
No jokes, anons were just pointing out that this feels suspiciously like it did with Nina right before she left
there are games other than minecraft of you weren't aware
That anon is a SCAMMER don't listen to him
yeah im saying that cpu would be REALLY shit for all of them so ill take it off your hands for 275 dollars
Oh so just continuation of the retards. She's made her stances pretty clear so hard to think that if one actually watches her. Not to mention it's literally stuff unrelated to streaming that keeps getting her depressed
wtf i didn't know userbenchmark-kun is a nijisanji fan
hot, especially if it is actually pee because wilson got nervous and stopped peeing but the after being played with he couldn't hold it in anymore
and he’s too young to produce cum yet
You do realize she has been this way basically since she debuted right
wow youre right
It might be
rosey posey
Stop using this thread and a dating app holy fucking shit no one wants to read this
Drop disc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlNUu07O9Fw [Embed]
>sophia outlolis them all
unironically this is the one thread on the site that would benefit from a discord because then they could do all their edating there
>but the schizos will organize and bring drama into the thread
they already have a place to do that, it's called the catalog
Danmei is never toxic. All of it is pure and wholesome
They already have e-sex in VRChat
niji be on that bullshit with random cards and stickers
since when and how come i dont hear about it
if only
>he didn't get invited
you wish pomie
do any anons have shota wilson art
I want
no... ill be a threadvirgin forever...
I want to continue writing shota rape too and even add some fantasy to it but I need to take a shower and wash my hair....
no sorry
Are we gonna have e-sex
anon I know it’s like three of us contributing to this story but you really should write a fic..
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not the danmei that fuuchan gets off on
yeah theyre in my bookmarks, have a look
No, real sex. But we'll talk first.
Based maleanons!
do i need to sing you a lullaby kyousha
anon you would marry and love a lot
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Sorry, I'm shy and a raging virgin so I'll pass on that
En stream is over, back to jp
any anons that add onto my hornyposts or say that they’re hot
not kyousha but can you make a lullaby vocaroo please its 4am and i drank a monster at 11pm so im screwed
Sexually touching anons while we watch shota touch each other
Not after this. It'll be fun. Let's just feel it out
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I wanna hug Doppio he maks me happu
nta but what happened to wanting to get railed
I'M SHY!!!!!
okay damn dont yell
i was joking i will never post my voice until i am sure that i will never make it into nijien
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pushed myself a bit too much yesterday
Wrong anon lol but I'm glad there's so many of us for you to say that. I'm more of a drawer than a writer. I'll feel so much better after I shower though. I feel icky.

I think I might try to get into danmei both because of Fuuchan and a special edition of some danmei I found recently is getting a lined notebook with it. Ah, so many things I wanna buy lately....
Everyone. I will make you all happy
Let's just have sex. We can take it slow.
It's a real offer.
I'll think about it. MAYBE I'll make another discord
>thumbnail of lunlun eating burgers
witnessing anons hookup
anon you would brutally rape and traumatize for life
then you should draw shota rape to post here I will eat it up
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this with anons
Go for it. Post it and I'll message you later
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Imagine if the anons that are trying to hook up, lives in different countries
I need to touch some yu q. wilson
shota rp from Doppi
they probably do
since when did we need to have an account to draw....
Anon meetups would probably end in a murder..
It should be an orgy
Anons murderfucking each other sounds hot
Or it will literally just be sex....
It will just be the femanons on the sidelines forcing maleanons to have sex
the fujo throne...
this is how I feel whenever I watch a krisis collab
hell yeah
it's been like two years
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So hype for this!!
what the fuck is wrong with ike i need to torture his penis
This but wilson I think
No streams.....no anons left in the thread....no anons on mc.....DEAD
im lurking while watching ittetsu
i revamped my sims house and made everything look nicer and clicked rhe save button 20 times but it never saved ;_; life sucks i hte the sims even thought its p[robably my fault
I’m watching youtube and thinking of wilson sex
Finana literally fixed her
Will the 13yr rosebud be there?
is becoming horny really fixing tho?
No he will be with a few other maleanons at a mcdonalds getting a kids meal with a toy
horny > menhera
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I hate poopy playtime I hate poopy playtime I hate poopy playtime
watching wiwa vod at work
Is there more than one 13yro anon? ...i hope not
Should I get sushi or yakiniku
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ill always love my big sisters
we have 13 year olds here???? wtf
Watch cute Chinese (japanese) onee-san
https://youtu.be/RqY2tqH89tE [Embed]
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This pomie right here sir
yeah, anons said there’s a 13yro rosebud.. kids that grow with unrestricted internet access end up on 4chan I guess
I thought for a second could Sonny be my younger brother but he will already be my pathetic older brother who wants me to dote on him
finana is my bratty little sister that i will spoil with cake
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im back to my vod catchup playlist aaaaaa HELP
wtf i refuse to believe that
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Same, but also bully her
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unfortunately kids online will always be where they aren’t supposed to. First they watch youtubers that say “bad words” when they’re 8, then they’re 10 with an account on something 13+, then I guess when they’re 13 they post on something 18+. And get introduced to porn at like 10 nowadays. Kids will mentally mature faster, but be doing shit they shouldn’t be due to how easily accessible online spaces are
I need claude so bad
Is it chocolate cake?
drugging wilson with muscle relaxant so he pisses himself on stream in a few hours
Let us breathe!!
Feesh worshiping a BWC (Big White Cake)
Feesh only worships BBC
THIS GAME SUCKS en never ever
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naw I prefer for him to be in full control of his faculties so he can hold it in until the bitter end despite increasing discomfort and agony
wheres sloppa when you need em
I need him to fucking piss himself already
vaping right now, might have a cig later
same man same.....
when he finally does should we kiss or make friendship bracelets
ermm...disavow there's no cake here
would it ever be anything else?
This but Enna and Millie
She replaced the cute tiny balls on her head with massive black balls...
i'm saving my lips for oshi so bracelets it is
Cry Sophia, CRY!
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I need Usami carnally
this but claude
Two buff bros giving us bedbreaking sex!
woah can we hold hands while it happens
give me niji girl en or jp to draw pls
how long does merch usually take to ship
Hell yeah
Catalog is brown on brown violence over Shondo's dead mom
the item's listing on the site tells you when it will ship. If it's in stock there already then it should ship within a week or two.
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Meloco or tomoe
Try Aia.
I don't really watch her myself but honestly it'd be good for her to get more fanart since compared to the others she has the least.
Her design's also pretty sex.
I’m so not normal about yu q. wilson and polykrisisis
I miss Ike, I hope he streams pokemon this week
i hope he pisses his pants on stream this week
Goodnight friends. Love you. Not talking to the shitposters hate that filth.
>everyone celebrating Shondo's dead mom
>moralfaggots grandstanding
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There is a depressing drought of TTTTTT art
gngn anon chu!!!
BUILT FOR handholding
I can't stand that bitch but unironically condolences if that's true, no one should lose a parent before the age of 50
this but wilson
how about both of them

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