Previous: >>97220520
kronii cute
>>97226534*GENERAL NUMBERFAG SITES*>>>>> > sites>>> sites>>>>
>>97226534got suprise attack
>>97226534Yeah this one
this one
>bae doomposting and hinting at graduationholoEN is unironically finished. half of the branch will be gone by the end of the year.
Guys, give it to me real straight. Is Kelea fucking Kronii?
>>97226669No it seems Kronii is grooming Kaela
>>97226534>not using the nimi thread
>>97226669no they're different people
>flowglow is 4 months oldwtf
The simple solution is to purge all of the Omega hires and other shitters and then condense holoEN into a single gen rather than a whole branch.
>>97226669I bet kaela irl is a bottom
>>97226636>>97226768>mad nobody use his anti threadRORU
>>97226534boobers beam
>>97226636its like your mother being an actual whore but you added that she is also doing anal to farms you's
So what copes have nijiniggers been running since that awful nijien graph dropped
>>97226768After nijien first, then we will come back to your suggestion.
so niji merge soon?
>>97226916unironically yes
>>97226915I've come from the future to tell you the idea is retarded and has been rejected
>>97226889>Everyone hate hololive>king willy is the proof everyone love nijienSomething like that
>>97226916Twisty and Aster will get fired soon
The simple solution is to purge all of the Enna hires and other shitters and then condense NijiEN into a single gen rather than a whole branch.
>>97226916Nah, there's still some money left for them to harvest before they go to the merge->banishment room phase for the branch.
>>97226980Why is that taking so long to resolve itself? Or are they putting them in the broomcloset until everyone forgets about them?
It's over for holoEN, patient zero got them all...
This is what /#/ likes.
>>97227067A small price to pay for a night of lesbian passion
>>97226765She's not hinting at shit it's just regular whining in membership as usual
>>97227048Either they were waiting for the financial report to go out and they’re gonna act on it soon or they’re gonna just let their contracts run out while they’re suspended.
>>97227067Mori claimed a doctor told her it was something to do with seasonal weather changes instead
>>97226534kronii thread won
>>97227041They could always revive back nijisanji prostit- i mean escort service, there's no downside
>>97227067I don't get it.
>>97227067It was worth the week of lesbian sex
>>97227067You faggots really are completely mentally ill, jesus christ.
>>97227164Wasn't that the hostess branch that got laid off without any kind of warning or compensation?
>>97227067I hate Kiara
Is Rider an unironic incel?
>>97226997Pillar Men looking ass
>>97227182Everyone is sick because Kiwawa kissed them
>>97227219>Is Rider an unironic incel?Have you seen his face?
>>97227219That's a resounding yes from everyone.
>>97227219obviously, and a creep too
>>97227219Yes. He would fit in /here/ nicely.
>>97227067i don't get it but i'm just gonna assume that this is an orgy sex chart. h-hot..
>>97227067They would’ve been fine if they drank a lot of R1 daily.
>>97227311But he hate women though.
>>97227219is he a dev on that Kronii game? I can't tell from his twitter page
>>97227325Kinda weird to say incubating instead of impregnated but i get what he's going for
>>97227311he is /here/
>>97227325Kiara was sick and infected the other girls who are now also all sickFWMC cancelled today due to being sickKoyori is sickGigi is sickBae is sicketc. All the kissing other holo girls and swapping spit covered kazoos and being near them at offcollabs did a number on em
>>97227219Yeah like every Homofan
>ReGLOSS 3D Mini Live Sakura Mirage 2025.3.30 20:00 JST>5th Single Sakura Mirage *new*>Beyond the way (cover) *new*>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover)>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)>奏 / Kanade (cover)>My Dearest (cover)>DAYBREAK FRONTLINE (cover)>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.>カバー曲 / Cover Songs>歌まとめ / All Songs
>>97227379And schizos here don't? lol Faggot, you post death fantasies all day every day.
>>97227402he reminds me of those unicorn larpers who like to post AI slop here
>>97227219my favorite banger
>>97227444>t. The schizo that post death threat and link it on catalog as a gotcha.
>>97227444Random Homofan after Mio said she didn't like male collabGo back to your shithole sister
Do you think Flowglow's first album will even be good?I barely listen to j rap or hiphop, but the only acts ive liked were Buddha Brand and moe & ghosts
>>97227444>youstop projecting. I don't.
>>97227444stop talking about yourself
>>97226916Wilson showed that there's still a demand for NijiEN, they just have to give them more projects and events
>>97227402i'm glad he has found a place where he fits in
>>97227391No he he was doing some FE clone but got kicked from the dev team for being anti-lesbian and creepy.
>>97227219This guy had unprompted meltdown about how all lesbians hate men under Maddie's tweet
>>97227636you call it "fits in" when everyone instantly know its him and start shitting on him for not fitting in?
>>97227219How to become a thread celebrtity like Rider?
>>97227526I think next year everybody will forget they are a rap group
>>97227525>t. homobeggarSocial skills are important but i found a unicorn chuuba that blatantly collabed with males (sung a song together) in their PL's so i don't really worry about thatThe only exceptions I can think of where the unicorn chuuba might actually not have social skills with males IRL are fuwamoco (who supposedly have a host of other problems anons complain about) and shondo (grooming victim)
>>97227636He belongs in TVA
>>97227777Step 1, go to twitterStep 2, be a genuine retard
>>97227444Okay calm down rider-kun…
>>97226778Aggressive bottom and passive top is a great dynamic.
>>97227910so /#/ loves retarded men?
>>97227777rider needs 2 years since anon first found him to get to this level of lolcow
>>97227797it seems like such a hard thing to accomplish, it's a niche within a niche.Regloss in comparison are basically just an idol unit at the end of the day and their music and group acivities are easily marketed, but you'd have to assume they'll run the same script with FG and it seems like a huge challenge. There are a lot of fans of the girls but I doubt many of them are rap fans
Reminder that they fucked HARD using baseball toys
>>97227961Yes. Even better if you are black.
vshojo is dying
>>97228085The fuck happened now?
Weine is playing Pokemon Shield...
>>97228085You wish, brony.
>>97228085VShojo is Mouse + ultramegarunts, every single member can leave and it won't make a dent, and the opposite, if Mouse leaves, VShojo falls under even if anyone else stays.
>>97227474the other guy is a male vtubershocking
Why no EN playing pokemon?
>>97227835I think he'd seethe if he had to face Loki and femLoki.
>kuzuha 41k>Pekora 25kKek
>>97228085Can they do it faster and in more painful way
>>97228226Travel/in Japan for many members.
>>97228282and now the kazoo flu
>>97227067>patient zeroits the double whammy of travel + seasonal change, sickness was inevitable
>>97228085>vshojo is dyingVShojo died a long ago. VShojo was pretty much Nyanners + Veibae with the rest being "also there".When they left VShojo became "retirement home for crashed out vtubers" mixed with nepo-hires
>>97227403Except all the japanese girls were sick when Kiara flew in initially so they are patient zero and not her. It's a dumb premise when she was already over her cold when she flew in again.
>>97227311>>97227444nigger fighting ghost and falling for the most obvious anti vtuber shitposts
>>97228085Mousey is stronger than she has ever been
>>97228412Wrong, she gave them all chickenpox...
>>97228085the only vshitshow event i've heard about for like a year is the cum in the eye sleepathonthe only thing i can recall else is the froot thing about cheatingthat's vshitshow for you
>>97226729>still no 3DDEV_IS suffers the most
>>97228557Can't debut before their Armis senpai
checking cc twitter space>gg in the backgroundthey fucking
>>97227146doctors also told her she had bronchitis rather than Covid and thar ended with lung scarring, I don't think they're particularly trustworthy in her case
>>97228588Hopefully this is the last time any holo has to wait for their homo "senpai" 3D debuts.
the moment ennacuck stops talking about mousey nobody cares about Vshojo here
>>97228226Dying hopefully.
>>97228689There won't be any more homo gens. JP stopped getting them after Uproar and Armis is Uproar-tier.
>>97228594keep watching, lot of gay sex and cc talking about their date(just two of them)
>>97228032bless kiara for telling us everythingsad that gura is so out of it lately
>>97228226They have a lot of graduations to prepare for and some painful meetings with management coming up regarding the future status of the branch.
>>97228588also justice still needs 3d debuts
>>97228733do not hype me up, brother>they look like theyre dating>they were kind of like fwmcdrowning happily in all this gayshit
>join holoEN>entire branch collapses rapidly within your first yearJustice has had it rough.
What will happen to Promise after Mumei and Bae graduate?
Did something triggered this case of "EN is dying" spam or it's just out resident subhuman trying to get (You)s because he's suffering from withdrawal syndrome?
>>97228951They're all getting sick
>>97228951>3 people commenting the same thing but with different wordingIt's a Discord raid, gift cards are running out.
>>97228951NijiEN is back and stronger than ever so holofags are scared
>>97228951they're all getting sick, also
>>97228951>shark gone>bae doomposting and hinting at graduation>numbers rapidly falling>no streamsIt's understandable to be on edge about the future of the branch right now. Something bad is happening very soon.
>>97229040Phase? Yeah their shitters are doom posting on main.
I am now reminded how much Hop fucking sucks.
>>97228856Pretty sure they recorded them during this trip
>>97229040>numbers rapidly fallingactually where? numbers-wise holo has been doing quite well for like the past month or two, unless you mean promyth, they can all graduate for all i care
yeah it's a discord raid
>>97229040>using the shark unironically>headcanon>headcanon (really, lying in the numbers thread?)>nerissa, shiori and inashitposting needs to have some class and skill into it.
>>97229010>>97229030So? It's not uncommon for people who are traveling to get sick.>>97229012Speaking of it is it actually true that the new nijiEN botters come from a homo discord?
holos for this feel
>SEA bedtime>thread deadfigures
IRyS is the last straight woman in EN
>>97229163I'm going to give you my version since I find it funny.On some night a few weeks ago people were talking about that Minecraft server thing that the NijiENs have, and how it is the SECOND attempt at ripping off ENReco. Some anon asked "Second? WTF?" and this brought up Terrasanji into the discussion, I said, quote "Terrasanji was ABYSSMAL", and some other Anon said that even Kronii's hot chip had more charisma than NijiEN. This brought a Nijisister into the thread, she went ballistic, balls to the walls mad for the rest of the night, it was fun.One day later NijiEN organs start getting botted, and here we are.
>>97228951Maybe watch streams and read twitter, Koyori, FWMC, Gigi, Bae, Roboco all got sick suddenly
>>97229163>So?Exactly, it's nothing. Just shitposts.
>>97229246Hey Gura technically still hasn't graduated
>>97229263While that's funny it's not as funny as a homo discord mod botting nijiEN to make them look better than holoEN.>>97229265And I'll ask it again: So? This happens on every single holofes/Japan arc so why are you subhumans using it to fuel your never ending EN seethe?
>>97229040>bae doomposting and hinting at graduationi just read her thing, you're aturbo faggot then again nobody except seanigs like you to understand that those girls could be dealing with loads of shit in the backgroundthe bad thing happening soon is your whore of a mother dying from the cancer aids shitting you out gave her kek
>>97229400Are you retarded? People are just funposting with "they're infecting each other, holoEN is dying, they're all on their death beds" etc.
>>97227067Fuck kiara
>>97229380Gura made Ame dress up as Shion in VR and step on her and has openly lusted over little girls on stream. She's the farthest thing from straight.
>>97229415>>97229559nigger so fucking mad he started to basedjak lmfao
>>97229163>Speaking of it is it actually true that the new nijiEN botters come from a homo discord?A couple of anons have said this but no one has posted any proof
sjacks, amazing
>>97229587He's doing it in other threads too.
Where do you think Gura is going to sit?
>>97229277i remember you from another thread kek>>97229587he does it every once in a while, on random threads and on random "enemies" idk he just shitpost i don't think anon had a side
>>97229728show the raid list he'd be even funnier
Nothing makes me feel better than knowing Nimi is probably crying and miserable. She has no friends to comfort her. She has nobody. She doesn't even have pets anymore. I hope she wakes up every morning expecting to see something that isn't there. I hope it eats away at her and that she won't come back.
>>97229814Shondo's Mom died and I guarantee you she'll come back faster than the month Nimi wasted on her cat kek
>now retarded ennacuck is on the nimi argument theater act
>>97229814based holochad
>>97229814You just know watching the EN girls having the best time ever together during this holofes while she was burying her cat alone was a miserable experience for her lmao
>>97229925>napkins are wojack postersGet these people out of my board
>>97229925>images14>14anon has a whole folder of these...
>>97228299>kazoo flunani?
>>97229925>>97230082nimicucks... this is a new low even for you
>>97230078omae wa mou shindeiru>nani?you are now dead
>>97230194also plap
>>97229637post the skinny blonde one
>>97230147No one would miss her if she graduated tomorrow
>>97230147This is the nigger who was sending all those sc to the Mint pretending to be an advent fan. Supposedly, Helmite has reformed him.
>>97229855Shondo actually works hard despite being a subhuman schizo so it wouldn't surprise me >>97229891She probably regrets the hell out of leaving lmfao. Deserved. I wish every day for her to think about it and hate herself for being so fucking stupid.
why is there nimi seethe out of nowhere?
>>97230278that was mid, i like this one better
>>97230147>I will post again if I see of these moments get clipped Just fucking watch the original if there are timestamps you fucking retards why are they so allergic to actually supporting the talents
*FINAL EN COPE TALLY OF THE DAY IS IN*>03/12 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999) | [12 entries]4.396: Raora (Hololive) | Monster Hunter Wilds4.196: Elira (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted3.754: Dokibird (Indie) | Cheaters Cheetah2.153: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream1.947: Bettel (Holostars) | Variety Stream1.738: Uruka (Phase-Connect) | Violin Karaoke Stream1.417: Eimi (Phase-Connect) | Hypnospace Outlaw1.358: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Black Souls 21.313: Shinri (Holostars) | Monster Hunter Wilds1.271: Lumi (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream1.075: Uki (Nijisanji) | Fields of Mistria1.018: Runie (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
>>97230147>cancelledThe only times people give a shit about her nowadays are when she tries to drag the other girls down to her level.
>>97230147Jesus that guy is cringe, like Ollie is free to do whatever she wants but the way they react whenever a crumb is thrown their way is so over the top.
5 million doryaaaaDid we numberfags this yet?
>>97230465>4.396: Raora (Hololive) | Monster Hunter Wilds>4.196: Elira (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchantedSHE DID IT lost to fucking rao lmaooo
>>97230402Desperation mostly
>>97230147I really wonder why ERB likes the homos so much, it really doesn't make any sense
>>97230486Forgot pic
>>97230486>>97230534Lost to Team Tomodachi
>>97230501But she beat doki and that's all that matters
>>97230525She will continue to saviourfag until the Homos start harassing her or making her uncomfortable, like what happened with Mori and Kronii.
>>97230147really don't get why ID4 isn't a thingguess we'll never find out lol
>>97230584Stream today?
>>97230384>nimi anti outing himself as a subhuman shondocuckStill mad about Nimi not acknowledging your schizo?
Rosemi Lovelock from NIJISANJI EN's Second Wave OBSYDIA?
>>97230618Unles she does a surprise guerilla stream, nein.Only Nerissa and Shiori for today.
>>97230568Of course, one song is commercialized vapid nonsense and the other is Team Tamodachi
>>97230587I don't get it either. ID3 is Cover's greatest success story since sankisei. Why leave the branch to rot after striking gold like thta?
>>97229040Bae isn't doomposting about herself graduating but if you read her statement, especially the part about the near future not being easy, it could mean somebody else is.
>>97230645she should free herself from the niji's shackles
>>97230584Any other girl would use their fans as an outlet and just trauma dump on them to relieve their stress but not Nimi, no, she takes off weeks then takes off even more, doing nothing but worrying fans...over a now dead cat lmfao
>>97230618no schedule this week so i dont know...
>>97230695Gura and Mumei
>>97230700This is why she'll never be an idol
* FINAL TALLY OF THE DAY IS IN *Here it goes>57,360: Miko (Hololive)>53,385: Suisei (Hololive)>46,504: Subaru (Hololive)>41,575: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)>35,946: Okayu (Hololive)>28,603: Melfissa (Hololive)>25,294: Pekora (Hololive)>22,597: Fuwamoco (Hololive)>19,195: Shiina (Nijisanji)>17,650: 3SKM (Nijisanji)>16,788: Kanata (Hololive)>15,991: Kanae (Indie)>15,084: Mio (Hololive)>14,561: Vivi (Hololive)>13,011: Shion (Hololive)>12,579: Kanae (Nijisanji)>12,031: Maimoto (Nijisanji)>11,272: Lui (Hololive)>10,593: FlowGLOW (Hololive)Gold for Miko with MikoSuba MonHun with Suisei getting silver with a karaoke and Subaru, bronze
>>97230746They will never quit
>>97230776>anya casually mogging a holoEN offcollabWhere the FUCK is ID4?
>>97230776>41,575: Kuzuha>4thKEKED OUT OF THE PODIUM BY CUTE GIRLS
>>97230645fuck off nijitranny
>>97230692Wait.HoloJP Gen 3 = Sankisei, quite possibly the greatest and most popular generation, responsible for Hololive's initial growth alongside Gamers.HoloEN Gen 3 = Advent, mostly beloved generation, awaited for years and responsible for a "renaissance" of Hololive English.HoloID Gen 3 = Heroes, ????????
>>97230746There's no way Mumei quits like that after they put up with her not doing shit for years to focus on college. Gura wouldn't surprise me though.
>>97230118>15 minutes>>97230847good boy, you waited patiently huh?
>another round of nijinigs grad begging
>>97230798>why no ID4
>>97230692>greatest success story since sankiseiRetard
>>97230891Jesus..thats it?
>>97230776>Suisei has a rare karaoke spectacle>Miko still beats herMiko is certainly on one lately. What a run.
>>97228951NijiEN got their worst quarter ever.
>>97230893Kobo exists, anon
>>97230891>IDR in 4th place
>>972308912 million 634 thousand = 23k yenHAHAHAHAHAHAH
>>97230525It's not that complex. She was clearly a Holostars fan before joining, not a Hololive fan.I'd guess that at least a big part of her joining, if not the main motivation, was to be friends with and support her homo oshis. She seems to care more about it than making money for example since it has 100% undoubtably debuffed her career but she doesn't care, so clearly there's some sort of idealism at play here.
>NijiEN is-AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEE why is our fanbase full of trannies sisters?
Give me Reine Anya Zeta Kaela, you can let go of the rest alongside the homos
miko op next thread since she won the gold?
>>97230932kek kobo is a joke
>>97231082and yet she still sticks around to this day.
>>97231097Comachama no one fucking does that shit anymore, no one cares about golds
>>97231082>trying be gfe in nijiEN KEK
>>97231082>meanwhile mr paradise
>>97231153You don't care because NijiEN is bac on top
>>97231082>Doing GFE but your audience is so shit and overdramatic that the attempt falls flat on it's face.Does that happen often? Lmao
>>97230829Kobo made hololive mainstream in indonesia. Kaela is /#/'s favourite aside from Anya
>>97230891>IDR gets mogged by TWDwhat a fucking joke when shes full of ID clips how she impressed people with her JP
>>97231153>ComachamaI-I just woke up...
>>97227067>>97227347They would have been fine if they drank a lot of Strong Zero daily. Alcohol kills germs and viruses in the body.
>>97231218On top of the priority list for soon to be merged branches
>>97231082to make sisters seethe all you need to do is eat mcdonalds and drink starbucks
>>97231218There would be some dedicated fans of niji baking new OP's if your botted shitters were actually winning it.
>>97231294>the fact checker of this post
>>97230891>IDR is not even in podiumgrim, back to getting carried by EN and JP i guesstruly the land of f2poor genshit gacha obsessed mintpicker
>>97226889One guy tried fudging the numbers to “prove” that Cover pays its talents less than Anycolor.
>>97230891When has IDR ever carried an ID girl?
>>97231555Kobo through sponsorships and mainstream event appearances in indonesia
>>97231549>Cover pays 9 billion, Anycolor 2.4 billionHow can you manipulate this? It's a 3 (almost 4) to 1 ratio!
>>97230695I'm happy that my oshi never did and will never vaguely doompost that way. At least I would know in details if something bad is happening to her
>>97230891>0 EUR
vivi is a spider btw
>>97231592all pretty worthless
>>97231666Yeah so true napling
>>97231685I knew she wasn't a human.
>>97231740Nah, I'm not one.
>>97231685I now will never watch her streams due to arachnophobia
>>97231695Cover disagrees with you.
>>97231815If they did you'd have ID4 already.
>>97231815still no ID4 to keep expanding the branchi think they agrees
>>97230776my beloved
>>97231865Learn English before you speak.
what made Cover reconsider hiring for ID4? it's sad, their wait is way longer than the wait for Advent was by now
>>97230147this thread probably has more updoots than an homo average ccv
>>97229030yeah gura is gone soon
Once a cocksleeve, always a cocksleeve>the decision that killed her career
>>97231899wheres your ID4 saars?
>>97231607By saying that a chunk of the figures for Cover don’t count and by assuming that figures that Anycolor doesn’t publish are equal to Cover’s, that’s how.
>>97231965eceleb cumdumpster, that fat guy can`t even remember her name
>>97231965For me, people like you who supposedly don't care about Ollie but have thousands of pictures like this saved up in their computer are the most suspicious of them all
>>97232015>I-It doesn't countand>Trust me browew what a twofer
>>97230891I mean, Yen being highest for a JP girl makes sense
>>97232117Why Su so angry?
>>97231965So did he ever get his condom money from Mori?
this is a sheepboard only for sheeposters
>>97232097Sure bro
>>97231957>Spend years supporting Hololive >One person leaves >"Stops caring"Lmao. Guarantee he watched a pirated copy despite this virtue signaling
>>97232236i mean, if that's all the merch he got to show off after years it's not much support kek
>>97232236>Spend years supporting HololiveBut that's wrong?I only supported Nimi (formerly Fauna)
>>97232213iirc during that arc she did donate to him on one of his streams the akasupa money
>>97232302That wasn't her hololive account was it? I thought it was just speculated to be her. Unless I'm remembering wrong.
>>97232350>Live stream offlineOk cool
>>97232350>OUR>WIFE> >WIFE> > >WIFE
>>97232295By supporting Fauna you were supporting Hololive Newsflash
>>97232295And where do you think Fauna worked, retard
>>97232450WHAAAAAAAAAT?but i thought being a nimitomo meant being a holoanti.... the discord lied to me...
>>97232506Nimi isn't Fauna and they are holoan >>97231957
>>97232450>>97232484>by supporting your oshi you're supporting homostarsBased homobeggars
>>97232295>>97232450>>97232484>>97232506>>97232552nobody cares faggots
>>97232552That is factually correct which is why people want them all to graduate
is fantafeet itt right now?
>>97232450Which is why I'm glad she stop letting Cover leech off her.
>>97232609Now nothing leeches off her (because she doesn't stream)
>>97232570Well the one replied to me certainly does.
would you marry Biju if she looks like this irl?
>>97232377I don't remember but it has to have been her twitch account
>autistic minecraft streams for 12 hours every day during dead JP hours while pandering to kaigainikisay something nice to the newest first army member
>>97231957Actual subhuman behavior. I'm glad Fauna graduated and got these shit stains out of the fanbase. Glad she's suffering now too.
>>97232735Chumbud and hooman's going to join us soon.
>>97232377it was, she decided against streaming on it in the end
>>97232785They won't you graduation begging niminigger
>>97232785>barely knows englishchecks out
>>97232213if you mean specifically from that SC, then no, Mori realized how retarded that was after actually talking about itthe one she donated after was the members SC that brought the topic of "did he apologize or not"
>>97232717They need to fix her face
>>97231957>Likes im@s>Supports a talent that gives the least amount of fuck about idol activitiesNobody would've batted an eye if nigger didn't go into a tangent about "killing his holo experience" when his oshi has never given any kind of holo experience to begin with.
>>97232861in general, people remember the condom SC since it was "funny" (and in public space), but factually it had nothing to do with her entire flipoutwhat sent her into a spiral was acussation of hanging with people who are shitting on the girls
Shondo's mom died
>>97232936Don't pretend you faggots even know what "the Holo experience" is when you talk out both sides of your mouth. "It's the camraderie with other girls" you say, but now it's strictly only the idol portion? Which is it? >F-Fauna never collabedfauna joined every single group collab to the point where you had a seething faggot (probably Faunaschizo) without fail saying she'd ruin it and they need to stop inviting her. It wasn't until the tail end of her career in Holo that she slowed the fuck down, for obvious reasons. So is Hololive truly about the interactions or is it strictly about the idol stuff?
>>97232965In hindsight, they are people that were shitting on the girls. I still remember one of them calling Nene a whore, so I'm glad Mori cut all ties with them.
>>97233129Fauna>b...but my kitty cat
>deadest hours /#/, what's your favorite GET post in this board's history?
>>97233178The one saying that this is a Luna board. Wish I had it saved.
>>97233129Schizos raising schizos. The cycle continues...
>>97233129Ok but shes going to keep tweeting about it past the initial first one? Seems like a sensitive issue.
>>97233153>I still remember one of them calling Nene a whoreIn hindsight, was he wrong? You can't tell me someone randomly broke into Nene's place and killed all her beetles. Definitely not a stranger, and her taking such a long break afterwards was telling.
>>97233274She cares about her audience unlike a certain green woman who just leaves for days on end with no communication
>>97233153Mori didn't see it that way and if she talked with them directly they could've manipulated or corrected their takeait also happened around the time where a long time friend, Jubyphonic, was getting attacked and cut off by friends on fake accusationnof grooming a minor (who latter admitted to making it up), so she was particularly combatative against the idea
Someone tried to incite "HoloJP vs HoloEN" in global but intead he fucked up a basic English test >>97232348
>>97232717She sounds like a middle schooler and it makes me diamonds. Too bad I don't understand what she's saying though.
>>97233178i am not sure if this is what you meant but this one is pretty funny
How does one explain this?
>>97233427gets are for round funny numbers but that is pretty funny still kek
>>97233436I don't know but Anya's new song is really good.
>>97233427newfag...>>97233178>>10000000it was near the prak of Mori bad posting, making it twice as funny
Is Shondo the new thread darling?
>>97233397Do they not teach nursery rhymes to them
Yo what the fuck is this
>>97233397>"holoEN > holoJP">can't even speak englishWhat did he mean by this
>>97233538Crowd-sourced script-writing
>>97233538enna is gfe now?
>>97233538>Please do stuffs for me for free. You love me right?
>>97233538>With somebody >Not "with you"At least she's consistent kek
>>97233538>NijiEN botting>Enna having a NTR arcIT'S 2022 ALL OVER AGAINNNNN, YIPEEEEEE
>>97233538Yasss queen, yaaaaassss
>>97233538>Enna getting into findom NTRI might have to start watching Enna
>>97233480Fucking deadbeats have two of the million gets. >>2000000
>>97233641THEY KEK THEMSELVES, THEY ACTIVELY REVEL ON KEKING is now officialy Hot Topic certified
>>97233641>can write the script>NEEDS other organs to be there, in their dateGRIM
>>97233665this was funny too >>1000001
>>97233538Damn at least Luca had the decency to sext the broad writing his voice packs for him
>>97233469It is and Matsuri's new song is even better. More people need to listen to it.
>>97233744Remember when we used to have proper meidos
>>97233790Everyone listened to it at holofes
>>97231957Why is this being labeled an anti
>>97233812they were funny... now they probably aren't even chuuba watchers.....
>>97233812they all got fired since schizos are schizo enough to manipulate/pester the trannies populating the IRC
>>97232717>cute voice>sex>pink>cute
>>97233407I was following AKB/NMB when she debuted like 15 years ago and she was always one of my favorite NMBs.She still sounds the same today as she did when she was like 13 when she debuted, which is pretty funny and hot
Koyo sex
>>97233917no, not the Omocat one
Is there a clearer sign of Hololive having the mandate of heaven than Fauna's cat dying as soon as she quit?
spidervivi is shooting white shit at me
>>97233692She's everywhere
>>97234026Why do you keep seething over Nimi's friends?
>>97233973>13yo idolJust like my idolm@sters. Must've been nice.
>>97234054For sure. She should've stayed in Hololive so Snail wouldn't die just like Clover!Wait
>>97234026jezas its that bad
How many narcoleptics/night-owls does Japan have? This is almost a perfect y=x sloped graph starting from midnight until almost 5 am
>>97234054Yeah the hordes of niggers like you shitposting ITT daily because none of your shitters are relevant kek
>>97234075Yea honestly it's pretty crazy seeing Shiori randomly reply to uhhhh a tweet from a big brand about a hololive collab
>>97234026anon... your propic....
>>97234135You must be a lot of fun
>>97234026Uh oh, twitterfags are not gonna like thisHas Mint killed off the hypocritical Nijisisters from her audience? I remember them popping out during Doki's first collabs
Would you rather>All Vtuber Merch is now free for you but you lost the ability to listen/enjoy vtuber music.or> Yagoo offers you a job you get paid to watch streams every minute is around 100 Yen but you lose ability to gain money any other way.
>>97234116that's normal. find a new slant.
Anyone else here lie awake at night despondent over how much cover hates dev_is?No new years outfits, no idol outfit, have to beg for subs, no 3D for flowglow, no shilling, no sponsorships, no pop-up stores, no music, no 3D lives.It's a fetish exercise in making good women suffer. I fucking hate the new direction.
>>97234173shit, good catch. thanks anon
>>97234116KCD is an endless incline game.
>>97234026wtf we have sicilians posting here
>>97234223Nobody does that. Not even you
why is this retard doing anti-shondo vs pro-shondo shits when we never cared about her to begin with
>>97234198I don't see the downsides of the first one if i were a clipfag/someo that isn't invested in the idol side of Holos, also who cares about other Vtubers
>>97234198First one because I barely listen to vtuber music to begin with
>>97233692>>97234075I need a hot topic goth gf
>>97234198>every minute is around 100 Yen but you lose ability to gain money any other way.Easiest 1k a day I'll ever make
>>97234300hey I'm almost sicilian and I'm not like that at all
>>97234198>40$/hour job vs you lose the ability to enjoy music and maybe 600-1000$ a year you'd typically spend on merchare you five
>>97234318This is the Nimi thread 2 remember?
seaniggers are invading global and falseflagging again to make fun of people mourning... probability of an unplanned Shiori and IRyS MH collab no matter how small is never zero
>>97234365nobody posts about nimi if not for shitposting and she never gets chosen as the op...this is a holo board more than anything
>>97234116Her and Ars were the first to get hit with the perma incline/parabola graphs
>>97234418I mean yeah but Nimifags say they always lurking so it explains the idiots that bite the baits
>>97234365Why are you pretending they give a shit about Shondo They don't even want Nimi to interact with her
Finally a good stream
Finally a good clip
>>97234597>Monhun Slop~Yawn
>>97234198secondwhat kind of turbo larper doesn't want to listen to his oshi's hard work and progress this is hololive no niggersanji
>>97234642Isn't this Oberatai? Faggot is still obsessed at Holo + Homos clips?
>>97234054Shondo's mom dying.
>>97234642What do you even say about this?
>>97234719idk, is this still him? This looks worse than oberatai tbf
>>97234198>Second is an easy $80k USD/year desk job with flexible hours and you just need to watch streamsLiterally what are the downsides? Just live in a cheap area and you're set.
>>97234198>6000 Yen per hour>108k Yen per day if you give yourself 6 hours of sleep/bath/other things that might make you not watch streams>which means 728.20 dollars per day just for watching streams>nearly 22k per month for being a neetI think the choice is pretty obvious here.
>>97234116why can't we have even one holo who actually plays good games like kcd2 and finishes them
>>97234673if you make under 60k USD/year there's no reason not to pick 2nd, either
>>97234796All I remember was Oberatai's community post about dismaying st all his channels being demonitized and someone, probably that channel giving it away for him to continue his crusade
>>97233692cant wait for the twitter negroe's melty
>Numbers can't stop thinning about cock
>>97234890>Their kind is spreading >Also a Nijihomokek>No mention of Hologirls, meaning they're just a vehicle for his homos to use *Vomits*
>>97235044It's insane how many people are absolutely obsessed with Holostars in this thread. Yet they will continue to deny it.
>>97234890I think I blocked that channel on holodex ages ago.
>>97235044But I'm thinking about my oshi's plump ass and fat titties right now
>>97235044>>97235104it's insane that you're so blatantly samefagging thinking nobody would've noticed
>>97235044>sea cockanon always show up when ppl trash his fags
How tf does Vivi always get so many viewers but hasn't hit 300k subs yet?
>>97235140nah brain hurt
>>97234829Every time a holo girl actually plays a video game this thread starts pissing and shitting itself over muh long running debuff series or whatever
>>97235044>>97235104everybody can see you homonig
>>97234642they are so unhinged!
>>97235393hmmm asian pussy good
>>97235231yeah, but there's room for holos who do what they want, kind of like korone who is first army when she wants to be but she'd rather play debuff retro kusoge 90% of the time.and we do have kronii and shiori who play mostly niche indies that are arguably even bigger debuffs than long AA/AAA RPGs.
>>97235317EN Holo like this when?
>>97235418The thing with indie slop is that it is typically shorter than AAA RPGs and can often be finished in 2 or 3 streams rather than 20. If you miss the days of Nerissa BG3 you can always rewatch the VODs, they should last you a while.
>>97234116hayama, ars and toru are getting the bots on the jp side just like nijien is getting for the retarded minecraft, and those bots aint very cheap, unlike ennacuck's worms
>>97234983they're not HT target customer base, I expect no buzz
>>97234455>12000 ccv, right at the peak>1 chat/minuteman the nijibotters dont have any shame at all
thread's theme
Are numberfags the most oppressed minority?
>>97235681>sorry for the numbers post!!!>gets downdooted into oblivion
>>97235044It's like the same 3 or 4 anons coming back every day to jerk each other off over the homos and random zero-engagement Twitter accounts.
>>97235667cc said she is tiny
>>97235681Everyone hates numbers, but most V-Tubers can't help but numberfag every now and then.
>GG angle in global>GG angle /here/noticing
>>97235667>completely unprompted and doxx-leaningkys
the shark will graduate
>>97235044cockanon, this level of projection is concerning
>>97235681That a containment breaker? One of ours?
>the shark
>>97233140>So is Hololive truly about the interactions or is it strictly about the idol stuff?There's obviously no difference between those, interpersonal relationship is also a part of a holomem's idol journey. If you are that poster in question then you should know what to expect coming from im@s, and if your oshi's growth is considered "okay" by your standards then good for you. Don't cry when other people thinks otherwise though,
>>97235681Numberfagging is only generally accepted when it's about good numbers
Shondo might get some big numbers once she comes back
>>97235956t. Plebbitor
>>97235983>once she comes backHopefully she just doesn't
>>97235956>plebbitard>>97236006>Plebbitorwhich is it
>>97235983But at the same time she may never come back to streaming.Or the nuclear third option, flame everyone and everything around her in a fit of frustration and distress.
>>97235785I mean yeah, it's their job
Reine intends to sleep next to Moom.
>>97235044man i've been shitting on Niji Q3 report for 3 threads straight now and yet this kind of post only appear when homos the one getting shit on. Also people aren't even really shitting on the homos , people are shitting on the clipper
>>97236203every holo should have a titmonster mode
>>97236067Mine is a portmanteau with retard.
>>97236186I missed the report. Any interesting findings?
>>97230358>Supposedly, Helmite has reformed himProblem is, like drug users, beggars know how to lie.
>>97236309I'm too stupid to understand this. What's the QRD?
>>97235681I mean, you gotta actually have your data be truthful. Shion didn't stream at all before August last year so the actual thing a person coming back after a year would say is "holy shit, Shion is streaming?"
zatsu > mh > mhweak lineup today. nijien gold secured!
>>97236368nijien livestream revenue is back to pre-luxiem levels with 5x the chuubas
>>97236174Every ID should get an EN girlfriend so they get better numbers, just look at Kaela
>>97236405We could get a surprise shark graduation announcement.
>>97235792probably the same schizo from yesteday, i remember anons talking about it itt
>>97228085Not fast enough though, but yes, the brand is effectively dead and worthless, barely getting scraps thanks to ironlung's pitybait.
>>97236470Honestly? I feel like Gura hates being on stream so much by now that she wouldn't do a graduation stream or a big departure in general, she'd tell Cover to just announce it via white background image with black text on it and then she says goodbye on twitter (manager tweet) and then vanishes forever. People always assume she would just go indie to hang out with her graduated friends but honestly when she leaves holo I'm sure she'll just stop being online for many many years.Which is a goddamn shame because she's THE vtuber, people just really really like her, but she fucking hates streaming.
>>97236425The numbers don't reflect your claim. On the contrary that graph shows their weakest quarter ever. Care to explain why NijiEN flopped this hard?
>>97236368Nijisanji JP is on track to break their revenue record, NijiEN is on track to make half of what they made last fiscal year which was already ~24% less than what they made in FY2023.Essentially the branch is atrophying rapidly and if this trajectory continues probably won't have much reason to exist in a year or so. They have severe negative growth YoY and it's accelerating, not slowing.
>>97236641yeah, we probably won't ever get another stream from the shark. she's gone already.
>>97236618>>97236680I would call 169 basically 147 and thus pre-luxiem
>>97236691Their YoY growth will normalize next quarter, or at most the one after that
>>97236770Wait I'm a retard. I thought Luxiem debuted during the first quarter of 2023.
>>97236770I'm not seeing a lot of event revenue.
I've got a raid starting in 15 minutes, someone please bake a Nimi OP for me when this thread dies
>>97236770do we know their expenses too? or are those private
>>97236833the -8 event revenue under the FY25 Q1 always makes me laugh
>>97236796Well eventually they'll hit the pavement as one inevitably does when one jumps from a window, but that doesn't mean they'll land at a sustainable level. The branch is too big, too noisy, and too much trouble if it isn't also growing. I'm not saying a merge or closure is inevitable, but the risk is pretty high.
When is IRyS 3D Live?
>>97236981sir, this is a blue board
Looks like Hayama is stuck in Trotsky castle.It's kind of fun watching someone who has absolutely no idea what to do play the game.
>>97236898They still make money. ID/KR never did. They're not gonna get that much support from here on out other than basic #d and some bit parts in JP stuff but I don't see any benefit to merging the branch either.
>>97236981They're just playing the pockey gameThey should put a pockey in their cooch as well
>>97236981me in the left
>>97237148Kisaki should sit on my face
vivi is so hot
>>97237208Thanks, my wife appreciates it
>>97237190Wait, her last stream is an "I'M BACK" stream from 4 months ago? How did she not stream once after an "I'M BACK" stream?
>>97236770I'm kind of surprised the Selen shock wasn't a big dramatic dropoff, it just seems to be a slight intensification of the long-term recline
>>97237239i dont know if she (my wife btw) really appreciates swimming in lava but ok
Hololive is like old anime fansubs, full of soul. The rest are like crunchyroll slop.
>>97236898If Holostars can survive, they can survive as well. Not to mention they have a higher ceiling if somehow things start looking better
>>97237252Well yeah. Anybody who has been frequenting this thread for a while knows that the decline started well before the Selen stuff happened.
>>97237277ranking of kings is not slop, there's diamonds in the rough
>>97237272My wife loves netherites and is love by netherites
>>97237277This, plus karma leans towards Hololive. Opposers like Nimi and Shondo have bad things happen to them because they rejected Christ, basically.
>>97237323holostars is subsided, greedsanji will cut any branch off as soon as they stop making them profit (which is an incredible feat on itself, as they keep huge cuts and pay everyone shit)
>7 hours>15k>a lot of kaigais in chat>50 & more gifts Pekora's Sith-like apprenticeship works wonders, TOO strong
Did something happen to Phase?
we need a new rust arc, the game has been updated massively since the first one
>>97237407>cut any branch off as soon as they stop making them profitthat is what I am saying, I think they are making profit, just not as much as they were doing 3 years back
>>97237461she knew how to play the gameprops to hershame that only she and biboo realised what needed to be done
>>97237252The Selen, Pomu and Zaion incidents helped for the affected, propelling their careers. I'm too much of a Holo purist to take this neutrally, I'm gleefully cheering for Niji's downfall, but I like to compare this to the WWE-WCW war. The WCW's best years (1996-1997) were WWE's worst years, and even if the product that the WCW offered was sometimes lackluster, it was still better than the amalgam of poor storylines and drama that the WWE offered. Once WWE debuts a new generation, the line slowly moves in their favour until it is irreversible. NijiEN's best years (2022-Early 2023) are HoloEN's worst years, even if the product that Niji offered was toxic, mediocre and even boring, HoloEN had no way of responding properly. Once Advent debuts, the line moves in their favour, and it may be irreversible.Will HoloEN buy NijiEN? Pfff, fuck no, but it is a good point of comparison.
>>97237399she talked to much about snuggling biboo when they hugged, biboo needs to be wary around that lolicon
>>97237527tbqh i preferred the GTA RP
>>97237636nta but we could have both
>>97237598>The Selen, Pomu and Zaion incidents helped for the affected, propelling their careersBut, as a holo purist, you know that all of their careers are still a joke, even if they're doing slightly better than they were in niji.
>>97237668Yeah they're not beating anyone anytime soon, but they would have become 3views by now if they had stayed in Niji
>>97237590Yeah, I want to see Niko incline to close no.2 of FlowGOLD
>>97237627Beware of F Diddy.
you know shit is grim when shiori novella is the most consistent active streamer in EN
>>97237712>but they would have become 3views by now if they had stayed in NijiWhich is kind of just delaying the inevitable, because they're probably end up 3 views in a year or two anyway, unless Mint ramps up the Nijisanji leeching and Dokibird ramps up the Vinesauce leeching.
>>97237772Hol up, Shiorin just immediately fucked off home from JP after Fes? I haven't been seeing her from the other ENs being gay in their trips and dates
>>97237813Gigi is underestimating Cecilia's lesbianism.
>>97237813CC is just that good at playing clam fighters
>>97237831It doesn't seem like she ever went, she was posting stream frames and playing MHW with people on Sunday already.
>>97237598>Will HoloEN buy NijiEN?just Rosemi and Scarle
>>97237831I've been asking the same thing but no one here watches her
>>97226889Current cope is "Bars going down? Imaginary! CoverUSA finding business in NA is good and looking to expand? Well, I don't see the word 'profit' in there so they're clearly doing this without knowing how to make any money." Made for some funny shitposting in the few threads that popped up.
>>97237895and Aia
>>97237786>>97237786>unless Mint ramps up the Nijisanji leechingI mean, "Hololive leeching". My bad
>>97237897I thought we had 1 or 2 novelites here?
>>97237786I don't think Mint will struggle with maintaining her audience. Every time she goes down she collabs with Holos or ex-Holos or ex-Nijis or VShojos or whoever.Doki might be in trouble, though, her audience was mostly composed of drama tourists who wanted to hear the exclusive details about Niji. After the initial burst, the rest has been...disappointing, to say the least.