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Previous thread: >>97158958 →
> It's Not a Phase - Nanashi Mumei & Ceres Fauna
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxzw7-sCdnQ [Embed]
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl7CwlEg2ZI [Embed]
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcVyYmVOi1U [Embed]
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQuGEpICY2o [Embed]
>Second original song - mumei
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oA0CpI0vCK4 [Embed]
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcO9bZavHRg [Embed]
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql0cz-62ff0 [Embed]
>List of Songs / Karaokes
>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos
>5th Fes
>Youtube Channel:
>Merch (Birthday merch 2024 order period ends 9th Sept. JST)

Reminder: >>1 →
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
>>97228220 (OP)
Streams / M.E.S.
>【6th Fes Free Chat】Moom at Fes!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWg0x0x6bHo [Embed]
>【OVERWATCH 2】bringing out the baus baus !!! with @FUWAMOCOch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBLX2LLypwo [Embed]
>【OH HI】japan story time !! 日本旅行の雑談
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLxgC-r6w1E [Embed]
Owl Mentions:

Useful links
>Fanart hunting links
>Tools : QOL & YouTube recorders

>Library of /who/LEXandria
>Most recommended streams if you're new.
>List of members streams + brief descriptions
>Database Backup

OP template: https://rentry.org/7uy87
Updates / additions:
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Alright, into the fryer with you.
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Tickling Mumei until she's a cackling, sobbing mess!
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The Moom toes are currently in my mouth.
https://youtu.be/walvDLh_Yks?t=4119 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/walvDLh_Yks?t=4153 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/walvDLh_Yks?t=5312 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/walvDLh_Yks?t=12119 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/ohwMi3hWdS0?t=3947 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/ohwMi3hWdS0?t=6745 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/ohwMi3hWdS0?t=13291 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Za2WfJm0N4w?t=1363 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/IZZS0ePVxRA?t=1673 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/IZZS0ePVxRA?t=6396 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/a8fEOZR2uMk?t=5180 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/xvYFHkBsDjo?t=1060 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/xvYFHkBsDjo?t=3462 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/0c5pHPdCcg8?t=2324 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/0c5pHPdCcg8?t=5112 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/nEV7T8peRcw?t=1025 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/IzPU6Pni-XQ?t=2609 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/UYlNn2F817I?t=2862 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/UYlNn2F817I?t=2919 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/UYlNn2F817I?t=3374 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/h52me593e8g?t=9120 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/h52me593e8g?t=9907 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/cuBAtp-_beY?t=7347 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/YnFRleq2ibk?t=5129 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Li5HG_csGUU?t=3356 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/vjezlZ3rWfU?t=5673 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/E71i3uL2adI?t=6125 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/-7jIWs0JzFo?t=2166 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/t02NCkP0TQI?t=6874 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/t02NCkP0TQI?t=9087 [Embed]
Uhhhh based.
>>97228220 (OP)
should i start with blue planet 1 or blue plant 2 ?
Blue Planet 1.
too big
The morb's size is ephemeral
Reine is safe for now...
Not THAT morb, the other two moom orbs...
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She thinks she's safe, big difference.
I can see her post but nothing else, Twatter is having issues again?
Wanashi Mumei
Needs to take a bath, stinky.
You should try logging in
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I am logged in, it's stil not loading anything else at the moment.
Then either you have blocked reine or its a regional issue
That thing that's got her hands full? Me.
Animol… you got fat…
Twitter/X is hardly a centralized service, no need to jump to accusations
What did towa say
She was free after creators stage and was watching mumeis stage and saw mumi x twa aitai before the start of the stage.
She is two months preggo and Mumei is the main suspect.
Jetlagged Owl...
Almost told her to go to sleep but then remember that shes home and its morning for her (she still should).
fuck off animol.
Her sleep is always so fucked, I have just given up on even trying to check if it's early/late/night for her. If she's up, she's up. If she's asleep she's asleep.
>mumi x twa aitai before the start of the stage.
Which one was this
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This one I guesss?
I don't understand Japanese hooo
It's all things that have been posted /here/ before while the respective streams where still running.
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Flare? Nene?
From the timestamp I can assume she's talking about Mumei's song choice.
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Thinking about Idowlbutt again...
Stop right there criminal scum.
Pondering the Morb.
spicy twice fried rice with green beans
Hmm, I'll add pork to that.
But I can't stop my criminal cum
That's why we brought in Lamy. She's going to ensure that you don't cum again.
What about brown Lamy?
We only got Lamy and Pink Lamy on duty. And you'd want Lamy to do the deed instead of Pink Lamy, for your own sake.
Not even grey? ... Alright, alright
Hey Mumei, its safe to sleep, right? You are not going to do anything for few days?
Yes, go to sleep. :D
Yes, she will give me walkies
Thanks, will you release the pfps this week though?
A bunch of EN girls got sick
Mumi was patient zero
Mumei only left a baby in Towa.
Should have used protection while handholding.
makes me feel better about Moom not showing up in any of the off collabs
Bae got sick too though...
Yes, traveling and illness tend to go hand in hand.
>flu season
>lots of people in same place
Gee I wonder why
Not to mention Japan is a petri dish during this season.
And a lot of them already have not the best immune systems to begin with.
Well, Moom, IRyS and Kronii have got sick EVERY JP ARC.
That why Mumei should make kids with me, they would have the strongest immune system and adhd.
IRyS and Kronii seem to have dodged it this time so far. Hopefully it’s the same for Moom.
Moom was in 2 - 3 group party/ dinner though.
I will suck the sickness out of her.
She was with a lot of groups this time, yea.
illness is just another opportunity for the #1 business woman of hololive english
Everything with them Moomgerms would sell like crazy
Towa protected Mumi-chan from the sickness.
I’d pay money for a piece of paper Mumei stared at angrily, tbdesu.
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Too small.
The hat.
Big Hat Moomgan...
>They both had sex with bae who is sick right now
It's over
someone post a moombean, I miss her
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oh mumei reached 5 million, cool.
wow, I didn't realize that it was anywhere near that high. cool & deserved, it's an amazing song and MV
Licking moom toes. Moom toes in my mouth.
I made this post btw
Control your bipolar tendencies Animol.
back to moom retweets, life is good again
H00B0T, back into hibernation with ya
Mumi-chan kakkoi
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I miss Boros & Friend
boros a cute, way cuter than our resident pissbag
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They're both good.
That's not a high hurdle to clear...
I gotta admit, he's pretty cute with his lil hat
Hootsie > Hooties >>>>> the rest >>> pissbag
Hootsie >>>>>> the rest >>> pissbag >>> hooties
I hope you are not putting Mumei in "the rest" category.
How dare you even imply that
She's not a mascot, is she?
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You wot mate?!
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quiet down
What's the origin of this thing?
There’s that Hologra episode where she was having a picnic in the woods with a bunch of mascots, which could imply that she’s a branch/company mascot.
Mumei. Bean.
That just implies she lives in the forest. Shes not a mascot untill we get a meem walking around the expo.
It would have the same vibes as Gudako walking around FGO related conventions. But without the gacha addiction.
man I love hololive
That yukimin being carried away? Me.
You're being carried away to be eaten
Joke's on them I have no nutritional value.
that haton is a fat fuck
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Feeding Mumei shabu shabu
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae3gxdTlEcw [Embed]
Bae is dying right now...I wonder if Mumei caught anything
well if bae has something it's almost certain that she would as well
I think Mumei is fine
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But Ina seems to be fine so far and she also hung out with bae a lot. Maybe there's still hope
That rrat is cooking herself
is that hot?
That is 101.66°F in borgar units.
How much is 387 degree celsius again?
If she's being cooked at least add some spices to make it tastier for Mumei.
It's not only her mouth that will be that hot, by the way.
You forgot the dot there.
I wanna lick that thermometer.
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moomanager is more interesting that bummei at this point
towa found a clip of mubae arguing about her eyes from last fes
I always thought Towa's eyes are like a lime green, yeah.
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oh nyo
Bae just doesn't get it
It's like nerding out over rocket sceience for other people
Bae is a master gaslighter
Why did Towa suddenly find this anyway
Probably just sitting on Youtube since her throat's bleeding out
no...don't tell me towa is sick too...
She got some throat/nose treatment on Suisei's suggestion which is the main cause, but she could be dealing with that and illness but we don't know.
Poor little baby rrat.
>Towa was at bae's home watching the day 3 performance, then went with bae and mumei to a dinner
Good chance they got the sick from that, all of them...
BAM, Moom
BAM, Botan, AZKi, Mumei
That would have been quite a crackship but would also be totally in line with the last two years
https://youtu.be/f3EU_jpvETU?t=2511 [Embed]
moom mention (mac and cheese tips)
Oh, Rissa is still in Japan? I thought that all of the ENs would have left by now after fes
Only some of them left, some of the girls are still there.
Only Moom, ERB and Kronii left. CCGG are leaving at the end of the week, don’t know about the others, they may stay a bit to do some extra recording.
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How big are Mumei’s hands?
She's a True Kin so she can get the giant hands augment.
I think Ina is staying for a few months
Kiara I'm not sure when she's leaving, same with Nerissa
And everyone else lives in Japan
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What did she mean by this
She was holding me
>Ina is staying for a few months
man how much is she going to stay? she already stayed in japan for a few months until december
Uhh I think she's going to be in Japan until her birthday at least but I dunno, she said she'd be more in Japan than at home in the near future
It's me!
>I think Ina is staying for a few months
Would explain why she bought a new PC there.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohwMi3hWdS0&t=6749s [Embed]
When imitating the way moom speaks why does Irys pitch up and girlify her already girly voice? Is that the image Mumei gives off in the other girl's minds?
Mumei is a girl, you see
Didn’t she say she was thinking about moving there or something before the whole visa trouble ?
Backup for the CC Space
That was something she mentioned a while back when she was thinking about selling her house I think, I don't remember what she eventually decided on. I assume she's not moving there yet.
More importantly, why was Mumei scared of IRyS before they first met to begin with? Was it the Stacey energy that IRyS gives off on stream? In particular, how IRyS is obviously biting her tongue hard when her retarded coomer fanbase are typing nonsense in chat and not saying what she wants to actually say to them, so maybe Mumei could sense this too?
I think it's just that Irys is a socially stunted hikki retard that hasn't talked much to Mumei and Mumei herself likes to overthink things when meeting people for the first time
Unless you have your own family (spouse and kids) it really doesn't make any sense to tie yourself down to a piece of property, especially when you have quite a bit of money. Ina could live almost anywhere if she sells it really.
Way more, actually. Mumei's channel isn't an artist branded one so MVs and releases are separate.
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=46cuX1IeVpU [Embed]
Add this and it's at 7.6 million.
Too big. Nice puffy bottom though...
Man I am still glad I waited for the MV to come out after the blunder of them releasing it on spotify...
Man, I'm so proud of her.
5 meemillion mews
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Within this world, you are somewhere. Now, I'll keep going, as Mumei...
Even a year later and it makes me tear up every time I see it...
Mumei should stop camping here
She made this post >>97263891
She doesn't camp this thread. She goes to /hag/.
The moom is immune…
Okay she's definitely /here/
Just earlier the thread was talking about if Mumei got sick or not
It was my toe licking that immunized her. No need to thank me.
Everyones been getting and speaking of which you should take your meds
I mean it's almost as if all her friends are getting down with the sickness.
she's /here/ because she has to make sure animol doesn't drool on the keyboard when she's making posts
Its always one sneeze or unwashed hands away
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Moom? I love moom
What do you like about her most?
Her feets
I love her cute laugh and the way she tangents.
Her whale autism, voice and butt / hips
The best actual argument against forcing people to fly to Japan: They always bring their foreign diseases with them and get up to hundreds of people infected.
Her hair. I want to sniff it.
Her dagger, just imagining it on my back
hi moom i love your voice please go to a doctor and fix it so you can do more karaokes
Sleep well, /who/.
I'm watching the Su mentions and she too, thinks Mumei is kakkoi.
It's time you all faced the truth, Mumei is cool and there is nothing you can do about it.
She's the coolest!
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She is sexy too
Mumei is triangle
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Mumei needs a bigger hat
+1 for the giant hat
-1 for the lack of boobs
+1 for the ahoge
All in all, she and Mumei look similar
Mumei is much more similar to Elaina's mom in physical appearance
>-1 for no boobs
Why? This is what Mumei should have had
You know that Elaina will get big one day too, right?
Everyone knows anime girls dont age
Yeah, they usually die young.
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Moom needs a Moomgician outfit badly... with original Mumei green/brown/white color scheme
Is Mumei Azki unrecognized child?
Holo 8 is barely a game but whoo cares, Moooooooooom
She loves me..
She saw the maid moom
I don't care about the game I care about the fes story
She should do watchalong again
As a college student and art inclined, she should do a Honey & Clover watchalong. She can self insert as the eternally sick Hagu even.
Moom please, sleep your jet lag away, animol can walk herself.
I could have sworn she wasn't quite that pale when I saw her last...
there's an announcement that holo TCG will unrestrict some cards, and JP bros looking pretty happy and positive that Mumei will be bacc to the scene
I just love listening to her talk. About anything. She’s just so interesting, genuine and observant. Honorable mention to her voice. I love her silly voice and her tired voice and her serious singing voice and her “bad voice acting” voice and…yeah. I really love her.
>some cards
why would they unrestrict Mumei if shes broken? unless there is now more cards that can counter her.
Really not following anything related to TCGs at all but nor do I care about that cardgame, so Yay?
I feel like she’s more of a Moomage.
Don't deny me a gyaru jk outfit...
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testicular torsion
Worth it
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I already had one of those.
too big
Slightly too small.
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Too medium
Too stinky
I don't think it can be possible to be more accurate than that.
(or repent)
If you accept stinkymei as truth you can be spared.
no one play Promise deck anymore ever since they restrict Mumei and IRyS..
Owls aren't meant to be stinky
Mumei please open your SCs I want to throw money at you
Does that mean Bae is bigger than Moom?
If anything the flatter someone is the more allowed their card has been...
>>97279850 (me)
This isn't me calling Bae flat, by the way. Just a suspicious amount of the currently allowed and busted cards are of flatties.
Please keep them closed forever so I dont need to hear cringe shit
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Nevermind, I thought it was owl weighting from the thumbnail, then I hit play. Proceed.
for some reason Owl is steadily becoming my favorite animol
squeezing moom's moomers and licking her sweaty pits
Does Mumei have longer nails than Bae?
She got an Animol so unlikely
Well, owls have pretty big talons
I don't follow
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why does my favorite pair makes me concernfag so much…
No because I bite them every night
holding Mumei's soft hands...
By me, her most beloved hootie
I wrote this
But are they softer than the doll's?
What do you mean
Handling a leash and other pet accessories will make sure they will stay short.
An ancient chimera she may be but out in public she acts like a dog to keep up the illusion
Kyun for one side, depression form the other.
To add to that, aren't her nails fucked from those fake nails she had to rip off
Bae is depressed??
Is she ogey
Wouldn't that part have grown out long ago already?
It depends how you consider it, she is being resilient but she has been talking about feeling like that for a year+
She is not depressed, but this is the first time she's been away from family longer than like a month. She doesn't handle it well.
https://youtu.be/Wr5NhshZhqA?si=tE1V7CeUlcKyYb9O [Embed]
Biboo broke crab legs for Mumei in Japan
Wdym hasn’t she been away from her families since last year??
Yeah, that's what I mean. Before moving to Japan she was glued to her family (like all asian families are).
Nice tracking link
Yeah, that's an Asian thing, Kronii doesn't want to move more that 10-street distance from her family either.
I want mumei to break my leg and consume my meat
I hear clicking on clipper links downloads nasty malware on your PC
We have a /meat/anon here.....
I'm surprised we don't have more
Sure Mumei isn't as edgy as she was when she leaned into the whole psychopath thing like 2 years ago, but a lot of art still depicts her that way
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Good morning hoomans and hooties! Luv Moom!
Moom tonight
hope not, I am busy
You shall drop everything for mumei
You gave a 50/50 chance.
Mumei loves me the most and does it on friday and if not she hates me the most
Fuck off, we almost made it through a whole thread without your schizoshit
why do you hate cowboy bebop?
You think it knows how to play soundposts?
Please tell me that you are actually that retarded, that would be funny
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Howdy pardner! Hearing this just makes me think of AMV Hell. A BLACK SHERIFF?
morning hootie!
Making the new thread
Please do not the owl
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Vexing mortal making me give him "howdy" post all to himself!
Good Moomin' hootie!
Okay, I’ve seen this guy trying to thread police this for ages and I’ve never understood why. Did Kronii kill this guy’s mom or something? She’s one of Mumei’s friends and genmates. At this point with Fauna graduated she’s probably Mumei’s leading ship as well (since MuBae is a friendship thing). So what’s the deal?
What did Kronii say about Mumei's performance? Did she mentioned Mumei at all?
How new?
No, I'm seriously asking, you don't seem to have seen what those schizos have been hallucination up over the last two or so years before the Kiara arranged awkward calendar interaction happened.
It's just troll raids at this point, just look at the thread during the performance over clockshizos loosing their after not getting their rrats validated
Thanks for admitting to being an ESL.
Hell if I know, I don’t watch her. I just don’t have this weird hateboner for her. You don’t see this kind if weird pushack when Bae gets posted here. Or CC gets a mention.
It’s just weird because it seems like an actual resident of the thread who is even here when there’s no shitposting going on.
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this too is Fuwamoomcowawa
Who is it going to be this time?
The space brazilians, Yuros from the 5th-dimensional-hyperspace or maybe time traveling refugees from Hyperboria?
He's a resident, yeah, but he had never made a single post about Mumei. No art, no comments during streams.
Like, when Mumei herself mentions Kronii, liveposters will get replied to from him. He can probably not stop himself from doing his spiel in Mumei's own chat.
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...I think I missed some shitposting. I have no idea what you you are talking about lmao
Mumei said I’m not real, though…
I will never understand those purity tests
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Day of the Rake is coming, you better prepare
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>not israel
>able to make posts
Purity tests? I think watching Mumei is the smallest requirement in order to call oneself a fan.
I thought I was gonna get my free citizenship when we become the 51st state and then I can say I live in the same country as Moom…
Fair and understandable, but what would happen to quebec
>prove to me that you are a fan
Making Canada a state is just a ruse. In reality they'd become second class citizens like Puerto Rico's status.
Hopefully nothing good.
I'd be satisfied with you just saying you are a fan
I am. I just don't care about his seething and don't reply to him anymore.
Nothing important, just random countries or nationalities being blamed before our resident kronie just went maks off.
What I don't get is why he ignores shit straight from Mumei's mouth. Be annoyed with her ignoring Mumei on Twitter, that's fair, but why get upset during live posting of stream when Mumei talks about Kronii?
Because she is not trying to take over the thread?
Quebec has considered becoming their own country quite a few times. There’s always a separatist party there.
Yeah, I don’t actually think it’d be good for us. It dies feel lonely being a leaf Hololive fan, though. Barely any event or official con presence and 3 of 4 Canadian Holos are spending huge chunks of the year in Japan. But Canada and the US have enough shared culture that I still have a lot of shared experiences with Mumei and that makes me happy.
But that's the one time it is on topic. When she talked about watching a movie with Kronii it was the topic of the thread. Not afterwards, not before, but during that segment.
The next Canadian holo will be a nationalist elbows up gal, don't worry.
Spending time in japan is not really limited to them
Even Justice, the supposed EU gen, is spending a lot of time in japan or straight up live there
Might just be them doing stuff for their 3D showcases at the moment though
>I don’t actually think it’d be good for us
Of course it won't. No one but Trump himself (and maybe his administration) and maybe a lot of his voters want it to happen. It's just white noise in the news by now.
On the topic of being lonely, I'm probably the only Swedish hooman in this thread...
Why isn’t there a Swedish EN yet? Like any accent, hearing it from a cute girl is very nice.
out of maybe 7 /who/ yuros total
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Hellu felluo huomuon! I'm nut Svedeesh thuough. Bork Bork Bork!

I always thought Nerine would make a good Swedish EN.
I love that motherfucker
He gets the pass
I am Mumeis most beloved yero hootie and I keep the thread alive while burgers sleep by hooing.
>>97286666 →
Jump in anytime
Swedes, Norwegians, and Finns have the same accent in English, but Sweden had the most weebs.
Just not an accent that is in any sort of global spotlight.
The various british, italian, spanish, german, icelandic etc are things people out of europe will be more likely to have on their mind when thinking about european accents.
I would probably even throw in eastern european accents before thinking about scandinavian...
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Eurasian Owl...
>eurasian-eagle owl
>borger as can be
Why though
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Hop in
Bold of you to assume Hooties will fit into this
Last and silliest!
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>mfw i am the last post?

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