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File: dooby-portrait-66.jpg (34 KB, 600x600)
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I am White and do not watch Nijisanji nor Phase Connect and I hate this bitch.
Cool, who cares?
>I am White
I am not white and I do watch Nijisanji and Phase connect and I hate this bitch.
>>97230193 (OP)
>i am white
why are vshoujofags like this
>>97230193 (OP)
Why make this thread?
What has Dooby done to you that made you make this thread?
>>97230193 (OP)
Exactly something that someone who’s brown and watches either or both would say unprompted.
>>97230193 (OP)
Why do you hate her?
How can you hate her?
She just does 2k ccv streams in her little corner twice a month.
>>97230193 (OP)
>t. Phasefag
>>97230193 (OP)
>I do not watch Nijisanji nor Phase Connect
you watch both
>>97230193 (OP)
I'm the only white on this site tho
You, uhh, you see that lil "X" icon to top right of her stream? You know you can just click that and not watch her stream, right? It's that easy, anon.
>>97230193 (OP)
Dooby is harmless, go touch grass.
What stream? She doesn't stream
>>97230193 (OP)
Marry a black or indian man.
>I am white
He remembered the 'love duet' she did with that homo when she was in Hololive.
>>97230193 (OP)
That's great chief, but nobody asked.
She told him to improve himself
>>97230193 (OP)
>I am White
there are no white people in this board
>>97230193 (OP)
why is she fuming
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101 KB PNG
>>97230193 (OP)
Did he?
>>97230193 (OP)
Why would white masterrace care about something they don't like?

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