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>killing her mom for clout
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>>97231235 (OP)
Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
>>97231235 (OP)
so her mom offed herself
is vtubers tweet not content?
This is about her streams. No streams because of this, it's in the OP.
>>97231235 (OP)
>>97231235 (OP)
>i can't believe she'd do this
I mean it's not very surprising, because you know, of her previous suicide attempt
>>97231235 (OP)
Well, atleast Michael can now live in her mom's room
>>97231235 (OP)
>heehee im so edgy
>wait guys my mom died please be nice :(
>>97231235 (OP)
She sounds mad about her mom's dying, what a shitty person.
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>Muh swarm
Literally rent free
mayb it was suicid
Never mess with Vedal
nobody mentioned swarmGODS btw.
>>97231235 (OP)
I admit I say this with a bias as I don't like shondo for her previous behaviour but
that's a fucking weird response to make public about your mother dying. that's the kind of thing you say to a friend in confidence when you're ranting and emotionally venting, not one of the first things you say about the situation to a HUGE audience of parasocial people
so I say this genuinely not for anti-ing or drama or whatever the fuck, shondo seems like a truly shitty person the way she speaks about others and the content she makes. just nasty
>>97231235 (OP)
Using her family for clout. Indies are disgusting, the things they have to donto keep being relevant
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You want to fuck swarmGODS so bad.
>>97231235 (OP)
Can you imagine hopping on Twitter and posting this after your mother dies? What the fuck.
>>97231235 (OP)
>it's just complete shock and numbness (TO ME)
>i can't believe she'd do this (TO ME) after the devastation my grandfather's death caused (TO ME)
>we (I) just had to tell my 9 year old sister. it's the hardest thing in the world (FOR ME)
>i don't know how we're (I'M) going to do it, but we (I) will have to just stick together
>>97231235 (OP)
That's rough.
I remember like a month or two ago her mom had to be monitored because she was suicidal after stopping her meds.
>thank (me shu)
This is information shared on her official vtuber twitter so it's allowed to be discussed.
Shondo lived every day of her life with her mom still alive. So it makes sense that even after the previous attempt that they'd get through it.
>>97231235 (OP)
Asmon collab when?
you are so stupid
>>97231235 (OP)
can't stop the grift
rip bozo
How is this related to Swarm in any way?
How is it not?
/swarm/gods run this board
>How is it not?
literally no mention of vedal or neuro in the (op) or replies other than your post
It's HER twitter, of course its going to be about her, are you guys dense
It's not my fault that you can't accept that /swarm/ and whatever Shondo's general is called are intrinsically linked. But whatever.
>How is this related to Swarm in any way?
>it's because uuuhhhhh.....
Please note that the proper response to rulebreaking content is to use the report button.
Schizos on this board sure are something huh, literally materializing connections out of nowhere
I acknowledge that you refuse to accept reality and accept your concession as well. I forgive you. If you want to keep seething about it, that's on you.
I will be honest here.
OP you should follow her mom.
There are some things you should just not make fun of as a human being.
Empathy for the suicidal is for when they're still alive and struggling with it. When they're dead there's nothing at all wrong with being angry at them for the damage they caused by going through with it, they don't exist anymore, it is impossible to do them harm, so any small amount of catharsis it brings the people they left behind makes it worth doing if that's how they feel.
you still have not posted a single proof supporting your shitty post >>97232938
You guys are horrible people
>>97231235 (OP)
That sucks to hear
Losing a loved one like that is always difficult and it will take years to completely adapt to this change
I'm worried about Shondo she is already unstable enough as is and this will certainly not help her mental state
The opinions and behavior expressed in this thread are really scummy even for le ebin 4chinz trolls
And still better people than Shondo.
Welcome to /vt/, where being edgy (aka. SEA) is part of the vtubing culture. Oh yeah, you can't spell /vt/ without /v/.
let me guess, swarm?
So was suicide confirmed anywhere or are people just assuming it?
>>97231235 (OP)
This should get a sticky. This is fucked up. The whole family had demons and were dysfunctional. Something BAD had happened to the mom in the past, who then passed it onto Shondo. Poor shondo. Is she the oldest in between her brother and sister? Now she's the mom in the household?
Random catalog pop-in here to fling shit.
>>97231235 (OP)
>she'd do this
Did her mom commit suicide? That's fucked.
I hate her guts but I hope her she and her family recovers
>This should get a sticky
Why? Do you not realize the consequence of a sticky?
uuuuh in the first 2 lines of the tweet it is written "I cant believe she would do this" her doing something that results in her own death is suicide yes
So how long's it going to be before she follows suit?
>This should get a sticky
Nobody cares about Shondo let alone about her family situation.
Her mom has a twitter account? What's the name?
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Uh oh
>There are some things you should just not make fun of as a human being.
you opened this website for the first time or..?
Committing suicide as a parent is such a bitch move I'd be pissed off too
Twitch Queen
"Family member of someone dying" isn't sticky worthy compared to a larger company going under or a larger streamer themself graduating/dying. Yes, it's unfortunate that someone killed themself, but at the end of the day it's really only going to be a big deal to the people who are directly connected to her
Shadowshondo should have gone deeper with her mom even if it means morally wrong, but it would have saved her a little longer.
Suicide is a selfish act. It's entirely reasonable to be mad at someone for doing it, especially when they're supposed to be looking out for and caring for you.
>Suicide is a selfish act.
>People shouldn't have agency over their own lives.
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Shondo is such a bad daughter that her mother couldn't stand it
Imagine a sticky every time Sana had to take a break for dog dying, grandma dying, back dying.
>create child
>actually jk lol bye your problem now
Who the fuck is michael? Im completely out of the shondoverse loop
Uh oh he's activating his falseflagging card right now
First, we don't sign our posts here. Second, I wasn't aware Shondo was still a minor.
What she calls her cat sometimes and definitely not her boyfriend.
Retard, she says in the tweet 9 year old sister.
It's stated at the start now so your third world understanding of my language properly expresses your title.
Very funny. These are nothing like your fucking mother dying and leaving you alone to raise your brother and sister in your 20's
do you eat mcdonalds sometimes? for me it's been a long time since i prefer burger king (where i live it's better)
NGL, I'd kill myself if my daughter grew up to become someone as shitty as Shondo
Hopefully Shondo is the next one to graduate from life
Finally time to stop pretending to be a kid on the internet and actually show some maturity in her life.
They're entitled to their agency. If that agency hurts others it's still selfish. In some situations the alternative is far worse or unbearable but that doesn't make it a selfless act.
I can't post this shit for my twitter audience guys, stop being so mean.
>>97231235 (OP)
Another month long break for Nimi
she replied to shondo's post?
can't do that, she's making too much money off of pedophiles
I'm sure you can find a way around it BVTM
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Clearly we need to go even further, every time they had to go on hiatus because they got a split hair, we need a sticky to let everyone know
If only there was another adult in her life that could take care of her... Or if there were state services that did the same... Hmmmm... Truly a problem for the ages.
lol definitely a KWABOTY contender
yes, whose feelings should she be telling then?
her sis? she does not know what goes in lil sisters head
mothers corpse? she is dead nothing happening there
her own? only thing she can unload
>"leeching" off fucking Shondo of all people
lmao keep dreaming schizo, Mint navigates dimensions Shondo couldn't even dream of, she's a Goddess in human clothing, lightning bolts shoot from her fingertips.
anger is part of grief
i'll pray for her and her family.

May shondo's mom rest in peace.
Menhera mother and menhera daughter sounds like a good recipe for mom/daughter incest story
She killed herself so she's in hell.
anyone else think this is another grift?
>Empathy for the suicidal is for when they're still alive and struggling with it
Man when my dad would constantly tell me he wanted to kill himself I was just like "uh, okay, welp, I mean, I can't fuckin' tell you what to do, if you wanna end it that's your prerogative"

like grow up buddy, "shit or get off the pot" as they say
"cook or get outta the kitchen", amigo
She's mad that she'll have to take custody on her sister which will cut into her doing retarded shit on stream. That is unless she bounces which wouldn't be out of the question.
This seems kinda offtopic, personal lives of vtubers shouldn't be the focus on this board
I mean if half of Shondo's menhera self-reporting is true she shouldn't be the primary caregiver for her 9 year old sister anyway.
Of course it is. That goes without saying.
well maybe she shouldnt be talking about it in her vtuber account lol
i'll pray for you as well anon. You seem to be possessed by demons of avarice. I've never liked Shondo but i'm not wishing death upon those i dislike, that is demonic and disgusting. This thread is incredibly satanic and in very poor taste.
I prefer burger king too
Suicide is literally a sin.
If it is, she's going to have a VERY difficult time keeping the grift up over the coming years. She can't accidentally bring up doing something with her mom, realize she fucked up, and weasel her way out of it by saying "Mom is my cat's name".
Nta but shes using her moms death for content on twitter
>>97231235 (OP)
If my daughter were shondo I'd kill myself too
>>97231235 (OP)
based pretending retard
suicide is a grave offense
not that you would know
>demons of avarice
>in a Shondo thread
Oddly fitting.
lmao not even close, even BVTM is acting better than you over this.
Nah, as a man, you have the possibility of just fucking off and starting a family elsewhere if your daughter/son is a genetic dead end. Although if you are a woman and see that your bloodline ends with your offspring, you're fucked.
India is quickly gaining internet usage at an alarming rate.

Take that into consideration when you wonder why people online nowadays are so shitty...
Tourists when a real boomer channer walks in:
>>97231235 (OP)
I can't believe shondo got jealous of the attention nimi was getting from her dying cat and killed her own mom SHE IS INSANE
just a heads up mods, I think you should consider deleting this thread
>>97231235 (OP)
That 9 year old sister is her daughter, isn't she ?
shondofags who think they've become paragons of virtue
I think you should be like Shondo's mom and delete yourself.
>gets BTFO
>this thread is against the rules!
>m-mods you should delete this!
Like clockwork.
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They're certainly better people than you
Heads up, you should jump off a bridge
>vtuber talks about her fucking life on her vtuber account, constantly
>if you discuss this, it should be deleted and you banned
when a holo makes a thread about some off collab she did, that discussion should be deleted and everyone posting in the thread should be banned for rule 1
Not always
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>>97231235 (OP)
Oh no
>when a holo makes a thread about some off collab she did, that discussion should be deleted and everyone posting in the thread should be banned for rule 1
I mean I would be up for that too, we don't need threads for every vtuber collab or tweet. Just ban Twitter threads in general.
Projection is a bigger offense than racism
Without knowing what kind of person her mother was, being angry could be a reasonable response.
But telling about it like this to the whole world is not a reasonable response.
I only know Shondo from select (rather funny, I admit) clips and people being mad at her here. Is this something she usually does?
Calm down, Canadian.
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Shondo has a 9 year old sister?? ToT
Why does she feel the need of sharing such unnecessary information, no one outside of her closest circle ultimately cares. Just saying "my mom has passed away" would've been enough.
Being angry about her mother killing herself and essentially abandoning a 9 year old child to be motherless, let alone doing so shortly after they were recently devastated by the death of an older patriarch in the family, is entirely reasonable.

She shouldn't be talking about this to 1000s of people on twitter but her feelings are entirely justified especially immediately in the aftermath dealing with this new grief.
>the vedalcuck immediately reveals itself
you're not subtle, i hope you know that
you sound obsessed. I never got "btfo" in this thread. I merely pointed out that threads like this are a bit iffy when you consider board rules.
Sticky is only for important people, like Hololive girls and Mint
How else is she supposed to get attention and money from it?
But no one cares about Shondo
Because it's not a normal "my mom has passed away" situation.
Shondo is barely a 4view, she should consider herself lucky that someone with a 5k floor decided to reply to her
Does she have anyone to comfort her and help her through this?
Yeah, normally people die from natural causes. Shondo's mom wanted to get away from her.
This thread gets insanely evil when talking about Shondo, jesus
>>97231235 (OP)
>nimi's cat dies
>10 bait threads pop up in an hour

>shondo's mom dies
>barely one or two threads about it

hmm, noticing
>>97231235 (OP)
Idgaf about Shondo, and it's sad that her mom is dead. I just hope she can handle it and not spiral, simply because she might burn everyone she knows with her if she goes nuclear.
Maybe I'm weird but I think vtubers shouldn't publicly discuss their personal lives like that.
They should play a character instead of being just a regular streamer who just happens to use an anime girl model
>>97231235 (OP)
So her mom committed suicide? Sad, but not entirely unexpected after what she said earlier this year. I don't know how you can smile and stream through this.
please note that you're a wannabe janitor and thus should kill yourself
>Shondo is barely a 4view
>streams to over 2000 consistently for almost a year
>more than 1k for well over a year before that
meds, she is one of the bigger indies
>if she goes nuclear.
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>>97231235 (OP)
>she is one of the bigger indies
Where is her 3D concert? Where are her sponsorships with big companies?
Oh wait she's a complete shitter so she doesn't have those
rip :( let's generate some cuck shondo slop to pay our respects
in practice she was. She is ironically the most sane and functional adult in her family and the main breadwinner. Her mom didn't contribute anything much. Shondo was the one taking care of everything, if you can believe that.
Been a while since I've eaten either. But I remember liking the fries and the meat in the burgers like 3x more from BK.
mods please
what beef does Vedal have with Shondo?
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Are we pretending that this isn't successful now?
>>97231235 (OP)
She is mad not just because her mom died but because she knows her mom giving up has caused her little sister much grief and probably a long struggle that is just beginning.
>"Little sister is 9, I-"
That's an actual kid, I'm not going to make more comments about it. Neither going to engage in conversation with anyone about her.
Divide the ccv by 10 to get the real number of people actually watching lmao
Mint and Nimi absolutely mog her
she is a public personality with a parasocial audience, and she lives on the internet. If anything it would be odd if she didn't report it immediately through her official channels. But you are /here/, so why are you pretending you don't understand this? You're obviously not a normalfag
Piss off tourist faggot.
you've never gone through shit in your life
I hope you do, and when it happens, you are shown just as much empathy are you did now
Shonmama apparently had attempted suicide before (and failed) so it is likely that when Shon was sleeping, Shonmama offed herself succesfully (dear fucking god).
is just catalogfags. This is subhuman behavior even for /vt/ SEA standards. I now remember why I never browse catalog.
It's literally just a bunch of falseflaggots trying to start shit for the keks
There's nothing wrong with adhering to board rules and it has nothing to do with tourism.
enlighten me
Honestly if I had a daughter like shondo I would too attempt to off myself. Or travel somewhere faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar away to not have to deal with someone like that anymore.
>If I change what she said, it makes it look like she said something else!
It does when you don't know the actual rules or try to apply some retard redditor level logic to them again piss off
I don't wanna say it but Nimi has more relevance on /vt/ than Shondo
This thread is full of psychopaths. Imagine hating a vtuber so much that you make fun of their mom killing herself. I hope none of you ever have to experience something like that. But goddamn would you deserve it.
How does someone successfully commit suicide in a house with multiple other shut ins?
her entire community, and most of the indie sphere and many corpos are sympathizing with her
Shondo is very well liked in the majority of the EN scene.
Perhaps you meant to say (You) don't care.
>Expecting shut-ins to leave their own caves
Fuck off moralfag
>No fair, you can't assume things, only I can
I have concluded it's Shondo's fans.
She sounds oddly collected for what sounds like she's trying to make it sound like. Also isn't she like 40 herself? how can her sister be 9? Or how old was mamma?
Shondocuck mad that people are trashing his already taken GFE stwema.
you should do the same and stop acting like an edgy teen. Empathy is shown of emotional maturity
Newfags not outting themselves challenge.
Im a Wendy's chad
>>97231235 (OP)
I dislike it when chuubas do this. I watch vtubers for escapism, I don't want to know about sad stuff going on in their lives because it breaks the illusion and makes me sad as well
shondo is in her 20s where on earth did you get 40 from?
/mint/ and /uuu/ have been very peaceful ever since the news about shondo's mother dropped. Makes it obvious that the ones shitting up the threads and trying to pit naplings against mintomos were shondofags.
>I hate her guts
what did she do to you?
>playing a horror game
>gets jumpscared
>pauses for 1 second
>u-um, no chat, michael is my cat, I promise I don't have a bf
>her cats name is Otis
>bans anyone who ever mentions the name Michael in her chat
>trying to pit naplings against mintomos were shondofags
Why the hell should I care if she's the one that killed herself?
/shondo/ is breeding grounds for degenerated skitzos. But can you blame them? Their oshi is mentally insane
I don't know what broken shithole society you're from but in most of the world families don't just cut ties once the kid reaches majority
family is forever, family is the most important thing
there is some random writer named 'fallen shadow' or something and they had a blog post where they were in their mid 30s and random reddit LGBT brigade people have conflated them with shondo ever since
Its probably the same people who recently made fun of a vtubers cat dying. A bunch of sickos.
I hope for your sake you're just an underage retard and you aren't actually this devoid of basic common sense and humanity
>I just hope she can handle it and not spiral
Do you know shondo? Her streams are a constant spiral
This is what happens when admin refuses to make an /eceleb/ board to contain these socio/psychopaths. This board is the closest thing.
janitor applications are closed
Their god parents will take over you fucking retard. This isn't an anime where the schizophrenic older sister has to take care of the family.
Why the hell did you come here for? To shit on Shondo?
No, everyone knows it's BVTMfags, especially since they always try to deflect the blame onto other groups. Kinda like what you're doing right now, funnily enough.
It is genuinely difficult to keep someone from killing themselves if that's what they want to do. The shit mental hospitals do to prevent it is basically torture in itself. If they can walk and there's a hard surface they can bash their head into, that's all it takes, let alone all the dangerous shit in a normal house like cooking knives, electrical sockets, cleaning fluids, even asprin.
Not that guy but More attention from antis and skitsos
>9 year old sister
Where the fuck is the dad?
>>97231235 (OP)
wtf is that tweet
>To shit on Shondo?
How can anyone shit on her when she and her insufferable fans are the ones that ruin any good will and reputation for her?
guess her mom's womb wasn't eternal lol
kay mom. Oh wait...
Are shondokeks the most sensitive fanbase?
If she was 40, her mom would be in her 60's at least
Proof? Link?
I'm not even a shondocuck, I just think it's vile to make a mockery out of her mother's death even if it's sinful (presumably suicide).
Which rule is this thread breaking, anon?
Lmao shes gonna get showered with money from her reddit paypigs when she comes back
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>I'm not even a shondocuck
>Suicide is a selfish act.
retarded take. taking away peoples agency and forcing them to suffer is far more selfish.
Almost as vile as using your mother's death to farm sympathy
This grifter whore insulted Vedal and the swarm. This is what she gets.
Boo-fucking-hoo, how sad.
I lost my own mom a few years ago, and I wish I could say the hurt entirely goes away. But it doesn't. The best advice I can give is let your grief out as much as possible as soon as possible. That's the best chance to get the brunt of the truly devastating hurt "out of the way" and let it essentially become a dull emotional ache you carry with yourself for the rest of your life. Eventually, you can get to a point where you don't actively notice it at all times anymore. honestly, the worst part besides actually losing her was early on whenever social-climber windbag would come across us having a good time at a social function and tonedeafly bring down the mood for the rest of the night by dredging it back up and pretending to have known her well.
I'm not gonna bother to call you names.
Shondo is an adult. Do you think 80 year olds living by retirement money will take care of kids? You don't think the closest relative, making relatively good money won't?
Like I said, I'm not gonna call you names
Making fun of my e girlfriend
good thing she isnt and is in her mid 20s
Suicide doesn't make you a shitty person unless people (like kids) depend on you for survival. I don't think people understand just how much in a bad place you have to be in to kill yourself because you see the idea of not existing as being preferred to existing.
Kys Vedalnigger
you are seriously retarded if you think making a comment about a shite community is deserving of losing your mother
I'm a retard and missremembered the context, it was half-life and she was just getting shot at rather than a horror game.
Found the canadian
I dab on your mother's fucking grave
but I'm not shondo's mom kek
I'm not the one faking her mom's death for clout and because of the Michael yab.
False flagging idiot
Probably ironmouse fan who doesn't know shondo and vedal have a good relationship
So much schizophrenia in just 239 posts
someday your shame will hit you like a semi
Sudoku has always been funny.
I'm sorry for your loss dude. I went through the same shit
No one should, really. In Shondo's case, a tweet like,
>No stream today or the foreseeable future. Extreme family emergency. I'll explain more when I'm back.
But Shondo is also a permanently-online shut-in and suicide of a family member is pretty traumatic, so this may be some form of cope for her. I'm not a therapist though, just tossing thoughts out.
Bored EU hours, always a classic
To be fair on everyone here: most vtubers are also awful people because they know the entire vtuber thing at the core is just about taking advantage of lonely men specifically so they give you money. Let's not pretend these girls are saints now. Like yeah dude I'm sorry her mom died and all, sure, but no girl gets into vtubing because they're good people to begin with.

Also IMO she should not have shared this, not now at least.
>How the fuck can't you feel bad for shondo in the slightest?
Are you seriously asking that? Are you really that dense?
it's morning in sea so....
It's basically a poor man's version of the sharty.
Ah, so that's why this thread smells extra brown.
Stop with this racist shit. Is not SEA is her fanbase.
Shondo has always been breeding grounds for sikos. She is one herself and they identify with that
>but no girl gets into vtubing because they're good people to begin with.
Damning indictment of Watame and Kanata.
Didn't Shondo herself say flesh women aee disgusting and worthless because they don't stay young forever like anime lolis? It should be a good thing from her perspective if her mommy didn't get all old and gross
Continuing on in a pasttime you abhor is probably not good for your mental health, anon.
feeling empathy is "dense" now?
You belong in a psych ward more than she does you god damn sociopath.
Her sister is 9, why the fuck would her God parents be 80?
Why blame Indogs for this subhuman behaviour when it's clearly I wish we had flags
Thanks for the judgment Captain Moralfag. I'll be sure to put it in the trash with the rest of your opinions.
Empathy is a sin
>>97231235 (OP)
>shittalks vedal and his viewers
>mom dies

Oof, karma's a bitch!
Neuro won.
Idk but the day said words were "spouted", I took that comment as a "yes" to feed all of her streams, tweets, art, all media about her, to AI.
Shondo's performer will leave us sooner than everyone else one day as she herself has warned it, but Shondo, the character, the loli, the daughterwife, the forest being, the 2D waifu, will be eternal.
brown hands typed this
Managers, you mean.
Only Americans watch shondo
Neuro-Sama #1 baybeee
that's a good post though
This reply is retarded but it made me laugh
Shut up faggot
False flagging and a forced one
in that video she was just making fun of the people with the "Michael is shondo's bf rrat"; the rrat began in a shadowchama's Sims 2 (remake) stream, when she called Otis "Michael" after he did a mess in the room.
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Fallenshadow, I too am a Shadow, and I also lost someone close to me
Maybe on the sharty or twitter.com.
Most people have no godparents, and even if they do, the position is mostly symbolic, it doesn't entail any real responsibility.
Well, it could've been an overdose, which can be seen as a selfish death and
also a valid reason for her daughter to lash out.

Weird to me to see likes used as a form of support for a message like that. But I get it. Not everyone has the words, nor will 21 thousand sorries be readable.
Never watched her before, but from what I've heard she seriously can't catch a break.
Awful stuff. Wouldn't wish this on anybody.
>called vedal a twink the other day
>now her mom is dead
>>97231235 (OP)
Jesus that's fucking depressing.
why is shadow rocking a mini-uzi?
Imagine the breakdown she's going to have when she streams again.
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Hello frens I rarely venture into the catalog. Can someone explain why /we/ hate Shondo?
clippers and dramakeks are going to feast
Edge is one thing, but back in my day we could still experience genuine human emotions along with the edge.
that's part of shondo's appeal, if you don't like family drama she isn't for you.
"We" hate everybody because "we" hate ourselves.
This board has some of the biggest losers on the entire website.
>is an asshole to multiple people and has a collection of the most retarded takes on the internet
>expects sympathy when something bad happens to her

Crazy, maybe she should've been a better person
oh my sweet summer child...
She's a flesh whore deep down underneath the pure anime girl mask
I'm using the colloquial meaning. Your godparents are usually the people your parents designate your guardians if they die.
this but actually
I have a small grudge on her for how she chimps out every time one of her friends gets into Holo, but eh...let her mourn in peace and what not.
Has anyone made/commissioned commemorative incest porn yet?
shondo's mom was about 39 years old.
Imagine treating someone whose mum just died this way.
Irony personality killed it.
Can't say I really expected the userbase of the anime e-girl board to be the most heartless out of any that I've seen in my 18 years of reading 4chan, but here we are.
>Incest porn
You want a kissy lesbian incestuous sex between shondo and her mom?
you might just be retarded...
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checked, and based
Whaaat? So young!
She had another child at 30.
Is shondo perhaps a spawn of childrape? Is that why theres so much problems in this fanily?
Checked and very based.
I hope she can manage to stay away from /vt/ for a good while.
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>>97231235 (OP)
Yes, most people don't have those.
>Crazy, maybe she should've been a better person
But that has never prevented people from shitting on someone here. It's impossible for a vTuber to be a decent person to you.
No matter what, eh?
>Is shondo perhaps a spawn of childrape?
>Divide the ccv by 10 to get the real number of people actually watching lmao
where did this myth come from?
shadowmama had been BPD since she was a child; she had several children, each with different men who didn't love her or even care about her. This is the root cause of most of shondo's family problems.
Suicide is one of the worst things you can possibly do to your loved ones.
"Yes! If you mute the stream, you will still count." - Twitch staff
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Shondo, it's me! Your dead mom! I came back alive.. LET'S GOOOOOOOO!
kek who's doing that supa
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>>97231235 (OP)
I don't care.
That might be true in a technically sense since most people are Indian and Chinese. But it's standard practice in Europe. People usually don't have kids and never consider what will happen if they die.
The tradition of "godparents" is mostly just symbolic even in Europe, as part of the Christian baptism ceremony. Nowadays we have social services for situations such as children getting orphaned.
>catalog niggers begging janitors to do their bidding
we've found the lowest lifeform
now that you mention it, the time gap is too great. Her mother must have had her in her 40's at least, very unlikely
I am sure the anti is the same guy that post the edit with vedal and shondo in /shon/ and /swarm/
obvious anti, go back
Go ask anyone you know who has kids. Parents aren't just like
>hmmm, I wonder what will happen to my kids if I die... oh well! I'll just let the government sort it out
They select guardians, usually an uncle or aunt, sometimes a close friend.
this thread is catalog bait for subhuman catalognigs, working as intended
you won't find established generals talking about her like this
That only counts when it dismantles their persona (boyfriends for example) or if it's about protected group (pippa, holos). Sorry hun
>degenerated skitzos
you mean real vtuber fans for a real vtuber, unlike you tourists with their e-girl poser v-whores
What's the bump limit in /vt/?
holy shit could you be any more obvious, anti?
are shondo anti's the most deranged and subhumans?
retard, agency doesn't mean no judgement. sub 80 IQ post
this "person" lives a miserable life
That's something to be seen when it happens; life's circumstances, relationships, etc. are too variable and unpredictable to plan for so soon.
>or if it's about protected group (pippa, holos).
Oof. Janny isn't gonna that callout
300, I believe.
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>*restarts router*
>*takes a piss while router boots up*
>resumes shitposting even harder
Nothing personnel jannykek, but tbf 15 min of waiting is too much and sucks the fun out.
>>97231235 (OP)
Sucks but its probably for the best in the long run.
Girls with mom problems are always fucked up mentally.
She really didn't want to go on that vacation, Jesus.
>That's something to be seen when it happens
I promise you it is not standard practice to just leave it to government to select a guardian for your kids. Literally just ask anyone you know who's a parent.
>life's circumstances, relationships, etc. are too variable and unpredictable to plan for so soon.
What the fuck do you mean by "so soon"? The whole point is that you could die at any time. If you survive for awhile then you can always reevaluate who you want your children's guardian to be.
If you mute the stream, you can still see the stream, you're still a viewer.
That is usually sacrifice instead suicide.
looks like a TMP or mac-10.
Unless you are re-planning your "guardians" constantly, by the time you die your plans would already be outdated and ignored.
Wtf that's how old I am. I'm old enough to be Shondo's father?
no she is in her early 40s
If it comes out as the actual truth, it will be a #damn #rip moment. At this time, I'm just assuming it is some gay false flag due to boyfriend yab.
Im happy for shondos suffering not for shadowmamas passing, she was a nice lady and died way too young.
It should have been shondo is what im getting at.
Nah, this is complete bitch behavior and she deserves to get shit on
>tweets about the specifics of a death in the family
>all but declares it a suicide by blaming the individual for her own death
>isnt formal and respectful to the dead
>completely steps over her sister and publically announces their emotional state

Just announce a hiatus due to death in the family, at the very least do this level of rant on discord or something.
but if shondo died she wouldn't be suffering so cutely anymore...
>wahhh my mommy died now i can't do my job where i do nothing
If my mom left me alone to fend for myseld and my brothers I'd be furious too.
>>97231235 (OP)
this bitch is a liar
FT streaming btw
No, you don't have replan it constantly because the fact that you haven't altered it is evidence it is still what you want, so unless the person you chose is a crackhead or something they will almost certainly get custody. Please just ask someone you know who's a parent.

Also, even if we went by your idea that people just let social services decide for them, it would still be astronomically unlikely that a single woman who's a literal schizo gets custody instead of them going into foster care. Everything you've said is retarded.
>mom kills herself
>imediately logs onto twitter "hmm how can i make this about me"
> the fact that you haven't altered it is evidence it is still what you want, so unless the person you chose is a crackhead or something they will almost certainly get custody.
That's precisely the situation you should try to avoid. When you die, the people who take care of your children should be people to step forward to do it, and prove themselves in front of social services, not people you once thought were appropriate and get through the system with minimal scrutiny.
>be a cunt
>mom dies
This is a lesson for all vtubers desu
>>97231235 (OP)
And this is why corpos are better. Why you need to bring IRL fleshy topics to the hobby. This ruin my immersion.
I don't care how you think things should be, I'm explaining to you how they are.
karma doesn't exist.
And again, why the fuck would Shondo get custody by your own logic?
Neither does Shondos mom
Based on how things are, you should make the best possible choices. The custom you mention of setting up "godparents" or "guardians" is not as common as you think and it is a stupid thing to do.
Once again, I don't care what you think people should do. Answer my question >>97242270
that's not something we know about yet, shondo, as an adult sibling, is a likely candidate.
I've tried resetting my router in the past. Didn't work. Did I do something wrong?
She's single and has schizoaffective disorder, she ain't getting custody.
>>97231235 (OP)
Based shadowmama leaving this putrid and cruel world
>mention SEAbrowns
>The custom you mention of setting up "godparents" or "guardians" is not as common as you think
Maybe he comes from a place where they care about their children.
Sorry, she deserves it
>>97231235 (OP)
Managers send their regards
They don't do it because they care about their children, they do it for direct or indirect religious reasons (a custom carried over from the Christian baptism ritual). As I said before, it is just a plainly stupid thing to do, any person who takes care of your children should be people who step forward to do it, and that are seriously scrutinized for the role; they shouldn't be treated as if they were property and be given to someone just because that was your will.
shondo is a vulnerable adult who would be assigned a social worker by the government if she were to live alone, she is barely capable of making decisions for herself nevermind an entire family
Shondo's father is probably gone (divorced) forest elder was her grandfather if i'm not mistaken
So why would Shondo get custody, retard?

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