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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Jammin' Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 3/11:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (6,763)
2: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome (6,678)
3: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (3,285)
4: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (3,195)
5: https://youtube.com/@dokibird (3,040)
6: https://twitch.tv/OliviaMonroe (2,887)
7: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,364) *Tie
7: https://twitch.tv/Buffpup (2,358) *Tie
8: https://twitch.tv/CottontailVA (2,278)
9: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,235)
10: https://www.youtube.com/@KirscheVerstahl (2,140) *Combined

1: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (6,382) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (3,671) *Japanese
3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (2,969) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
March 15th - Henemimi
March 20th - Shirahiko
March 28th - Cyphi
March 31st - Nina Saotome
April 2nd - Honey Goblin
April 13th - Moka & Natsumi Moe

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>97228864 →
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I love my wife
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peace and love
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I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
capybaras are cute where are the capy liggers
para when i get my hands on her
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I love Milky!
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bnuuy cnuuy
Para pregame yapping about everything from ramen to octomom
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXB5DfcnQcI [Embed]
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dont jinx it faggot
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krum is playing Gothic 2 for the first time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGNN-BGTYuo [Embed]
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French women love
>>97234835 →
She's just weird and I like her
alana cancelled stream today...
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Retards, unite!
>bat image
I think that was the intention
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Italian women love
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Sniffing Alice's socks in front of her and making her gag
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you know damn well what that means
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Grimmi predicted all this
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Good evening lig I blub my oshi very much!
We reached the goal for the plushie! She's gonna be real! Thank you everyone!
Yeah she got raped one too many times today
do not rape the piss fox
What if your oshi called you the n word in a Black Ops 6 lobby?
Then I'd know it's true love.
I want to hang out with Ljot where she downloads Starfield and has fun jumping around empty planets and making autism noises
Ljot did nothing wrong
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I did my part!
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Real French woman love.
Zenya soon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZO2MyuUk1I [Embed]
That Krum is lookin' a little long
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
have fun snackers
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Para is a proud stinky french, saru denies her french heritage
i'm starting to think jiggiechamp is passive aggressively punishing us for something
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Emotional damage due to lack of racc? You may be entitled to compensation!
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Love my wolf wife
She's still live with Mira playing Split fiction!
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How much would you pay to play your favorite multiplayer game with your oshi?
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my anaconda dont
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sorry I can't help it
i do for free most weekends. just join their discords
why did you suddenly appear after paraschizo stopped posting?
chat is this real
buy an ad
lmao, nope!
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yeah, that's me
you are the ad
kill this rrat
I rewatched that catbox link of her jumping on camera and flashing her pussy and bunghole maybe 200 times today.
>his oshi doesn't do community night
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no im not!!
I am tempted to actually buy an ad for the laffs
ridiculous southern accents in medieval fantasy is a welcome change from the usual britbongs
I've lost interest in Grape
Everybody knows feemshmisser is paraschizo
I know her cat more than I know her
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Bat unity
i want ljot to stream and i want roopy to stream and i want 2021 era nyanners to stream
i don't care if it's not possible i want it
I can't believe that Kuu came back from being tortured and get audience bought her more sex toys. Least she could do it record or stream herself using them.
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
I bought two and you know why
Nyans outfit/fake company debut was her last good one
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>>97234793 →
Veggie lasagna
doesn't she have a fansly
That was nearly 2 years ago
What kind?
He's so deformed that he wasn't even born with the genes that make his eyes glow
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That's exactly how she wants it
Nah, I prefer the one who says "War and Hate". Terrible ritualpost.
where is she
esl french women my beloved
Funny lady.
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How much Asmongold cock will Saru suck this week?
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Jerkin off
>Veggie lasagna
The frozen kind or Zucchini?
What if your seiso oshi got gifted GIGA PUSSY STRETCHER FUCKMASTER BLACK EDITION dildo and then giggled on stream and asked not to gift her things she already had?
its been rough
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Milky I hate to tell you this but tarot is about as real as a fortune cookie.
is the long drive an autism game
Who is this and what did they do with Lumi
Who are some vtubers with skeletons?
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I wasn't criticizing your edit I was just joking, in the show the entire bulbs are his eyeballs but for some reason the original image has his pupils removed
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Buy her two more
Stop smacking, it rots your brain
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKzwChxnxuE [Embed]
this one has a skull :)
you're a fat neet who can't even be bothered to draw let alone perform any other form of exercise, you aren't buying lucy shit
rip shadowmama
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community service
all good, i just felt like adding the glowing eyes
why what happened?
I don't think that's a vtuber
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I somehow made it worse
where do I sign up for a snoomer to suck my dick
How come people don't talk about nux takis here more?
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Let's see what DM is doing!
Oh it's ANOTHER fucking Lies of P playthrough!
I want to cum inside femanon.
what is it then
Thank goodness. I was worried every vtuber hated games and only bumped what was trending. How did you find a connesuir?
She's going to right grift hard and alienate the viewers that don't agree even more. Saru is Asmon's shill slut.
I Love Lucy
Can the community service be me sucking Snuffy's dick instead?
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>Lucy raided milky
wtf I love lucy now
my power died and i lost over 10 open litterbox tabs because this retarded browser doesnt save them in cache im gonna kill myself
I thought that was leaflet?
He's /lig/'s biggest Kick chuuba kek
ermmm aktually hes an accountant do your avatard reps!!
it's just sloppa anime titties. you'll get over it.
I just had a camera up my ass
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I survived posting Nina with bush
Write them down with pen, and paper next time.
post it more
no last time this happened i lost the pregnant toobs image and to this day im still depressed that i lost the opportunity to save it
Her audience got her bath bombs, not sex toys you moron
I wont today at least, since the jannie warned me and I'm a good boy
Has Tanya ever made a tan model? Like really tan? With black, or brown hair?
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I made this post (but only if she's a futa BBW)
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Tank for jig my lig
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tenk 4 jig
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Thanks for the jiggie
What would a ginger Tanya model look like?
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mm lasagna
thanks for the jiggie liggie
what was that edging on the end
thanks for the jig!
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Thanks for playing

Callie source: https://x.com/CallieCalicoTV/status/1875352177952354623

Homemade zucchini
Now here's someone who hasn't watched a single stream of Saru. She repeatedly said she doesn't 100% agree with everything he says all the time, in fact most of his opinions, in her words are kinda retarded.
Has anyone ever made a ginger bat?
Why do we have an AI bot here?
What would corpo cutthroat CEO para look like?
what's up with Miwa I haven't been seeing a lot of Miwa posting lately
She started streaming a lot later so I can't watch her as much
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I drew this the other day do u like it
Same with uwo posting. I think there must have been a regime change.
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decent number of posts yesterday when she collabed with chiwa
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dirt woman
$13,000 isn't worth that much lil bro.
Bodega just started Everhood 1
stop making account just to do this kind of shit lucy
more like ramadan am i right??
she has open DMs on twitch?
thats not even her chat I saw it on twitter earlier today
we were fighting about placing the last piece
Shondo, Meat, and SaveHymn should all collab for that one thing they have in common
Did she beat the boss?
which chuuba should i gob to
preferably one that has futa porn or slop
next stream
when in doubt, silver or sinder. think i might gob to grimmi later though (groobs version)
What would a viking Valkyrie para look like?
Well you know what they say about white girls
Cooch out when the pooch out
God please, I want her to win so I never have to see Elden Ring again
good idea i will gob to that huge batch of sinder with a extremely long flaccid cock i made like a year ago
Imagine forcing para and riri to march fully naked through the bad parts of paris
What would a elven spring godess para look like?
I'm talking about getting my dick sucked, not getting pegged and buckbroken
What would a filthy rich leprechaun para look like?
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>go to imageboard
>no images in sight
what's wrong with you people

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google doesn't know
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>AI is going to take over the world
>Meanwhile AI:
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i chuckled at that too yeah
stream options

i let out a guffaw
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did she claim it was?
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I really do not care for karaoke streams
Considering Shondo is mentally ill I doubt she can be a legal guarding, this means all her underage siblings will have to either go to their dads or foster care, this is fucked.
why doesn't Lucy have a penis
god i want to eat squ's cake
She can finally move out of her shanty to a nicer place with her little sister.
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nino's fantasy
im surprised lucy doesnt have buttfangs
surely there's some extended family that can take them
You mean with her little brother, all other siblings are underage I think
this short feels very Chromu and Meat -coded
of the two underage ones one already visits her father regularly and why can't baby bunny be in the custody of forest elder
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Even if that was an issue there's also FE and GTA Uncle
did she give birth to snoopy?
the 9yo will probably wind up with her father and the teenage but underage little critter will go to hers, yes. big critter and FT are both able to make their own decisions
Woah she's pregnant with 5 pizzas and ready to give birth to a lot of brown babies from her butt <333
the artist is a fucking leaf
It feels like a last minute toggle to give people a reason to sub to her patreon though I bet more people would join if she did watchalongs at night or on the weekends instead of thursdays at noon
I hope she has one
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Consider hitting your balls with a hammer
Indians don't understand white girl slang
we need to make a card for shondo
she needs support from everyone as soon as possible
ill be right back im going to the store
nobody do anything retarded
I am going to marry Olivia Monroe!
and that's a GOOD thing
This is ally?
you got it right buddy
I hope the barbies are able to organise and visit shondo this year.
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AVP was a cool movie. Any good holes live yet?
lol no
make one yourself
yes she is an ally
night time would be better for movies yeah
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blast from the past
even less than when you left, avp has a sequel btw but its not great
for the horde?
So long as people keep it simple, sympathy cards being what they are.
No for the whores
my eyes keep darting over to momote's hangers
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this is why i am late hehe
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Fuck it. Para it is.
she's far too autistic about the 12pm timeslot but I don't wanna complain and make her cry again
haha ligma balls
What is it like to be happy?
This is horrible if you're going to post off topic at least make it funny or interesting
what is it
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Why Daredevil is in the image?
it felt like something chromu or meat showed me
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Juna VR chat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJPL05_72JA [Embed]

Also, her new cover
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oCgXhg1j5Y [Embed]
What if miia got pregnant and it was triplets and she refused to hide it onstream and eventually her background nose was three constantly screaming babies while she played rimworld
It really is. I think the most surprising thing is that Inis was already a bird at this time.
Was I the only Moe poster besides the one who would link her streams?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPxUFLOgpMY [Embed]
Minto will be Blooning in a bit less than 2 hours
>milky raiding laimu
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>selkie was also dead then
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>covering that in particular
liggas binted
shotacons stick together
Some joke about the comic series. I don't remember but I think they just changed a word so it was "The Man without Anny" and would get posted on days she didn't stream, which was often.
why not
Cotton did it first
a card should be made but not from /here/
>previous thread is still alive
Haha yeah...
yeah but it's expected from cotton
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I like my shitty leaflit ssj edit is immortalized
oh ok then
I've been considering organizing one like I did when she was on her extended mental health break, I'm just worried about the tact of it. It's not like this is some vague mental rut that she just needs to ride out, a tragedy befell her and her family that will scar her for the rest of her life. And I want to make sure that the topic is approached in the proper way and that our desire to show her love and our wishes for her to feel better are considerate of the situation and of her own feelings, and at this moment I'm still trying to work out exactly what that means. I'm still not entirely sure that it would be appropriate to make a card at all, I need to think about it some more
She’s back today right?
it is deeply unfortunate that she's infesting laimu's stream
the rrat gets distracted by chat redeems too much
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thank you for linking her twitch, didn't realize she simulcasted
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You made me remember her disgusting minge and arsehole now i wanaa fuckin puke again
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nino streaming tonight
ah i totally forgot about normposter
Para might be stupid
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Goodnight liggas!
kill all meatheads
>last minute toggle
there was concept art way before the model was done and it looks good in motion
I assume the Normposter guy is still a 3AM enjoyer.
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Sleep well foxbro
I agree. A card should not be associated with 4chan given her complex feelings about it. Its not tactful.
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no but, she just might be stupid.
Vesper back in 9 days. The roaches in my pantry told me so.
Kek at that Milky doing the chaka bra thing. Her Koikatsu model is so good it looks like a real screenshot.
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She commissioned art with her fuck pet too for it.
she should show nipple before Sinder does as a power move
Goodnight <3
That's not a factor at all. None of the cards are associated with 4chan by design, we make sure that there's no references to 4chan or /lig/ or "Anonymous" so that the chuubas can acknowledge the cards if they want to without having to acknowledge this place
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juna has very breastily boobing boobies
Sweet dreams fox bro
I wish this thread moved 5 times slower so we would still get OC like this.
You think Cotton is self-conscious about the big birthmark she has on her ass? It can quite literally look like shit sometimes
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I like the idea of a blind anon "watching" a chuuba and being able to visualize her and her surroundings through her mic
post it?
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Night retard
Everyone knows whether its stated or not. And given the disgusting things happening in /shon/ its not appropriate. Accept submissions through a twitter post if you want.
she has posted several videos where it's clearly visible so probably not
Now if we can only get Vesper to stream
Wait what happened to Shondo this time?
sounds like you should go back there
Maybe if it’s going to cause this much conflict and draw that much ire it’s a bad idea to do period.
you only like this Juna for her massive tits and her fucking bitchbreaker schlong, ive never heard ANYTHING about her content
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buttfangs are against twitch TOS
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Nothing's stopping you from making something like this right now, and the slowness of the thread was not the reason for that image being created in the past. Just make stuff
her mom is dead
Good para scream
At this point and time not the ideal time.
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i have literally talked about her and how she is multiple times for the past couple months
It is a good time slot
>para absentmindedly breaking 10 things just trying to get into her car
i wanna choke her
Juna should collab more with Doki
I agree except for watchalongs its a shitty timeslot
Sometimes she eats weird stuff on stream
if tanya really had to pee that would be really hot
I wonder if Shondo is going to take another hiatus or try and get back into the grind and work through it.
Both are valid coping mechanisms after all.
she’s taking a hiatus
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hell yeah oomfie
yeah we love girlcock, what's the problem?
She already said
No streams. Hiatus
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>is named vesper awol
>currently awol
sasuga kojioma
Ah that's pretty shitty indeed, poor girl
That defeats the entire purpose of the cards themselves. They exist to give people here in these threads, who for whatever reason want to remain anonymous, the opportunity to show their love and express their appreciation for their chuubas. It is a tradition intended to consolidate all of our love and appreciation so that it has the power and the momentum to reach the chuubas that we care about, the people who make us happy

That's even more retarded. If a card was stopped because one sperg feigned outrage then half of them would have never been made
she dropped awol from her name first
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just going into the grind and not properly mourning will turn you into a bitter cunt that hates streaming and your audience, like what happened to nyanners 2021
Ironically Filian is the one I've made the most OC for by far.
oh sorry you faggots I didn't know the JOKE police was around
We on diet there bud?
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She has very high memetic potential
That's her gamersupps promo panel
the joke is in the irony you fool
Its not appropriate for this situation. I wont participate if one is started.
>even the awol part of her name went awol
vepper is bug not metal dumbass
It's kind of disgusting how many vtubers are replying to that shondo tweet pretending to care just for a little bit of clout.
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I wanna pet her and feed her my hand
not from my hand
i wanna feed her my hand
>9 year old sister
do not let shoggers near this woman's family
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBJTV_zuFxI [Embed]
>le ebic baitpost
If I did decide to organize one it certainly wouldn't be for another couple weeks at least. The wound is still fresh, she first needs to work through things with herself, her family, and her friends before she's able to approach her audience about this. She needs her space
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Saru won't support Shondo after Shondo gave her support for years.
Is juna's model like 8 feet tall?
did she say it was her own chat?
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Milky still hasnt shaken her tits in 3D yet wtf is her problem?
almost as big as her cock
Shondo is smaller and weaker than the nine year old, baby bunny beat her in arm wrestling. Shondo will keep the fetish friends' attention
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lole mom dead
She's waiting for a good model to be made
she'll find a way to cancel, she always does
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How do you guys feel about con sluts?
how shitty your mom was that you celebrating her death?
Ugliest model art I've ever seen
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We’re gonna get a lot of Mint shaking her’s this week at least
are you a doubter or believer?
but enough about meat
she doesn't like her 3D model for some autistic reason and is waiting for the day one that perfectly suits her taastes gets made
Oh you're right, I forgot about meat.
personally I think we need more shotacon liggers to balance out the amount of lolicon liggers
anorexia doesn't equate to "legal loli"
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I haven't watched her in a while I don't remember her tits looking that weird
why does it have floppy granny tits
there’s nothing wrong with floppy granny tits
Is Krum being botted?
I need Juna to nut in my butt
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i love karma
I made this post
that excuse is old now
does she shake them? I've only ever seen her sitting and playing games
Holy shit the quality difference between Juna's youtube and twitch streams is night and day. How the fuck do youtube exclusive corpo watchers tolerate this shit?
she cannot nut but by god can she squirt
i think she got a raid
she's really into having them saggy, which I kind of dig
I assume she's basing them off her own.
stop false flagging
Do you think people aren't able to watch both?
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sigh this guy saved my chromu images and didn't change the filenames
Ohh i see
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ez modo unlocked
nta but theres a lot of weirdos that refuse to watch anything on twitch
The idea of Filian secretly being a jiggie bro is really nice and I'm going to choose to believe it's true
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you will never be me
finally, postal para
it'll hit you soon enough dw
If the corpo only streams on youtube, yeah
She's waiting for the greatest big tiddy 3D model of all time to be made AND be bestowed upon her; 2 years of waiting is nothing
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>she cannot nut
>that excuse is old now
Models take a long time to get made, especially if it's a reputable and popular modeler and there's a waitlist or they're also menhera and take frequent breaks. She tried to speed up the process the first time and that's what got her the 3D model that she doesn't like
>does she shake them?
During VRChat yeah
I have never seen her nut even in her furry meat bunny form
Lucy has no ass confirmed
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why chromue not use this mdoel again
she goes from thick thighs to back immediately. built like a fridge on sticks
Sinders going to beat her to it soon if she's to be believed
Mint’s is pretty spectacular desu.
why does he call her chromue
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I will never get tired of para calling ammunition "ammos"
quite literally just some faggot trying to be a schizo by typing in a distinct manner.
oh neat yuzu live
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but you've seen her cock in this form, no?
is that for the latest watchalong?
he's benevolent, teaching everyone about comment filters
nice now I can watch Sinder, her solo voice is annoying but her collab voice is nice
I’ve yet to see it function and I’m half convinced it’s her tail between her legs
good game
giving powdur a creampie to keep the brainworms away
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a tail wouldn't be that thick and hard and make a bulge in the frontal part of her pants
Do you have one of her using the breast size slider
but it would if it’s between her legs also rabbits have terrifying long tails actually they’re just coiled up in a ball normally
who is the biggest crybaby ligger
nino uses a nightlight because she's afraid of the dark
I do not
If you all don't behave bunny schizo is going to get out of prison early and start posting here.
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nuh uh
>>97239814 →
>>97239814 →
>>97239814 →
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>he doesn't save back up images that aren't released until necessary
skill issue
fluffy tail
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im gonna shove my "fluffy tail" up your ass
This is so hot. Moka would be proud.
nuh uh you dont have one
Moka got married and pregnant so Mint could be a whore
I want to watch vesper. I've wanted to watch vesper for several months now, but none of you link her vods, and it makes me sort of sad because you talk like you really want people to support her content.
What if vesper wanted to be ntr by para so she went on hiatus, and gave para her mandibles?

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