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>>97238065 →
Add me to the list. I don't know what special name you want to give me though
>>97238258 (OP)
thingken of towa
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Based golden gen
A few moments of bliss...
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I love this doll
Make the thread faster next time nimrods!
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Biboo and Nerissa are fucked
Vivitan looks like a kawaii praying mantis
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how do i stop myself from wanting to fuck Bae?
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I really, really love my wife Gigi a lot and I want to have her bite me with her cute sharp teef and then go out together to shop for some sweet treats and
>debut pretending to be straight
>start pretending to be gay
>make bank
i wonder why they all pretend to be gay
Man I Love Kronii!
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>>97238258 (OP)
towa cute
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Well thanks a lot Kiara...
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why is bae always doomposting
My hot pockets were cooling
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copious amounts of unprotected sex with usada pekora
remember when Mori was shitposted as the plague
very good
mmm yes delicious egg seethe
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Praise Roboco.
Or else.
I sincerely believe I made the right decision with leaving /v/ back in 2015.
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O-Or else what?....
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ERB is sick too, although it could be jetlag in her case
They already admitted to being a seething roastie, I don't care about their opinion
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kys that bitch made my oshi sick
This is a justified reason to shit on her
List of the sick ENs? all the ones at the karaoke offcollab and stage 2, right?
So for fes and expo, when all the girls are mingling around and some have no idea who each other might be do they ever wear name tags with their names or a little picture of their model's face or something? Anyone heard anything like this?
Most of the interactions I've heard they have no means of identifying each other until they're introduced.
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which one of these do i buy? i want to play through before bae gets back into it
Just assume everyone is sick including Gura
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I bought my Ina's voicepacks and can confirm she's really cute
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and then proceeds to compare to fwmc
bae should stop being so sexy
mmm seethe more for me baby
If you've already watched her play 1, and partway through 2. You can beat her finishing 2 and play 3 yourself.
Kiara (kinda recovered but got the others sick), Mori, Fuwawa, Mococo, Gigi, Bae
You'll probably hear about Biboo and Nerissa being sick soon
Your oshi would genuinely want you to kill yourself if she knew what you were like
They just dress like normal people, the only indicator they know who each other are, are by their voice or if they've met before. It's even more of a challenge if you're a westerner who struggles to remember asian "arr rook same" faces
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Iroha got sick as well and Flare
Miko is sick but she's still streaming
one of the JP managers mentioned being sick
Yup, classic Ollie
PW: AA Trilogy
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Okay, we'll age up her by 10 years.
>purple fatto catto talking to yellow dog
>durr i wonder who that could be
are you retarded?
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MY wife kronii, get MY wifes name out of YOUR mouth
Finish up the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy first. The one that's $9.89.
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hey man
Ollie also talked about how she and some other IDs and Liz had a party with holostars
Unironically, she really did
Biboo's genetics are so far removed from everyone else in holo that I doubt viruses can get transmitted to her
My oshi hates Kiara so...
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>>97238258 (OP)
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What posting?
I was too busy thinking about stuff
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Your oshi hates you
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nobody is talking to you dude
>whores are whores
wow this anon is very smart!
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Ive rewatched stage 3
I think coming off the disappointing back half of the creator's stage 3, it made in juxtaposition made stage 3 look a lot better than it actually is. it's really good, but it's not blow your fucking socks off good like people thought in the moment
>watch VOD
>they come up with some autistic family tree where all holo girls are related to each other
Why do women always do this cringe family tree RP shit, they love that man
honk shua sleep on dat thing
Is Bae actually vagueposting about graduating? Do I have to be worried again?
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And it should've stayed that way, dummy.
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>/v/ loves Bae
>/v/ hates Kiara
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no she just still hasnt gotten past her mental problems from last year and fes made her feel happier
Not gonna lie this is pretty funny
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This isn't the first time she's had a menhera breakdown, relax.
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So all the shitposters are from /v/?
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Is it that difficult for people to take care of themselves?
I know and I dont care about that part
thank god for the clip about ccggfwmc
yes, be prepared for the Bae announcement to drop later this year
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What the FUCK happened?
They're just like us!
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thanks frens. I think she said she was going to take a break after fes to recover to follow the doctor's orders right? that should probably give me a few weeks to catch up and finish.
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>But what about this random schizo on /v/?
Nnnn Spider-uman
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Lapsama my friend
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Did the console war mentality not clue you in?
/v/ won't touch this place with a 5ft pole, they're all our homegrown schizos
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Hard to say, she's being menhera but also "I'm trying to get better, I believe I can" but then it sounds like it's all too much again.
Personally I think it's rare for a girl in that state to ever truly come back from the depths of it, more often than not it ends badly
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fake news
Kiara could kill someone live on stream and the schizo would spam kiara vs holo until not even the police cared anymore
She did say during the space she wasn't feeling the best
not all of them, but catalogfags are 100% all from /v/
nigga she literally said in a members stream why she feels like shit mentally, this is just that continued
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Not giving it a (You), thank you for posting it for me.
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You don't watch streams, greyfag.
why the fuck is the v thread still not nuked, I thought they deleted off topic threads not discussing video games
Aren't they taking care of themselves by taking a few days of rest
>brats shitpost about Mumei and Gura graduating for over a year
>it's Baelz who ends up graduating
she said she felt perfectly fine
This has been known since a long time ago, the Kiara ones shitpost there too. One day they let a CC/Kiara overlap opportunity because something happened with sony, I think it was the ps5 pro
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This is what happens when you encourage them all to kiss each other. Are you happy with yourselves? That short of behavior should be saved for close family members.
who is baelz
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Both? Which version is cuter
>but got the others sick
She recovered a week before she even met up with anyone. What the hell are you even basing this off of?
It was Kiara back then too
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Heres your definitive list.
why is nubuki so racist
>Personally I think it's rare for a girl in that state to ever truly come back from the depths of it, more often than not it ends badly
Gura made it work
It's about holocure so technically on topic.
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn vivi is what i say when im about to cum thinking about her tits
It's his angle for the day, he's been spamming it for 12 hours
>>97230599 →
Rissa is a starfucker whose goal is to be surrounded by what she values as famous, hard working people not be one. Everything from sub count to releasing an EP is simply to put her in league with her targets.

It's why she's so buddy-buddy with Kiara and Mori, it's why she swoops in on anyone who's star is rising in hololive, its why she's in every collab she can get and it's why she has a roommate whose career is littered with the corpses of "famous" youtubers and anime voice actors.

Calli and GG, and their circles, are just the next targets.
that's her name, not using her stupid nickcname :)
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"Isn't that your fucking name, rat?"
It's not a nickname either tourist
Go back.
wait, why is Raora also getting sick
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epic clip reference my friend
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it was inevitable
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from jiggie the other is nsfw?
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Niggas really be coming in here trying to pull a fast one over us with this weak shit. This is sad, man.
Look at this loser and laugh
I wish I was Mori's cats
Damn... half of EN will be knocked out for a week at this rate
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It's the same lines in both, so Ina's very cute in either. Ina weird way, she kinda sounds more natural in the JP version though
Mori's not actually sick tho is this is a bit inaccurate
>no one live
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Not today.
Still running a fever
who cares
She did literally nothing.
stream watchers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbCnt-iEkM [Embed]
Have you listened to Anya's new original song yet?
she was patient zero
>P-Please don't bully me... AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
This is what you sound like right now
we call her Hakos around here, tourist
why do you name your shitpost images
is it to hide your indonesian or phillipino timezone
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Imagine if this is the same guy that did itsy bitsy earlier, lmao.
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we love plaguebearers here
https://youtu.be/WgaS1lCJZdM?t=118 [Embed]
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What if I put my face inbewteen Towa's baggy socked feet?
Yes, nothing to prevent everyone getting sick
More like zero involment.
Highlight of this last month was the carpool over to grimoire with anons. When someone put on FACT over the cars speakers, and then it was asked if that was the song from the bottle flip table soundpost- everyone in the car was laughing so hard it was great.
Core memory right there.
That's like just her body reacting to her lungs/overwork
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Laugh at this stupid loser Pt 2
https://youtu.be/o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
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I'd like to target Mori's circles if you know what I mean
Wait, I think I'm starting to feel sick too now
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>coughs on your oshi
>swaps spit with her
>sneezes in her mouth
>My gyat...
Potential BibooRyS tonight, it seems
lots of hot or cold water
pee a lot
That's what you get for making out with me all of a sudden!
She's currently incubating the plague, wait a few days
>Biboo and IRyS survived
what do you call this?
There is no fucking way Kiara's cock wasn't leaking precum in her panties during this
A few times actually
I like it a lot
neither of them met Kiara during her trip
inb4 this spawns into a pandemic
Thank god Ina isolated herself in her goon cave
Being thai and a loner
I didn't know Kiara could manipulate other women's bodily functions.
You Grems need to cut this out.
I hope it was worth it kissing my oshi
IRyS put some R1 yogurt on her pussy and made Biboo drink it, now both of them are healthy
Cute pocketknife
Her nostrils?
>no streams
fuck it
lucky star 1-24 english dub, go
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj6UEZubnB0 [Embed]
But I'm a Kazamatai...
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Reminder that CC licked off Biboos spit on every opportunity
She acquired immunity to the bird virus kek
Biboo did say she started to drink R1 because of IRyS
Shion streamed today and is streaming again Saturday.
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those look like they have a lot of milk in them...
Wow I can't beleb Kiara got anon sick too
There's proof. While she was still extremely sick (we can see her dying on stream) she said she is still hugging and kissing everyone:
>Meeting gigi and liz for first time
>Are you saying I can't hug them?
>I'm gonna just give them a quickie
https://youtu.be/6AuVTbFcGMk?t=1085 [Embed]

AND we know she got her bodily fluids all over the mocap suit which we all know can't be easily washed. there's only a handful of those suits so we can blame all the JP deaths on her too
Biboo... it's growing inside of you right now... the dengue fever Kiara brought to Japan...
Biboo and IRyS didn't kiss any of the other girls because they're straight
Biboo is a child and IRyS didn't go to the hang outs with Kiara, but she hang out with people that was with her, so it must be the R1 yogurt
man when you are trying so hard it's not even funny anymore
>I'm gonna just give them a quickie
god this is so fucked lol
>EN is sick and nobody is streaming
Manifesting a random ID stream
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One's got those Thai sewage genes and the other isn't a fucking lesbian.
I want to watch CC and GG having sex though
but today GG is dying
>AND we know she got her bodily fluids all over the mocap suit
I had not. But now that I have I like it a lot.
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the only one I was kissing was Shiori's face, but only a print out image of the face, here i'll provide the image in question
>watching Lucky Star on youtube
>not in 360p with three parts per episode
weak desu
wrong, kfpedo >>97238720
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>Kronii is actually in indonesia with Kaela
huh, I thought you guys were lying
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/v/-sama is making fun of us
stoopid >>97238838
Today will be bib quality
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzPU6Pni-XQ&t=3166s [Embed]
Biboo was literally in the same room with the members you are trying to pin the blame on Kiara yesterday. Again, what is this angle?
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>Only 3 ENs doing gameplay streams tonight
>All 3 are Slopster Hunter
She brought Kronii to her home to meet her parents and then theyre going on a 2 week long island getaway vacation
Very few human diseases are compatible with biboo's people
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>doesn't go to japan
>avoids kiara's super aids
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anon you know dengue doesn't spread from human to human like that right
very cute stuffs
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Pretty grim innit
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Just watch Anya's live.
>>97238258 (OP)
Cute and vintage
Based kiara eliminating the worst ENs
The angle is getting angry over nothing.
It spreads from mosquitoes and Kiara kinda sounds like one
She's a rock after all
They're going on a two-week vacay soon!
Yeah, that exact soundpost.
Everyone just busting up at the exact moment after the question was asked was too god damn funny.
And Biboo resisted the turbo aids for now
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beejoe in 69 minutes
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>teamup anon is graduating
one day new talents will be so fucking confused about why KAZOOS of all things are banned at off collabs.
what a spit swapping superspreading bioterrorist WMD
Probably still having a meltdown about being utterly mogged by kiara
What for?
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acchi kocchi > lucky star
Post tits
that's the second teamup anon graduating btw
I was waiting for the Anyas to kiss desu
I feel like this isn't the first time I've heard this
Nobody watches bae lmao
Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN

my throat is kinda hurtin a bit TT - mb today I talk less ok pebbles
Kronii gave in and decided to try indonesian pussy
wait, the first one left? I've never used teamup but I thought that guy was still around
They did what?
furries out
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fake news
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>cc tries to end the space
>app closes
>she thinks it ended
>bed noises
>gg: 'no... you gonna get sick too!'
>cc: I am stronger
>bed noises
>phone buzz
>its manechan telling cc didnt close the space properly
You don't remember when we switched teamups?
all that grinding is finally paying off
Shiori is literal AIDS tbf
what does that have to do with furries?
>Cover financial report: no streams in all of march
>Reason: Kiara took out the entire company with her spit
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this is how cover enters the bioweapons market
why is she like this
this guy seems weirdly obsessed into making Kiara a superspreader of disease
Based kiara
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACVnxDj1Jwo [Embed]
you guys told me matsuri was a glass cannon, what the fuck is this?
i love this stupid sexy tiger
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Do you think literally everyone gets sick when a disease spreads? Some people are just naturally healthy, like the girl who marathon streams without ever getting sick.
Brrats have to cope with bae getting mogged
Very few of the people who liked the hololive of 2020 still like the hololive of today
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You guys do know that literally everyone has been singing, dancing and pushing themselves to the limit these past few months leading up to HoloFes, right? Just like every year before this? Why even try to blame this on someone? Not to mention it's been snowing and raining during and after HoloFes. Someone was bound to get a cold.
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It sounds like someone's getting fucked good but is occasionally getting confused by the decisions of their partner.
He does this every time.
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Nah the original guy left in like mid 2021 iirc
Each separate moan is a rope of molten cum blasting out of her dick and staining her sweatpants btw
it's fine if she was sick. not her fault.
but selfish bitch didn't give a fuck about anyone else and didn't social distant at all.
of course i'm mad
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My wife is streaming today. I am happy
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I miss Ina
>You guys do know
You do know that it's just Kiaraschizo doing this retarded shit, right?
It's the usual deadbeat deflection, pay him no mind.
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Why do you say that? Don't you like it when they hit the monster and the monster goes
>OW! I will run away very fast now, please chase me to the next area
And then they hit the monster some more and then the monster goes
>OOF! dang that hurt! I will run away again now please chase me once again to the next area
And then they hit the monster again and the monster goes
>YIKES! OUCHIE! ok ok hang on, I will run away one final time so please chase me again, yes? very well, follow me!
and then they do that forever for hours and hours? don't you enjoy that a lot?
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Your post is too long so I didn't read it.
You know exactly why he has to blame someone.
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So...is anyone going to take over for him? He even upgraded the teamup...
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*shoots virulent snot out of her nose onto all other holoENs in the vicinity every few minutes*
Wait, really? I thought fes performances were prerecorded?
Did Gura ACTUALLY get skinwalked? That's funny.
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ERB and GG?
my old-timer when he gets up from his chair
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITjgL_G-xCc&t=2015s [Embed]
treerat talking about biboo
Quite the non-sequitur there, schizo.
The same goes for when literally anything can get you sick, so why even blame one person for it?
Is this the part where we pretend the non kiara ens are of any value?
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stop, this is too sexy
shiori got skinwalked and autotuned.
it's basically a different person on stage. she can't reproduce that performance if she had a gun to her head
So have they been dancing this week or not?
Because he has to seethe about Kiara
Based kiara keeping mori from ruining the off collab
>>Not to mention it's been snowing and raining during and after HoloFes. Someone was bound to get a cold.
Read, nigga. Read.
i caught the first CC space when she was waiting for food. was there another twitter space after? i don't recognize the "throat hort" title
Because we know who the first sick person was and she spread it to all people she met.
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If you think that's sexy, you won't believe this
So what? Teach Kiara about alco gel and tell her to wear a mask at all times?
>>97192083 →
How many are sick now?
yes but when i personally play it
Biboo will start the stream saying she's not feeling well, same for nerizzler
It's not real
If they want it to be live they can
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Aren't you forgetting someone?
No, the schizo made an edit to push his rrat again.
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i love this erotic tiger
What video is this from? Can you link it for all to see?
i bet >3% of your city's population died due to covid. you're a product of your shithole's culture, not your fault.
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How did the EN meetup turn into a superspreader event?
No >we don't.
oh, that makes sense. I definitely wasn't pay attention to teamup back then.
I have to click on 2018 - 2020 but that doesn't mean I still like 2025 hololive
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>joke is made that Kiara got everyone sick
>KFP get unironically defensive
>shitposters notice how easy it is to upset KFP and escalate it way passed the joke it started as
Is this why Kiara gets so much shitposting here? Because no other fanbase is as reactive as KFP is?
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no, it's lost media and the guy that made it publicly apologized and committed seppuku
It's not even the first time Biboo has streamed sick, though. If she even is sick. Hell it's not even the first time she would have streamed with a throat so bad that she could barely speak.
I got into vtubing via NijiEN which option should I pick?
>sick person goes to meetup where everyone shared spit covered kazoos and kisses and shares drinks and is right next to each other and cramped up
Rain or snow itself doesn’t make you sick, but it can lower your defenses and increase the risk of getting sick. This happens because cold and damp conditions can affect your immune system, making it less effective at fighting off viruses and bacteria.
If you’re exposed to rain or cold for a long time and your body gets chilled, it can make it easier for viruses like the flu or the common cold to take advantage of the situation and infect you. Plus, physical stress from the cold can make your body more susceptible to infections.
The most important thing is to stay warm and dry after getting wet or cold and maintain healthy habits (like good nutrition and rest) to keep your immune system strong.
Mate, no one is buying your samefagging.
someone should make a clip compilation collating all the events on stream that led up to the event
Vivi > Niko > Significant gap > Su > Riona > Chihaya
This same thing has happened to JP multiple times, it just happens. The fact that most ENs have to travel just adds extra potential for disease exposure on top of that.
Justice debuts
You're the best and kindest poster here, GPT-chama
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negros bein loud outside
Explain this one
She thought it was ok to give them a hug even though she was clearly dying on stream?
Raora has chronic headaches, it could still be that
This happens quite often actually. It starts as harmless memeing and a bit of fun but then people get autistic over it.
For example the elephant posting back then with Fauna, it was literally just some harmless fun.
I actually LIKE Monster Hunter, but I think it makes for a really dull and boring stream game (especially with how Wilds keeps shoving cutscenes down the player's throat) and is only really entertaining when the people playing are exceptionally skilled
Easy skip
Thanks, ChatGPT.
>guys I swear I'm not obsessed with internet chicken, it's just because of [inane schizo reason]
>act like a retard
>get called a retard
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Maybe the other holos shouldn't be so shit and KFP wouldn't have to funpost
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What about me?
Thanks to my sisters kids and my other sister being a pre-school teacher this has a 90% chance of happening anytime I meet them.
I suppose me and most of EN should obtain more vitamin C, D and other immuno boosters.
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Laplus is going to carry my kids :)
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Blow them up with a bazooka
Your angle aside, yeah that's how genuine funposting died and shitposters desecrated the corpse
>nobody is live
i dont even know who that is
Yes and Kiara is literally hitler
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You need to gatekeep your humor, like when people niggermarked their OC because of twitterfaggots
No one will ever watch shiori no matter how much you beg and seethe
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alright guys, im finally ready and packed up to go to japan for fes! wish me luck!
>joke is made that Kiara got everyone sick
i'm not fucking joking.
it's 100% her fault.
these girls were basically on lockdown with each other since the city was swarming with holofans so they weren't really out in public. patient zero was a holomem.
guess who had entire streams planning out how she's gonna touch/hug/kiss/spit/sweat on everybody while sick?
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you cant fap to a stupid size like that
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Gay people are into some sick shit!
Bug chasers are no good!
surprisingly small amount of justchads and adventbabies
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
I don't believe she's that strong anon.
>no kiara stream
>KFP dominate the thread
Not Kiara.
Fuck you I hope you die
Why is the fat titty one the cheeky brat? I feel they fucked up here
>Kiara Kiara Kiara Kiara Kiara Kiara Kiara Kiara
>check holodex
>she's not even streaming
Why is Kiara the most important hololive member and why is KFP the most infulential fanbase here?
Nobody cares about your shit oshi not streaming, cry more.
>genuine funposting
are you that bored?
Maybe anon is a midget
my oshi is biboo but I had a japanese oshi until 2023 (watame is still my JP oshi but I have an EN oshi now)
I assume it went this way for a lot of people
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one simple fact
Well right now she's the center of attention because she was patient zero for the great holo sickness of 2025 white day we're witnessing atm
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This is a good picture, always reminds me that Watame is made for sex
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This thread sucks. I'm gonna get high and watch documentaries about the Gilded Age and I'm not sharing my cookies with anyone
It's annoying when shitposters in this thread take a funpost I make and then run with it as fact and shit up multiple threads
It's why I don't bother live posting here anymore. You literally cannot even make a joke.
lappy just needs to eat chicken nuggies and she will have the strength to do anything
So you're saying samefagging is on the similar principle?
He doesn't have friends.
Believe it or not, there was a time when people took the piss and most everyone around understood it as such and laughs were had by all
>Why is Kiara the most important hololive member and why is KFP
Cause she's can't stop doing dumb shit and her fans can't stop baiting bait, which means her retarded antis can't stop posting her
Just pure retardation all the way down
Would you be fooled by ERB skinwalking moom?
There are literally no good streams tonight what do you think
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It was just a bit of banter
pebbles with defend this
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Goldvent rules these lands
We're all thankful to them for saving EN
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>cucks you with your oshi

Why did you reply to me twice? Schizo
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High trust society becoming low trust
Increase in seethinf flips and their ilk caused it
>her antis
I thought you said they didn't exist?
I could get involved in this dumbass discussion, but then I ask myself "Why?" and I just go back to fapping.
When? It’s been like this since at least Myth debut.
I bet Shiori petplay would be really kinky
>saving anything
ah yes, i remember the Elden Ring DLC streams, biboo was a real trooper for that, also gargling MSG kek
This corpo has like 40 bitches and not a single one of them is streaming
I'd love for you to give me an example of this happening with literally any other fanbase. Most other fanbases seem to do what any sensible person does when they see a troll and ignore their stupid ass.
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Lol fuck you.
even more so
according to 4chan dot rules dot com, ill intentioned posts explicitly is shitposting
I don't care about ERB but she has the coolest intro in hololive
Brcause the other fanbases barely exist here
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Is this better
It's a flu that they'll get over in a few days at least. It ain't that deep.
That's my wife
>I thought you said they didn't exist?
Who are you quoting?
Unironically yes you get a tiny shot of dopamine when you get that (You) popup even if it's from yourself. And you can also hope that people with herd mentality get tricked into going along with your posts, like when a prank show successfully fools someone
There was never such time as far as Myth is concerned. Or are you saying that the anons in /jp/ were just funposting?
It would be cool to see Bae do motion comics or comics dubs of her pages
The other fanbases are weak cucks, we know.
what fanbases
When people say golden gen they kinda just mean FWMC and Biboo
Same way Trinity lovers used to mostly mean Gura and Ame
and Ina!
No matter how hard she works she still does really poorly
Ladies and gentlemen, your puppet show for tonight.
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>I'm strong and powerful because I respond to every bait ever posted
mori is my oshi and i always thought the "anti your oshi" thing is real since the start of this board and we all secretly love her and just want to discuss her more....
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Fair point
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Golden gen = everyone I like, including the IDs and JPs
Yeah? When we spam MUTED or PISSBREAK when any side branch is on the screen it's all in good fun, most of us are still watching. It's just a little injoke
You, apparently.
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chances one of the 3rd world americans gave everyone measles?
I thought ERB might light a fire under Rissa but nope. She's been spinning wheels since.

I don't think people even update her stuff on /ope/ anymore. The recommended streams list in particular cuts off at september last year.
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Watame, for whatever reason, looks especially sexy in the Hololive summer swimsuit compared to other girls. Everybody can pull it off in one way or another, but Watame and Azki are like SSS tier. Their hair and designs work with the summer swimsuit incredibly well. It also helps that Watame's 3D model can make good expressions.
Even though this thread has never been immune to it, it's much worse now that there aren't enough regular posters to drown out the schizos.
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Bitches ain't shit
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Teamates knew how to take jokes and the whole Deadbeat being the villains we used to have back then
>for tonight
Let me reiterate
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>[Deleted] posts are the ones playing both sides
Tale as old as time.
>chumcuck complaining about anyone replying to bait
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Bushes WILL be destroyed!
Armpits WILL be smooth!
Stubble WILL be waxed!
Hags WILL be hairless from the neck down!
And most importantly…
Resistance is FUTILE!!
No shit, everyone has him filtered these days
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>teamates knew how to take jokes
teamates also had insane representation back then during peak ame and can drown out everything
i can't name a single fanbase that has that power on hlgg anymore. kfp tries and gets made fun of
Trinyfags did not give a FUCK about Ina
They just kinda backfilled her cause they didn't want to ostracize like they were trying to do with TakaMori
It's like when a sports team signs a player they don't really care about purely to take them off the market for other teams
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Oh, wow. Deleted. Who could've seen that coming.
I think every time we want to funpost we should leave a little indicator to show everyone else that we have no ill intentions.
Like an '/fp' (short for /funpost) at the end of our posts as a signal to the others that the post was made in jest.
>guys I swear KFP are briging it upon themselves, I'm not just a schizophrenic anti obsessed with chicken dick
isnt it a good thing their all getting sick. like back in the old days moms would have their sick children share popsicles so it would be done and over with in one stint.
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Point to where I said they don't exist, cause right now it seems like you're arguing with the voices in your head
/ope/ is a den of retarded faggots and sister antis samefagging and like 3 well intentioned and tolerable posters, I gave up on that garbage being salvageable, it's worse than 2021-2022 /wawa/
I'll just enjoy Rissa on my own and here
Barely any deleted posts
schizos ARE the regular posters
This is real btw
No, really
This guy thinks this thread is a Ace Attorney kek
go back to /r/okbuddyhololive
It is pretty cool
Cock n Baelz
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never ever happening
did you forget your "/fp"?
back when Ame was relevant
Yes but I still don't know who that is
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Does she still lurk these threads?
Cry more jailbird
More like because moderation staff gave up because it was too much work and the jannies are all discord phasefags now
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This is a good picture, always reminds me that Watame is made for sex
>you're arguing with the voices in your head
Yeah, you are.
Do not call this man out as an ESL.
This is bait.
Nobody could he this dumb
She could be reading this post now but you'll never know.
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Teamates spent every minutes of hlgg seething up and down that ame really liked streaming and would be back to form any day now until she finally quit
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>stands in your way
Mio’s bush shall grow back like Samson’s!
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I remember this one
Maybe your oshi wouldn’t have gotten sick if she wasn’t such a slut for Kiara.
>Kiara let me hug you
>Kiara let me give you a massage
>Kiara let me lift you
>Kiara let me kiss you
They were asking for it.
>a Ace Attorney
fucking ESL
TSKR rock
if the Deadbeat didn't get her, then maybe
Watame isn’t sexy at all.
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Did she ever comment on this? I just assume she lost a bet or something.
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>Morning in Manila
Ah, so that explains why the thread is such garbage.
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I just checked and it's a nice place, what's wrong with it? It's not too different from here.
Regular posting FORCES you to become a schizo.
Can you seriously change up your typing style every post without method acting a different person in your head?
I'm simultaneously kiaraschizo and KFP and every fanbase in between.
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Would you?
Oh, sick, anon. You pointed out a spelling error lmaoooooooooo
>he this dumb
fucking ESL
what a cute creature (not the cat)
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Yeah, that's right, cry about it
no she did this all on her own
I would
I have
I will continue to
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to be fair, this actually worked and grems managed to get rid of Gigischizos
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The strongest fanbase used to take all the baits to protect the rest
Did Kiara actually get everybody sick, or is it just a schizo angle excuse to shit up the threads for hours on end again? Since I remember anons claiming that she got people sick before on a trip that she didn't even go on.
raora is the only one who deserves to get sick. she's lower than a prostitute who will lick your snot for money. she didn't even do it for money. she did it for clips.
why is this in spoilers
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Deadbeats coping, don't mind them
kek it do be like that
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How fucking sad is that the landscape has not changed at all?
it's all just funposting, no one actually believes that.
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I keep seeing art of Mai Shiranui with La+.
How would we know?
It's possible though.
They might've all gotten each other sick somehow and since they met so often it's now spreading around
Maybe, I'm not a fucking doctor bro why the hell are you asking me?
it's all circumstantial but could also all be a coincidence. though KFP claim that she already was better for a week before meeting the girls
Hey, someone just got blasted this thread, cut them some slack. Just because their hands are tied regarding a certain person doesn't mean they don't try their best a couple times a month.
She got better before meeting any other holomem so it's extremely unlikely she's the reason why the others got sick
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That's some nice stuffs
You always reply to me, you creep.
im so glad everyones getting sick cuz now we can get unique sick streams. with whimpery raspy holovoices so demure
why ask when you have the facts? we all know she's patient zero and met up with other members while sick and got her germs all over mocap equipment. the holomems weren't out in public during this time so they can only catch things from each other. all of them have the flu just like kiara (instead of covid).
draw your own conclusions.
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wtf only monster slop and Nerissa today...
Gg is the real super spreader (pussy)
Oops forgot to fix this
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It's because Lap cooms for Mai a ridiculous amount.
Anon, they're claiming she got Mori sick when she went to the doctor and they said it was just her lungs, and Raora just gets headaches (probably whenever she tries to think), what do you think?
This is anti-Italian discrimination!
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So you guys think ERB's flame is actually meant to be particularity low framerate and 2D or is it jsut a stylization of a normal fire?
Kiara got better before the meetups. The most likely candidate to have participated in the meetups while knowing she was contagious is actually Biboo
>How fucking sad is that the landscape has not changed at all?
Because it's the exact same people doing it and the literal only things that's changed is they try to do really forced fanbase flamewars
also ignore any claims by KFP. there are timestamps with proof of kiara infecting others:
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you can still be contagious for an extended period of time despite feeling recovered
It's ok Biboo has two moms now
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Is the soundpost script working for anyone? It doesn't seem to activate any time I open a thread in a new tab.
They are fun, better than the cringe unity shit
>We luv everyone!!
Literally carebear tier shit
Have any JPs or IDs gotten sick?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2sg1kgWq7Y [Embed]
They did? Then who was this guy, a ghost?
>>97199903 →
>>97200310 →
>>97200796 →
>>97201079 →
Beebs doesnt wanna fuck kaela
The only harmless funpost that still exists to this day is probably "MORI MOGGED" when there's a Holo singing or speaking really fast.
I can't really think of anything else.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW7s7B1o0Lo [Embed]

find you're oshi
External Sounds has yet to fail me, the sound player one was fucked for ages for me tho
Who knows, quite a few ENs always manage to get sick when they travel to japan. But Mori and Roara are most likely pre-existing conditions and not anything related to the rest of EN getting sick. But it's just being used as an excuse to shit up the thread.
>Kronii and Kaela got out before the sickness could catch them
Fun how?
Marine towa hajime roboco and koyori on the jp side all got sick
How would you make a 3d fire?
No, she was sick BEFORE Japan, she was fine when she met all the girls
Werks on my muhsheen.
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>you have to be mad or pretend to be mad and then actually get mad about everything all the time and be confrontational 24/7
That's fucking boring and I grew out of doing that shit when I was 14, I'd rather just cum my brains out nowadays
Kiara was all over Kronii and she still didn't get sick, really makes you think
Grems want to pretend they achieved anything.
The twappi stuff too
i didn't see /hlgg/ in this video
Sure you can but it's very unlikely. In most cases if you are contagious while feeling well it's because you are either completely asymptomatic or haven't developped symptoms yet.
And that's why I used the words most likely candidate.
But Kiara interacted with Kronii before she left so Kronii is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.
Mori lies about a lot of stuff...
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Mori's is her lungs and her doc said it's not contagious, she didn't meet Bae, Raora has recurring issues with headaches, CC is not sick, and Erb passed through an airport or jsut has jetlag. Additionally, GG met Kiara when she was actually a bit sick and nothing happened. Reine and Risu aren't sick. Kobo isn't sick. She recovered by fes times. Also you can really tell he wants to puah the whole "mucus on the suits" thing as if Cover wouldn't clean the sweaty suits that get used almost daily
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Both my ex oshi and my current oshi are in the thumbnail
kronii actually works out and showers so she's probably fine
>Check thread
>Arguing about Kiara
>Check thread 2 weeks later
>Arguing about Kiara
>Check thread for post-fes reactions
>Arguing about Kiara
>Check thread a few days later
>Arguing about Kiara
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She's so cute!
>as if Cover wouldn't clean the sweaty suits that get used almost daily
They should let me clean them with my tongue, honestly
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i miss her so much...
>Kobo isn't sick
I thought she's been sick for months which is why she isn't streaming
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Do you still have the photoshop file with all the layers for this?
I have an idea for an elaborate shitpost.
A bold descriptor
anon this place has been arguing about Kiara since September 2020
No I dislike Kiara for my own personal reasons. I just never post about it. (I rarely post at all)
she has sickness of the mind
Does anyone suffer more than Joshus?
I want to fuck all these Biboos
what you see when you warp back to Limsa Lominsa and head towards the auction boards
you're gonna get diabeetus
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That's NOT coming outta MY non-salary bro, I'm outta here
oh, and also
watch streams, schizo
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>I rarely post at all
you should keep doing that, tourist
It was better back then...
https://youtu.be/6AuVTbFcGMk?t=1085 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/6AuVTbFcGMk?t=1085 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/6AuVTbFcGMk?t=1085 [Embed]
>hot dog in a hot car
why are you posting AI slop
You lost Lil pup
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I'm gonna need a baker's dozen
Hololive needs to step up and protect Kiara
I forgot watamage was a thing and we would slap her instead of slapping hoomans
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And I shall eat it all!
Still using 4chan sounds player
Still works for me.
CC and Raora aside Kiara took out every single person in Mori's new cliche. Freaking amazing.

Also Kiara was sick last year too. The heck goes on with her?
Posting literal who twittards should return to being bannable
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I rarely post at all anymore
I still didn't really post about Kiara back when I used to be here a lot, though. Mostly stuck to posting about the holos I watched. (Gura and half of JP)
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use 4chanxt
it has built-in soundpost player. it even saves sounds so that they still work even if catbox is still down.
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You ARE responsible for your coworkers.
Now get in the fucking punishment oven.
>Hitler reportedly issued orders prohibiting biological weapons
hilter is arguably a less selfish person than kiara
God there's even Koopa in there, I completely forgot about that
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>*casts a random spell on the schizos*
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>Mori's new cliche.
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>than the cringe unity shit
>>We luv everyone!!
It's incredible to me that both UNITY still makes monkeys like this seethe nearly 5 years later or that they STILL misinterpret to mean "You have to love everyone" when it's more like an agreed neutrally
>Literally carebear tier shit
And flamewar faggots like you just do pretend fighting with fanbases like they were dolls
>No! Brrats mogged!!!
Pic releated is literally you when you post that shit
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maybe crime is good?
I'm watching a video on RE4s demo and this cheeky motherfucker put a "Kill yourself immediately" clip of Coco in it.
/hlgg/ - Epidemiology Global
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Post more of these
4chanxt works. There is no reason not to switch over.
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Nuh uh nigga, Kiara's not streaming means I ain't workin'. I'm blowing this popsicle stand
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>Mori's new cliche
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when kiara is the cause of NO STREAMS and thus maximum shitposting, yea
Aki is like really really cute
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My cute boyfriend
they interpret unity maliciously because it weakens it and leaves more room for shitposting. same thing when they try to include other companies under unity.
>I'm blowing this popsicle stand
same, cuz
Should I be using both 4chan XT and 4chan Sounds Player?
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Why doesn't takochan have that cool sounds player popout box in the top right
Why are takos so stupid
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>Mori's new cliche
promise was such a shit gen they brought in zero fans?
i have all soundposts filtered with no stubs
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i miss her...
(i mean last stream 1 month ago...)
reminder that the cute girl kiara anti in the /v/ thread was right
I had to install 4chanxt recently, it worked for exactly 1 day and never again.
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I miss this cute baby voice
There was a pick of a kid playing with toys like this but there was a godzilla in a corner and some put AMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE next to it and I don't know why I remember that at this very moment
she has an entire gen in her fanclub
Press E
>she said she'd hug them
lmao retard proved himself wrong
you can't spread sickness through clothing, so a hug would have been fine
and they only got sick today/yesterday, when Kiara was already fine
just stop trying
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I have this one so you can add a new abduction target
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*whoosh* you now feel old
>kiara wiping out the trash of EN
She wiped out herself, so you're not actually wrong.....
She's dying from tooth pains so it's understandable she isn't back yet.
this is your defense? are you actually retarded?
You can just like, not install the script bro
biboo never had any symptoms or shown any signs of sickness recently though?
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Good enough, thank you.
I'll try to get this done by the next time you abduct global, but we'll see.
I uninstalled it when I filtered them, but the point is to remove most of the low quality posts in one fell swoop.
I wonder what that's like
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It's quite possible that she's patient zero, but it is unlikely that direct infection from Kiara was the reason for the spread.
When you're tracing something like the Flu, you generally assume first contact for your hypothetical models.
ie. if someone was contagious, why wouldn't you contract their sickness on your first time meeting them instead of say contracting it only when you met them the third time?

With that in mind, Kiara's first contact with most of the EN Girls can be dated to before FES, either on the 5th or 6th judging from what was said on streams. Anyone that would've gotten sick from her directly would've most likely contracted it at that point, and with a 1-4 day incubation period, showed symptoms either during the FES weekend or Monday at latest.

But the fact that all of the symptoms for the girls are showing near-simultaneously, including for ones that purportedly weren't in direct proximity of Kiara and even some JPs points more the idea that there was someone or something that was in a highly contagious state at their FES accommodations this weekend which led to the current predicament.

This kind of stuff is actually super interesting if you take the time to think about it.
Who are these people and why they are so anti-fun?
What do they even think will happen?
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>avacado posting
holy fuck...
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>arguing with schizos
Correct but she's the most likely candidate to be an asymptomatic carrier, especially considering how many unvetted people she's in close contact with on a daily basis
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of course i know it, i made it
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Don’t click this image, a thief’s hiding in it!
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>far right
we all know all holomems were stuck in a bus together to smuggle them into the expo w/o being seen.
My main complaint
I'm still here after all this time, damn
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no one makes OC like this anymore..
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you can't do this to me
So Koyori or Towa but she carries it while not showing symptoms?
guys guys what if the superspreader is some unnamed manager who had contact with all members
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I love this doll!!!!!
we know flare and ina were in the same bus and they are fine
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Hololive's new branding video is better than I remember
We literally have a nigga who specializes on OC of fanbases interacting with each other.
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Did they almost kiss or am I seeing things?
it was made at the last moment that kind of OC could be made: May 2021
fucking yagoo. he thinks he's hot shit handshaking everyone just because he's a little bit cute?
This middle schooler ass reply doesn't even make sense because she recovered last week
It was towa because all the ENs gobbled the towacock as a pre-fes snack
hes not around nearly as often anymore and we got like rratposter and thats about it anymore
I have never hated Kiara but this I'm week pretty fucking close
you're not going to include how ollie met jurard and gb that same day and groped their chest?
don't be shy in shilling your clip.
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I thought the exact same thing.
they kept looking at each other like they were expecting The other to make a move
If our love is tragedy
Why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity
Why are you my clarity?
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It's just the ai-vid anon posting again
this "individual" is a two-faced bitch who got pissed over something Kiara never even said
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what is this stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3EU_jpvETU [Embed]
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Man, I sure love timeloops.
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A JP clipper/illustrator who's really into Korone and Okayu, he recently decided to make clips translated in English.
Be warned: it's ESL as fuck, but the illustrations are cute and sometimes lewd.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88R7_TFcgYo [Embed]
Two whole dollposts in one thread?
Who knows, there's not enough information to really pin down anything other than the likeliest days of the contagion event for all of the girls to be simultaneously symptomatic on a Wednesday (Saturday-Sunday), with the commonality being they all had an opportunity to contact one another during that specific timeframe from the FES behind-the-scenes stories.
one of the most well-remembered OCs is the deadbeat/watamate rap battle which was full of shitposts/cuckposts at both talents expense and when it was done and everybody had a laugh both fanbases still ended up pretty chill with each other
>This middle schooler ass reply doesn't even make sense
>my physical and social batteries are drained
>So I'll probably have no more streams for the rest of the week
Seems wiped out to me desu
DO click this image, a cutie is in it!
you stream then
Sad cat going through Jailbirdium abstinence.
Big "Nerissa..." energy
I NEED sex with Friends
Friends shouldn't be this sexy but they are.
The reality is that most people phonepost now, hard to make OC on a phone.
Oshi issue
I'm not saying she's asking for it but you shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff in public
you're liable to get molested
I'm like 95% sure handshakes are a western thing. They probably just bowed to him. though CC didn't even know that you're not supposed to eat while walking so i don't know how good the EN girl's jap etiquette is
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Wtf kronii is in indonesia!?
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that other one was not me since I just woke up, seems like a schizo caught on my ritualpost
That's not illness related dumbass
Not part of the argument, but doesn't Mori's tweet quite literally say that it's an existing lung problem she's had from last year not handling the seasonal air? Seems a bit weird to blame that on Kiara getting her sick, no? Also, unless CC removed the twitter space or had a second one, I can't find that specific twitter space that is being referenced in the post that this one is replying to
*lets go*
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY [Embed]
Watamates won btw
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The lyrics still apply to me 4 years later
I basically stopped making soundpsots because I can only watch on my phone at work now and I don't really think to do it anymore once I'm home
I swear I've seen this exact tweet posted like 6 times today, what makes it so special?
fish literally swim in their own shit
if you like eating seafood, you like eating fish poop
i only phonepost when ban evading
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The rabbit guy from TMNT?
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I like their Okayus
Mori only friends is legit just connor retard why do you think everyone in hololive hate her
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He wants to start something but it's not sticking
eel is disgusting and so arey ou
but she's right tho
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Bro you drink processed poop water
Its delicious. Its not even an acquired taste its just delicious. Youre a weirdo.
very cute burgershoes
>why wouldn't you contract their sickness on your first time meeting them instead of say contracting it only when you met them the third time?
That's not really hard to explain tbqh
You don't naturally do things the required to help a spread your illness faster
Like a sick person isn't going to cough directly in your face or sneeze in your mouth, but they might passively touch you and then inadvertently spread their illness that way (which obviously takes a longer time since it's not "optimal)
That's because the schizo edited the name of the twitter space to better fit the Kiara shitposting angle, there was no second twitter space.
Kronii got IRyS sick and caused her to take an entire month off 2 years ago.
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Fuck that how can Ceci the weakest EN lift up Kiara?
You eat sea snake?
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Uh, is that what I think it is?
Even Kiara who hates seafood likes Unagi, a mystery indeed from CC.
coping eelcel
To be fair mori always blame kiara
>Doesn't count!!!
Stop coping bitch, she's tired and not streaming which is good enough to be comfortably considered "wiped out"
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You guys gotta chill~
>A schizo deliberately editing things to make Kiara look bad
In other news, the Sun rose today.
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Is Kaela's autistic pussy really strong enough to fix Kronii's misogyny?
He predates TMNT
chickens still have the vestigial ability to fly
I only drink bottled water from the store
Not unless she can also cure Kronii's oneitis. Ganbatte Kaela!
Lower body vs upper body strength
I can't beleb Kiara is making her coffee run late.
So you pay to drink poop water then, gotcha.
Nah fuck you faggot, go back to the 3rd grade
bodies of water have animals in them.
animals poop in the water.
water bodies evaporate and become rain.
you are covered in shit water.
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Yes. Nerissa is gonna jerk off her nerischlong in front of everyone.
are you referencing BD when kiara also infected everyone? that's not when mori caught her bronchitis
She has fucked up hands but her overall strength is fine
I'm really curious about what the date was. It had to be something major if she edited it out knowing people would look to see what news/streams happened on that day.
Sounds like you're making excuses Hooman. You don't get it right away and it can take longer than a few days before the full blown signs show up. Ex: Covid took like 7-12 days to show up. And you have no idea how many people an extrovert like Kiara met with or talked to. Just because she didn't make a storytime out of an encounter doesn't mean Kiara didn't meet with people in passing. That so many EN girls got sick at the same, it can only mean another EN member with access and close contact could be the source regardless of intent.
>Biboo is such a gigazoomer she orders one cup of coffee from uber eats and pays like 15 bucks for one coffee
Late or latte?
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Multiple idol meetings today!
its spring water, retard
I dont drink water from the ocean
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>JP clipper/illustrator
Now that I think about it, that kind of clipper who's also an animator and illustrator is almost exclusively a japanese thing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqTl560hWG0 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5ru8XBeItQ [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oo1vqfAgXDM [Embed]
Are there any western clippers like that?
Kiara has the same chair size as gura, she is smol
>ordering coffee
why is she wasting the pebbles hard earned money?????????
nah she orders food too when she knows she'll go for long
She is going to convert kronii to islam
Biboo's debut
Not her fault that IRyS is a twig
This isn't Indian Flare...
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>We hate Lattes now
>he beleb it
Did you personally watch it get bottled?
And that's not even counting the delivery charges.
It's just milk with a splash of coffee
Wait is this real? Unagi is like the only good fish dish. Does she hate sushi too?
Most people in Japan can draw.
spending 20$ on coffee playing gacha, and buying MH ,dmc , and animal crossing merch.
oh and cat food
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFoGNZ05CJ [Embed]
>English song
9am was EN? I don't remember
it's a reference to folklore, in the story a son disown his mother, the mother then curses him to become stone
Do they not have coffee machines in Japan? You can't brew some simple ground coffee over there in your own home?
going by that logic, everything you eat and drink has shit in it which is a retarded way of thinking
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
Nta but you're just making excuses too, and stretching them at that.
But that ass fat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
It's time to hunt with Biboo!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
If you live in America, everything unironically has shit it in.
It's Biboo!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
I think he's Korean
>she loves beef tongue and thinks it's the same as normal meat.
>never had a bowl of ramen ever in her life, and still haven't.
doll is a weirdo
9am is Korean, that's why they're gone now, they had to do their mandatory service
>this video is unavailable
wow I sure wish I had a link to what stream is on right now
perfect, she deserves everything
that's because they went to Disneyland and went to a ride where they got wet
IRyS didn't know that being outside in the cold while wet would get her sick
Leguna is a normal cut of meat, holmes.
good thing i live in a first world country then
thai genes too fucking strong to get sick
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8uUz5Pgf04 [Embed]
That ramen thing isn't too strange if you live in Europe, but Germany probably does have the most authentic ramen in the EU in Dusseldorf.
her dad is not thai afaik, at least she said only her mom speaks thai and she was born in an english-only environment
everyone who sucked the spit on the kazoo got fucked. she's gonna show symptoms this stream.
Guys I just saw a real sexy Suichan on twitter
The most powerful SEA race. Bijou should take up Muay Thai.
I'm so fucking sick of monhun, bros...
how do you learn thai if you were born in an English only environment
you don't, she knows less thai than japanese now
That's not how genes or diseases work.
You don't get sick if your body is different enough from another human's body because the disease is simply not compatible with your cells. Not because you're stronger.
It's the same reason your dog doesn't catch your cold.
She is small like a goblin, that's more like dwarf genes!
then litterbox the image I want to see it
Sex tourist genes are even more powerful, they have run the gauntlet of disease
Not even 900 posts in and all the image slots are already gone. Was that part of your master plan, /hlgg/?
How do you know your dog doesn't catch colds? Did you ask it?
bijou is subhuman filth, got it
That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
that's a 1 star review
we're not talking about your whore of a mother, anon
He's from another universe and just collabed with turtles few time. But not anymore.... they must hate each other
wait until the bumpschizo posts three threads so we get pushed off the board
>Your Oshi
>Cream or Butter Biscuits?
What's going to happen to la creature once the MonHun arc is finally done?
>Biboo feels good
She is built different
late coffee= quickie with me btw
Rocks can't get sick you sillies
mestizo hands typed this
"skill issue"
- biboo
the bubonic plague is festering...
Biboo dunking on the sick girls
Hang out = sex
latinx please
you're seeing things
i've never get sick in my life before. how does it feel? to be weak
the goxlr is getting destroyed
John Cat was patient zero
I miss this rat guy
Banishment to the shadow realm until the next monhun game comes out.
ganbatte john cat
John cat? me
sans undertale, john cat's comfort character
Biboo is literally a child so she can be a carrier without getting sick
I want to lick Biboo so bad bros
is this real
That's how you got sick already, CC
This is what should've happened desu
Toby Fox??
>It's the same reason your dog doesn't catch your cold.
you don't insult my dog like that. She's a good catcher
>Biboo streams
>I smile
Every time
Kiara is either around or under 50kg based on what she said in a stream last year. And she lost enough weight since then for it to be noticeable by her massage lady in Japan a few weeks ago. Shouldn't be that hard to lift her. Also apparently short based on what Ollie said.

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