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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv

Previous>>97194286 →

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Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
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>>97239802 (OP)
/vrt/ LOVE!
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>>97239802 (OP)
Nina and Freya love!
/vrt/ unity love!
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>>97239802 (OP)
Ongoing Streams

Riona is playing Amazon Trail 2

Yuno Nightingale is playing Duo Princess

Ceci is playing Morrowind

Miri Arachnia is playing Pikmin 2

Mawg is playing Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams

Birb is playing Bioshock

Krum is playing Gothic 2

Ami is playing with her PC98
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r81oFDVwAbI [Embed]

Ririka is playing Linda cube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91ATN8dWOP0 [Embed]

Mono Monet is playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF5OSXzt5nU [Embed]

Sleepy is playing Super Mario Sunshine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBJTV_zuFxI [Embed]
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Trollin' the thread!
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Ruru is playing Pokemon Emerald
The troll /vrt/ needs
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She's jakking it tomorrow!
Doom with Bloom https://www.twitch.tv/profbloomvtuber
Two wads today, brisk 2 and the chilling winds of dis
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Professor Bloom is playing Doom 2 WADS Brisk 2 and then Chilling Winds of Dis
Talk about it in the faggot thread
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Gloomi is playing Devil May Cry 3
Sexy pussy
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>/corpo/ beats /vrt/ to bloomposting
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Riona is checking out packages
>Several years in the making
Weird, but sounds cool
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Yuno won
This was a very cute game I hope we get to see korabos on it
Ami gone...
Yuno gone… and raided Riona!
/vrt/ unity!
hide the futa
/vrt/ unity!
/vrt/ yunity!
Luckily Riona hid Karin's present when her art mama showed up. No one wants to have their parent walk in on that.
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What the heck
That’s a lot of streams!
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>Ceci is playing Morrowind
comfy book reading
I thought Ami and Riona were set to collab like... 3 years ago?
>>97239802 (OP)
For an "average" german girl her MH selfie has been doing pretty well.
i feel like i see her a lot in other peoples chats and raids that it seems like there's some sort of clique but i don't really know all of whom are in it
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I prefer the 2D
>MH selfie
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Yuno Monstania Friday.
>Deathmatch with RE chainsaw controller
I hope it is as fun as Duo Princess
I want to deflower Miri
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anon no
>More jongsluts
I remember the fishing minigame being more fun than this
Apparently she looks like this irl.
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cute cheeks
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Pinchable cheeks?
not the first part i'd pinch but sure, would pinch
Pinchable buttcheeks?
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Haru Mizuki is playing Doom 3
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Yumanea_ finally returning Jagar Tharn's messages in Arena today
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Short yuma stream today
Yuma live
uuuu I miss yuuuuno
>doom 3
for real this time
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I'm sure there's a lot too pinch...
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Reasonable but soft
A scurvy sailor.
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Dianko was teasing Alicja for her big milkers again.
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A gold star for riona from the magical time traveling leopard
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finishing thief and arena this week maybe
bottling the yumasap for yet another occasion
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shy fairy
Yuma has a skeb coming up
Operator is such a comfy song
The troll /vrt/ wants
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Hank Hill is playing Super Mario RPG and/or Earthbound
just here to shill my slut playing monkey island
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-EGCnhsb_g [Embed]
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holy cow
think she can clap with no hands?
She is struggling, she must’ve been looking forward to meditative yapping after not streaming two days
Anything about her that you would like to talk about or tell us?
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With her knockers
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The custom assets for this wad are looking good.
more than two days since i feel like she always cuts herself off before getting mushy and sappy
she's ashamed of the CFE (Chat Friend Experience)
>spend years making assets so you can use them for speed mapping
I think it was the mid-sized raid that did it this time, worried about sharing with people she doesn't know as well watching or that hadn't seen the previous stream she wanted to talk about.
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she could start an earthquake with those cheeks and boobs from all the clapping
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They should be secured for the safety of everyone.
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What the heck?
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Prog is playing Pokemon Gold
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whoa riona is meeting famous people
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Myu Abyssos is playing Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzD8Xa9J2Oo [Embed]
>riona will never call you a nerd
it hurts
She had a dream about chat ignoring her because she muted herself. Based on a true story
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Riona's cool bug facts
thanks babe, very cool
88 like clapping
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Yuma won?
Not if arena has anything to say about it
I went for a whizz and she found Jagar Tharn already!? I was expecting the final dungeon to be a huge slog.
>>97239802 (OP)
mono tongues anus
Yuma was shocked too.
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Ume Aino the christian moth girl is playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6-mwOxsliQ [Embed]
medication status?
>they HATE the emperor's new Eternal Champion
They love the emperor's new eternal champion boiled
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She’s on the champion of the elite four now!
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Takamura Takako is playing Super Metroid
Holy boobers
oooo need chocolate milk
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Greek goddess Hespera is playing Killer7
I think it would be cute if yuma actually started making youtube videos about games
It worked out incredibly well for yewfie
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Tiddo womb
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>Fucking murders a guy in a kids game
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Callie Calico is playing Bioshock
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>Mary Hespera
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Dizzy is playing Harvester
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Baby game!
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Tsukimi B Dohrnii is playing Metal Gear Solid 2
Those are some tiny baby hands
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Yuma gone… next elder scrolls game is redguard!
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Riona gone, raided Hespera
More Edutaintment game stream soon
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Anons, I'm wondering how to help a streamer out more? Momoka is so close to partner and I know she's worrying about not making it because her hiatus is around the corner. I wonder if anyone knows how to help her or what I can do?

If you never heard her sing her theme song, you really have to check it out. It's cute and healing. She works hard and deserves more recognition, she's been at the game for a long time after all. She's a hard working cow and has a contagious laugh. There's so much about her I want to talk about but mostly she's charming in her own way and I want others to see that.
/vrt/ unity!
Oh man this game is SO bad
/vrt/ unity!
It's not SO bad really just a bad doom game.
Helping in the amount of time you'd like to? That is difficult. If you watch other chuubas that don't know her already and stream around her time you might try recommending her as a raid target if they are open to that but it is something that needs to be done delicately. Other things are spreading the word to people you know that watch vtubers to recommend her if you haven't already.
Longer term things that can help are things like making memes, art, clips on different platforms etc but that can take a while to build steam and is obviously hit or miss.
Number one rigger accepted!!
Things are SO happened
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Rena is playing The Emperor's New Groove for PS1
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Garden Elf hag Primrose is playing Blazing Dragons
Raids count towards partner numbers now, so if you can successfully convince other vtubers to send their raid her way that might give her the final push she needs.
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ami wants to do more model commissions
2.0 this year for sure. Rena will start playing the things
Luckily she's mostly hitting those numbers on her morning streams even without raids (Since she can get to 80s without a raid) but she doesn't always stream mornings so that's good to know.
*Planning for 2.0 debut
I'm looking forward to it
ami mama
Reminder that Joru 2.0is next week
long awaited and slow-cooked
Kiki playing Final Fantasy IX
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EXVnvsjZ_8 [Embed]
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Even though 75 lets you apply, I hear the real partner cut off Twitch looks for is closer to 100. But seeing they loosened the requirements with the raids, maybe they're not so strict on that anymore either. I hope the cow gets it soon.
Momoka will get it, Bloom never will
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Clauvio too.
Yuno cute
>But seeing they loosened the requirements with the raids, maybe they're not so strict on that anymore either.
or perhaps the opposite that they get a bit steeper by accounting for that, i wouldn't assume that twitch gives a freebie like that

it's pikachu
The stream was great today! I'm looking forward to the next one too.
I like Yuno's live translations
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Lots of /vrt/ vtubers are getting close to that. Momoka and Blooms averages are both around high 70s low 80s these days so they're both close. Ronja too, she is 80s to 90s so she should be getting it any time now.
The most recent /vrt/ chuuba to get it was Orin I think, she got it a day or two ago.
That is one thing to wonder about. With raids it in theory should be easier but that likely means they could be more strict as well. The minimum requirements is, after all, the minimum so more as cushion is good.
# talk is dumb but it is nice to see /vrt/ chuubas doing well
>Bloom never will
Yuno too
Change of plans
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I wonder which chuuba Ronja managed to reach out to... Is it someone we know?
I am guessing a Finn. Teddie? Mai? Garin?
Probably not Teddie, Mai or any of her old Finnpals since she made it sound like it was reaching out to someone new that she didn't know so well. Garin, perhaps, they're more acquaintances but she's gotten acquainted with a lot of chuubas from raids and other interactions.
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Racest suit Ami just like her daughter Ashton
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Aruru Rosario is playing Twilight Princess
I was thinking about follow-up Gnomanea art pieces. One for infiltration into gnome fortress/city and one for an actual heist
What would the heist be stealing? Slime? Yumaniacs?
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Mitora is playing Dragon Quest 7
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I-mnqp7tno [Embed]
I was thinking a giant head of cheeze
I’m still loving her new model
Would she be wheeling it out? Running on the wheel?
She will reach the requirements but not apply
Rena wants to commission more skebs for debut. I'll probably commission another one 2.0 art as well
You're awesome
lying homospammer
I didn't think about it yet. My first idea was something like that - gnomanea running from the angry gnomes with stolen treasure
>She will reach the requirements
You've been saying this for almost a year now.
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That was quick
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Not with her streaming schedule these days she won't
Wow Pinkies look lame as hell in this.
I agree it's nice how well our girls are doing
Bland faceless pig-things, trying to go for "scary" over awesome or memorable but ending up cliche for the time.
>Blooms averages are both around high 70s low 80s these days
His marathon streams have been going well for him and bleeding into boosts to other streams too https://sullygnome.com/channel/profbloomvtuber/30
revenants got a bad treatment too since they're super slow. well the whole game is pretty slow but revenants were the same speed as pinkies so relatively they're so much slower. original revs were multi-purpose mid-tier enemies that run fast to swarm you and that was what you PREFERRED instead of their high damage homing shots. in Doom 3 they're near-stationary artillery.
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Hes does not go for that
>in Doom 3 they're near-stationary artillery.
Did they forget that Mancubi were a thing?
mancubi were elevated a half step from their original counterpart to be more like a miniboss but yeah definite overlap that doesn't help the whole experience.
Inflated fake numbers
And he got rejected for partner again LMAO
Hespera gone, raided Takamura
/vrt/ unity!
/vrt/ unity!
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Bloom’s numbers are actually better than Momoka’s recently but I’m sure both will get partner this year at this rate. /vrt/ keeps winning like that muu!
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The /vrt/ to /lig/ pipeline is unstoppable also we're playing divegrass against /lig/ this weekend
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super metroid maid is lost
i wonder if yuma's enjoyment of ligma could be a part of hype somehow, if not for us maybe for them it'd give some idea, they're always super creative with hype
I think there is merit to that but I wonder how it would be implemented and if there is time. Like what would the hype scenario be?
i really couldn't tell you thatma
I keep watching this
>Prim looking up Pumped up Kicks and being shocked and aghast at the lyrics
cute hag
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Final Fantasy Mario
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The EN speaking JP Super Chacha is starting a new playthrough of Majora's Mask, challenging herself to only have 3 hearts and no healing. Also she plays ocarina songs for follows which is cute.
>No Hearing
Cute JP
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No hearing no ploblem
>Bloom’s numbers are actually better than Momoka’s recently
Fake numbers, he's gotta be botting
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SMRPG beat, Culex Beat, on to more Earthbound
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Rena gone...
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Meat is playing Devil May Cry 3
How did Ashton and Ami find each other? Twitter I'm assuming?
Good. Yuner's doing herself a favor by tanking her own numbers.
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Mikan Bounding Earth
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why can't samus crawl
Ashton knows everybody. She's one of the few chuubas who is actually not shy, but very proactive about networking.
Stop lying
I cant believe someone from /corpo/ bought bloom that 200 dollar piece of equipment kek
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Smash Melee CPU battles and betting
No chuuba can resist the gamba
>Ocarina tunes
Chacha has really improved since last time she played Majora
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Draygon claims a kill on the meido trying it the hard
god she was so close that time.
I wonder how I learned about the draygon trick
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Space jump get
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Moriko is playing Majora's Mask Rando
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Blazing Dragons
Two thumbs up
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Wank Wan Wan is playing Megaten today
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiHRsrRTVuo [Embed]
>Wank Wan Wan
I mean Wanko Wan Wan and live
she can wank my wan wan if you know what I mean
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Dead thread.
Save the thread
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Jowu Secet of Monke Island
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a945M6os19Q [Embed]
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Meicha is playing Mega Man X4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q83gIUeALIs [Embed]
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Hibi Yutori is starting Final Fantasy 7
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13-6krRMWTY [Embed]
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X4 is the easiest, shouldn't be too long stream
Hey, that's me!
ahhh, i was wondering for a good bit, seemed familiar but could see from under the bandana
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Pokemon Stadium with Korone in an hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKjjLzWv0Ko [Embed]
what is the slug thinking
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Ceci is playing Wind Waker
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Patra is playing Mega Man x8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZO7O3Mu24E [Embed]
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Lumi is playing WoW Classic in 30 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_705ly0Fkjs [Embed]
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Montana is playing Link's Awakening DX
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Imoko is playing FC Captain Tsubasa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvnHg8-f-Ys [Embed]
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Don't get addicted this time Lumi.
pegora playing retro pokemon too
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That parrot looks suspiciously like a seabun
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some indie rabbit too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jORermy_SBM [Embed]
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Hoshikuzu Komako playing Mega Man x8
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDlLAb6BHPM [Embed]
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wow its lumilumi
lumilumi the banker hag
yes that is my old friend Pegora from the USA D.A. office
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Jennybeans is playing Albert Odyssey - Legend of Eldean
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Rina Lucsper is playing Crash Bandicoot 2
Feels like multiple Holos are getting back into older games again
New perms changes apparently.
They just got blanket pokemon perms so they're going all in
in time for a pokemon loving indie garlic to leave
A scurvy slug
I am still surprised how lost and confused she gets with the dungeons in links awakening. Come on now cat hag they aren’t that complex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g10KzYB62yo [Embed]
My shmup wife looks like a 2hu character today
Cute hat but not fancy enough to be a 2hu, where are the ribbons?
I hope Lumi doesn’t get addicted to WoW again last time it got bad
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I have been shown what for, your wife a cute.
Jowu’s finishing SoMI tonight, probably starting the sequel next week.
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Thanks anon.
Now that’s a 2hu outfit
I don’t know how to break this to you anon…
Server is shutting down so she is safe
What the heck it’s a 3 headed monkey
Safety is not guaranteed
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There it is. Joru being a pirate also fits
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>This game was 60 bucks on release right?
Maybe not but maybe Loom soon
That’s better
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Jowu gone…
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Super Meche is playing Remote Controlled Dandy for Mecha March in 15 minutes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=107fK0ZBcj0 [Embed]
looks like you guys are having a jolly good time on the obra dinn
It is cannon that Jowu and the buns were having a blast
>obra dinn
won't end well
While doing insurance for the good ship Obra Dinn, my final statement is that all Buns aboard the ship were killed by captain Joru by the method of being blasted from a cannon.
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Ririka will be meating french samurais tonight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4M5XGMWpeE [Embed]
Onimusha 3 with tits
>Well done
>3 more fates correct
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Meche is LATE
Live with tits
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Momoka in 10 minutes. She's playing Ape Escape today.

Is she ever on time?
Meche is live!
Nemu is doing her piano practice
Thank you.
Partner soon
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Let's get her there.
She deserves it
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Momoka live
lol, nice work

Nitpick, but it should be "blasted from a cannon"
>Back to wow
what if the Bun was actually shot at with a cannon by Joru?
Shooting bun from a cannon and hitting another bun? Its more likely than you think
Would they squish together or pop like water balloons?
Yunos voluptuous ojou buns and tight hitbox...
I miss yuno
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Ronja Peikko is playing Jak & Daxter
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She will never get a Twitch Partner.
Pic unrelated?
We did a good job helping Dianko get her youtube partnership.
New bake
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