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In the future, Hololive will inevitably hire its first black talent. What can we expect?
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Her to act black???
>>97240912 (OP)
Expect her insides to be painted white by me
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monstrously baste
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>>97240912 (OP)
calli will be black before hololive hires a black talent and by that i do NOT mean that hololive will never hire a black talent
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>>97240912 (OP)
Showing up to streams lat-
>>97240912 (OP)
There aren't any big, talented enough black weeb girls out there that could possibly be applying. A black male isn't that out of the possibility and I imagine people will be very normal if that did happen, but at the same time I feel like they don't actively search for new StarsEN members for the pool to have one rise that far up or realistically come to fruition
>>97240912 (OP)
She’s not interested in them lol. She’s got different fetishes.
This is Calliope “Asian men get me higher than American drugs”
There’s a reason why she moved to Japan, BEFORE her career took off in any way, unlike most of the other HoloEN girls
>>97240912 (OP)
She will try to ruin the image of most of her cooworkers
>>97240912 (OP)
What do you mean "in the future"?
nijisanji collabs
>>97240912 (OP)
I don't care as long as they don't speak jap or move to japland to pretend to be a jap.
>>97240912 (OP)
If you can tell she’s black from listening to her talk it’s bad, if not then it’s fine
I hope that Nenefag on xitter joins holostars.
Very nice edit, would colonize
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>>97240912 (OP)
>>97240912 (OP)
Pandering to white men. She loves white cock.
>>97240912 (OP)
Black woman mommy paizuri
he has no actual talent and has too much incel energy to have any real fanbase. And he can't feminize his voice to hide that energy behind a femboy model like Aster
>"good morning everyone. koNNbawwa minnasan. ohyo gojyamas"
>*smoke alarm chirping*
>"das it fo todae minnasan. thx fo watching"
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She is like, one of the few we've 100% confirmed and the one we know beyond a shadow of a doubt isn't black.
It's entirely evitable.
Anyway it could be fine as long as they screen the applicants very thoroughly. There are tons of black weebs out there, just find one whose identity doesn't revolve around victimizing herself. Holo talents are obviously forbidden from getting political, a black talent would be subject to the same rule.
>>97240912 (OP)
watermelon and fried chicken
Nigrissa Runfromcops
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was the second try actually good enough to correct yourself?
Jil coded
>>97240912 (OP)
>He doesn't know
Good on you for not doing reps, but
>He doesn't know
>>97240912 (OP)
black Gura would be insanely popular
>>97240912 (OP)
low numbers
>>97240912 (OP)
a soul singer would be based af
>Asian men get me higher than American drugs
did she ever actually day something like thjs on stream?
there's been so many anon
ew no
>>97240912 (OP)
You didn't know
It's a song lyric from her life before holo
You can replace ONE model with black one. Who would you choose?
I've applied cause I would to be that girl but my timing was bad and like two weeks later Justice debuted and I doubt we're getting any new girls soon.

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