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the greatest to ever do it
>>97241024 (OP)
Do what?
She's a true idol
>>97241024 (OP)
Why bother watching anyone else
doggy style
she really is a Hololive Gamer
the roger federer of vtubing
trips of truth
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We all know that so there's no need to ritualpost with her, fellow listener.
i must remind them
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never bet against korone. unless it's in a game of skill. in which case always bet against korone.
Her model is just top tier, she could just stare blank and it's already funny
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She doesn't play enough retro kusoge lately
>>97241024 (OP)
That's hot.
>>97241024 (OP)
I will never learn nip, and neither will you, clip watcher.
Love Mr. Koro
Hate kill OP
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thats just like your opinion man
>>97241024 (OP)
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haha yeah she's the greatest of all time haha

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