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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Omocat × Hololive English

Previous Thread: >>97186382 →
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I love my wife so much!!
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>>97242526 (OP)
Sex with a fembud.
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Day 22! Give it up for day 22!
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feels good to be the last chumbud, Gura is mine!
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One last time

https://youtu.be/3OkprzHcirU?t=2512 [Embed]
Sneak Peek
Stage 3 Full (will be gone in a matter of weeks)
ID Smile with Kronii, Moom, Ina
Color Rise Harmony
Dango Daikazoku
Sound only
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I love my cute shark daughterwife!
did you brush your teeth today?
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Goober being claimed by the white man for anon

Also willing to take requests for more gur/ai/ while I wage
is she a dunmer?
are you watching hagrid or something
are you an argonian?
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I read Ijousha no Ai today chumbies
I wish I did not read Ijousha no Ai today chumbies
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
i need a job
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https://youtu.be/JIGPV_-MI9w [Embed]
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Seems too extreme for me. I read this manga recently about a fruity boy that turns into a girl.
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I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could live for no one else
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I got a "job" for ya.
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Try a restaurant chumbie. Retail sucks
What would you do if Gura suddenly got two heads on one body?
Nice! Another hole on my onahole T u T
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I want Gura to use my carapace as her panties.
aren't both complete ass? just being few steps from a slave to literally anyone that walks in the building
Gura also sings and orgasms in stereo. Gura also has someone to talk to when she's alone. Both heads are Gura. They don't have telepathy but they know each other. Also Gura kisses her heads while horni.
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>aren't both ass
yes but you get tips from working in a restaurant which made it slightly better
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>Too extreme for me
Yeah honestly I don't recommend it. Reason being (spoilers) the conclusion is shit and unsatisfying.

I like to think I'm thick-skinned and mentally, emotionally and spiritually robust enough to handle genuinely depraved and evil shit in fiction. However, you'd better have a DAMN good payoff if you want to justify, not just torture, body horror and sexual humiliation, but a yandere breaking into the home of the family of the little girl she murdered - right in front of the MC, their classmate and mutual crush of the victim at the time - to steal her ashes, so she could bring the urn to the classroom she was murdered in, where she's holding the MC captive years later, so that she would be there with them as she rapes MC.

... yeah it's fucking trash and a waste of time, unless you like disturbing your soul for no profit. And unfortunately it's going to be stuck in my head for the rest of my days. Do not make my mistake chumbies.

This fruity genderswap manga sounds much more interesting and spiritually nourishing. What was it called chumbie?
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Wife soon?
she couldnt even be bothered to finish it in the last server
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super cute + gore bugs me more than realistic gore for some reason
i really didn't like made in abyss
i need happy stuff
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Its called uesugi-kun wa onnanoko wo yametai. Reminds me of oshimai where the dude is barely a dude anymore. Pretty much just written as a girl.
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>atlantis is an abandoned ruin
>Gura's half finished project can be seen as an abandoned ruin
sasuga Gex Guthor
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I just woke up
go back to sleep she still hates us
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You have a good heart chumbie
Sounds cute and potentially funny. Brings to mind that one male/female body swap movie from a few years back. "Your Name" I think it was called?
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Can any math/physicsbuds explain to me what all these words mean? I lack the IQ...
goob morning napbud
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Next paycheck I need to go into savings mode. The atom 2 dac & amp can wait
For real though, she should've done more little projects like the little forest section near the JP-EN server teleporter. She has an easier time completing stuff like that and they look nice.
so how many months this time until the next stream? Place your bets now gentlebuds
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MY wife
Baguraette honhonhon
Don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if she still hasn't seen a doctor and will complain about whatever "health issue" she has while not doing anything about it and then use it as an excuse to not stream even more.
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i have an altoids tin jds labs amp
That sounds like gibberish
its an amp i used to drive headphones that required a lot of power
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Are we buds?
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not reading this thread
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You better read this thread right fucking now.
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Based. I’ve been looking to upgrade my amp/dac for years and my next purchase is going to be an atom 2 stack
Would sexually bully and ruin T u T
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Speaking or body transformations, you reminded me of a manga about a girl that turns into fucking godzilla when she feels intense emotions
Gura is a lesbian sex pest
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Oi oi oi. I just ate a large Oreo mint blizzard
>hololive is the gayest it has ever been
>its literally spring and the yuri romances in japan are blooming like holy fuck
>next week is literally the sakura trees blossoming up
>its a literal fucking romance anime unfolding infront of our eyes

and we are here, in the dark. wifes' gf gone. her oshi gone, her wife about to go too. an invisible pendulum of doom draws nearer to our neck with every swing. damocles was nice enough to display the sword and let the treat be known. but we got japanese death sentence type damocles over here. is there a sword? is it coming closer? or is everything just made up? you will never know. every living day is just another reminder of her absence. oh.. the misery. something something enemy.

sorry but my brain worms took control
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Stop think
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After Fes no one of Holo members mention about her...why?
Is she not in Japan with her friends?
Gurachan please stream
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Oi oi oi oi. Maji fuza kenna. Oi oi oi oi
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Oi urasai! Butto basu zo
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as you wish, gura
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Shows that I've recently finished:

Wonder Egg Priority - Such a phenomenal show with amazing cast/soundtrack/animation that focused on suicide, molestation, rape, bullying etc. but shit the bed towards the end with no conclusion. Fucking bullshit.

Why does no one remember me in this world? - Ultra generic show about humans vs fantasy races. Animation is ranging from mediocre to slideshow tier.

Her Blue Sky - It has a really nice animation and coming of age story. Written by Mari Okada.

Senyoku no Sigururi - It's Strike Witches except they have planes to pilot with. Amazing cast, shit villain, mediocre plot, but great fanservice.

Granbelm - Little girls suffering with magic and robots. Great cast, good storyline, twist and finish.

Mayonaka Punch - Show focuses on vampire girls on streaming platform. Very fun show, highly recommended. One of the best PA Works show in recent years imo.

SHY - Superhero-centered show. Great cast, good storyline and villains. Very fun and interesting.

Currently watching Girls Band Cry and Assault Lily Bouquet.
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I’m watching bleach
I need to protect this fragile anxious womanchild.
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Booba huhaha
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Done. Now what?
based animebud and bleachbud
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Now die
the life of an ebi
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I like this
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Gonna stay up and sleep in. Gotta enjoy my day off to its fullest
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
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da cumrade.
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MY Gurandma.
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What would you do during your visits to Gurandma's house?
do you think we should be concerned about no tweet about fes at all?
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Me when I go to /ggg/ to post low tier bait.
(You) denied.
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Goob night.
How many of you nerds are playing Monster Hunter
sleep well bud
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I'm playing nine sols
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I'm an autist that doesn't like fighting enemies that don't have visible health bars in video games.
It makes the activity of standing there and wailing on the monster until it runs away so that I can chase it down and do it all again until it dies a lot less interesting somehow.
yeah like 2 years ago
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I am. Already completed all the optional quest and now I'm just messing around with builds and collecting wildlife. Double hunting horns has been amazing.
well you see i'm heterosexual and therefore dont like nu-MH
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What other games do you wish had health bars chumbie?
Dunno what that is. Tell me more.
It's better to just focus on your moveset than a healthbar anyway bud.
Same. All I've got left of the sidequests is fishing.
I want Gura to make me beef wagyu and then rub my full tummy to help me digest it
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Its my dream to eat a top tier wagyu steak
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I was about to say DOOM, but it has a nice middle ground where each shot blows another chunk of the monster's body off until it falls over or explodes into gore.
I guess monhun kinda does that with the cuts that appear on the bodies and the limping at low health but I dunno, it doesn't feel the same to me.
Maybe I can try this new one when it goes on sale or something.
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I got one. Wind waker doesn’t have health bars until you get an upgrade.
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For King and Cunny!
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man this hits completely different now
>air in the syringe
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Nine sols is a metroidvania, although it is more lineal than most because of the story it does have free exploration, important places are gated with the skills you unlock as you progress the game. The most important thing is that the combat is more similar to sekiro than the standard metroidvania combat, and it has a jade system pretty much identical to hollow knight's charms, but more balanced. I think it's pretty good, i like it
>>97242526 (OP)
This image got me acting unwise
The syringe has poison anyway. Did you not watch the video? Goobs voice acted in it
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Cliche: The best female love interest is pacifist and dislikes violence.
Real Shit: The best female love interest is EVIL down to her basic nature.
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Ngl, I love booba Gura.
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Is gura cliche or real shit?
Not me, I'm playing wc3 customs.
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Gura wants her chumbuds to get with fembuds and build families together.
you play wc3 customs a lot bud
Are we all creepy perverts?
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How do you play with toilets?
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My old man sleep schedule is keeping me from sleeping late. I'll close my eyes for a bit
Are you a chumbabooey?
Gura is sedated
Gura goes to Home Depot to play with the toilet seats and smell paint.
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Are you sure?
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I'll never forgive Trump for making yen to comeback again and his retarded decisions. I should have bought yen when it was sitting around 158, and I feel like it's going down to 140 by the time I go to Japan in May. Shit sucks.
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Ogey, but uh... what about Canada?
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Reminder that they are

>In an interview before debut, when asked "Who do you talk to on the phone the most", Ame answered "My family or Gura."


>Upon learning that Amesame was the first result on Google images when you looked up Yuri, Ame said: "You guys almost made it a reality."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69eJdCJT2IU [Embed]

>Gura went out of her way to create an entire list of Gluten-free snacks on her phone just for Amelia.

https://youtu.be/zNadRmlBn4k?t=5255 [Embed]

>Reading a message: "Watson wants to destroy you"
>"That's not all she wants to do"

https://youtu.be/lfaPS6d_TTE?t=3055 [Embed]

>They had discord sleepovers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVhyEJWSL_U [Embed]

>Ame called her "My Love"

https://youtu.be/ZYg0VmLfvBo?t=6901 [Embed]

>They discussed moving in together and the only thing that stopped them was their pets

https://youtu.be/U2FvverNLJw?t=9381 [Embed]

>They went on a literal date together in Japan early in the morning

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y0GCDcmSQg&t=770s [Embed]

>Gura sang the song Electric Love and said it reminded her of Amelia

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUw9kMXEVOk [Embed]

>"All the times that we were able to meet (in person) were memorable but there's stuff we can't talk about on stream. A little bit *clears throat*

https://youtu.be/No6n9zCs_8A?t=6620 [Embed]

>"Hey there's a bed here with 2 pillows Watson. One for me and one for Bubba."

https://youtu.be/al8l8J2qDRA?t=5959 [Embed]

Nothing has changed between them. The truth will come out one day.
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I'm eating a Baguette at 1:30 in the morning.
what did you put on it?
I'm just eating it whole...
well alright, baguette is yummy on it's own too
i had one slice of bread folded in half with some peanut butter
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I wanna become a gigashrimp and outshine the machotako
Yeah, that's kinda why I buy baguettes, for whenever I just want to eat some fucking bread with nothing else for some reason.
Kinda wish it was crispier though, but that's what I get for eating a Walmart baguette.
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This guy was shown right before the machotako.
you could bake it a little
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It's already gone.
Maybe I'll try that next time, though.
thank you.
It's just Sword of Damocles.
She has no connection to her fans anymore.
None of this means anything to her. All is lost.
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Can you stop replying to yourself? Thanks.
I need to save my goob from the brain worms and herself.
Goobnite. Hopefully knife spoon.
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Goobnight little chumbie.
This....isn't half bad actually....especially for ai.
What's the name of the ai used to make this?
idk, but this guy made it >>97266588 →
Imagine Gura peeing
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Oh, ok...
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I don't need to imagine, I need to savor it.
T u T
>Most popular Holoshitter
>Never streams or posts on socials
How does she do it
she's cute
she's funny
that's all there is to it
I like when she tells us about it.
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>last live 3 weeks ago
It's unironically over...Gratuation is coming bros..
"two more weeks"
-pajeet, 4 years ago
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soft squishy goobutt
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i hope gura saw all the FES pictures and dressed up fans
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chumbies I've been really tiwerd and just sleeping more won't fix it. oh nyo..
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI24NCKB7-k [Embed]
gura doko
are you eating healthy?
i need more Vitamin Ds
me inside gura
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i forgot about this.
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>I'm curious what you guys think.
I think you're a fool for believing the first thing you hear when it comes to any topic you don't understand.
>But it looks like this trade war might actually be necessary
If you don't understand the field to begin with, you can neither assess whether someone's "analysis" is truthful or not.

This strife is unnecessary, it is not benign and your "love" is a lie.
Eat your beans and veggies bud
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sexually bullying the goob
I want her to happy and have more good days. Why must she always feel bad.
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it's been a rough year bud
all we can do is be positive
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Goob morning.
how squishy is the shork tail
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goob night
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I like your picrel chumbie
Why does that random gura gif tweet have 60k likes...
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oh that. I saw it and was going to like it but then I saw "vtuber debut soon" and did not give my precious like to a vtweeter. I suppose some people do not have my restraint
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buds, yesterday my bank account balance was negative 900 bucks and now it's 450 bucks positive.
why do banks play with your feelings like that?
i thought i woulnd't be able to drink until friday night..
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sleep tight buddy
but a post can't be a picrel wthout a supporting text
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You have cancer, bud
>>97242526 (OP)
that's a child

under 5
Pretty sure that's at least 8
Goob morning retards
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Mornin' bud.
>why do banks play with your feelings like that?
Thanks to [intentionally unspecified reasons] many institutions are filled to bursting with ignorant and flagrantly useless meatbags that shuffle around collecting wages to fuck things up. Banks, government offices, hospitals, you name it. Absolutely brimming with incompetence.
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I have new student orientation in an hour and I’ma nervous nelly. What if they have a mandatory penis inspection…
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You'll be ok bud
hello chumbuds, I come here to ask for goombas Dango Daikazoku performance
thank you!
What if you had to go to mandatory penis inspection and Gura was your inspector?
She'd call the neighbors
>ccgg is Gurame of Justice according to Kiara
>Gura likes CC so much because she reminds her of Ame
Hmm I see
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So what are the chumbies plans for today?
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She would probably be all cutesy about it.
>Oh nyo! Looks likey somebody has their peeny weenie inspecty-wecty today!
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I gotta finish hentai prison. Once I finish this route I gotta do the true ending
She will find out what what white ink tastes like
Remember that sametori offcollab when they ate beans and puked and Gura farted right in front of Kiara after breaking an apple with her bare hands? That was fun, I want more sametori, hope they'll continue SM2 soon.
Gura did NOT fart she is NOT a fart shark.
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there are so many replies talking about my edit..
i wonder how many people have seen it
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it was a burp akshually
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I'm thinkin borgar for lunch
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I'm making waffles today
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I did something
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is that tiberius the red wake and Gura stomping heretics?
I meant Tyberos*
based drawbud
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thats a cute goob
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You did great
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that's awesome
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Goob morning bud
>>97271478 →
Drinking and playing ffxiii in Japanese. Butt buddy is making salt brined pork tenderloin.
I'm playing wc3 customs.
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Spess Mahreen 3 in development!
neat, I hope we get to wear centurion armor or at least terminator, also wouldn't mind seeing orks again or maybe eldar
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the big ork/tyranid swarms work really well for those games but i hope we get to see tau. their suits are so cool
Heresy-era Terminator? nice
Too bad she will never play it again.
yes she will becuase Kiara will bug her about it.
Man, it would be fun to absolutely crush the Tau.
Off, once again, to the afternoonshift
Please get it over with already.
Goob luck and stay vigilant chumbie
Yea, please show your bushy pucci already!
Good luck bro im back on the Nightshft tomorrow night myself. Many of us Chumbuds are out there working hard to keep our memberships and you all out there deserve respect. Because belive me there are plenty of people out there that aint pulling their weight
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What? I wasn't going to do anything...
I want to protect this thing from all harm and degenerate shit of this world
But that thing IS a degenrate.
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>I want to protect this thing from degenerate shit
i've got some bad news for you bud
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Only chibi Gura
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pwease pwotect me mista uwu
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With my life little Gremlin
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The dinos are still partying
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If you buds were offered a job in Japan but you have to live there for a minimum of 6 months would you do it?
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Depends on the job and how fucked I am as someone who has a Sub-Elementary understanding of the Japanese language.
God yes
how much does it pay?
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Stay safe bud.
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I found a box of popcorn I bought for movie may buried away on the back shelf. I don't otherwise watch movies or eat popcorn.
What about somewhere between 20-30 usd an hour but housing and travel is paid as well.
I'd give it to a food bank.
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I'll eat it for you chumbie
Gura cute and not ugly
Why do you speak such an obvious truth?
that's really good imo
oh but depends on the job of course
i hear some japanese companies will work you to the bone
that sounds really good, I'll do it
only if you let them, you don't have to adhere to their work culture, but they will isolate you and treat you like garbage if they want to get rid of you since they can't fire you unless you do something egregious (or so I heard). Idk if I would mind sitting in a closet with nothing to do and everyone avoiding me, because I don't really like being around people anyway, also would they check if I was on my phone the whole day or something? probably not right?
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>Walking home
>See this blocking your path
What do?
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I give her uppies!
>fauna's cat dies
>shondo's mom dies
Gura is next. I feel it
kind of weird question
but what would you think if cover announced a gura "dub"
like for jp audiences, etc.
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Don't cry little Chumbud. Uncle Yagoo's got enough concert cameos, ,merch, Biboo streams, Gigi streams and original songs we'll never release to drain your wallet dry for your entire life~

Lol and who?
fallenshadow, one of Fauna's menhera Vtuber friends who she dropped once she debuted in Hololive
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Why are we getting raided now? Nothing happened.
Women need something to gossip about.
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MY wife
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Probably just jumping from general to general. The mooms thread was getting hit early. It'll get bored and move on eventually.
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Chumbies I want sushi
I dreamt that Fauna joined my weekend D&D game and she was wearing a beard because she was roleplaying. I told her she looked stupid.
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Same desu. Might get myself some this weekend.
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mmmmm i love sushi
I am in my 30s and have never had sushi.
same unless you count the shitty sushi they have at the chinese buffet
Me too. I would rather eat raw beef than raw fish.
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You're making me hungry chumbies.
salmon nigiri is really good
i'd eat it more if 5 pieces weren't like 20 bucks
wife soon I can feel it
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Friday morning members maybe?
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The raw onions I added to my borgars is giving me heartburn again
Goob Please don't feel disgusted by us calling you "wife." It's just a meme we all enjoy
Goob dont listen to that other fag i consider you my acutal wife and love you as such
Goob no matter what sweet nothings those losers tell you, you're just a cum dumpster.
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Gura is literally my wife

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