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V4Snacks Edition

This thread is made to discuss the streams of Brave US branch, V4Mirai. globie and VSPO! EN are welcome too! Idol Corp has its own thread!

Main Rentry page:

The talents of V4Mirai:
>Gen 1: Crystalis
【Graduated】 Abi Kadabura: https://www.youtube.com/@AbiKadabura
Serina Maiko: https://www.youtube.com/@SerinaMaiko

>Gen 2: Petalight
Kou Mariya: https://www.youtube.com/@Kou_Mariya
Mono Monet: https://www.youtube.com/@MonoMonet
Yae Yugiri: https://www.youtube.com/@YaeYugiri
【Graduated】Biscotti: https://www.youtube.com/@V4Biscotti

>Gen 3: Lunalia
Alias Anono: https://www.youtube.com/@AliasAnono
Dr. NOVA(e): https://www.youtube.com/@DrNovae
REM Kanashibari: https://www.youtube.com/@REMKanashibari
Yumi the Witch: https://www.youtube.com/@YumitheWitch

>Gen 4: Voltail
Lyko Lianna: https://www.youtube.com/@LykoLianna
Poma Pon: https://www.youtube.com/@poma_pon
Rara Rocora: https://www.youtube.com/@RaraRocora
Terra 404: https://www.youtube.com/@v4terra404

Sensei's Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeeSensei

honse <3

Other Brave EN groups:

>Gen 1
Kumanui Miel: https://www.youtube.com/@KumanuiMiel
Reina Ronronea: https://www.youtube.com/@ReinaRonronea
Taring Hu: https://www.youtube.com/@TaringHu
【Graduated】Pippa Pebblesworth: https://www.youtube.com/@PippaPebblesworth

>Gen 2
Bonnie Barkswell: https://www.youtube.com/@BonnieBarkswell
Kiri Kilovolt: https://www.youtube.com/@KiriKilovolt
Rhubarb N. Kustard: https://www.youtube.com/@RhubarbNKustard
Alicja Da Lontano: https://www.youtube.com/@AlicjaDaLontano

>Gen 3
Maeve Morveren: https://www.youtube.com/@MaeveMorveren
Squirmimi【Graduated】: https://www.youtube.com/@squirmimi
Cera Luceria: https://www.youtube.com/@CeraLuceria
O'Lilou Loulou【Graduated】: https://www.youtube.com/@OLilouLoulou

Remia Aotsuki: https://www.youtube.com/@RemiaAotsuki
Arya Kuroha: https://www.youtube.com/@AryaKuroha
Jira Jisaki: https://www.youtube.com/@JiraJisaki
Narin Mikure: https://www.youtube.com/@NarinMikure
Riko Solari: https://www.youtube.com/@RikoSolari

>Idol Corp

Adopted Classmate PillowdearASMR: https://www.youtube.com/@pillowdearASMR

>Other Useful Links

>Get your merch!

Previous Thread: >>97173076 →
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Bed breaking sex with Poma.
Having 100 kids with Poma.
Absolutely sticking it in her butt with Poma.
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I love yae, always!
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>>97244099 (OP)
Current happenings:
>Don't bite! Take it easy, okay?
>Get Terra's merch here! Last few days!
>PastelMelon x V4Mirai on now! https://www.pastelmelon.com/shop?Vsnacks=V4Mirai%2520Collection

>Yae's birthday is coming up! Make sure to pamper her lots!
>Remia is organizing a big Vtuber Cookoff tournament featuring 32 vtubers teamed up into pairs! They'll play overcooked 2! Look forward to it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MQp9Oftc4w [Embed]
>https://youtu.be/azKFZzSWvL0 [Embed]
>The Petalight girls are finally getting their new outfits! Come on over on March 22nd starting at 3PM PST (PDT...?) on Yae's channel, then 3:20PM PST on Mono's channel and last but not least, Mari at 3:40PM! We're most likely getting merch for this so prepare accordingly! This will also mark the end of Mari's hiatus!
>https://youtu.be/7Lso4ysr7Lc [Embed]
>I KNOW SHE'S GOT HER THREAD BUT ROXY IS ALIVE!!! https://x.com/RocaRourin/status/1896652989034901707
>There are a lot of things happening at globie but please support the talents and their decisions
>Looks like Mono did a DJ set for Daiya's birthday! https://youtu.be/dOmVVW8263I?t=10h6m29s [Embed]
>Remia had a new outfit reveal! https://youtu.be/lTX_l48lbfs [Embed]
>Bonnie started a talk show called Hag Hours!
>Alicja will start a talk show called Milk Talk featuring cow vtubers! If you know of any make sure to tell her! https://x.com/AlicjaDaLontano/status/1879578735487181162
>Though I will link them because I believe they need the support https://x.com/HoboBarbi3 https://x.com/Seelytwitch
>Sign up to know when Mari's original song "Shine On" releases! Don't blame me if something happens for giving her your phone number! https://mariya.moe/
>Listen to some recent covers!
https://youtu.be/OMR1iKq1Y3Q [Embed] (Out soon!)
https://youtu.be/PTFm55Hip80 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/b5-wic_csZs [Embed]
https://youtu.be/iNhfmVKUdxU [Embed]
https://youtu.be/ivYSCUy8R4E [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH_T7aKLjWI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKP7iO_xg_A [Embed]
https://youtu.be/2atHM_0HgLA [Embed]
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I miss Mari...She even left the discord...
Goodevening anons, I really love Rhubarb! Baker-chan is pretty cool too!
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I love Mono Monet if I do not think too much
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Why hasn't anybody discussed the implications of REM doing a countdown in her recent ASMR?
How come
I'm going to kill rhubarb fuck
just a bit she's doing
Don't bring unrelated people to your couple's quarrels it makes things awkward
Coomers have lots of options these days, maybe they don't watch her since her asmr is pretty clean.
go back to /tingles/
Another win for Baker
Doc is viscerally afraid of cornfields apparently
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I love my wife Alias
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my heart is at peace on friday march 14th at 5PM PST
I get it
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Why is nobody discussing REM's armpits?
Petalight thread
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Gentle handholding with Poma.
Having three beautiful children with Poma.
Absolutely sticking a ring on her finger with Poma.
So called petalites when one of their girls is streaming and nobody's posting about it
I only watch Yae and Mari
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tabemonos don't want to post
i see u tabemono
rhubarbia literally reeks of shit
anon I didn't mean rhubarb is stinky, the town is actually covered in feces
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>we're not brown anymore
rhubarb was brown up until this stream, the power of skylines healed her
is it racist to say I like the blonde better?
a little bit
Americans are crazy… calling racism a ‘preference’ like it’s normal
if you start your sentence with "is it racist" it's probably a little racist
there's no way that current is strong enough to keep all that shit from the clean water rhuborb
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no one has pointed out she's streaming naked
Have you submitted a question to Lyko's mallos Anon?
>less streams than normal
>endless doomposting
Event coming soon?
V4 overwork starts again, when will they learn that overworking the girls will just kill the corpo?
Lunalias's anniversary, Yae's birthday and yumi's birthday
i seriously doubt that they're being "overworked", they're just venting
Last time they had to stop streaming for recordings and we're venting that way, some of them had over 5 recordings due to the day, that's clear overwork.
You say overwork I say they don't want to work
One of them literally said "Hope it's all worthy in the end" no matter if it's too much work or lazyness, tanking the talents mental is a bad move
this could just mean "i hope it (the event) is all worth it in the end"
also she's ESL
It's impossible to not tank their mental when they constantly do it to themselves
Wait I did.
you retards thought the corpo was ending last year bc of alt doomposting and then they had the winter concert and it was great and everyone loved it
stop being retarded
this time for sure
They're women, they vaguepost.
The first wave of doomposting was not the concert, it was when they're all crying, the concert was the second one, the one they also complained about overwork
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The sun rises, rivers flow, and women vaguepost on alt accounts
Tis the way of life
the first wave was when all the alts were discovered, then come the doomposting from them
Where is the doomposting? Am I retarded I don’t see it.
Seri and Poma explored each others' bodies at ALA
Mine name is Each Other.
No, the alts were discovered, them after some time,on October there's a day they all doomposted very hard about bad things happening and they crying (mostly on now deleted notYumi's tweet), them there's the doomposting followed by they complaining about overwork in early December, this was the one for the comcert
Alts, but they're complaining about having too do many records on stream too
I checked every alt and the closest thing to dooming is notPoma vague posting. No one else has said anything.
Swampgirl has deleted a couple of posts recently after making them.
Swampy australian pussy
>>97244099 (OP)
>no Mono with a huge ass sushi piece
missed opportunity
Nova and Yumi
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why the fuck didn't any of you retards say Lyko was late because of a power outage?
Too busy fake doomposting.
nobody watches streams here
Dammit Rhubarb I was already watching Daiya.
lately i look more at yae than at mono, being a tabemono, i don't know what's wrong with me
There's only one Lykoposter and he doesn't watch streams
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Voltail love!
le gfe cat
I'm gonna think
stop that
get some help
Don't do that, I thought a bit too hard last week and now I'm not excited about chuubas anymore
Why are you all so god damn menhera
its exclusively petalights
Yumi's turning suicidal
It looks like Lunalians this time >>97257554
Crystalians too, if you count Seri's doomposting last week before she started ovulating
Just broommates
She overworked, suicidal and complaining about favoritism
Seri is super menhera. Hopefully she uses this break well.
She's doing nothing of the sort, stop stirring shit.
Notyumi deleted her tweets again
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Bonnie was made for horny degenerates.
Like me
Anal with Lyko
Handholding missionary with Poma
Doggystyle with Rara
Headpatting with Terra
Late night Yae monhun stream pls
sex with mono
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*sexo con mono
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gfe content
Sex with the red cat!!
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See you tomorrow!!
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Good night cutie
Fuck off
aren't you going to apologize for not saying goodnight yesterday? shameless
What a nagging husband
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viMssT01dvQ [Embed]
Yumi members live
Yumi is being more sexo than usual...
She's ovulating, like all of v4
Yumi is literally the perfect girl, where do girls like her hide?
In their homes, they never leave it
Yumi made me like birds
Yumi made me hate birds
boiling beef live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZCkQjo2RXo [Embed]
>ywn go to an empty grindhouse theatre at midnight with Yumi and have sex in the backrow watching French smut
it hurts...
prone bone with mono
do you have any idea how much I want to have sex with mono monet right now
This isn't gfe anymore, she is out here being a SLUT
I can understand the gfe if you are very delulu, the slut thing I do not see it and less in that message
Nice birthday ad from yae
dead thread

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