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Will PekoVivi be any different?
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>>97248881 (OP)
Peko has already groomed Vivi to be dependent on her.
She's a sociopath so, no.
>>97248881 (OP)
I might be biased or thinking too much. Miko collab with her when Vivi was new and not well-known, but Pekora only collab with her after Vivi started to blow up in popularity (at first, Pekora was collaborating more with Niko)
she always chases number, it's no surprise.
>>97248881 (OP)
PekoVivi has about as much chance of continuing long term as Shondo and her mom LMAO
of course not
At least those Subaru pranks are still an ongoing thing... right?
ITT: career advice and criticisms from people who could not hold down a job stocking shelves at Walmart.
Yes. Miko even had her on her NYE watch stream with Matsuri. Pekoleech just can't help herself in copying others and being a pathetic numberfag. Unfortunately the Miko will be closed for Vivi once Pekoleech sucks out all her usefulness. Shame because her and Miko had great chemistry too.
Seethe and cope Noufagi. Your oshi is a vapid bitch
pekoschizo is so fucking weird lmao
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>>97248881 (OP)
I hope so. But it depends on Pekora and what future games they (and Hololive) will play.
>pekora pump and dump
I want to get Pekora pregnant.
>She'll dump her after 1 collab song
I don't want that!
>dump after pumping out a collab song
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>>97248881 (OP)
Occasionally awkward as fuck rivalry/break up
First overseas buddies, with language barrier
Senpai/Kouhai on similar wavelength

They all seem different to me IDK
Just put the fries in the bag.
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Pekora is such a blatant numberfag, it's hillarious
You could tell it genuinely annoyed Zogogo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st0fV-TksGA [Embed]
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The perfect collab song...
>>97248881 (OP)
Pekora is helping her kohai out, what difference does it make if they become long term friends or not? Reminder that Miko is now bigger than Pekora. Pekora doesn't damage the reputaiton of anyone she decides to leech....I mean befriend.
Why would EN's doggo numberfags hate a fellow numberfag?
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed that she immediately pivoted from Niko to Vivi once Vivi started blowing up.
Pekora really is a deranged noombers obsessed sociopath.
People been calling her the queen of leeches and numberfags even before niko and vivi. It's just a routine got her.
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>>97248881 (OP)
>pekora in a month or two
This was about her Shachou all along?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFoGNZ05CJw [Embed]
>>97248881 (OP)
Queen of leeches has no permanent ally.
The dogs are even bigger numberfags than peko is.
Low quality urectrum90 thread. Die in a fire.
Pekola fucking Vivi like a rabbit and then leaving her...

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