Mint's Meet and Feet Edition>Her YouTube channel>Her Membership>Her Twitter>Her Bluesky>Twitter Spaces, Concerts, Conventions, etc.>Unarchived Karaokes>Merch>Games>Music>Our Divegrass team thread: >>97188072
>steals your first post
>>97252297If this bread hot out of the oven? Cause I'm super horny for Minto and I could legit fuck a hot fresh loaf of bread right about now. Bust that crust with my modest (but girthy) sex hammer and fuck fuck fuck away until I turn it into a glaze filled bun.Yes I'm horny and talking about FUCKING BREAD FOR MINTO
minto toes
>>97252422It's as hot as it gets, Wisp, but you've got to hurry
Just got here, how's Minto doing?
>>97252547She's a millionaire!
>>97252547minky is being stinky
>>97252547She's very cute and a little smol brained today (jethag + irl interaction). She also lightly threatened us under the suspicion someone had another maid.Also she apparently has a meeting at the top of the hour and might leave soon.
Wisps liedPeople died
>>97252574Nice>>97252595Sniffa>>97252742Minto is being cute as always
She's gonna get spanked for being late
Guess I got a Vod to watch
Minto is gone... I miss Minto.....
Uuuuu I miss Minto
minky is gone...
2 minutes without MINTO stream is lethargic syndrome...
>>97252297>not the barefoot version
>>97252963She's gonna get fingered to multiple squirting orgasms until she ugly-cries (by me).
I wonder if Minto knows I like her...
>>97253525I'm a coward...
V1 Minto-chan, my beloved!
Wisps are gone again.. Minto is gone... The voices are going to come back
>>97253525Meantoe's mean toes are too MEAN for /vt/
>>97255369Do you see me now?
>>97255974Hi dachiface
>>97255025Would you like to see 3.0 cosplay V1?
>>97255773me looking up her skirt
>>97253525Sometimes less is more.
>>97252297Nice Mint feet.
>>97256220You look well-rested, little Wisp.
>>97256276Of course. The outfit (and the ghost) are both very cute, glad they aren't being forgotten.
Would you watch a Mint and Doki VAV (virtual adult video)?
>>97256629No but I would make one with her
I think Minki should lick my pp Day wallpaper posted
Goodbye Pomu wallpapers
>>97260364Who's Pomu? Hmm???
>>97260488The maid with the bigger butt
>>97260364>Removing all your Pomu wallpapersI can't say goodbye to yesterday my friendI keep holding on till the endOut of the darkness there is no other wayThan the light leading to yesterday
another woman moment...
>>97260848Huffing pomu and mints braps at the same time!!!
I wanna be there to hug her and tell her it's okay whenever she's feeling downI wanna be someone she can vent to!It's unfair! UUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEE
She hates us…
dont doompost minto...
Feel better soon
>>97266763Ok, Hopecore time!
I threw up. I thought Wisps were ok this time and that she really enjoyed her trip butI thought we'd have more time
Go to sleep you dumb ghost
>>97266893She's not actually going to quit, dumb wisp, don't let the brainworms get you like her
why is minto dooming...minto you are loved by your friends and community
she is just stressed about buying a car right? if she graduates for a third time im gonna kms.
all you have to do is play games bitch how hard is that
>>97267565You know her, she doesn't feel like that's enough
>>97267616But the schedule is packed and all good and there's no disagreement with what she picked. Does she think she needs to deliver 10/10 streams and perfection or she's a failure?
>>97267683Yes she's menhera like that
>>97267683Might have something to do with HoloFES. It sucks that she never got a stage like that because how mismanaged Niji was.
>>97267850It has nothing to do with that stop being a retard.
I will cry in solidarity with my oshi
I will marry minto so she can fulfill her purpose as a woman.
I was actually going to get off for the night then I remembered I forgot to burn subs for the movie.
>>97268880You can do it tomorrow Wisp. We still have some time.
>>97268962Nah I said I'd do it tonight so I will. It's almost a dentists favorite time after all
It is officially a dentists favorite time
Moves says it'll be done uploading in with burned in subtitles
>>97269475Thanks for this!
It's a lonely day
I hate all of you, and I don't want to hear SHIT about crossposting every again.Your ALL a bunch of fucking hypocrites with this shit.
Maybe it's better to be lonely sometimes
what in the genuine fuck is wrong this time?why did I just wake up to "I want to quit" ??she was thanking her life for being so fun and carefree a few fucking days agowhy is there a new problem every week??
>>97270744its because she realizes she lives in America and not Japan
>grandma died before her trip to JP>relationship with mom is strenuousMy guess is a very unpleasant phone call from her.
All I know is she definitely needs that therapist. She has way too many random breakdowns.
>>97270901>She needs someone who studied to be a scammerBruh
>>97270889It's not but don't worry about it
>>97271017>don't worry about it
i can fix her can't fix her at all plus she's a year older than me so the dynamic would be weird
>>97271336>a year older>the dynamic would be weirdWisp are you retarded?How the fuck is a 1 year age gap weird?
>>97271336>she's a year older than me so the dynamic would be weirdFucking zoomers (old) man
>>97271336This isn't highschool, most of my friends are around a couple years apart and it's perfectly fine
>>97270467You didn't figure that out when someone was stalking her friend last thread, or trying to doxx a 2view a few threads before that? Blame tourists all you want, but there's some real scum that posts here
I hope no one is actually stalking her
>>97271336>she's a year older than me so the dynamic would be weirdI've seen some retarded logic about relationships on this board but this is up there
>>97271790>stalking her friend last thread??
>>97272024she opened that can so much herself that the worms are crawling all over the place and had kids by now
>>97272052Going to an event just to "accidentally" run into her is still different than real stalking
She really needs a long break to detox from streaming stuff and see if she really wants to do this or just move on to a "real" job.
Actually there's a decent chance she just couldn't get a loan for her new car because banks are shit and won't count streaming as a job unless you work for a company.
>>97272449that and good luck explaining to those very old fashioned boomers about streaming as a job where there's no financial stability which makes them and banks not willing to give people a loan. Also, probably poor credit too.
>>97272449this is believable, banks are shit
>>97272325whatever you need to justify it bud
>>97272449just pay for it with cashshe has money
>>97272647anon, it's not that easy. depending on the kind of car, things could easily go over 30K, taxes among other things that are required by the state.
>>97272647Anon do you have any idea what the car market is like at the moment?Even if she can afford paying for it upfront imagine losing 80% of your life savings just because your car broke down.
That's good and all but how quitting would help any of the afflictions described here
>>97273011Well, if the bank issue is a thing then she'd need to be properly employed otherwise banks won't give her any loans and build some credit while at it. Maybe a really long break from streaming, disconnecting from that world, in general could actually help her. She's an indie so she can always return when she feels like it and I'm sure the rainbow company would welcome her back if she really wants to.
>>97272701>>97272726Well when the alternative is not having one, what do you expect here?
>>97273105>and I'm sure the rainbow company would welcome her backOf course you're a falseflagger...
>>97273127boomer banks won't give her a loan due to not having a proper employer (what they want is stability and being an indie isn't really stable). she's in a very tough spot.
>>97273237>>97272647she has a shitload of superchat and merch money. it won't be "80% of her life savings" to drop 10kand again, when the alternative is not having one, what do you expect here
>>97273224just highlighting a dumb possibility unless she really feels like being an OL again. employer stability is the game here.
What the hell are you all talking about? There are no posts on Mint's account?
>>97273267you don't get it. you say "shitload" but there's no concrete amount. You just don't drop "10K" and call it a day. Cars are much more than that nowadays.
Spooky /mint/ during dead hours.
>>97253151>that one scene in fallen angels 1995
>>97273267>10kRecently someone at my job was looking at buying a new cheap ute that was 80k.Perspective.
>>97273374 >Cars are much more than that nowadaysYou pay the price, register it, and buy insuranceIt's not as complicated as you're making it out to beAnd I'd remind you that this whole car thing is just schizo speculation trying to rationalize her irrational menhera breakdown, that she has once a month
Come to Poland Mint, we have cars for as low as a couple of grand
>>97273868>80k>cheapYou can get a reliable 2020 car with no crash history for less than 20kBeing irresponsible with money doesn't mean the market is like that
>>97273968Link the sale page for a car you think Mint should buy.
>>97273878You're implying paying it whole cash and having said cash on hand. This is also before taxes and whatever else the state wants to throw at the potential buyer.
>>97274061you're implying I care enough to put all that effort in for yougo look up toyota corollas on autotrader if you care so muchand again>I'd remind you that this whole car thing is just schizo speculation trying to rationalize her irrational menhera breakdown, that she has once a month
She can get a used model 3 for cheap right now since a bunch of people are trying to get rid of theirs over stupid culture war shit.
thats the worst advice ive seen in this thread so far
She should buy a 1973 Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu as used by Ryan Gosling in the hit film Drive (2011)
Yeah at this point it's obvious that it would have been better if she didn't come backCan't believe I've wasted the past 5 years of my life on her when I could have oshi'd someone that actually loves vtubing
Did Shondo losing her mom made Mint go into menhera mode? wtf
>>97275535No one cares about your whore shondocuck
I'm assuming the nerd deleted the menhera stuff, I slept through it all.She seemed to be in a good mood during the stream
>>97275608It's still there but yeah I thought she was happy
>>97275608She privated her alt again. Now I can only guess what everyone is talking about but I assume it's nothing and she'll be back in a good mood today
The fact she doesn't want her Japanese idol oshis to see it probably means it's something relating to idolsShe's probably sad so many of them are graduating, and wants to spend more time with them but can't because >work, and doesn't want those idols to see those sad posts and feel badIn other words, nothing to worry about
How long have you guys been around chuubas/women? You should know by now how they work, if we put their emotions in a graph it wouldn't be a flat line always at the same level of happiness and sadness. It's the most extreme ups and downs wavy peaks and pits, with few valleys. It's even more pronounced for chuubas which aren't the most well adjusted people.
Honestly it feels like every problem she had with niji management was actually her own doing considering all the menhera shit she's been doing as indie. And literally noone else in that branch had problems like she did. Shit, Elira and Finana are gonna have a big 3D concert for Lazulight's anniversary in just 2 months.
>>97276021And now she's more menhera than ever. Feels like her leaving niji ended up being the biggest fuckup of her life.
>>97276079>joining niji ended up being the biggest fuckup of her lifeFixed that for you, buddy
>>97275763that sounds just like her, she gets way too emotional over idols
Bets on her seeing how much fun everyone is having playing Minecraft on the new nijien server being the cause of her going menhera?
>>97275763That's what I am thinking too
>>97276132Ehhhhhh she talked about her getting into niji as the last chance of her ever making it back when she was Pomu. If she didn't she would have graduated and stopped vtubing in late 2021/early 2022 probably, especially after seeing how all her indie friends ended up there.
>>97275763This reads like cope. Why the fuck would idol oshis graduating make HER want to stop being a vtuber too? Especially when vtubing is what allowed her to do vacations and go to Japan whenever she wants, unlike a normal job where she would have very limited time and money to do so?
Did it finally hit her that she's all alone and has no real friends in the indie sphere? If she remained in NijiEN she would have so many people ready to listen to her and give her good advice, shouldn't have left it.
>>97276256She's there working the entire time instead of being able to do whatever she wants. She also talked about having a bunch of work to catch up on which probably made things worse for her.
Why are the sisters raiding us?
this is the saddest attempt of a false-flag i have ever seen
>>97276256Because going on constant multi-week vacations to another country, and being an independent online entertainer, don't really mix well.
>>97276377doki is a leech, there's a reason back when Pomu did Speaking of the Devil with Ironmouse and got asked who her friends in NijiEN are she didn't mention Selen. Unfortunately after leaving NijiEN it seems like she got brainwashed by doki and now is paying the consequences of it.
>>97276412it's just shitstirrers fishing for (you)s with the lowest quality bait ever
>>97275763Also tracks with her saying a therapist wouldn't help, because good luck explaining oshikatsu to an American normie lol
>>97276451low quality bait, here is a pity (you), the one and only you will get
>>97276436Going on constant multi-week vacations doesn't mix well with any job, vtubing is actually the closest she can get to allow it
Think I'll oshihen to Elira. She actually gets real 3D concerts and streams amazing games inted of /v/ermin normie trash. Helps that she doesn't have menhera issues and is loved by everyone.
>>97276586Works fine with part-time jobs that you can just drop in and out of whenever. With vtubing, especially as an independent, constant breaks is going to kill your income.
>>97276613ok, >>>/vt/lazu/ is down the road, see ya o7
Ignore and don't reply to the bad actors. I'm choosing not to fan flames onto the situation when we don't have the information to achieve anything but speculate. It's up to Mint herself to figure out how she's going to proceed next and she has a solid group of friends to provide the necessary support.
>>97276624Show me where Mint complains about her income
>>97276715I never said she did, what sort of mental gymnastics are going on in your head?
guys why is she posting about wanting to quit on her private account?
>>97276756Because she finally realized quitting nijien killed her only opportunity to achieve things like big 3D concert and have people to play Minecraft with.
>>97276803i dont wanna loose another vtuber mint is everything i have left
>>97276742(You) started this argument with "she wants to quit because vtubing doesn't mix well with constant trips" because constant trips hurt her income, but Mint has no issues with her income so your argument is not valid
>>97252297Hey girl lemme smell your socks
>>97276927based sock enjoyer
does being horny count as thinking? :(
>>97276830I'm not talking about her income situation right now, I'm talking about how if she goes on more and more trips to see her idol oshis before they graduate, it'll hurt her income and kill her channel growth, which as an independent vtuber rides solely on her.
>>97277014no it's natural instinct
>>97277020So let's be clear:>Mint wants to quit>but not because of the income or growth hurt from trips as she herself never said anything about itSounds like you're engaging in wishful thinking
These raids are getting pretty boring.
>>97277237it's a one man raid and their posts are really boring
>>97252297There's not enough minto feet in this thread
None of this would be happening if she just streamed Xenoblade
>>97277168Because she doesn't want to keep jerking her fanbase around with constant trips. Something she wouldn't have to worry about if she just did part-time stuff instead, where there is no attachment to the job. Gives her less worries about oshikatsuing.Anyway, it's the only thing that makes sense given she specifically said she didn't want her oshis to see it. If it was just some random complaint about her vtuber job, they wouldn't understand nor probably care. So it has to be something idol related, especially with all the graduations she's been going to.
>>97277378now this is good bait lol
>>97277403>first it was about income>now it's about fansMake up your mind. Also does she realise her quitting will be ten times worse for her fans than any trip break she'd takes?
>>97277512>Also does she realise her quitting will be ten times worse for her fans than any trip break she'd takes?NTA but having those constant melties about how she wants to quit vtubing because of her selfish needs is actually worse than straight up quitting. If she quit then fans would be able to move on instead of this pull and push she does.
>>97277588>having those constant melties about how she wants to quit vtubing because of her selfish needsJust don't follow her alt. It's that easy
>>97277622twitter algo will still link things.
>>97277679It's private so not anymore
>>97277512As a vtuber, your income comes from your fans.Constantly jerking around your fans with constant trips kills your income.Quitting and just getting part-time jobs she can drop in and out of would give her the money, time, and un-attachment needed for constant trips to see her idol oshis.
>>97277679block it, ez clap
>>97277694Last time she privated her personal account she ended up unprivating it like 2 or 3 days later
What makes Freak Fantome so freaky, anyway?
>>97277729>first it was about oshikatsuing>now it's about incomeAlso her core audience will never ever go away no matter what she does, and they can even pay for her car if she asks them but she won't
>>97277745Be honest, no one here saw her latest posts from recommendations, you all are following her specifically to be up to date with every part of her IRL life including menhera attacks
>>97277869I'm not sure why you're having such difficulty wrapping your head around this.The constant trips require money.As a vtuber, constantly going on trips kills off your fans & growth, and therefore money.Quitting vtubing and picking up part-time jobs gives you the money needed for constant trips, without the need to maintain them like you would need to as a vtuber.>Also her core audience will never ever go away no matter what she doesGood luck convincing her of that. Remember how she thought nobody would watch her when she returned?
>>97278144>I'm not sure why you're having such difficulty wrapping your head around thisLike I said, it's all your wishful thinking because Mint herself has never stated that her trips kill her growth
>>97278211Yes I'm sure all of the extra streams she does before she leaves on trips (Day offs become stream days, single-stream days become double stream days, etc) is totally not because she's worried about her channel at all, no sire!
>>97278458>more wishful thinking shut up, it's GOOD MORNING MINTO!!
>>97278501NTA but she wants to have 444.444 subs before this year ends, so she definitely does worry about it
>>97278534What do subs have to do with the supposed money issue?
>>97278573I didn't even mention any money issues retard lmao I was just alking about her being worried about her channel's growth
>>97278680Follow the discussion then >>97276624
>>97278720>Follow the discussion thenNo
Can we stop talking about dumb shit and talk about Metal Gear instead?I really love how if you use the fake death pill against bosses in MGS3 they all have different shocked reactions but if you try it a second time on them they know what you're doing and call you out for it.
>>97278573Going on constant breaks as a vtuber will lead to money issues.
when are you going to realize you are talking to someone who is in bad faith
>>97278812Money is the one thing Mint says how she has no problems with
>>97278796I want The Boss to call me a good boy
>>97279002If Mint never said she has money issues, then money issues aren't the reason for her to quit, how fucking hard is it to understand?
Things would have been so much better if she just stayed as Pomu...
Things would be so much better if you only watched streams and weren't obsessed with peeking behind the curtains
>>97279069I'm not sure why this is so difficult for you to understand.The girl wants to oshikatsu.Vtubing takes up too much time and requires too much attention to maintain for oshikatsuing.Dropping vtubing and picking up random part-time jobs gives her the time and money needed for oshikatsuing.Again, she said she didn't want to oshis to see the tweets, meaning it has to do with idols. You really need to stop ignoring this fact.
>>97278914Wow Wisp impressive. Your CQC is so clean today. Excellent execution! Nice flip!Wisps your muscles are so HARD today!
>>97279315>Vtubing takes up too much time and requires too much attention to maintain for oshikatsuingAgain, she never said that. It's your wishful thinking>she said she didn't want to oshis to see the tweetsIrrelevant in the context of this discussion
>>97279315>she said she didn't want to oshis to see the tweets, meaning it has to do with idolsNo?If you are doomposting you wouldnt want your oshi to see it and be perceived as a pathetic unstable loser, regardless of the cause
>>97279387Nta but I kind of wish Minto saw my doomposting so she could comfort me in the replies...
>>97279362Relevant because it means it has to do with idols.>>97279387That hasn't stopped her from doomposting before. This is the first time she privated specifically because she doesn't want them to see it, probably because it's something more specific to them, ie idol graduations.
>>97279543>it has to do with idolsBut it has nothing to do with idols or oshikatsuing, otherwise you wouldn't be a faggot and posted some kind of proof already
>>97279499She would call you a little pussy boy and spit on your face
>>97279592 (me)>idolsMeant to write "money"
>>97279592>posted on her idolfag oshikatsu account>"It has nothing to do with idols or oshikatsuing!"alright faggot
>>97279631Yes? It's an account where she behaves as a fan, not as an idol, which means nothing she says there should be related in any capacity to Mint Fantôme and her channel
I see the schizo who tried to shit up /haha/ moved on to here
>>97279843Not enough holo shilling to be him
>>97279885I dont think he cares about holo. Shitters just probe with different things to try to get a response would you post this Kay you're just gonna make her menhera worse
>>97280454Who's Spaghetti-chan?
>>97280600uuuu Spaghetti-chan...
>>97280731she's Nimi?!
I thought about it last night and I will only say this on the matter. Mint, if you're /here/, for starters, get out. But also I think you need to stop catering towards the types of fans who will never kamioshi you and will always choose their own existing oshi over you.
We know for a fact she's hereShe posts about her ass all the time she ain't slick
>>97281512That's some terrible handwriting, especially that signature lol menace
>>97281561>Japanese man can't write latin lettersNo shit
My handwritting isn't much better and I am not japanese...
My handwriting is terrible EXCEPT for my signature because I have stopped writing by hand over a decade ago
Minto should sit on my face until I suffocate
Good morning, wisps. I'm glad I missed last nights drama, and I hope mint gets over whatever is making her doompost.
>>97281512who's the lucky anime girl?
>>97275763This is the post.
>>97281998Take a guess
>>97281980I guarantee you she has dreams where she's happy and rich in hololive, then it slowly becomes a nightmare as she realizes it's just a dream and when she wakes up it makes her go crazy for a few days.
are wisps fine with her trying to leech off of shondo's dead mom, and nimi's dead cat?
uh oh holoseethe lmfao
>>97282162oh it was a tweet reply
>>97282186The fuck are you on about?
>>97282186YesWhat now little bitch?
>>97282402check the "replies" section of her twitter
>>97279885there it is
>haha shittery restarts>shittery ITT starts at the same timeyep, same idiot
>>97282439It's other way around: Mint is bigger than that whore shondo and caspurr's cocksleeve nimi therefore it's them leeching form Minto
omg I can't believe Mint would say this...
>>97282511>dooby leeches from Mint>nimi leeches from MintWhy are holowhores so shameless?
>>97282496Also in /BIG/ now too, he's branching out.
>>97282551Im sure he's linking it to his favorite threads as "proof" of something
>>97282514If Chris chan had been born 15 years later that would be his sonichu medallion
>>97282678i hate this post
>>97282678chrischan is a holofaggot tho lmao
>>97282678yeah, it's scary to think how chris could easily be in a vtuber fanbasenowadays he's is probably too busy with his soon to be born child though
>>97282721Chris is definitely too mentally ill to be into Hololive. He'd be into liggers and/or VShojo, Hololive would definitely filter him
>>97282830>he doesn't know
>>97282728Crazy how chris chan had more sex than holofags ever will
Minto cute!
>>97282985You realize the guy shitting up multiple threads isn't an actual hololive fan, right? He kept referring to Biboo as Bijou when he was shitting up /haha/ earlier.
>>97283084You realize you're responding to him, right?
>>97283084>He kept referring to Biboo as Bijou when he was shitting up /haha/ earlieri do that too, "biboo" never sounded as good to me
>>97283084>replying seriously to an SEA falseflagger
>>97280454Why would she reply to that
Anyway, on the topic of Biboo, she hit 28k CCV last night and has already won 3 EN golds for the month of March. She's inclining hard, and now would be a great time to start watching her if you aren't alreadyFor reference, Mint can only get cope gold on a good day
>literally the same post he did in /haha/Get new material holotranny
>>97283266Because imagine repping a dead vtuber. Couldn't be me lmao
>>97280454They honestly should have kicked his ass out of COVER's building for having that shit on his backpack
>>97283352But Minto is dead...
>>97283358i wish holocure had a different dev, honestlykay yu has shown regularly that he isn't actually loyal to hololive, despite making a decent game for them
>>97283415Holofags are lazy and talentless (just like their oshits) to make games, you should be kissing the ground Kay Yu walks on that he graced you fags with Holocure
>>97283463Mask off, liggerfaggot.I knew mintfags were holo antis
>1 minute apart
Why do I have a feeling that it's fauna schizo?
>>97283572Because you're trying to deflect from yourself (a holofag) into others
Holy shit he replied fast I knew it lol
>still 1 minute apart
Feels like all out war /here/ lol
Mint will NEVER, EVER perform for an audience like this. You can keep seething about Hololive all you want - Mint will never be on their level, and you'll continue to seethe like all liggers do.
uh oh he's mad that his holo oshits are lazy and talentless
>>97282511cuteI hope they play minecraft together
>>97283722learning choreography, recording vocals, traveling to Japan multiple times per year in itself requires more hard work than your ligger doing Metal Gear stream #9023
uh oh he's mad his whorshi is lying talentless hack
>>97283766Stop replying to yourself lol
>he's seething so much that he brought out the phone to shitpost twice as much
>Stop replying to yourself lol
>>97283766Skinwalkers just like niji lmao
>>97283770>calling Pomu a lying talentless hackanon, I think we're actually on the same side here
>>97283766c'mon holotranny, everyone knows that cover uses skinwalkers for their concerts lmao
someone mad as fuck today
>>97283875I'd be mad as fuck too if I was born southeast asian. Maybe we should take pity on him
>>97283968>Maybe we should take pity on himNever
>literal /#/ vocabularyalright, I hope Wisps understand who shits up this place.
>>97283851>>97283858The idea that COVER uses skinwalkers is like the idea that they bot their streams - it's 100% Nijinig cope. Just because your black company does it, doesn't mean that their actually successful competitor is. They literally have no reason to, unlike Anycolor.Picrelated: graph of "organic" viewers for one of your new homos (lmao)
>>97284002was it ever in question?/#/ is unironically the source of all evil on this boardyou can trace 99% of all the vile shit back to themevery poster in that thread should be rangebanned and that includes the useless janny fuck who supports them
>>97284002As if it wasn't always obvious: holotrannies, including nimifags
Just got back from Japan and the thread is full of faglords and 4chanx stopped working.Oh well, Minto on the telly later.
Waiting room up!
Just stop fucking responding to him you retards
what do you want to be all of these posts are being linked to other threads as we speak to show them how awful "wisps" are
>>97284144He's replying to himself lol, faggot got out the phone so he can reply faster
>your black companyBrainlet doesn't even know where he's posting anymore
>>97284010Both black corpos
>>97284150Did you mean "bet"?
>>97284184dragoons and wisps are absolutely still nijisanji-coded fanbases. otherwise you wouldn't have doki doing male collabs left and right, mint replying to undesirables like sh*ndo on twitter, etc.
Minto's thumbnail reminds me of (pic).
>>97284150Of course they are. That's what he was hoping for the other day and when he didn't get the desired response he just spammed /gigi/ and /grün/ with nonsense plus links to his own posts instead. Now he's decided to just post the anti-holo replies himself.
I feel like they've really targeted mint since nimi interacted with herand to be clear, I dont mean naplings. I mean the bad actors who hate nimi and have been spamming her nonstop in the log
>>97284150Duh. That's literally been the start of /#/s for years. >shits up every other thread >links posts back to their thread >"WOW I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY SAID THIS!" >proceeds to amplify shitposting afterwards
holotrannies have been obsessed with Mint for 4 years at this point lol
>nijisanji-coded>sh*ndoBro doesn't even known which side is which anymore lmao
>>97284343Newfag, pomu has been widely disliked/targeted by holobros ever since the "all out war" comment and she started sucking up to kiara. This is just a continuation of the same distrust in her that's existed for years.
>>97284462I thought holofags hated the holomales? Why are you defending their honor?
>>97284462>pomu has been widely disliked/targeted by holobros ever since debuting in nijienftfy
Baker, you'd better wait with the next bread a little
>>97284445shitposters don't have sides so stop replying to him, retard
>>97284531I mean, if she hadn't been shilled so hard around the time of her debut, maybe Hololive fans wouldn't be as primed to hate her right out of the gate.
>>97284541Nah they'll shitpost regardless
>>97284599Having youtube ads is being shilled hard?
I love Mint and FUCK YOU if you don't
>>97284599Funny you're accusing others of shilling when you've been shilling holowhores here, in /haha/, in /big/ as well as plenty of others threads. Guess non-hololive fans are primed to hate holowhores :)
>>97284738Fuck me then big boy ;)Are you near Philly?
I love mint and I enjoy many hololive members and I have merch from both:)
>>97284708I'm talking about the viral marketing of forcing the "I'M POMU" meme. It was a good strategy, but it was pushed too much in the catalog and other places on the board to where it became obnoxious, causing Hololive fans to dislike Pomu even before she started sucking up to Kiara.
>>97284920you gotta admit though, she WAS pomu
>he's now just making shit up*yawn* holotroon ran out of material i see
>>97284975Literally Me(nto)
Can you BELIEVE the absolute GALL of this woman?! How fucking DARE she say that she's Pomu.
>>97285059I'm pretty sure it's illegal to say that
>>97285059I know right? It can't be true because I'm Pomu
Can't believe this image is still perfectly valid to post lmao
>>97285059Does anyone have the vocaroo?
I'm thinking minto minto ooeeoo I'm thinking minto minto ooeeoo
>>97285341Who's that?
hey holofags I love you!
Waiting room's up
Next thread>>97285749
>>97285489Some femdachi from early days of the Nijisanji EN thread, she made that vocaroo for fun
>>97285862>we used to have females over hereIt's over...
>>97286079There still are some in /lazu+/, and a large number of femanons who considered themselves pomudachis continue to post in /NijiEN/, they just hate her now.
>>97286231>a large number of femanons who considered themselves pomudachis continue to post in /NijiEN/, they just hate her now.AKA the pomudykes, who in reality turned out to be eliradykes because they couldn't handle Mint interacting with Doki
>>97286293Yeah, they turned out to be Elira fans who self-inserted as Pomu, and are mad their self-insert is gone and has "chosen another woman"
>>97286231Well, if I have to choose between Mint and a girl I'm choosing Mint
>>97286293The pomudykes are on Twitter, not /nijien/